Science Project… A big equine jock has a little mishap with his science geek roommates growth formula... luckily our old friend Charn is there to help them out with the trouble...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#24 of Charns tales...






Science Project...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!" The high pitch overly excited voice repeated, from inside the dorm room.

"Damn it... you little science geek, look what you've done!" A deeper much more masculine voice shouted, in anger and distress. Peeking through the crack in the door, the feline can see the big horse jock lying in the crushed remains of his bed. His small rodent roommate is running around the room wildly. But the big stud seems to be pinned under to big wrinkly black beanbag chairs. Only as Charn peers closer, does he realize that is not what they are!

"I can reverse it!" The little rodent screams. "I just need to get to the lab... and..."

"Just do it you little geek, I can't play football like this!" The big equine jock grunted shifting the massive twin orbs around. The tiger, prowling around for trouble as anyways. Has a brief second or two, where he wonders if he should politely ignore the situation; and continue on his way. After all, if the mouse made the horses things as big as they now are. He could probably do similar things, to the tiger as well. Unpleasantly similar things, but who cares, right? So he pushed the door open a crack, his tail peeking in above his head, the tiger all interest.

"Hey guys... what's going on here?" The big feline asked lightly, then pretend shock. "What... dude, are those your NUTS!?!" With a squeak the mouse bolted out of the room, obviously fleeing the horse's anger. While the big equine jock just looks up shocked for a moment. Then his astonishment melts away to embarrassment, as he sees another big male!

"Errr yeah they..." He stammers the swallows hard at a loss for words. "Ummmm... my roommates stupid science project, I thought it was..." "Errr..." He blushes deeply, not wanting to admit he through it was lube. And he liked to lube up his nuts and do perverse things! "The little bastard!" He swore the anger making him feel better.

"Well... shit dude, maybe I can help here." "Ya know the science lab is at least ten minutes away, across the quad." The big feline shuts the door, and clicks it locked. "Let's not have anyone else walking in on you." He snickers as the horse quickly nods his agreement.

"Son of a..." The big jock cursed, as he knew the tiger was right. It would be an hour by the time the little rat could ride his bike there and back! "Ahem... good idea!" Jerome snorted, not wanting anyone else to see him like this! "Put a chair under the knob too..." He grunted trying to shift himself around, but the massive orb's held him in place! As Charn slipped a straight-backed chair, under the doorknob to wedge it closed as he was told.

"Holy fuck dude... your nuts are huge!" He wanders over, his pointed feline ears perking forward; staring at the huge beanbag sized orbs. "Did he trick you or something?"

"Fuck yeah... the little rat bastards super growth stuff really works!" "Errr what... trick me?" The jock grunts sounding less than bright! "Ahem... no it was... an... an accident." Jerome mumbled under his breath.

"OOoooh, an accident, huh?" He sees the discarded unmarked bottle, leaning against the wall, dangerously askew. He picks it up, showing it to the dim equine jock. Watching in amusement as the horse trembles and tries to shy away. Charn sits on the crushed bed, leaning against one of Jerome's huge balls. "Man, they're all slippery too!" "Did you rub this stuff on your balls or something?" He puts on a single latex glove, to supposedly protect himself from it.

But the chemicals had done their work and were spent. Then he squeezes a little bit of the remaining goo onto a latex clad fingertip. He sniffs it... a curious little smile on his striped muzzle.

"Yeah I... Errr... he spilled it on them." The big stud grunts in shock, and a little fear as he sees the bottle! Noticing that there is still a little fluid in the bottom. "Hey be careful with that stuff, or you'll end up..." He trails off, as Charn slips on the rubber glove, something is strange here. But he's not smart enough to figure it out yet... Then watches in horror as the feline pours some on his fingertips. The big smiling feline rubs it between his fingers, smirking.

"Slippery stuff... so you were just laying there, and the mouse decided to start playing with his science project over top of you!" "And some of it spilled onto your nuts?" "Cuz... you know, it looks like it was evenly rubbed over them, and they're shiny all over." "Like someone was rubbing them down with this stuff massaging it in!" He puts a bit more on the tip of his finger. "I mean, it's cool dude." "I know there's lots of gay people and stuff, doesn't bother me any." He puts the bottle down, and brings that single drop at the end of his fingertip to the big blunt head of the stallions cock. The big stallion's blush deepens at the feline accusations and it's obvious that the tiger has his number.

"Ummmm listen I was just... playing around." "I thought it was..." The big equine chokes as he hears the tiger talking about gay furs. "I'm not..." He starts to deny... years of being the big jock stud screaming for him to hide! Grabbing the horse's cock with one paw, Charn very gently rubs the fluid against the slit of Jerome's urethra. "Errr... Hey what are you!?!" The big stud squeals, as the cool fluid is rubbed over the piss slit of his cock. The hole instantly begins to burn, as it expands until the finger is sliding into it! Then a second latex cover finger and a third.

"Ahhhhhhhh... there we go." Charn smirks, deciding he needs to distract the stallion for a bit. "The truth will set you free, my friend." He chortles. "So you thought it was something to put on your balls, and got this nasty surprise, huh?" The accusing comments, leaving the embarrassed Jerome stammering and confused. The bottle is quickly brought to his cock, and the tiger turns it upside down! A stream of the goop drooling out, and into Jerome's expanded cock slit! Charn pinches the end of it shut with one paw, as the struggling stallion grunts a protest. The wicked feline then begins to stroke that cock from tip to base, stroking the goop down into it.

"What's really interesting is... why were you rubbing it on your nuts?" "And not on to your cock?" "Most guys jerk off with their cocks, right?" Charn pressed, embarrassing the big equine again and making him forget all about his anger. The big embarrassed stud looks around for some place to hide his blushing muzzle, but the massive weight of his balls won't let him move!

"Errr... uhem..." His humiliation so great, he almost fails to notice what the tiger is doing; until its already done! "Son of a..." "Dude what the hell?" He growls a bit pissed off at Charns actions, but those words fill his ears! "I... I... like the way they feel... when they're all slippery and stuff." He grunts trying to explain. "It makes it more fun jerking off."

"Really?" He presses, loving the studs discomfort at telling his pervy secrets. This horse is obviously, at least a bit into ball play. Charn keeps the dick pinched closed, as the goop inside stretches out the urethra, making it feel cramped and puffy. When he finally lets go, Jerome dick looks more like a huge fleshy sock. With a hole big enough to shove the tigers paw... or other things down into! "But you don't jerk off with your nuts, you jerk off with your hands and your cock." He looks around, for something that the horse must be using on his balls. "Unless... I mean you like stretching them out, when you jerk off that's normal."

The big jocks breath has deepened, his body growing frothy with equine sweat. "Yeah haven't you ever... you know tugged on them?" "Or squeezed them around in your sac as you... jerk..." Jerome asked, slowly getting over his embarrassment; and becoming more talkative as his arousal grew! "Fuck me!" The startled stallion grunted, as he saw the size of his furrowed piss slit. "Oh my gods!" He grunted in shock. Charn chuckles as he puts the bottle down.

"Hmmmmmm... that's an idea." The tiger grunts, moving to the end of the bed. Looking at the horse over his beach ball sized orbs.

"Errr... what do you mean... hmmm that's an idea?!?" The big jock snorts, at last beginning to understand what could happen to his new big hole.

"Well... look on the bright side." He sneers as he leans over them, his muscular furry chest resting between them. As he hugs the stallions huge nut sack in his arms. He leans back on them, stretching them back with his weight. "Now you can tug and squeeze a whole lot MORE of them!" Jerome shivers, as the felines soft fur brushes over his sensitive flesh. His big ball's quivering in Charns grasp as the tiger stretches and compress's them!

"Ahem... listen I wasn't serious..." He starts, but then the felines words make his eye's go wider. Even as the tigers big body rest on his beanbag size balls, making them ache in that arousing way he likes! Charn grins, leaning forward laying on the jock studs huge nuts again. His nose up above Jerome's sheath... as he stares down into that juicy, wide, stretched out urethra! His long striped tail flicking behind him in that particular way cats have when playing with their prey!

"Well yes... maybe you weren't, but you can't really do anything right now." "Can you?" The big predator sneered. "And your huge nut's are making me horny." He admits shifting and turning around, baring his sumptuous tiger buttocks to the stallion. Lean, muscular and deliciously tight looking! As he pulls down his underwear, as he straddles the stallion's belly. He grins back over his shoulder at Jerome, even as the big horse is shaking his head and stammering a protest! But then he plunges his hard feline dick down into the horses gaping slit!

"Wha... My nut making you horny?!?" Jerome grunts, as he watches helplessly as the feline positions himself! "Hey!" He shouts. "What are you..." Then he finds out as that hard cock fucks down his piss hole! "No..." Jerome pants almost breathlessly, as Charn's body shifts around atop his big orbs. The pressure and movement making him more and more aroused! Even though his cock can't get fully hard with its new sized slit. "Gods you can't be serious... OOOOWWW!" But its obvious the feline is... as his hard cock thrusts deep down into Jerome's floppy cock! Now little more than a pussy for the big tiger to rut! Charn laughs derisively.

"You're an Inny and a Outy, aren't you?" "Hot damn, that feels good!" The tiger strokes his cock into the stallions limp dick, and unbeknownst to them both. The mousse goop that lines the inside of Jerome's urethra begins to coat his maleness! Making it burn a little, as it swells inside the horse's soft shaft! The tiger leans forward, and back, rocking over Jerome's huge balls. Hugging them together, to keep from sinking between them! The big horny jock is confused... he's never been in a sexual submissive position before! And doesn't like it... but is trapped by his own mighty ball's and can do nothing to resist the tiger molesting him.

"No... stop it... you can't..." Jerome pants ineffectually, as the cock within him grows and fills him up all the better! The rocking compression of his big nuts, forcing his body to respond as he had programmed it to... And his arousal only grew as his hot new hole was lustfully raped! Suddenly there is a loud knocking at the door.

"Jerome!" The little mouse roommate's voice hisses through the wedged door. "I got the antidote!" The doorknob is unlocked, but the chair has it jammed. The mouse can't get in; wet squishing noises and the creaking of Jerome's crushed bed reach to the mouse's sharp ears. "Uh... Jerome?" The tiger's pumping hips stroke him into the horse's big floppy cock. While he hugs Jerome's mighty nuts possessively, his own powerful thigh's fucking the inside of the stallion. 'It's not actually anal sex... right?' 'Its more like he's just... jerking me off... with his cock!' The big jock rationalized within his own mind. Jerome was torn... if he lets the mouse in. The pleasure will stop, and the little rodent may notice the smell of sex scents in the room!

"Come back later Toby." The Stallion orders as calmly as he's able, even as the little mouse tries the door again.

"Are you alright?" He calls... louder this time.

"Yeah... just give me another half hour!" Jerome pants breathlessly.

"Don't worry, Jerome..." The tiger purrrs happily to himself, while he grinds his chest against those huge horse organs. "I get the feeling that when we're done having sex, you won't have to worry about having over sized nuts anymore!" "You know what I mean?" He's intentionally vague, of course, leaving out the how-and-why of Jerome's promised cure. He stares at the window, dick flaring hot as he tries to imagine if the balls would fit through it. Outside the mouse leaves, muttering something under his breath about ungrateful pricks... The big horse can only grunt, and thrust his hips up in time to the big cock fucking down his hole!

"Oh think I'm goina dump that big a load huh..." He grunts, at last getting into the sex; and dirty talk.

"Oh yeah dude!" Charn snickered relaxed and casually as he fucks into the jocks dick. The tiger groans, as it is so hot and natural feeling around his own fat prick. "I mean... hell you must have the WORST case of blue balls like, ever!" The tiger reaches down to his pants at his knees, and unthreads his belt. Humping Jerome slowly, his big blunt cock head mushroom like, the tiger running the fine line between arousal and orgasm. Using his body to block off Jerome's view, he cinched the belt tight around the horse's scrotum. Up high and he cranks the belt as tight as possibly around the sacks neck!

"Ohoooo fuck..." "You have No idea!" The big jock snorts... his body having given in fully to the felines manipulations! "And I can't believe how good this is feeling... who would have thought it!?!" The big stud pants humping up, so the tiger's cock will sink even deeper into him. "But yeah I need to get my nuts off... Soooooooooo Bad!" There is so much sensation in his massive sac, that the jock hardly notices the belt tightening and pinching into his flesh. The tiger's grin widens as the horse said that last bit. He rubs the horse's scrotum with his furry arms, considering maybe leaving the nuts attached, and just keeping this stud jock as his pet pussy boi. 'Naw... too much upkeep!' He thinks and he doesn't need the rest of the horse... really. But man his cock was a hot fuck hole right now! He slammed his hips forward, and Jerome's dick... no longer a solid pipe. But more of a long fleshy tube... begins to flatten and curl, the pounding from both ends shortening and flattening it down. The tiger looks around the bed for something, anything, which will be of use in helping his devious little plan! Laying back the big horse is lost in a world of strange pleasure... the intensity of the moment leaving his brain numb and confused.

As the big feline goes on to pound the stallion's cock into a flat puffy hole leading into his masculine groin.

Unbeknown to the pair, the tiny camera on the mouse's computer across the room clicked on. As in the common room, the little rodent watched from his laptop as the pair engaged in they're erotic dance. Toby sprang an instant boner as he watched... he'd often secretly watched his roommate. And had a crush on the big stallion, but like every one else had been fooled by Jerome's straight act! The intensity of the fucking was surreal for both parties, and the tiger closes his eyes. Burrowing his muzzle into the hot, musky sac that he was grinding himself down against. His arms stretch out, and surprisingly enough, he finds something cool against his palm. He turns his head, hips driving his cock deeper and deeper down into the horse jocks shaft. And discovers that he's found a guitar, leaning against the cracked bedpost. And beside it, a little packet with metal guitar strings.

"Rrrr!" 'Perfect!' Charn thinks as he hunches, Jerome's dick being pushed mushy soft into his big masculine body. Though of course that is hidden from the camera. Charn gets up on his elbows on Jerome's enormous balls, and begins to pull out the thinnest, sharpest metal string from the little packet. "What's your roommate's name, anyways?" Charn asks to farther confuse the dazed jock.

"Errr... Toby." The big stallion is only half coherent... the pleasure almost rendering him senseless. The aching pain in his mighty ball's, from the weight of sharp elbows being pressed into them. Blending with the pleasure in a sickeningly sweet way.

"He's cute." "I think I'll want to talk to him after this."

"Yeah I guess he is kinda... but he's way to sweet and soft... I need a firm..." "Errr... sure... sure you talk to him." The stud grunts letting his submissive nature show...

"Excellent... and now I think I'm about to cum, hoss." The tiger grunts, as he wraps the metal wire around the jocks scrotum, just above the belt. He wants to cinch all those goodies into that sac; he doesn't want a single drop left.

"Yeah... yeah fuckin' fill me up!" The horse panted excitedly. "I'm goina loose my nuts any second!" Jerome grunts, ironically not knowing that he was indeed loosing them as he spoke!

"Yes... oh fucking you! Charn snickered. His mind begins to peak, as he realizes the extent of what he's doing to the stud; and how it's going to change his life. Quickly he mumbles something in gibberish, as he grabs the ends of the wire. Which are safely wrapped around pencils, to keep from cutting the tigers fingers. The computer cam getting a perfect angle of the horse's imminent emasculation! He jams his cock deep into Jerome's body, and spurts his hot tiger seed against that battered prostate!

"Errr huh?" The big horse grunts in confusion, at the tiger's gibberish... but his mind is instantly taken away. As the feline spurts hot cum into him, the greasy fluids filling his bladder and prostate! "Ohoooooo gods yea...fuck me!"

'Twang!''An E-sharp no less!' The horse's nuts feeling a sharp pinch, of course, there's no way for the stallion to know. Charn had just yanked that looped metal wire back into a straight line! And that everything between it, and the neck of the proud stud's HUGE scrotum; had just been sliced in two! Tiger nuts slap and bounced on the horse's belly. As Charn strains, his hips finally clacking against Jerome's hipbones; as the tiger grinds that spurting dick all t he way into him.

"Oh my!" The little mouse mumbles under his breath, as his paw wanks his now amazingly big dick! And he watches it all unfold... his overly proud overly masculine acting stud roommate becoming a gelding before his eyes! The horses once mighty cock little more than a hole to be fucking... it was all just so prefect! Nothing but a puffy bulge, and a winking hole there, now! As the tiger spurts enough seed down the horse's urethra, that it starts flushing Jerome's own seed back out through the severed cords! The tiger hugs his new treasures Jerome's HGUE nut sack to himself; with a look of bliss on his muzzle. And already he's forming a list of fellows, he thinks would like to feel their balls become huge! The former stallion squeals, as his body reaction the pleasure and pain. Over loading his brain, and he pass's into that sweet blackness. Lost on an ocean of strange dreams, he's unsure what is going on around him!

Charn pulls out of the horse, as the stallion... Err... gelding stares cross eyed at the ceiling. Checking to make sure he's not noticing, the tiger hurriedly scribbles something down on a piece of paper. He looks around, and finds a bedroom with small furniture in it. And leaves his name and number there, back out to the jocks bed he grabs the bottle. Sealing it, he shoves it in his pocket... then grins as he sizes up his trophy! He slings it over his shoulder, like Santa's goodie sac. The weight of those unspent nuts feeling good against him, he hauls the trophy out of the room and into the hall. The dimly lit hallway is empty... except for the small mouse whom smiles and nods to the tiger as they pass. Like he doesn't notice the big felines hefty load!

Jerome's eye's flutter open slowly, and he looks down... the massive sac gone. The big jock breaths a sigh of relieve, for a moment thinking it was all just a dream. Then he notices the ragged wound... he stares at it dumbfounded as the little mouse comes back into the room! Hardly noticing as Toby strips off his clothes, it's only when the mouse slips between his leg's that Jerome looks up startled. "Wha..." He starts, but is cut off as the little rodent slaps his mouth.

"Shut up gelding!" The mouse grunts powerfully, a sneer on his handsome little muzzle. As he positions himself to penetrate Jerome's new fuck hole. "Going to fill you up good before your game!"

"What?" Jerome stares aghast at the huge whanger currently dangling from the mouse's crotch. Bigger than the tiger's, bigger even than his! And he looks down, finding his own cock head barely peaking out of his sheath. With a huge round hole oozing the tiger's thick seed obscenely. His ears burn brightly as he realizes the true level of his emasculation! "To... Toby this is YOUR FUCKING fault!" He accuses. "How... how can you do this to me!" But his legs slide around the mouse's hips, and he guides his hot little roommate home! The little pink paw clamped the horses lip's closed, as the mouse bent over and looked him right in the eyes!

"How can I do this... because we both know this is what you want!" "What you really need... you pussy slut!" The mouse snarled powerfully, as his big organ was forced into the former stallion's hole! His sleek hip's thrusting into the well lubed opening hard and fast! "Say it... tell the truth!"

"I... I... want it!" Jerome moaned, as that big organ filled him; sliding around in the felines hot spunk.

"I knew it!" Toby snickered...


Serial Nutter Chap 2

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Serial Nutter chap 1

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