Serial Nutter Chap 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Serial nutter


Serial Chap 2

The Professor had been right; the party was in full swing by the time the big rottie arrived. Held in a rambling four story Frat house, that had once been an administration building. It was going to prove a challenge for him to cover all by himself. Standing in the dark shadows, under the low hanging boughs of an ancient oak. The Detective was just wondering, if he could really get away with posing as a collage student. When he heard an amused giggle, turning he found himself face to face. With the little fox he'd met in Johnny Moondancer's bed.

"Your not thinking of going to the party dressed like that!" The little red fox asked with a big smile on his pointed muzzle.

"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?" Valmont demanded. Looking down at his khaki shirt and pants as well as brightly polished black shoes.

"Nothing..." The little vulpine snickered. "If ya wanted everyone to know you're a Narc!"

"I'm not a Narc... I'm a homicide Detective!" The big canine pointed out, making Vinny shake his head and roll his eye's.

"That's obvious." Vinny breathed with exaggerated patients, as he grabs the big rotties paw. "Come with me... if you really want to blend in at the party!" Valmont allowed himself to be lead around the quad, to the fox's dorm room! Which was on the second story of Straub hall. Once in his room, Vinny wasted no time in stripping the big canine. "Ohooooo boi!" The little fox panted, as he looked the detective's naked body over.


Sleek black and tan fur shining like silk stretched tightly over the big canines thick bulging muscles. Revealing every curve, every striation of those powerfully developed male muscles. Large sheath and apple sized balls swaying pendulously in their big sack underneath. "Ummmm... well we certainly got a lot to... work with!" Vinny grunted in lust as he openly admitted the detective's big loins.



"I didn't come here to be... ogled." Valmont snarled, his big paws trying to cover his even bigger genitals.


"I'm sorry." The little fox choked. "It's just... your beautiful!" He accreted, making the big Rottweiler blush slightly. But quieting the big canines anger, with the sincere flattery. "Your way to... musclie for any of my things." The slender fox pointed out. "But luckily I have a lot of... male friends!" The big police dog snorted at the fox's words, knowing what he really meant!


Vinny ignored Valmont's reaction, as he pulled a number of shirts out of his closet. Pausing to hold them over the rotties naked chest. Discarding the flowery shirt, as just to friendly looking on the cop. He held up a jersey instead... it matched the canine's muscle. So Vinny slipped it on the big rottie, and then hunted around. "Yeah that should work and he graduated last year..." The little fox mused, then turned to look for bottoms. "Hmmmm they never seem to leave pants!" He grunted, at last coming up with a ragged pair of cut off shorts.

"That's hardly surprising!" Valmont grunted, his nose wrinkling at the smell of the cut off's. But the little fox was already kneeling, to help him step into them. So he let the little vulpine work them up his powerful leg's. The shorts proved almost skin tight, but did show off his male attributes splendidly!

"Oh boi!" Vinny grunted as he stepped back looking the tight package over carefully! "You are going to be... VERY popular!" The little fox licked his lips. "I don't suppose you'd consider... paying for my help with... you know..." The big rottie arched an eyebrow, as the ball less little vulpine rubbing his bulge. The big cop was straight, but then Vinny couldn't really be described as male anymore!

"Errr... well... I'm not sure..." Valmont grunted, torn by his sudden lust for the neutered fox! And his ideas of right and wrong, it wasn't like he would be cheating on his wife! Vinny wasn't another female... and it wasn't like he would be gay... as the fox had lost what made him truly a male! And going to the party with a obvious bulging erection, would just attract attention. Where as he wanted to blend in and observe, see who was stalking the campus studs!

"Oh come on... please!" The little red fox murred, rubbing his cushy round buttocks against the canines bulge! His fingers slipping back to unzip Valmont's tight shorts letting the big red bone out! Somehow the fox had managed to lose his own without the detective noticing. And now his fiery hot little pucker was pressing against the pointed tip of the rotties huge drooling cock! It was too much for the big virile canine; he sat back on the edge of the dresser.

As the little fox pressed back onto his huge throbbing bone, slowly working it up his hot taut anus! The big rottweiler panted and shivered in pleasure, as Vinny's hot tight hole swallowed his pointed erection! 'Gods it feels better than my wife!' The detective thought in shock as the taut little plucker slide down his throbbing shaft!

"Well... ok... maybe just... just this once!" Valmont moaned, as Vinny's bouncy little buttocks settled onto his lap! The Rottweiler's big paw's cupped the nuttless little vulpines prefect bubble butt cheeks. Squeezing and parting them, as he helped the sexy little neutered fox move down his huge pulsing organ. He could feel the scar, where the fox's scrotum had once been pressing against his knot! The thought of it made him even more excited, and his big organ throbbed even hard within the fox! Even as the fox's anal muscles clamped down hard on his massive yiff stick!

"Oh gods your sooooo big and hard!" The little red fox moaned, as he rode up and down on that big organ! Vinny's pointed muzzle pressed in against the Rottweilers powerful chest and neck. As Vinny kissed and nuzzled the big canines strong masculine body, the detective's passions grew swiftly. Lustfully Valmont bounced the little vulpine up and down on his mighty organ.

"Who's my little neutered bitch?" He growled lustfully into Vinny's pointed ear, as he played with the fox's denuded crotch. The little fox yiffed lustfully, hardly believing how much the straight acting police dog was getting into it! Huge paw's cupped and squeezed Vinny's round bubble butt cheeks. Valmont watched the red fox bone dripping pre, and jerking up and down in sexual frustration.

"Ummmmmm damn you are a tight little vixen!" The big Rottie moaned as his mighty organ pounded deep within the little fox. "I'm going... going to fill you up!" The big police dog panted into his pointed vulpine ear. His orgasm washing fully over him... hip's humping on the Rotties full hardness as that hot cum fill's him!


The swishy little fox had a huge smile on his pointed muzzle, as he led the big muscular Rottweiler into the party. Quickly introducing him around to his leering friends. The musky scent of male on male sex clung heavily to them both; drawing lewd smirks. It was obvious to all that he was the latest of the little fox's conquests. Blushing with embarrassment the detective quickly pulled away. Moving out into the wild collage party to escape.

Valmont headed out to the dance floor, and pretty quickly was surrounded by a large group of furs. The loud music and moving bodies, making it impossible to communicate with anyone. And every time he turned around someone was shoving another drink into his paws. Valmont tried sipping at them at first, but was soon overwhelmed. And was forced to just gulp them down as quickly as they were handed to him.

Hot handsome furs were everywhere, and Rottie was feeling more insatiable than he ever had. He had gotten a couple of hand jobs as he made his way around the building. He had totally lost track of Vinny the fox, who had disappeared into the crowd of naked furs. At last he decided that he would never discover anything at the center of the party. So he ended up wandering back to the kitchen where he drank even more. Moving in to a dimly lit hallway he was shocked by what he found. He watched any number of furs, both male and female. Huddling together in those shadows, engaging in all manner of sexual play. As he staggered down the dark passage, he could feel paws touching and fondling his powerful body.

Turning a corner he found himself in a second shorter corridor. Lit by a single bare bulb, this hall was almost empty. Lying slumped on the floor was a big equine; the horse was naked from the waist down. And his exposed crotch showed a distinct lacking of what a stallion should have! Suddenly a shadowy figure detached its self from the darkness. And raced down the short hallway headlong.

Instantly the big canine gave chase, following the fleeing figure down the narrow twisting corridors. Farther and farther into the bowels of the building, the shadowy figure led the pursuing police dog. He was fleet of foot, always disappearing about the next corner, but the police dog was slowly gaining. Rounding one last corner, Valmont pushed open a heavy steel fire door. Stumbling into the basement boiler room, the room was dark. Save for the flickering fire burning in the old coal-burning furnace.

As he came to a sudden stop, the world seemed to spin crazily. And two glowing red eyes loomed up out of the darkness before him. Valmont had seen glowing eyes of many furs before. But these sent a chill running down his strong spine. They seemed to hang in the darkness... No not in it... more like apart of it! Then with a terrible swiftness they rushed at him. The big detective staggered backwards involuntarily, as he prepared for an impact. But it never came, the world jumped and spin even wilder. Then darkness reared up and swallowed him, a massive oily ocean wave...


Gloved paws made the incision, dabbing away the small amount of blood that had been trapped in the banded sac! With a leering grin, he watched as those two big male orbs popped out. Dangling now on their exposed cords and tubes, so deliciously vulnerable out in the open. Spreading the sleek canines powerful thighs still further, he lowered his muzzle. Sniffing and nuzzling at those priceless male jewels, then his hot tongue flicked out. Licking first one, and then the other.

Rolling them around playfully, before suckling the smaller of the two into his mouth. Sharp teeth scraping over the tough outer membrane, as he sucked it deep into his maw. Until those oh so vital cords, were stretched taut over his razor sharp front teeth. He slowly began to bite down on this cord like muscles and veins. Finding them tough and the sperm tubes tougher still. Nature doing its best to guard the males' reproductive potency! But nature had also crafted those teeth, just for such predatoril work! To slice through strong muscles and hard springy sinews!

"UUUUUHUHUUU!" The big canine moans groggily, his big-drugged body still feeling the discomfort. There is a sudden loud 'Click!' As those sharp teeth come together, the black and tan canine groaning gutturally as they do! His powerful body reacting to his half emasculation, even in the drug induced stupor. The predator rolled the canines' big disserved orb around in his mouth. Even as he watched that sleek powerful body contort and try to get away!

But the powerful date rape drugs were just too much even for such a big strong young male body! Placing the disserved orb between his teeth, he bit down hard. The tough outer shell resisted for a long moment then there was a sickly sounding 'Crunch!' And his mouth was suddenly filled with the taste of testicle meat and fresh semen! He chewed slowly, savoring the intoxicating flavors. Devouring it all, before leaning down to nibble the second orb off! Crunching it just as quickly as he looked down as that powerful male body now totally neutered!

The big Rottweiler smiled as he, rolled the Doberman over onto his belly. Stepping up to plant his massive red cock into the smaller younger canines hot taboo hole! "Who's my little neutered bitch?" Valmont growled softly as he fucked the sexless jocks tight anus! A fade red glow, burning in the big police detectives amused eyes.


Serial Nutter chap 1

Serial "A serial neuterer!" The Squirrel asked skeptically. "Why have I heard nothing about this in the papers, or on the nightly news?" Mallory asked the big blocky Rottweiler . As the...

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