Instate Rivals...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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In State Rivals

Jerome peered around blearily, realizing the party had burned itself out. While he had been zoned out... the big jock stud lifted the gallon jug and took a swig. But got only a mouthful of watery dregs, his bottle of Jim Beam was dead... So he gave it a proper funeral... by tossing the empty bottle into the fire place. It shattered with a loud crash half waking some of the other party guests. Not that it bothered the big jock stallion, he was a star football player for the collage team.

"Fuck y'all I'm going home." He whinnied and then staggered out of the door... to find his hot red sports car... The sly young Fox smiled wicked from the shadows as he watched the big Stallion. He had been eye balling him for hours, and now he followed the jock stud outside. Watching him going to the fancy red sports car some booster had bought him for beating their in state rivals in the civil war game. The little Fox waited to make his move... knowing what was about to happen.

Jerome tugged on the car door handle... once twice... three times, before he realized it was locked. Snorting the big jock stud shoved his hand down into his jean pocket, half shoving his jeans down as he did. But was to drunk to notice his ass hanging out for everyone to see. He hunted around in his pants pocket for a while, before coming up empty... "Noow wwwhere'd I put?" He slurred, thinking about it hard, before remembering he'd giving them up at the door. And now he'd have to walk back to his on campus apartment. "Fuck..." The big drunken stud spat uselessly as he kicked a car tire.

"Oh hey Jerome... do you need a place to crush for the Night?" A little Fox asked, his voice is calm, but sounding drunk as well... He was wearing a team jacket, hoping that would give the big Horse the idea he was a teammate.

"Wha..." The big drunk stud grunted, startled at the sudden interact. He looks around blearily until he spots the Fox... Tiny little fur... looking all the smaller in his over size team letter jacket. "Ur tha kicker?" Jerome asked, blinking his big brown eyes owlishly. As he tries to focus his muddled mind, slowly thinking over what the Fox asked. "Is... is it close?" He grunts... still thinking he'll have to walk and not wanting to try walking far. "Cuz ma place is over on campus... like half way across town..."

"Oh yes I have a room for you close by." The Fox agrees trying to suppress a smile, as he leads the drunk football star over to his car. Opening the door and letting the big drunk stud get in. And then takes off driving at high speed, eager to get the Jock to the place they had carefully prepared.

"Sure ok..." The big stallion was to drunk to realize, that he could just ask the Fox to drive him to his own place. And so sits in the Fox's car leaning against the door, his head half hanging out the window...

Jerome was slipping in and out of consciousness, as the car speeds along. The Fox smirks knowingly, place he was taking the stud had been carefully prepared, the Fox shivered in eagerness to do this dirty deed.

Jerome snaps awake once again as they pull up to a large cold looking house, the little Fox quickly gets out and runs around to help the Star out. Then half leads half drags Jerome up to the door, once their inside the still totally dark room. The little Fox pushes his weak intoxicated charge down onto the cold floor, it is very dark and Jerome can't see anything.

"Wha... Owowww..." The big drunk jock shouted in protest, as he was dumped onto the cold hard floor. Thinking at first that it was just that Fox was clumsy, or to weak to hold him up any longer. But then he can feel small sleek paws going everywhere, He feels his belt being tugged away from his jeans. And then his jacket is stripped way, as the unseen Fox uses the sheath of the darkness. To leave him nude in the dark in some unknown house... that in truth was only a short way from the football stadium.

"Heeyyy watch it... Errr Wha Wha ur ya..." Jerome stammers in shock, as those unseen paws are at work all over his body. "What tha fuck... Wha ur ya doin'?" He demands drunkenly as his jeans are stripped off, dumping his big naked ass onto the cold floor... "This yer idea of a joke..." The big strong jock grunts... trying to remember the kickers name. But unable to, the idea of date rape never entering his mind... guys don't get raped after all. The little Fox grinned eagerly, as grabbed the Horses long floppy cock. Pulling him to his hooves with it and then leading him deeper into the pitch black room.

"Dude get yer paws off my junk..." "What ur ya some kinda fag." The big stallion protests, as his long thick stud stick is pulled savagely. Even though this makes him begin to stiffen up in those small hot paws. "OOOMPH!" When suddenly he hits the unseen couch... and trips over it. Muzzle smashing into the cushions, belly laying over the back, big round shapely ass sticking up high in the air.

"Heheh..." The little Fox laughs as he leads the big jock into the trap. Watching the big stud walk right into it with his night eye.

"Motherfucker..." Jerome swears into the couch cushions, struggling to right himself. But his hooves are flailing in the air, and his hands can't find any grip. With a powerful leap, the little fox rams his eight inch's of hard cock into the jocks unprotected butt hole. Smirking gloatingly knowing the Star half Back can't get away from him.

"IEIEHEHEE..." Jerome screamed as suddenly his virgin ass is brutally rammed... 'What the hell was going on?' 'What was happening to him...' "OH MY GODS!" The big masculine jock squealed into the cushions, as he realized what was going on. Struggling harder, desperate to get away from the cock raping HIM. "NO NO NNOOOOOOO!" He screamed sounding rather high pitch and effeminate as he tries to deny what is happening. Suddenly the lights blazed on, blinding the helpless jock for a moment. The grinning Fox chuckled in delight as he saw Jerome spot the assembled team. Of in state rivals... the school he had beat last week in the civil war game. Knocking them out of a chance to go to a bowl game. They were watching him as the little Fox fucked his tail hole...

"What tha... what tha ff.fuckkkk?" Jerome grunts as he sees all the big male jocks watching and leering down at him. "Help hel... hey I know... you guys are..." It takes only a seconds for the swiftly sobering stallion to understand, his instate rivals were watching him let fucked like a mare.

Stunned he watched as a couple of big furs from the other Team hurry over to hold him down tightly. Forcing him to stay still, as he can feel the Fox raping him hard getting close. Someone pushes a old timey non anthro horses fed bag over his muzzle, it was filled with heat scent from some mare...

"Wha No stop let me gooooo..." Jerome demands, as they hold him down and force the bag over his muzzle. The sweet scents within giving him an instant rock hard erection... even as that hard cock fucks him roughly in the ass. The horny little Fox in his ass groans and leans over his broad back. The big jock stud can feel that humping cock bouncing and tensing in his butt, and he can hear the gooy slurping sounds. As that cock started to move more freely and easily within his clenching tail hole. The rival jocks are watching and playing with Jerome's strong body. He can feel rough paws tugging on his cock, even as more hands working his big fat balls. Even as the helpless stallion starts to feel something hot and wet leaking from his now loose hole.

"No oh gods...NNooo." Jerome's muffled voice squeals, as he feels it. And knows the Fox has just filled him with cum... right in front of everyone. Humiliation burns the big jocks cheeks, as his struggles stop and his body begins to respond to those groping touches.

"Smells like the mares had her first breeding..." A big Ram who Jerome recognizes as the apposing Quarter back sneers, as he watches the big Horse stop struggling. "Guess that was all she needs... shes all calm now." He observes drawing crude laughter from the others.

As the slender Fox quickly slips himself out of that hole, cum leaking from it thickly as his paws. As well as many others start to finger it, and slap Jerome's big round ass. And then he's lifted off the couch and force you into a waiting chair. His long equine legs are spread, and he can feel a strong rope being tied around his chest.

"Uhuhuuu" Jerome moaned in loss, as that hot cock is pulled out of his tail hole, but then he's lifted into the air. "What... what are you doin?" "Put me down... stop it." Jerome squeals as he's dropped into the chair and quickly tied up... He tried to struggle at first, but the feeling of his sore tail hole. With the Fox's hot cum oozing down his inner thigh's, combine to leave him feeling passive."

As the they tie him down, the big jock stallion can smell hair dye being applied. As his red mane and tail are colored the green and gold of in in state rivals. And then he feels the feed bag roughly tugged off his muzzle, and then strong paws gripped his muzzle tightly. And he could feel those long stray hairs being shaved off. And the big Ram leaned in and started to put rosy red lipstick on his mouth, and then comes the eyeliner. As the little Fox who had kidnapped and raped him stood back and watched the team get there revenge. They grinned as two big Bull's hold his feet, as a pair of wolves paint his big white hooves.

"Oh no please stop..." The big equine jock whimpers weakly, as his lip's and eye lids are painted. All the big jocks around the Jerome are laughing, as they turn him into a mare. Forcing him into green and gold bra and panties and cheerleaders uniform.

The Ram slips two fake breasts into that bra, making him look almost completely female. If it wasn't for the huge... raging erection between his legs. But then the wolf kneeling in front of him took it out... a hot band gun.

Jerome sit there feeling exhausted and mortified, as they put a uniform on him and gave his falsie teats. Somehow he was unable to summons the will to resist. Until they brought out the gelding tool... he'd never seen one in real life before of course. But remembered reading about it in some class. Because one of his big jock buddies had pointed it out, as something they should bring back to use on Queers. Were they about to geld him? By his jock buddies standard... he was gay now... having been butt fucked. He watched the Wolf teased his glands, and then pushed the gun down his rock hard cock. Deep... deep into his sheath, but it wasn't until the gun started to heat up that he realized. 'Oh my gods... their gonna geld me!'

He bucked and struggled then, as they put the band over his cock and worked it deep into his sheath. "Oh gods please... No please..." He begged, as the hot band gun was starting to heat up... as a big snarling Badger forced round gray metal tube into his muzzle. Strapping it in place with it in his mouth, Jerome couldn't talk anymore. Even as the big grinning Wolf with the tool looked around leeringly.

"Sounds like he knows what this is for..." He snickered to the other watching jocks.

"Haha..." "Its for making this mare... a cunt forever!" Another big jock shouted, and they all laughed. Wanting to punish and humiliate the one fur who had ruined their chance to go to a bowl game. The Wolf with the gun didn't wait any longer, the banded fired and the heated band cut into the stallions male flesh. Searing through that powerful male muscle, and then the cock left its sheath. One large German shepherd grabbed the long floppy cock shaking it at his fellows playfully. Before turning to slap it all over it's now ex-owers horrified muzzle. "Ohhh yeah... you like yer cock?" "I bet you did..."

Jerome shook his head wild eyed, as his own cock smacked against his cheeks splattering watery equine pre-cum over his muzzle. But the tube in his mouth left him unable to respond... which was a good thing. Because he had no idea what to say... As the jocks looked down at him tauntingly, the big Ram looked him over appraisingly...

"She still needs somethin'." He sneered and that sneer made Jerome tremble in fear.

"Got some more pruning to do..." The Wolf snickered, pushing the hot bander up and around Jerome's huge nut sack. Making them bulge out... before they where removed. A long line of pissed off jocks formed, and each rival jock took their rage out on that bugling nut sack. Punching kicking it it felt like hours and hours to the helpless running back.

"Ummmm Ummmm." Jerome moaned looking up pleadingly at his captors, even as they slipped the hot bander over his big fat nuts... But then that line of pissed off jocks started in on them. Raining down punches and kicks stone hard knees slammed into those trapped orbs... The big horse sagged back, so stunned by the pain he couldn't move a single muscle. Until the last player had finished, and the Wolf with the tool grinned at him. Seeing no more resistance in Jerome's eyes, he clicked the hot gun and gelded the Star running back.

His balls where gone, leaving him with a smooth crotch. Gray metal tubes are slid up his other holes and hot mare heat urine was sprayed up there. They lifted his trembling body and slid the panties up his body. And then carried him out back and laid him in the back of a truck.

Jerome lay on the cold metal truck bed totally paralyzed by his ordeal, all dressed up as a slutty mare cheerleader. They hauled him over to the stadium and into the home team side locker rooms. Laying the still stunned Jerome on a bench in the locker room. "Dude there coming..." The rival team laughed hurrying to get somewhere to watch as the horse's own teammates filed into the room. Three big equine jocks came trotting into the locker room. Dan the QB... Cameron the full back and Sid the huge shire Center.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" Cameron big roan red stud whinnied.

"I told ya I got a text message from Jerome... sez he's got us a present in here..." Dan the paint stallion explained again.

"Present my ass... that bitch don't think about no body but himself." Sid the huge black and white Shire stallion snorted angrily.

"Ohhhhh Wowie boys..." "Look we got a mare here!" Dan exclaimed as he spotted the cheerleader dressed in their in state rivals colors laying on the bench. stud laughed

"A Damn she's in Heat." Sid snickered as his wide nostrils flared. While they circle round the passive Cheerleader all three of them looking Jerome in the face. But still doesn't recognize him.

"Hey... Hey this is Jerome's present... lets fucker she is sooo HOT."

"What... whats wrong with her?" Cameron asked looking decidedly less excited than his buddies. As he sees the mare just laying there looking dazed, as urine leaks from between her thigh's. Dan leans down closer smirking as his sensitive nose picks up the smell of the alcohol.

"The bitch is drunk off her ass on Jim Beam... as well as being in season." And thats more than enough explanation for the horny stallions, high on the smell of that hormone filled heat scent. They cluster around Jerome, even as the former stallion at last tries to get away. But its far to late for that, they have her trapped... and within seconds pinned between them. Jerome inhales deeply, as the Shires huge cock is planted in his sloppy ass... Dan's short fat fucker is shoved into his sheath hole. And Cameron's thick marbled pink and brown fucker is shoved into his mouth.

And then suddenly there are three muffled clicks as the metal traps in those holes are sprung... Three big jock studs scream and pull back in pain and horror. As their cocks remain in those holes dissevered by the traps... While the jocks of the other team take pictures of it all... for the evening news! So the fans would know why the four Star players couldn't play in the Bowl game in Vegas...


Cara's Jock

Cara's jock The sleek curvaceous female squirrels sat sullenly at her table, glum that her life had gotten so boring! As she surveyed the club, he could see only tired old muzzles. What she needed was new conquests,...

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