Emergency at the Clinic

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#33 of Charns tales...

Emergency at the Clinic

The little nurse led the big jock down the hall to a small out of the way room. "The doctor will be with you as soon as he can." She explained, having already told the big horse it would be some time. As he'd arrived without an appointment... and the doctor was very busy. "Now get undressed and put on this." She tossed him one of those silly ties in the back gown, which was way to small. She closed the curtain around him, as she exited the room. The big jock slipped quickly out of his jersey and jean shorts. The gown barely fits over the horse's shoulders, and even then it is skin tight and wrinkled. Only fitting down to about his belly button, leaving his goodies hanging heavily beneath. Dangling big, ripe and soft as he carefully scooted up onto the cold plastic cushion of the exam table. His low hanging balls got caught on the lip of the table, and as he scooted back. They slid down in their sac before flopping up over the rim. He was just getting comfortable, when the door opened and closed. The doctor appeared momentarily, removing a pair of stained gloves and stinking of horse rut. "Wow that was a lot faster than I expected." The big jock grunted.

"Ahhhh, good day." The big feline purred brightly as he looked the big equine jock over. "Yes well an appointment didn't show up... so I had some free time." The big feline lied smoothly. This was his favorite kind of patient..., which was, of course why he came to the clinic. It was just beside the university and was always getting handsome young collage students dropping in! "I understand... you are in a bit of discomfort?" The big studs nostrils flared at the scent of horse rut... but it had a instant effect on him! His big male organ spilling from its sheath and erecting quickly.

"Errr well... see I play football over at the collage!" The big stud stammered, having already decided to pass this off as a sports injury. "And well... I've got a bit of... discomfort in my..." He blushs, a little uncomfortable with the admission of the location of his problem. "In my groin... Errr tail region."

"In your groin... tail region huh?" The Doctor puts on a new pair of gloves, and then puts a little leather bag on the stand beside the table. Closer now, his male-sex-scent is even stronger, and there is a nice bulge under that white coat. "What kind of discomfort?" The Tiger begins taking out tools, some simple like a tongue depressor others more exciting, like a fresh scalpel!

"Well under my... Ahem balls between them and my... Uhem... tail! The big jock admits, not willing to admit that he thinks maybe he was butt raped while he was drunk at a frat party!

"Ahhhhh... well turn around then." The big feline instructs with a faint smile as the big jock bares his butt. "That's it, get on all fours... I'll poke and prod around and we'll see what's causing all this trouble!"

The big jock quickly does as told, glad to be facing away from the big feline behind him. He lays over the table, head in the pillow and ass hanging off the end! Long flowing tail up and legs slightly spread.

The Tiger spreads those powerful legs even more, and then ties a cord around the horse's tail. Tying it and then attaching it to a cord from the ceiling to keep him from being able to lower it!

"Hmm... well there is definitely some sort of redness!" The Tiger purrs one big finger prodding the jocks tail hole. As the big feline watches in amusement as the jock wiggles and squirms uncomfortably. "And I think I see an infected cut... oddly its on the anal rim its self!" "I'll numb you right now, and do a quick little procedure to help loosen the skin and retighten this abused butthole." "You must have fallen down on something to bust it up like this... huh?" The Tiger teased sensing the jocks embarrassment about the whole thing.

"Huh...?" "Oh yeah fallen down... that's right!" The big stud grunted sure the cut didn't happen while he was awake! 'What the fuck went on at that party?' Without thinking about it, his big soft tail hole winked open and closed. The big Tiger pressed a latex clad finger smeared with cool, numbing salve over the horse's flaming tail hole! Helping it to relax and sag open a bit, gleaming and winking at him more as the gel stimulates it. Then down, he rubs it over the horse's taint and then further, until he was casually using it to grease up the stallion's hefty nut sack. "When did you first notice the pain?" "When you woke up this morning?" The doctor binds the horse's knees to either side of the table, the pillow nice and cool against the jocks burning nose.

"OOOOOOOOHA... that's cold!" The big jock grunts, shivering as the cool gel coats his naughty bits. And makes his already embarrassing erection drool slime over the tabletop. "Uhem ya... today." He grunts rubbing his hot muzzle in that cool pillow.

"Ahhhhh okay then." The doctor fishes out his own maleness, pressing it into a condom. And then nudging the slippery latex against the jocks numbed anus. "Well it looks like there may be some sort of infection... I will definitely have to investigate it throughly." "This may feel a bit uncomfortable... tho' some fellas like it." And then he pushes his big condom covered cock into the horse! The horse doesn't feel the intrusion... at first, as his sphincter is relaxed and numb. But he certainly feels the odd sensation of something pressing firmly against his prostate!

"Yeah ok well... UHUUUUUUU!!!" The big jock moans as he felt a strange pleasure fill his rump! He wants to look back... to ask what's going on... but feels to embarrassed to do so! So instead buries his muzzle in the pillow, as his big cock jerks up harder and disgorges a flood of pre-cum. "Oho gods... Ohooo gods!"

"Hmmmmmm..." The big feline teases, to further humiliate the jock stallion. "This feels really well stretched out..." He observed playfully, shifting and thrusting careful not to bump hips; lest his tool be discovered! "Are you sure you didn't fall on something large?" "Something that maybe you had a hard time pulling out?" The feline snickers, reaching down underneath he grips the horse's cool, swollen balls in one paw, feeling them sag.

"Pant pant pant... Wha... what do you mean?" The jock mumbles so softly he can barely be heard! "Larger... had a hard time! The horse repeated. 'Oh gods... what did he know?' 'Was the doctor saying that he thought the jock let someone...' "Dunno what yer talking about!" The big jock grunted as pleasure filled his loins!

"Oh..." The doctor replied, as casually as possible! Though the horse can feel that he's really poking him back there! The doctor is sweating now, as the horse's snug anus grips him so warm and wetly. "It's just that you show signs of having something wedged into you... repeatedly!" The feline taunts. "And judging by that scent coming from your crotch, I would say you enjoyed it! The Tiger said in a slight accusing voice as he pulls those balls down. To inject them with a needle to make them number still, the cooling gel keeping him from feeling a thing! The young jocks hard floppy cock is slapping against the table excitedly, as rivers of pre-cum are spilling out of him!

"Liked it!" He chokes, knowing that he was liking what was happening now. And wondered it the doctor was doing it, just to see if he was telling the truth. "Well... I may have had... it was at a party..." "I was awful drunk... so don't..." The young jock stutters, so wrapped up in his confession he doesn't notice the needle injecting his jewels!

"Ahhhh yes do go on!" The Tiger purrs, moving carefully, professionally. His cock flares in the stallion, putting more pressure on the stud's prostate! And he stays absolutely still as he begins to fill the condom. I is with shaky fingers that the scalpel carves into that fleshy sack, shearing his bulky nuts away from the jocks body! Even as his cock twitches and spurts pre just above! Even through the pain killers, the horse feels the tugging. And the kind of tingling itching as nerves are severed!

"And well... maybe some guy... ya know put it up there!" "I kinda remember... maybe... I didn't ask him to!" The jocks stuttering confession rambles on, as he feels himself getting closer and closer to losing his load. Then the motion within him stops, even as more pressure in put on his pleasure knot, making him squirm! "Uhummmmmm!" He moans as his last thick load dribbles weakly out of his long flared dick! "That feels so..." The former stud moans as his sack and its cargo slip away, his last load soaking into the paper covering the table. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The Tiger chuckles, then thrusts a few more times to help milk every last drop of sperm from the horse's young body, as his own erection deflates. He uses surgical tape to clean up the wound, putting a yellow smiley sticker on the little stump that remains, and pulls out of that hot ass. The former stud is still throbbing and gushing out his last long load, as the doctor sneaks out! The horse jock's jewels hidden in his white lab coat, as a big Lion walks in, with a perplexed look on his muzzle.

"Ahem... now, what seems to be the problem Mister." The big Lion froze for a moment then grunted. "Good Lord!" The horse's head snapped up... and he looks around in alarm. At the new doctor standing there looking at his up raised ass and cum soaked belly and legs.

"I... I... Errr." How can he explain this? "Uh... Uhem... where did the other doctor go?" He asked looking up stunned, as he's informed firmly that there is only one doctor in this office! "I... But... he was... made me..." The Lion snorts angerly, he'd had his share of jokes from those damn collage students. "What is this... some kind of joke wasting my time?" He angerly unties the jock's legs, pulling the large, but suddenly docile football player from the table and frog marching him out of hte office. Through the waiting room, with many gasps of shock and out into the street! He pushes the naked, cum soaked gelding into a throng of other students walking by. And the horse gets a glimpse of a doctor's coat and a black and orange striped tail turning the corner.

"But... but..." The angry doctor overrides him however. "You get the fuck out of here, or I'll call the cops on you for indecent exposure!"


Cara's Jock

Cara's jock The sleek curvaceous female squirrels sat sullenly at her table, glum that her life had gotten so boring! As she surveyed the club, he could see only tired old muzzles. What she needed was new conquests,...

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