Serial Nutter chap 1

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Serial nutter



"A serial neuterer!" The Squirrel asked skeptically. "Why have I heard nothing about this in the papers, or on the nightly news?" Mallory asked the big blocky Rottweiler . As the powerfully built canine sat back, sipping his coffee.

"Well we have been keeping a tight lid on the investigation." The detective answered matter of factly. "Plus many male furs are... shall we say reluctant!" "To say the least about reporting this sort of thing!"

"Reluctant." Mallory repeated, a sly smirk on his gray muzzle. "Yes I can see why they would be..." The Squirrel chortled. "To be tricked and out witted is bad enough, but then to lose one's... male hood!"

"Indeed..." Detective Valmont agreed. "Still I have reason to believe, most of the schools football team." "As well as the coaching staff have been..."

"Neutered?" Mallory asked mock incredulously.

"Yes!" The big sexy black and tan detective accreted positively. "Hell we wouldn't know about this at all." "If one of the neutered victims hadn't got a infection, and been forced to go to the emergency room."

"And couldn't this... victim tell you what had happened?" Mallory asked in spurious confusion.

"He only remembers being at a party... and getting sick." "The next morning he awoke to find his... things missing." "We're thinking he was drugged... GHB perhaps."

"So why come to me with this?" Mallory asked softly his beady dark eye's watching the big canine sharply.

"Well with you being the Professor of veterinary medicine." "I was hoping maybe one of the other victims had come to you."

"No I would remember that!" The Squirrel assured.

"Yes I suppose you would!" The big muscular canine agreed with malicious amusement. "Or perhaps someone has been asking suspicious, or specific questions about the operation." The detective went on, shrugging aside his own black humor.

"Specific questions about such things are very common!" Mallory assured. "Therefore they can hardly be considered suspicious." "Indeed, not long ago a student of mine asked me to demonstrate the procedure."

"And did you?" The big Rottie asked tilting his large head.

"Of course." Mallory assured with a slight smile.

"On whom?" The detective asked sharply.

"Why on one of the cadavers in out morgue of course." Mallory explained. "You didn't think I neutered a living being surely?"

"Of course not Professor Mallory you're a well respected faculty member." Detective Valmont lied glibly.

"Indeed!" The squirrel sniffed with a great show of indignity.

"I will need this students name of course." The huge black and tan detective grunted.

"Johnny maybe a wolf, but I hardly think he's... this as you say 'serial neuterer'! The small gray squirrel defended as if shocked by the whole idea.

"At this point he is the only suspect we have!" Valmont growled. "I'll need his whole name Professor."


The music was mind numbingly loud, making the big canine grit his teeth. As he approached the door, knocking on it firmly. Then stood anxiously waiting a long moment, before knocking again; louder. Suddenly the door was yanked opened, and a shaggy wolf in a dirty green T shirt and baggy shorts looked out. "Dude... what's the problem?" He grunted blinking his big yellow eye's owlishly. Startling as he saw the big rottie and the four uniformed officer's with him.

"John Moondancer?" Detective Valmont snarled as the tall rangy wolf looked around wide eyed.

"Ahem... if this is about the music..." The lanky wolf grunted.

"It's not!" The big rottie grunted grabbing the wolf and spinning him around. Slamming the rangy lupine against the wall roughly as he pins him and snaps the cuffs on. "Take him down town." The Detective orders one officer as he slips into the wolf's house. "Police officer with a search warrant!" He announced... stalking through the clothing and beer can littered house. A number of drunken collage furs were laying around, in various states of undress.

Climbing the stairs to the wolf's second story bedroom. Detective Valmont pushed the door open and strolled in his nostrils flaring. The air in the room was thick with the smell of male musk... and sex. A slender rather effeminate appearing fox lay naked on the bed.

"Back for seconds?" He asked lewdly not looking up, but lifting his big bushy tail. The Detectives muzzle wrinkled as he saw the dampness on the fox's little pink plucker. And smelled the thick rich scent of wolf cum.

"I'm not Moondancer!" The big rottie growled, making the little fox look up startled. The vulpine looking over the Detectives thick powerful male body.

"Well... if you're in the mood..." The fox offered smiling.

"Police... and I'm not!" The Detective growled. "Get up and get dressed!" Quickly the little red vulpine climbed to his feet. Grabbing his clothing he began to struggle into them. He'd just pulled a loose fitting shirt over his shoulders. When he caught the big rottie starring at his groin.

"See something you like?" The fox taunted as he met the rottie's eye's.

"When were you neutered?" The Detective asked slowly. Turning to fully face the big canine, the fox lifted his sheath up. Exposing the little red scar where his ball sac should have been.

"About three or four weeks ago." The fox answered smiling as his fingers played over the scar.

"Who did it?" The Detective asked. "Was it the wolf?" The little fox shrugged and slowly masturbated his now bulging sheath.

"I really have no idea..." The fox leered as his little pink cock climbed from it's furry home. "It could have been... I guess..." The lustful little vulpine answered licking his lip's. "Could have been most anyone really." He continues moving closer to the big rottie. "I was very drunk at a Frat party... and woke up the next morning without my testicles." He explained taking the Detectives big paw and guiding it to his neuter scar. "Normally I just wake up well fucked." He leered. "Johnny does find it very arousing... fucking a neutered guy!" The fox confessed.

The big rottie's finger tip's traced the little fox's scar lightly. "I'm finding a lot of guys do." He chuckled as he watched the crotch of the Detectives slacks begin to bulge. The little fox's nimble finger's played over that bulge teasingly. Making Detective Valmont's breath deepen as his huge organ throbbed beneath the thin fabric. The big rottie cleared his throat and looked around uneasily.

But no one was nearby, and he knew the uniforms would wait outside. 'I could close that door and...' What was he thinking... he was a married fur! Quickly he thought of his wife and pups, pushing the young fox away.

"Better get dressed and get on out of here!" He growled brusquely.

"Your loss." The little fox sneered tossing his shorts over one shoulder. And walking out of the room still naked from the waist down. The big rottie snorted, clearing the fox's musk from his nose. And looking around the filthy room, for some evidence that the wolf was 'The Nutter'. It only took about two minutes, the big rottie found a small fridge. Hidden under a pile of dirty clothing and pizza box's.

Inside was a jar with two small oval orb's, that the Detective knew were testicles. But that was all... otherwise the little fridge was empty. And he found no surgical instruments, or bloody clothing. But one pair of ball's was enough to hold the wolf! And maybe he could get more with and interrogation.


Fifteen hours and the wolf had told the same story every time. The dissevered testicles had belonged to the cadaver, Professor Mallory had castrated he claimed. The act had aroused him, and instead of destroying the orb's like he should have. He'd kept them, to look at and masturbate to. Until he'd met Vinny, the little neutered fox that had been in his bed.

Detective Valmont was exhausted, and his suit was sweat stained. As he made his way back to his desk, pausing to get a cup of bad coffee. When he noticed the little form, and big bushy tail. Of a gray squirrel waiting for him at his desk. "Professor Mallory..." The big rottie greeted as he flopped down in his chair. "What can I do for you sir?"

"I have heard something that might help you." The squirrel explained.

"Oh?" The powerful canine grunted. "Something about our wolfy boy in there?"

"About Johnny?" The Professor asked frowning and shaking his head. "No... no not at all." "I was just coming to tell you, I've heard there is going to be a big frat party tonight." The fatigued Detective starred at the little squirrel puzzled.

"And why..." He started then trailed off as he remembered the little fox's words. 'I was very drunk at a frat party... and woke up the next morning without my testicles.' "You think Johnny's not our guy... huh." Valmont grunted taking a drink of the coffee, the grimacing. "I'm beginning to agree with you actually." He confessed. "You thinking the real 'Nutter' will be working the party then?"

"From what you told me earlier I think it's very possible." The squirrel admitted. "And so I was thinking you might want to attend." The big rottwieler sat upright in his seat, obviously interested in the idea.

"Do you think I could?" The big Detective asked sounding doubtful.

"With the right clothing... I think you could." Professor Mallory assured. "Your not that much older than the Frat boys." The gray squirrel answered with a soft grin.

"I'll see what I can find." Detective Valmont promised, sharing the squirrels grin. The Professor leaned forwards and slid a piece of paper across the desk.

"Here's the address and time... though these things are very informal and might start earlier or later." The squirrel explained.

"I'll remember that... thank you!" The big canine Detective grunted.


Serial Nutter Chap 2

Serial Chap 2 The Professor had been right; the party was in full swing by the time the big rottie arrived. Held in a rambling four story Frat house, that had once been an administration building. It was going to prove a challenge for him to cover all...

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