Glazed Apples

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another MLP thing for FA: animorph59

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Glazed Apples For Sunkit By Draconicon

The road between Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres wasn't a short one, even if it was something one could travel in a few hours. As a result, Strike was rather sweaty as he arrived, and a sweaty unicorn was a grumpy unicorn.

Still, he was happy enough to have made it to the apple farm in the first place, particularly considering the advertisement that he'd seen in town.

"Glazed Apples, for mature Stallions and Mares only. Wonder why only for the mature ones..."

He assumed it was just for some sort of business stunt. Probably some cider-glazed apples or something, things that would get the little ones drunk. Either way, he looked forward to seeing something new.

For that matter, he looked forward to seeing Big Mac again, as well. The big red pony was one of his favorite people in this neck of the woods, and Strike hadn't had the chance to come around lately. Big Mac hadn't been coming to town much, either, according to the locals. Apparently, the first time they'd seen him in weeks had been when he'd come out to put down the sign.

Well, here's hoping he can spare a little time to say hi, he said as he walked under the archway for the Apple family's land. He looked around, but didn't see any of the family out and about on the farm. Guessing they were applebucking or something, he walked towards the barn.

And there, he saw it.

Oh, sweet Celestia... he thought as he stared through crack in the barn door. Big Mac was there, alright, but...

Well, he had never seen the machine that the big red stallion was tied up to, but it was a huge one, and it wrapped around him in a weird way. The stallion hung from a sling on the roof, his back hooves on the ground, while his upper body was kept out of the way. His sheath had pushed his cock out, alright, but the shaft itself had been pulled into some sort of clear tube, pulled tight to the flesh.

He stared as the tube suddenly contracted, and Big Mac arched his back, letting out a wild whinny. A sudden splurt of white started shooting out, going up the tubes and towards the ceiling, before coming back down -


The collected seed came down right on the apples that were stored on the other side of the barn. It splattered all over them, dripping down into the rest of the basket, leaving them looking shimmery and shiny.

I...I guess this is why they were...adults only... he thought, his cheeks burning and his own sheath starting to fill. _But he can't do that all on his own, can he? That's so many apples. How could anyone -

He stepped through the door before he realized what he was doing, and his horn glowed. He pulled at the machine a little bit, and Big Mac let out a gasp of relief as he was suddenly freed from the machine. The stallion pulled himself back, panting for breath, and Strike hurried over to him.

"Big Mac, you okay? I mean, what...what was that? What's going on?"

"...Nothing. Whatcha here for, Strike?"

"I...Well, I saw this sign -"


"And I thought...well...I thought..."

"Little help?"

"Huh? Oh, sure, how can I -"

And then the world went dark.

Strike woke up with a weird feeling under his chest, almost like he was lifted up by something, and he could feel something cool and wet under his belly. He shook his head, trying to make himself focus, but it just wasn't coming._

"Sorry 'bout your head, Strike."

"...Big Mac?"

"Ayep. Didn't 'spect you to come. Thought a different stallion might answer. But, need a break."

"A break from...from what?"


He'd never heard of that, but Big Mac didn't give him much chance to pull himself together to figure it out. As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized two things. The first was that he was lifted off of the ground, his forelegs pulled forward enough that he couldn't pull himself free from the strap that hung from the ceiling.

The second...

The second was that Big Mac had gotten on some sort of stool, and was standing over him, his sheath dangling over his head. A single breath filled his nose with the powerful smell of the stallion's balls, his sweat, his sheath, and all that cum...

Strike's cock left his sheath so fast it might as well have been spring-loaded.

"Ayep, can see ya like it."

Liking it was something of an understatement. Apart from Hoity Toity and a few others, Big Mac was top of his list when it came to 'friends' and their benefits. That big cock had been up his ass a couple of times, particularly when the Apple family couldn't send him out to be with the other mares due to the season, and it had never failed to get him off.

He hadn't expected the smell alone to be enough to get him hard, though, and particularly with that cool feeling beneath his belly.

Big Mac ground against his face, and his cock throbbed in response to the scent, drooling against whatever it was down there. The unicorn panted despite himself, each breath bringing a little more of that heady musk into his nose, making it harder to think of anything beyond a simple bucking motion.

"What...what are good..."


And so simple, too. Breathing in. Breathing out. Thrusting away. Breathing in, breathing out, thrusting away. Breathing in...breathing out...thrusting away...

With another thrust, his cock found the tube, and the suction pulled it right in. Strike gasped, his eyes going wide at the sucking feeling around his shaft, the hard pulls dragging the glass tube down his cock in short order. He tried to stop thrusting, but it didn't matter. No matter whether he moved or remained still, there was no escape from the powerful pull.

As Big Mac descended from the platform, Strike tried to focus enough to use his magic, but no matter how he tried, it just wouldn't come to him. The musk in his nose, the powerful pleasure around his cock, the way that it was dragging him forward and leaving him helpless: it all added up to one hell of a ride, and one that he couldn't think through.

The trotting sounds of the bigger stallion were little more than a distraction to him, his eyes rolling back as his hips thrust against their will, driving his cock into that tube, making it bounce off of him. It slid down his cock, only to suck itself right back on, dragging his flared cock head all the way to the end -


He bit his lip to try and quiet himself, his cock throbbing and swelling from the pressure around it. His medial ring felt like it was pressed tight to the sides of the tube, and it only got worse as he kept thrusting and humping. His cock felt thicker, like it was expanding to fill the tube, and his balls -


He moaned, throwing his head and mane back as he felt a lick to his balls. He looked over his shoulder, his tongue hanging out as Big Mac started licking him again. That big tongue dragged his balls up, and then let them fall. Up, and down. Up, and down. Each fall reminding him of how full they were, how much cum he had to release.

How much cum he had to harvest.

That concept left him moaning for a few more thrusts, and quickly pushed him over the edge. Strike whinnied as he came, shooting his load down the tube, and he almost collapsed from the sudden sensitivity that came after. Even as he kept cumming, the tube didn't stop sucking, forcing him to remain hard, forcing him to keep on throbbing.

He saw his seed go flying through the tubes, go shooting towards the baskets of apples. It was thick and plentiful, and a full basket got a glaze from that.

"Ayep, one down. Lots more to go."

" many..."


Somehow, he hadn't expected any better answer from his friend. He shivered as he realized that the suction was even more powerful now, his cock jammed so far into the machine that it would take someone else with magic to pull it off at this point. Even if Big Mac decided that he needed a break, Strike was stuck. It had made his cock swell so much, fill the tube up so tightly, that he wasn't getting out.

And the machine sucked on.

He moaned, arching his back as the perpetual, mechanical blowjob continued, bucking forward despite himself. He wasn't even sure if he was trying to buck the tube off or trying to buck into it. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that he couldn't stop moving, couldn't stop trying to get it free. Couldn't stop thrusting!


Another orgasm, so soon, his balls pulling up for a moment before sagging back down. They barely felt lighter at all. And the machine...simply continued. Milking him, draining him, constantly.

The End

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