Prowler's Hunt

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A sequel to "The Demon and the Raven", found here:

This time, we're in FA: TeryxC 's head, and we can see just how he's feeling with Prowler in his body, controlling him, using him, and now getting some revenge on Satres.

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Prowler's Hunt For TeryxC By Draconicon

Teryx was a prisoner in his own body. Again. And his warden was a demon. Again.

This time, however, it did have rather significant difference that his scaly body had been transformed into something furry, something stronger, and something considerably lustier than he usually was. Which came with its own set of problems.

Prowler - the demon that held him captive and currently owned his body - thrashed against the restraints that the raven had put him in. The wolf creature howled at the top of his lungs, throbbing, thick cock dripping all over the stones of the ruin below. The creature shouted and growled, screamed and roared in fury.

"Satres! I swear by all that is unholy, you will SCREAM for mercy when I'm done with you!"

Mmmph...can't you just...relax? I mean...he did capture you...

"Us, you mean, you weak little dragon. He captured us. And if we're so caught, then why won't he spend the night down in the cells with us?"

He...probably just wants some sleep, while you're angry.

Though, Teryx had to admit that he would have liked the company. The raven had been rather distant since the handjob had failed to make the demon cum, failed to release him from Prowler's grip. Satres had looked rather surprised that it hadn't worked, and had gone through a number of different...techniques...that he'd been rather surprised that the raven knew. For a monk, Satres seemed all too skilled in the arts of sexual pleasure.

He tried not to think about that, though, particularly as his dick was so hard...

Prowler continued to howl at the bars, screaming insults and raging at the monk that had caught them both, while Teryx tried to let his brain relax. On the plus side, he was only somewhat aware of the sensations that their shared body was put through. He didn't have the discomfort of the holy bonds around their furred wrists, nor did he have to deal with the full power of the demon's libido and denied need down in their crotch. Yeah, he had to suffer from part of it, but that was better than having the whole thing.

But Prowler refused to let him withdraw. Not completely.

"You think that you get to ignore it? Heh, you're wrong."

The demon flexed his muscles, and the tension pulled that thick dog dick right up against their belly. Smack, it went, against hard abs and thick fur, and Teryx gasped at the sensation.


"Heh, you don't like it, bitch? You don't like feeling all that need?"

SMACK! SMACK! The wolf demon was managing to slap his dick against his stomach almost like a horse would have done, each one leaving pre behind and giving Teryx a reminder of the sheer need that his body was filled with. He groaned in the back of his head, his prison as Prowler used him.

SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Each tension felt like it was rocketing his cock out of his sheath, and then grinding it against his belly, dragging his pre over his red and black fur, making it harder and harder to think. He panted softly, wishing that he had the freedom to touch himself. But no, all he had was the ability to feel, and see, as Prowler made them look down at their thick, dripping, angrily red shaft.

It was throbbing and dripping like mad, the pre tinted a corrupt yellow with the demon's seed. What didn't fall on his belly went down to the ground, seeping through the stone, making it more and more slippery. It ran from the spot between his legs to the wall, and then down to his big, furred feet.

Mmmph...stop...this's making it worse...

"Heh, don't you tell me what to do, you little bitch. When I'm done with this, we're going to get that feathery ass, and fuck it full.", no, you can't! He's trying to help me.

"Heh, whose help do you need more right now? Someone to get me out...or someone to get us off?"

Flex, SMACK! The wet smacks of that cock against his belly made it so hard to think, so hard to reason out what he should be doing. The demon's need was indistinguishable from his own at this point, and he shuddered as he tried not to think of it. He tried to think of the monk, tried to think of his friend who had tried to free him, thinking of the black feathered bird...

On his knees in front of them, feathery hand rubbing up and down their thick cock. His beak closed in concentration, his eyes narrowed at their shaft with a strange intensity, his body at the ready to make them cum...

The sight of those tight, hard ass cheeks through the monk robes, imagining those feathery cheeks spread around his cock, feeling that tight little hole squeezing on him, taking him in deeper and deeper so he could give that slutty little monk exactly what he deserved, exactly what he really wanted... do you...mmmph...

"Heh, we all know that monk, dragon. He's been hunting us for years...and when we hunt back, that feathery butt is the first thing that we claim. He's had more than one demon fuck him in the past, and he's always enjoyed the whole process. He's just a little slut inside, nothing more, and nothing less."

Teryx tried to ignore that thought, but it kept coming back. All those naughty images in his head, the ideas of what they could do with the raven, how much Satres might even enjoy it...

And how the raven could probably take that thick cock, probably take the demon's power in a way that he couldn't...


"Heh, he stands a better chance than you do of controlling my power. I don't think he will. Prowler is the strongest of the hunters in this place. I've ruled the pack for too long to be beaten by a slutty raven and a weak little dragon. But go ahead. Hope for it."

It''s a moot point, anyway. It's not like you can do anything to him from down here.

"That's right. But I'm not going to be here for long. Just gotta...aim this right..."

Teryx didn't understand, at first, but when he saw the demon wolf shifting their hips towards the side, aiming the dripping down so that it pointed down towards one of the ropes that held their legs down -

The corrupted pre dripped all over the holy symbols along the rope, desecrating it in short order. The rope dimmed, and then went dark, and the demon kicked his leg forward, snapping through the suddenly weakened restraint. The same process happened on his other leg, and with that done -

Prowler growled, yanking his arms forward as he got a better balance on the ground. Rocks from the wall came flying out from behind them, scattering all over the ground, and the demon wolf stepped through the rubble with a smirk on his face.

"'s find that bitch of a bird."

"He didn't keep it completely out of reach...and the holy symbols only stay holy until they're fouled..."

The dragon inside couldn't believe that the monk had overlooked that. It seemed like such a basic precaution to have taken, particularly for something like Prowler. Why hadn't Satres done something to keep him back?

...Did the raven actually want them to escape?

"Heh...let's find out."

Teryx was a prisoner in his own body as the wolf loped through the ruins, the demon creature following the scent of the raven through the hall. The more that Prowler sniffed at it, the more the scent filtered back to the dragon, and the more he blushed.

There was more than just the scent of a bird to Satres. There were hundreds of layers of corruption to the monk, hundreds of different bits and pieces from his encounters with other demons in the past. He could only imagine the types of things that must have been done to earn a scent coating of this intensity. It was more than just corruption, it was seed. Seed from demons of all sorts...

Please, please don't be like this, Satres. Don't leave me alone with this creature...

"Oh, trust me, you won't be alone. I'm taking a pack...A little bit left with you, you little bitch, and I'll take the rest into him and make him mine."

The idea of being nothing but a passenger, just something that the demon could use at a whim to accomplish his goals, left the dragon shivering and blushing at the same time. It was like he had become something much less than he had ever been before, and the idea chilled him.

They walked through a dozen different stone hallways before they came to one that had a series of rooms on each side. Prowler slowed their body, and they started moving quietly, hunched down to the floor like a real wolf. One step after another, they crept forward, never making more than the slightest whisper of sound.

The wolf stuck his nose in one room, then another, not bothering to look when he could just sniff. Empty. Empty. Empty.

Not empty.

Teryx felt his wolfen snout turn up in a grin as Prowler forced the door open, staring through the wolf's eyes at the sleeping raven. Satres hadn't stripped down for sleep, but had laid himself on a bedroll on his side. The way that he'd turned around in his sleep had drawn the monk robes he wore tight to his body, and that included -

"Mmm, that's a hot little ass, isn't it?"

He blushed, trying not to think about it. He blamed the demon's own need, the demon's throbbing cock for his temptations as he saw the way that the orange cloth hugged the raven's ass. Tail feathers slipped out through a hole in the clothes, fanning around that rump, muscular and just enough of a bubble to it to 'pop' at the back of the pants.

The demon walked them closer, silent as ever, and Satres didn't stir. Teryx wanted to call out a warning to the raven, try and give his friend a chance to fight back, a chance to do something to get out of this...

And at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to struggle. There was something about this, something about the temptation of using that feathery, black rump that he couldn't deny. Prowler had to be behind the temptation, the need, but...

I can't...I want...

The wolf chuckled quietly, walking by the raven and searching through the monk's pack. It didn't take long for his possessor to find what he was looking for, drawing ropes and bindings out of the raven's backpack, and then setting to work.

Prowler was surprisingly gentle at his task, working the raven to an upright position and then starting to tie him to the wall. Leveraged ropes, hung from pieces of the ceiling that had collapsed, made for a spiderweb of networked and interlinking lines, and he was shocked to see that it looked almost artistic. The wolf chuckled in his mind.

_A good hunter knows how to bind his prey and make it look as good as it actually works out to be.

He...he'll find a way to get out of it._

The wolf looked over it, and Teryx knew the lie that he'd told. There was no getting out of something like that. Not without help from outside, which there was no way that Satres would get. Not with Prowler controlling his body.

The raven was forced towards the wall, still sleeping as his legs were spread by the ropes, his arms pulled behind his back. His clothes were still on, but judging by the soft panting that came from his own throat, Teryx knew that Prowler wasn't going to allow that to stand for long. It was only a matter of time until the demon fucked his power into the raven properly. Only a matter of time until that feathery rump was desecrated, like the bindings had been.

The wolf pulled back a hand, and smacked it down hard on the raven's ass.

To Satres's credit, he didn't yelp or jump. Instead, he just opened his eyes, looking over his shoulder.

" broke the seals?"

"Heh, a drippy dick has its perks, slut."

"I should have guessed. I knew there was something I'd forgotten."

How is he so calm?!

The raven cocked his head.

"Teryx, I assume you can still hear me."

"He can't. Just shut the hell up."

"I'm reasonably sure he can. There is a way that you can try and fight this. And I ask that you try, before the demon completes whatever it is that he plans to do."

"Shut up!"

Prowler roared, slapping his hand down on the raven's ass again, this time with claws. The monk jerked, wincing and tightening up for a second, but he kept talking, even as the wolf started rending his clothes from his body.

"There is a way to focus your chi to push the demon down. You need to imagine yourself as a force, a powerful force of light, and him as something else. It doesn't matter what. Just think of him, and push him. Surround him, and push him -"

"I said, shut up, monk!"

Teryx had a front-row seat to the demon's molestation of the raven. Two fingers jammed up that feathery rump, forced past a hole that looked like it had been used more than the chastity-bound monk had ever admitted to him. The dragon couldn't believe what he was seeing, how those fingers went in dry, yet Satres showed no sign of pain.

In and out, in and out they went, and the raven's cock slowly started to rise. The demon's touch was having some sort of affect, despite the raven's tight beak. He could see no blush on Satres's face, no sign of shame, yet, but he could tell that the raven's control was being put to the test. He could feel it in the tension around his fingers, in the way that Satres didn't speak to him anymore.

Could...could I do what he said?

He'd had some minor training in chi control, some bit of explanation of how it worked, but he'd never tried it. There'd been no time, no point before this. But if it could save them...

Teryx mentally 'closed' his eyes, pushing the outside world away for the moment. There was no point in looking at that. It would only be a distraction, much like the throbbing between his legs was. He had to focus on the lesson.

Visualizing himself as light, his chi as a force of energy that was overwhelming and powerful. But what was his chi? Was it something...

No, he couldn't get hung up on the details. He just had to -


He moaned, biting his lip, his eyes drawn open again as he saw that the scene had changed. No longer were they fingering Satres, but grabbing his ass cheeks, spreading them and thrusting between. The wolf made him look as their cock ground between the raven's ass cheeks, the bird's pucker...twitching.

"Hehehe, looks like you're into this more than you want to admit, you fucking pervert. Monks like demon cocks, huh? At least, this one does."

"I am better prepared to handle you than Teryx is. I didn't want to do this, but it was on the list of possibilities."

"You won't be able to handle a hunter, and you sure won't be able to handle Prowler."

The demon laughed, the tip of his cock sliding down to the raven's hole. Despite himself, Teryx couldn't look away, panting softly as he watched the tip press against the loosened, twitching pucker. can't seriously be...

The monk's beak clicked together, but there was no hiding the slight moan that slipped free as the demon's tip slid in. He stared, completely shocked at the sound that filled his ears, and the demon laughed.

"Ha! I knew that you were just a slut. You didn't want to catch me. You just wanted to get me mad so I'd fuck you the way you liked."

"If you want to tell yourself that, demon, go ahead. I will trap you, anyway."

"Heh, you overestimate yourself."

Prowler slammed in, and the pleasure hit Teryx as hard as it did the demon. That tight, hot hole was squeezing them hard, just wet with a little bit of pre rather than anything better or thicker. He groaned, trying to pull himself together, trying to keep from thinking of the raven as just a toy, but it was so hard. It felt so good, so slick, so eager to take their cock.

In and out, in and out, sheathing their dick in the raven again and again. Satres shook beneath them, and the dragon could see that the raven was doing his best to keep from making a sound, trying to keep his stoic self together. It was almost admirable.


He's...he's just taking it...he's not fighting it, he's not trying to get away. He's just taking that cock, pulling it in...squeezing it...milking...mmmph!

"Hehehe, sounds like Teryx is enjoying the hell out of this, monk. You should have picked someone that wasn't as big a slut as you are, if you wanted help taking down someone like me. You should have picked someone that knew how to fight, someone that could actually fight back against me."

"You are going to be surprised, I think."

"Heh, there's no way that this slut will be pushing me out. He doesn't have the self-control."

"He will do what he can, and so will I."

Mmph...please...there's nothing...I can do in here. Not while your slutty ass is pulling on my dick like this.

"HA! Even Teryx is calling you a slut, now."

"He may think what he wills. As long as he listens. You can hold him back, Teryx. Just try. Just try and push him out of you, push him down to a place where you can control him. Your chi is strong enough for that."

Whether it was strong enough or not didn't matter, not then. He was too swept up in the need that the demon had awakened, the need for that feathery rump. He was made to stare down at it, made to watch as their thick, knotted cock slammed in again and again. Every so often, Prowler would pull all the way out, showing that puckering hole slippery with their pre, their slimy, yellowed pre-cum that carried its own corruption. Bits of red streaked through the raven's feathers from time to time, only to be pushed back down, controlled.

The demon growled whenever he saw that, and Prowler slapped the raven's ass again.

"Heh, you think you can control it? You're just getting a taste, monk. You're going to learn what it's like to be a bitch, soon enough. Soon as I get in there, I'm going to make you suck Teryx off. I'm going to make you roll over and take that knotted cock again and again, until you're utterly fucking broken."

Teryx felt a twitch that time, a squeeze on his cock that he hadn't expected. The demon noticed, too, and laughed more.

"Look at you. Already twitching. Sure you weren't corrupted a long time ago, bird brain? Or are you just now realizing what you are? What you really, really want from life? You're just a cock-sucking, dick-loving slut beneath that stoic nature of yours. You just need a demon to bring it out of you."

If it had been possible, the dragon would have been jerking himself off to the scene. His lust had gone so high that he knew that he was on the edge of climax, and he could feel that Prowler was as well, the demon ready to spill his seed in the raven and claim him. Ready to corrupt him. Ready to make them both sluts and slaves to his will, and -

The idea of having no way out, the idea of being stuck forever, almost snapped him free. Teryx's consciousness, his own sense of right, pulled him towards the surface, away from the pool of lust that surrounded him, but it still wasn't enough. He could still only watch as the demon slammed forward again, and again, knotted dick grinding against the raven's ass, pushing to get inside.

He could only watch as Prowler reached down, and feel through the wolf's hand that the raven as hard as a rock. The stroking, the teasing, it continued all over, and he could see little streaks of red running from the raven's ass through his feathers. Some of them were countered, pushed back down, while others slowly crept out around his hips, signs of the pleasure and the distraction working to make the raven weaker.

In, out, in, out, the pleasure so strong, so hard to resist. But...he had...he had to, before...

Suddenly, Prowler roared, slamming forward and locking his knot in the raven. The demon came, hard, and as the corruptive power of the wolf demon went shooting down his cock, Teryx 'woke up.'

Oh, no, no! I can't...I have to...

"Too late, bitch. This body is mine, and so is the raven's."

Prowler's laughter taunted him into action, the dragon doing what the raven had said. His chi. Visualize it as a strong, overpowering force. Force it down around the demon, who he imagined as a red smog. A deep, crimson smog that was running rampant through his body. The dragon held the image in his head, and pushed.

It was hard, almost too hard for him to do, but the draining effect of the demon's cum and power leaving his body made it possible. The dragon kept on pushing, forcing the power down, down, down.

Where to put it? I can't...not in my arms, or legs. It could move me. Need it...need it somewhere it can't...

He forced it down, down, down, not daring to stop, and finally pulled another bit of his chi around it, dragging it towards some part of his middle. It would be safe there, right? He hoped it would.

He felt a sense of power, capability, and he realized he could move. Desperately, and not thinking as straight as he could have been, he yanked himself back. His knot popped free of the raven's ass, followed by a deep groan, and he fell right on his ass in the process, shooting some remnants of the demon's power all over the ground as he kept cumming.

Slowly, his seed spilling came to a halt, leaving him with yellowed lowered legs, strings of white and yellow corrupt cum all over them. He tried to slow his heart, and realized that he was back in control of his body.

Teryx groaned, thankful that he had power over his own body again. It wasn't much, in the grand scheme of things. He didn't feel the same insane strength that the demon had given him, and he didn't feel that connection to cleansing water that his dragon body had had...but considering that he hadn't even been able to move on his own for almost twelve hours, he would take what he could get.

He pulled himself to his feet, rubbing his head as he stumbled towards the wall. He stopped at Satres's side, planning to apologize to the monk.

Instead, he saw that the monk's eyes were two different colors, one of them the gold of the wolf, one bright white with a chi focus. There was nothing of the Satres that he knew in there.

They're...they're fighting over the body. Satres is trying to keep him from transforming, trying to keep his body, and the other...

The other? That's me, you fucking ass. I'm trying to take him over, and he's not letting me.

The dragon - well, wolf, now - slowly looked down at the source of the other voice. He hadn't been paying attention to just where he'd tried to seal up Prowler earlier, but the demon was making his location pretty clear now.

His balls.


Oh, yes, you bitch. Now, why don't you be a good boy and ram MY cock back into the raven, so I can finish the job?

"No. No way. You aren't going to convince me of that again. You cheated last time."

Really? Look at your 'friend.'

Without thinking, he did, and immediately started blushing. The raven was swaying his ass back and forth, his eyes still glazed over with the two different colors, but his body was acting quite seductive. He walked around, looking at the yellow slime that was dripping out of the bird's hole, running down his taint to his balls. Black feathers swelled outwards as the sack they covered got bigger, heavier, corrupted with cum, before they shrunk down again in a fast, powerful purge through the raven's cock.

"He...he's fighting you. He can win."

Heh, maybe, but not if you put your cock back in him. He needs more than he got, if I'm going to turn him properly.

"You just want to make us your slaves. Why should I listen?"

Why? Because I can do THIS.

Teryx the wolf gasped, clutching at his balls as they suddenly heated up. He groaned, falling to his knees as they pulsed, swelled, and pulsed again beneath his hands. Shivering, panting, he looked down, watching as the fuzzy orbs swelled, his cock throbbing upwards, knot forming again already as the thick, yellow slime of the demon's corruption continued to dribble out of him, falling towards the ground and forming a puddle between his legs.

If you think that you can resist your needs, go ahead and try. But I know you, bitch. I know that you won't be able to resist fucking that raven know how good it felt the first time, and you can see how hard he is. He needs it as bad as you do.

"No...he...he doesn't..."

Doesn't he? I can feel him...I can see his mind...should I show you?

Before Teryx could stop the demon, he felt it, the pressure of the memories being forced into his mind. He tried to stop them, tried to focus his chi on holding back the mental assault, but it came through despite his best efforts.

Images of the raven on his back, getting fucked down the throat and up the ass by two demons at once, cumming all over himself.

Images of the raven sitting on a pedestal, giving a demon a footjob with those talented talons of his.

Images of Satres deliberately riding a demon cock, stroking his own throughout the whole process, rock hard and throbbing, his eyes closed and his beak open with pleasure.

All the images came to him, every memory of the monk's sexual adventures with demons, and every single one came with the ring of truth. It had happened. The monk had gone through a ton of different scenarios with a ton of different demons. There was no escaping the fact of the matter.

Go on, give him our cock...let him cum on it again, and let me bring the both of you into my pack...

The dragon that was a wolf panted hard, staring down at his cock. It was so swollen, so hard, so needy. And the pictures in his head had shown him a raven that needed dick so bad that he might as well have been addicted to it. He didn't want to think about it, didn't want to believe it, but it was there. It was real...

Wasn't it?

But what if he was missing something? What if he was only seeing part of the truth?

He looked, trying to ignore the way that Satres continued to wiggle his ass in his bound state, tried to ignore that wide-open, puckering hole, that just looked like it was begging for more dick. He tried to ignore his own need, trying to think...

But he couldn't. All he could think of was his own cock, his own need. Even with power over his body again, all he could think about was fucking, filling, screwing that feathery ass. Teryx shook his head.

"Even if...if he is a slut, I can't just fall. If he's already fallen, I need to...I need to...resist..."

Heh, you won't be able to resist for long. Not when I keep doing this.

Another pulse of heat, another throbbing feeling in his balls. They grew, heavier and denser than ever, and he could feel the weight of all the demon seed inside, just waiting to go spurting up the raven's ass. More and more corruption, more and more power that he could add to Prowler's conquest of the raven. He could make it happen...he could seal their fates.

And as the minutes ticked by, he wanted to. He wanted to do it SO badly...He bit his lip, holding fast to his determination, and desperately tried to think of a way out.

The End

The Demon and the Raven

The Demon and the Raven For TeryxC By Draconicon There were always plusses and minuses when working with a partner, Satres had found. The raven was always grateful for an extra pair of eyes while hunting demons, and he knew that...

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The Park of Pain and Pleasure

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Deep Conditioning

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