The Demon and the Raven

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A short story involving FA: TeryxC and my character, Satres. This monk seriously has issues with the amount of demons that want to get into him... Sequel

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The Demon and the Raven For TeryxC By Draconicon

There were always plusses and minuses when working with a partner, Satres had found. The raven was always grateful for an extra pair of eyes while hunting demons, and he knew that there was no better way for someone to learn how to seek them out and hunt them properly than to work with an experienced hunter.

On the other hand, inexperienced partners were always a danger in their own way, as they lacked the means to ward off possessive demons during the hunt, and he always had to keep an eye on them in case something came knocking.

"Please, Teryx, keep your eyes on your current task. The murals will still be there when we're done."

The two-toned rain dragon blushed behind him. Satres didn't even have to look; he knew the curiosities of his partner, and knew that the historical murals had caught his companion's attention. Just like he knew that Teryx would be turning away, his cheeks burning, to follow in his wake for another few minutes, when he'd have to repeat the admonition once more. He shook his head with a rueful smile.

"I understand your fascination. But for now, please, keep your eyes on the task. This demon has been quite a threat to people for a while, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yes, Satres. Sorry, just -"

"I understand. Eyes forward, please."

He 'felt' Teryx nodding behind him, and they continued down the old tunnels and hallways. The burial grounds was an odd place for demons; they tended to come through at battlegrounds and in places where conflict came through, not where people were laid to rest. Then again, he supposed that the dead had their own conflicts, and could mutate. He had never made a study of spirit evolution in that way.

The closed-in walls kept the place feeling cramped, but the raven wasn't overly concerned. Unlike when dealing with spirits or ghosts, demons couldn't phase through walls. They had to come along physical pathways, and for that, this was ideal...

So long as they didn't miss anything.

Satres closed his eyes to slits, extending his sense of ki in front of him. Most of the stone was dark, but here and there some of the coffins glowed with a faint sense of answering energy. Nothing big enough to be the demon, but someone that might have seen something.

The robed raven walked over to the nearest coffin, pressing his hands against the top before looking over his shoulder.

"Keep a watch. I must speak with them."

"You can talk to the dead?"

"Not as well as some...but the spirits linger occasionally, and they may have information."

"That's...pretty cool."

"I suppose, I suppose. Now, eyes around us, please."

He closed his own eyes, reaching out with his ki towards the energy within the coffin. It was afraid, pulled in tight into the body within.

_Be calm. I am not a danger.

Not hiding from you. Hiding from Prowler.

Who is Prowler?

Not-dead. Danger. Hunter.

Is he here?

He's there!_

A flaring energy caught his attention at the last second, and Satres threw himself to the ground. The raven grunted from the impact as the shimmering silhouette of a hidden demon went flying over his head. Almost invisible, even to his eyes, and doubtlessly -

"Teryx! Down!"

It was too late. The hidden demon continued forward, and just as the rain dragon turned, it slammed into him. Teryx fell backwards, back and head slamming into the stone wall.

"What the - NNNGH!"

Shaking his head, Satres threw himself back to his feet, his fingers darting to his pockets as the demon started its work. He could see it happening already, scales changing on the dragon as their prey started to assert itself. It wouldn't be long before the transformation was complete and the dragon was completely in the grip of the demon. And then...then it would be down to fighting, and he didn't want to abuse his partner's body more than he had to.

He found them. As the dragon's scales were replaced by fur, and he grew over a foot in height, Satres pulled a series of throwing daggers and binding lines from his pockets. He threw them in pairs, sending them across the hall.


Two small lines of rope, lined with sheets of blessings and bindings, slammed into the dragon's legs. No, they were wolf legs, now, strong and furry, ending in heavy paws. The demon roared through the changing muzzle, furious.

"Down, Prowler."

He spoke as if to a bad dog, flinging another pair of binders towards the transforming creature. Red-black fur rippled as the wolf's arms were pinned down, leaving only the head and torso free.

He didn't have anything thick enough for the chest, but the neck went slamming back with the last rope that he had. Satres shook his head as the demon slammed back against the rock, panting and growling at him.

Well, this throws a small wrench into the plan, Satres thought to himself. The demon was already in possession of his assistant, and they hadn't even gotten to the point of binding the demon proper. Prowler was certainly a better hunter than many of his brethren, he would admit that much.

He walked over to the howling, snarling demonic wolf, looking him over. The raven recognized the type. The hunter-possessor, looking for bodies to change and modify, using them to wreak havoc and give the demon a chance at a life that it couldn't otherwise have. They usually held onto a body for a few weeks to a few months, and would give it up when the strength began to fail, leaving the host to recover on their own.

If it wasn't for the fact that Teryx had asked to learn from him, he would have allowed that to run its course, keeping the demon penned up at his monastery until it gave up its possession and left. But he needed his companion back sooner than later.

"I apologize for this indignity, Teryx."

"I am Prowler! And you will release me!"

"Unfortunately, that is precisely what I have to do."

"Ha! You know your binding can't force me to do anything! My strength is sufficient to break it, given time. You have nothing to your - what are you doing?"

"I'm 'releasing' you, and I'm trying not to think about what I have to do. So, if you don't wish a gag, please stop talking."

It was semi-fortunate that the growth of the wolf demon had stripped Teryx of so much of his clothing. The wolf's sheath stood out like a sore thumb...or perhaps it was better to say that the tip of its cock stood out like a sore thumb from the sheath. The raven wasn't particularly picky with analogies.

Sighing, he wrapped his hand around it, almost immediately forcing the demon to groan. He started stroking, working a soft thumb over the tip as he encouraged it to grow.

This always seems to happen with assistants. Either I bind them and milk them, or they end up possessed too fast for me to notice and they end up screwing me silly, the raven though as the demon wolf started groaning. Sometimes I wonder if the lords of heaven and earth are simply perverts.

His fingers flicked over the demon's cock as it grew to full erection almost instantly, wrapping tight around the base as he pumped it. Glancing up, he saw the wolf's golden eyes flicker a few times, shifting from one shade of gold to another, and Satres wondered if Teryx was watching him through those eyes.

"I'll be pulling you out momentarily."

"You won't! I am Prowler, hunter and destroyer. I can withstand - NNNGH! Why does your hand feel so good, monk?!"

"Mostly because most of your kind will not listen to anything but this."

Not to mention that the hunter-possessors tended to breed their way into different hosts. Once they found one, they would use its last bit of strength to fuck themselves into someone else. And if they were away from others, they would simply 'release' themselves into the world again.

Admittedly, this demon was proving most annoying about it. He kept stroking, his other hand working down over the furry sack, teasing it and rolling it around as he watched the shaft proper. A knot was slowly forming, but very slowly. The demon was obviously trying to hold back.

The raven grunted in disgust, but spat on his fingers, making them slicker as he kept up the slow stroking, gradually working the demon's cock to the point where it started oozing pre. Not clear pre, either, but a yellowed, corrupt ooze. He forced the cock to point downwards, and stroked from the base towards the tip, pushing the foul fluid out of the shaft and towards the ground.

"Mmmph...when I get free of this, monk...I will hunt you, and have your ass! You'd like that, wouldn't you? To be filled by a proper predator, a true hunter! You're certainly liking my cock enough."

"This is a duty to save my companion, nothing more."

Though it was an embarrassing duty, to put it mildly, and he wished that it would be over soon. He worked the shaft harder, faster, and the demon continued to grunt and groan, tensing up and clenching everywhere to try and slow the raven's efforts. The holy bindings aided the demon, he imagined; they were set up to stop this sort of thing rather than help it along.

He kept imagining that he saw Teryx behind those wolfish eyes, and wondered how he was going to explain doing this when the dragon was free. This was difficult enough to explain to anyone else, but the dragon had never shown any sexual interest towards him. This was going to be...awkward.

"Heh, perhaps you should suck me out, monk. Your hands won't be enough."

"We shall see. Your willpower will likely fade, soon enough."

And he wasn't about to start sucking on that. Demon possession wasn't passed solely through standard sex, after all. Instead, he kept stroking. He could do this all day, while he knew the demon would give up...eventually.

The End

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