Pole Dancing Lions

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Commissioned by FA: Rayoelgatubelo and written by me (as ever) we have this story of a pair of lions (one full, one a hybrid) and their little strip dancing exercises.

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Pole Dancing Lions For Rayoelgatubelo By Draconicon

Akhsaba was bored, and as any parent of a kitten knows, a bored feline is a dangerous feline.

Admittedly, she wasn't a typical feline, but she was still a curious cat. Ten years old and walking and climbing as devilishly high as any of her feral brethren, the were-hybrid was quite happy to make her way around the house and stick her nose into anything that she could find. Her mother and father's room were completely off limits, true - and in a way that she hadn't managed to get around yet - but that left the rest of the house open, and her curiosity knew no bounds.

She made her way up the stairs, following the sounds of music in the air. Akhsaba knew the sounds of it, some sort of rhythmic 'oontz oontz' that regularly came from her sister's room, but she'd never gone in to see what it was about. Or what Mughriya did while the music was playing.

I bet it's not just laying on the bed and singing along, she thought with a chuckle. She never does that. Always trying to do new things. Even when mom and dad think -

The little hybrid had just rounded the corner as the music changed. No more of the pulsing sound, but more of a...sort of sultry sound? She heard it sometimes when her mom and dad were getting their private time, but this was the first time she heard it coming from her sister's room. The leopardess/lion hybrid cocked her head to the side, and walked over to the door.

After testing it to see if it was locked - it wasn't - she slowly turned the doorknob and slid her head through the crack. The sight that awaited her left her eyes widening quickly.

Mughriya, unlike her, was a pure were-lioness, and her tawny fur was all over her at that point. She wasn't simply dancing around the room, but she'd stuck a broom pole in the middle of her room, taped it down, and was slowly stomping around it, imitating some of the dancers they saw on some of their father's shows.

Looks like she's doing it better than they were, too, she thought with a smile. Her big sister walked around the pole, strutting her stuff around. Her little tail swished back and forth, swaying over her butt, and Ahksaba giggled as her sister accidentally spanked herself with the end of her tail.

The sound finally caught the older feline's attention, and the music clicked off immediately.

"Who - oh, it's just you, Akh."

"Oh, come on. I'm growing up. Call me the whole thing."

"Fine, Akhsaba. What are you doing there?"

"I heard the music, and -"


Mughriya started rubbing the back of her head. Rather than staying in the hallway, she stepped the rest of the way into the room and closed the door behind her. Before her older sister could stop her, she started prancing around the broom pole, as well.

Or, at least, she tried. She slipped on the second pass, and fell flat on her face a second later.


"Hehehe, good try, though. You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Akhsaba shook her head as she pulled herself back up, sitting down with her legs crossed. Her big sister leaned against the pole with a chuckle, shaking her head.

"It's not as easy as it looks, is it?"

"No. But it does look fun. How long have you been practicing? Do mom and dad know you're doing that?"

"I don't think so. I mean, they haven't come to tell me to stop yet; don't think they know I want to try on stage for real, yet."


She smiled, her tail twitching behind her already, and her older sister groaned, rolling her eyes. It didn't matter, really. The idea of Mughriya on stage, showing off, doing a better, professional job compared to what she'd just seen...

Well, it made her rather wet.

Shifting around, she thought about how it would be for her. Even though she was younger, she was pretty sure that there were a lot of weres out there that would like to see her strutting her stuff. Not as many as there would be for the lion, probably - she already knew that hybrids weren't as well liked, and she didn't have the curves that Mughriya was growing - but she'd get there.

Her big sister leaned down, tapping her on the nose.

"You're thinking about something."

"Hehe, was it that obvious?"

"Yeah. You go all spacy. Kinda like when you get your pussy licked."

"That's because you do such a good job!"

"That's besides the point. What are you thinking about, Akh?"

Rubbing the back of her head, the little feline tried to think about how to say it. After all, it was a little weird, wasn't it? Little girls like her were supposed to go to school, stay home, and maybe - if they were good - take part in the whole birthday orgies that came around. Other than that, they were supposed to be nice, quiet girls.

Yet, the idea of being on stage...

She looked at the pole again, but before she could say anything, Mughriya nudged her with her tail tip.

"I know what you're thinking, I bet."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. And I say, go for it."


"Hell yeah. I mean, you and me, sisters on stage? We'd have them eating out of our hands in seconds. You know how all those males can be. They'll go nuts if they find out that they have two sisters showing off in front of them."

"Really? Think they'll start begging for more?"

"Heh, I think I'll have you begging for more, first."

Mughriya's fingers slipped down her leg as her sister snuggled up next to her, and she gasped at the feeling of those soft fingers working up her thigh, towards her sex. She blushed, squeezing down on the lioness's hand before it could go further, but her big sister was stronger than her, forcing it further, further, until -


The first claw touched her sex, and she went limp. She went down as her sister pushed her back, looming over her with one finger deep inside of her already, and the others pressing against her little sex.

The three years of difference between them definitely showed. Mughriya's breasts hung down just enough to tease her, and unlike her body, there were curves down on her older sister's hips that she didn't have yet. She blushed as her big sister started to slide her finger back and forth, gently easing her open, and she bit her finger to not make too much noise as she started to get rather wet.

It didn't get any easier when the lioness pushed her back, leaning her up against the side of the bed and spreading her legs even further. Mughriya spat on her clit and started rubbing it, hard and fast, and Akhsaba gasped, arching her back and thrusting her hips forward before she could stop herself.

"Mmmph! Ah!"

"Heh, I told you that I could make you beg for more. You want another finger, little sis?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

The feeling of a second clawed finger working its way into her sex was beyond what she was ready for. The little hybrid panted, her mouth open wide and her fangs digging into her tongue at the feeling of her pussy spreading open. She whined, her hips hunching forward to take it further, to feel it scratching at the itch that had been awakened.

It didn't get any easier as her sister leaned down, biting at one of her nipples. Those fangs were gentle, but she still felt the pricking feeling of the teeth working her over. She moaned, pressing her flat chest upwards.


"Heh, thinking of all those men watching us, Akh?"


"Thinking of them begging us for more?"


"I bet you'd cum for them, hugging that stripper pole as I fingered you over the edge again and again...making all those cute little sounds...Come on, cum for your big sis. Come for me, Akh!"

The little feline had little choice in the matter. With a whimper and a shiver, she shoved herself down on the lioness's fingers and came. Her toes curled in the carpet, and she covered her mouth with both hands as she squirted all over the place, her eyes closing tight as the pleasure washed over her. She felt the little pin-pricks of her sister's claws in her sex, feeling them every time she squeezed down from her orgasm.

Mughriya slowly pulled her fingers free, and the little feline slipped down, panting as she collapsed on the floor.

"Hehehehe, looks like you need some stamina training."


"...Hey, do you want to dance with me, tomorrow?"


The End

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