Who's the Bitch Now?

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A much-delayed stand-alone story for Catsithx, involving a drunken bet involving fucking a stripper that goes wrong in all sorts of ways.

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Who's the Bitch Now? For Catsithx By Draconicon

To Felix, clubs were good for precisely two things: getting drunk, and getting tail. So far, the feline was doing very well at the former, though not as good as the wolf on his left. Laughing, he smacked Devil on the shoulder a couple of times.

"Chugging away, are ya? You're never gonna get to taste it, like that."

"Ain't wanting to taste it. Just wanna get it down so I can hit on the girls."

"Heh, well, we got our pick tonight, don't we?"

He turned around on the bar stool, looking towards the girls on the dance floor, and past them to the ladies that were swinging on the poles. The black-furred cat chuckled, his tail twitching back and forth over the bar as he bobbed his head to the music.

It was quite the view, too. There were three ladies on the club stages, two of them slowly circling their poles and strutting around in high heels. One was a wolf, the other a lizard, though neither of them commanded the attention of the sergal in the city. He sipped at his drink as he looked her over, the world swimming slightly around her.

She was gorgeous. Red fur fell like a waterfall from the back of her head and from her ankles, and she swung it around like streamers around her body as she lifted and lowered her legs. Though she still had her panties on, he could make out a lovely wet cameltoe between her legs, and it left him grinning and groping himself as she kept flaunting it to the crowd, grinding it into the stripper pole, and rubbing her hand down over it for them to see.

"I bet I can make that one my bitch tonight."

"That one? HA! Sergals don't bend over for cats, I bet."

"That one, I bet, will do it."

His cock was already throbbing at the idea. She was such a lithe little thing, without the heavy curves that the wolfess had or the too-smooth look of the lizard. He wanted to feel her around his cock, feel those warm, limber legs around his waist. It would be the night of his life. And hers, if he did it right.

He tossed back the rest of his drink, shaking his head.

"I'm gonna get her."

"You're gonna fall flat on your face, bro."

"Yeah? Bet on it."

"Heh, okay. $50 says that she turns you down."

"Get ready to fork over drinking money for next week."

Felix pushed his glass out of the way and stepped off of his stool. He wobbled back and forth a few times as he tried to find his balance, everything seeming to spin for a little while before he managed to stop sliding back and forth. The crowd opened ahead of him, letting him walk through the dance floor towards the stripper stages. He ignored the other two, and headed right for the sergal.

She looked up at him - or at least, he thought she did - as he walked up. The music for her dance sounded like it was finishing up, and the cat waved at her.

"How much for a private dance?!"

"Heh, little drunk already, aren't you, little guy?"

"Maybe a little. Still looking for a good dancer."

"Okay, kitty. Why don't you take one of those side rooms, and when I finish, I'll be along."

Okay, part one of the plan is working. Privacy. Always good to have some privacy.

Still, he took longer to get there than he wanted. The world was spinning from how much he'd drunk, and the black cat hoped that he'd still be able to get his dick up when the moment came for it. The last thing he needed tonight was a downer dick.

The private rooms weren't that big, but he supposed that they didn't need to be. There was a small stage with a pole, a chair, and about five feet of space between them. He knew the club rules. Technically, he wasn't supposed to touch any of the dancers, and while they could touch him, they could only go so far.

Not as far as he wanted to go, but he was pretty sure that a fat wad of cash would get him exactly what he wanted. The money wasn't the point with this bet. It was pride.

Felix sat down on the chair, his back to the door as he started undoing his pants. His cock was twitching a bit, no longer completely hard, but definitely not soft. It was still working for what he wanted it to do, at least. He gave it a few strokes, keeping it standing free of his sheath.

He didn't have to wait long before the sergal came by. The door opened with a click, and he heard the music from the rest of the club for a second before it closed again. The sound of swishing fur filled his ears as she walked over to him, and she only chuckled at the sight of him with his cock out.

"Looks like you're already eager, kitty cat. You want a dance, huh?"

She slid over him before he could say anything, her breasts swaying in his face, her nipples almost touching his cheeks from how close she got. She straddled the chair, her furry thighs almost grinding against his, her crotch less than a centimeter from his exposed dick. If she hadn't been wearing panties...

What the hell...I can enjoy this for a little while...

Felix leaned back in the chair, grinning happily as the sergal danced over him, her breasts bouncing back and forth in front of his face, her crotch so close to his own. He could feel the passage of her panties just above his cock, almost grinding into him but pulling away at the last second. His dick kept throbbing, harder and harder as he watched her, and she seemed to smirk at him.

She wouldn't be smirking for long.

Though he kept his hands off of her, he started to shift in his seat, moving in slow ways - he had to be slow, or he'd mess it up considering how drunk he felt - and touching his dick to her from time to time, by 'accident.' She never stopped moving, so he was pretty sure that he was doing it right.

On the third time that his cock bumped into her, though, he felt something.

The hell...

His eyes dropped from her breasts, and he took a closer look down at her panties. Now that he was seeing them up close, he thought that her cameltoe looked a little weird. Not as folded as some girls looked. Kinda...kinda rolled or something...

Another bump and grind, and this time he knew why he was feeling something. He felt it all the time making his way through crowds of people. Bumping up against other people, sliding past...that was a fucking DICK!

He froze, staring down at her before slowly bringing his eyes back up. The dance had stopped, and she looked...kind of annoyed.

"Looks like you're not drunk enough to miss seeing that. You got a problem with a herm, mister?"


"Uh-huh. Fine. Maybe we should stop the dance there. You owe me -"

"Wait, wait."

Felix shook his head, shuffling back a bit.

"I don't want...let me try and explain..."

"Yeah, hurry it up. If you're done watching me dance, I got a lot of other tips that are waiting for me out there."

"Hey, hey, I got more than that here."

He finally managed to reach down to a pocket, pulling out a wad of bills. It was something like three hundred dollars, all rolled together nice and tight. He held it up, and the sergal looked at it, and not without interest. That was something, at least.

He put it down on the arm of the chair.

"I made a bet with a friend that I could get you to be my bitch for the night."

"You bet that you could make a stripper into a whore."


"Pretty fucking stupid."

"Yeah, well...you're sexy, and I wanted to try."

"You thought you could bribe me?"


The sergal sniffed at him, pulling off of his lap. Now that he was staring at her from behind, he couldn't see that bulge anymore, and it was hard to remember that she wasn't all female. Felix shook his head, trying to keep his mind on track.

"Look, it's just a one-time thing. I pay you for a bit of fun, you spread your legs, and then you tell my friend that I managed to do it. That's all. I never bother you again after that. You want that money? That's all I'm asking."

"All, huh? You think that's all? Do you even know who you're talking to?"

"Well...uh...stripper #2?"

"My name is Sylin. And the fact that..."

"Look, I just want to do this. You can let me have a shot, right? Just one time?"

The sergal - Sylin - looked over her shoulder at him. She looked annoyed, and then he saw a twinkle in her eye, as if she'd come up with something out of the blue. He didn't really have time to think of what it was, particularly as she turned around and her breasts were back in his face. Such sexy, sexy breasts...

"I think we can come to an accommodation, kitty. You do something for me, first, and you get to have the chance to fuck me. All for free."

"Free, huh?"

"Of course, you have to -"

"Don't care. Free pussy. Will do."

"...you really aren't that bright, are you?"

He shrugged. He was probably drunker than he thought, all things considered, but it was better than sitting back at the bar and wasting time fantasizing about the women. This way, at least, he was getting some action, while his friend was still back in the bar, staring at them and fondling himself.

Don't think about Devil fondling himself, he thought as his dick flagged.

Still, Sylin seemed quite happy to go through with the deal. Or, at least, she seemed willing. She pulled down her panties, throwing them off to the side with a kick, and he had a perfect view of what lay there.

A dick. A big, fat dick that was still rising up. She must have tucked it down between her legs, forcing it out of the way while she was dancing, and the little bit of tape along the head of it told him how she'd kept it from flying out when she was done. He blushed a little as he realized how creative that was, and blushed more as she spread her legs, lifting her balls to let him see the pussy behind it.

Damp, slick, and dripping, it had to be from anticipation, or from showing herself off. Maybe the sergal wasn't so angry about this as she was acting. Maybe she was just that horny, like he was.

He started to reach for her, but she pushed him right back into the chair, and straddled it again. This time, her dick was right in front of him, and he could smell it. Just like some of the jockstrap smells from the gym, except with a mix of something feminine on it as well.

"Get that...outta my face..."

"Heh, you shoulda listened. If you wanna fuck me, I get to face-fuck you with this thing."


"You heard me. You ain't getting Sylin's pussy without my dick getting your face."

"...You gotta be kidding me."

"That's my rule, kitty. You want it? You suck me first. Or I can just -"

"Just...just gimme a second..."

He stared at the thick shaft. It wasn't quite as huge as some of the porn stars that he'd seen, though it was big enough to be intimidating. Hell, any dick on a chick was big enough to be intimidating. The black cat thought about it, though. Thought about the prize on the other end. If he could just suck her off, he'd have bragging rights that he'd managed to bang a stripper and make her beg for more.

And she'd back him up.

Just think about the prize, just think about the prize.

If he hadn't been as drunk as he was, he probably wouldn't have gone for it. It was so gay, so wrong, but the stripper was so sexy...

Opening his mouth, he dragged the tip past his lips. It was already salty tasting, and he groaned as he felt it dripping along his tongue. It was musky as fuck, and he could smell it with every breath he took. Inescapable, considering that his mouth was too busy to be breathing at the time.

She pressed a hand to the back of his head, bringing him forward on her cock before he was ready. He groaned, coughing around it as the tip worked towards the back of his muzzle, and he groaned even louder as it touched the back of his throat. He smacked her hip a few times, trying to make her stop, and thankfully she did.

"Heh, not so easy, is it, you little cock slut?"


"Don't worry. It gets even harder. Just keep on going."

Not liking the sound of that but having little choice, he did just that. He leaned forward more, taking the shaft into his mouth and throat a little bit more. It felt like it was forcing its way into his neck, breaking past something in order to fit. Almost immediately, his throat started seizing up, trying to push it out, and he had to back off.

Sylin didn't let him stay back for long, though, and immediately forced him back down the shaft. He gagged around it, unable to do more than cough as it pierced his throat again. In and out, in and out, never letting him rest off of it for more than a few seconds before she slammed him down again. Each time it slipped into his neck, he felt it go further, and further, and his gagging got worse and worse.

He could feel her fur getting closer to his face, too, her crotch fur tickling at his nose and carrying the rank smell of cock with it. She smelled so much like she tasted. Salty and musky.

"Heh, you're just a little cock whore, aren't you? You ever actually sucked someone before? Starting to feel like you got a hunger for it."

She slammed in before he could protest, her cock going right down to the base. He was caught completely off-guard, his eyes rolling back as his throat was taken up completely. He gagged, his throat spasming around her shaft, his chin resting against her balls.

"Look at that, cock whore. You're actually taking the whole thing. Who would have thought that a little male like you could have done something like that."

He was beyond grateful when she slowly pulled back, giving him a chance to breathe again. His eyes were watering, his neck was sore, and god-damn did he feel humiliated...

But the black cat had taken the whole thing. He could...he could probably do this.

She pulled her dick all the way out of his mouth, and he coughed and sputtered when his mouth was free. Felix rubbed at his throat, looking at the way that her dick was covered in his drool. A string of goo connected his lips to her tip, and she smirked down at him.

"Heh, you sure you want to pay that price, cock whore? You can still back out."

"I'm...I'm gonna...gonna do it. Just fuck my face...and then I'll fuck you."

The sergal's eyes went up. He guessed that it impressed her or something, because she didn't just ram it back in. Maybe she thought that he'd back off if she kept teasing him about her cock. Maybe she thought that he was a wimp that wouldn't take it when he realized what the cost was.

Hell, he probably wouldn't have, if he was sober. But the chance to get that ass and rub it in Devil's face...that was worth everything.

He opened his mouth as she pressed the cock tip back against his lips, and barely bit back a groan as she slammed back in. In and out, in and out her cock went, no mercy this time as she rammed it all the way to the back of his throat with every thrust. He gagged around it, but less and less with each thrust.

Soon, he was taking it all the way to the base, his head slammed back against the back of the chair, his mouth occupied entirely with keeping his teeth out of the way of her dick. It slammed into his throat, pushing down into it, and he couldn't get away from the smell or the taste. He coughed when she pulled back into his mouth, he swallowed and breathed where he could, and he was tearing up all over the place from the rough treatment. It was beyond anything that he'd expected.

The smell, the musk, the throbbing nature of her cock on his tongue...it was absolutely horrible, but he could feel that she was getting close. She'd blow her load down his throat before long.

"Mmmph...credit where it's due...you little cock whore...you can take it good. Now, wonder if...you can swallow it all..."

Swallow? He had to swallow, too?! That was...

The feline groaned. He was so close. He couldn't afford to lose it now. He had to do it, or it would have been just useless to go this far. Felix started swallowing faster and faster, trying to keep himself ready for the load that was coming, and he felt her cock leap and twitch as a result.

She fucked his face all the harder, the sergal ramming him back with every thrust of her hips, her balls beating a quick tempo on his chin, and he knew that he'd need to hit the restroom before going back to Devil if he didn't want to smell like he'd gotten face-fucked. At the same time...

They were pulling up, her cock was twitching. She was close. She was -

"Mmmph! Cumming!"

She pulled back to his mouth, and her load came shooting out. The squirting seed against the back of his throat almost pushed his gag reflex to come back, and he had to struggle to swallow any of it. His mouth flooded with the salty, thick, hot stuff, and he had to force it to go back down his neck. Felix forced himself, made himself keep swallowing, even when his stomach threatened to come flying back up with all of its contents, drinks and cum and all.

The sergal had no mercy, and Sylin didn't pull back until her cock had stopped dribbling in his mouth. She grabbed him, looking in his mouth to see if he'd lost any of it.

Heh...joke's on you...

He coughed a couple of times when she let go, rubbing his face.

"Ugh...that sucked..."

"You pretended to like it well enough. Heh. Looks like you could be a stripper or a whore yourself."

"Shut up..."

"Heh. Anyway, a deal's a deal."

She walked over to the stage, and bent forward over it. Her tail went up, red and white fur running down over her back as she reached back with one hand and spread her ass cheeks. Her pussy and her ass were completely on display, and his cock - flagging during the blowjob - went right back up at the sight.

He walked over to her, rubbing her ass cheeks. He was so tempted to fuck her up the ass, to use her tighter hole for all that she'd put him through, but there was something so tempting about that slick sex. It was just begging for him to use it, begging for him to fill and fuck and leave drooling with his seed.

Besides...he needed something to re-affirm his love of ladies after giving a blowjob, and nothing was more ladylike than pussy.

The black cat grabbed her by the hips and rammed himself in, his cock sliding past into her hard enough to leave her gasping. She groaned as she leaned forward, her hands leaving little claw marks on the stage. He bottomed out, and she slowly...chuckled?

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing...just that you're so eager to get inside me, for being a cock whore."

He spanked her, groaning as he felt the ripple of her ass cheek and the sudden tightening inside.

"Don't call me that. I don't want cocks."

"You sucked mine well enough. Alright...get to fucking, you jerk. I got more work to do."

Much as her attitude was a mood killer, her body did everything right, and it was more than enticing enough to pull him back to the task at hand. He pulled back until just the head of his cock was inside of her before slamming in again...and again...and again.

Each time she bounced against him, sliding forward a little over the stage before coming back to meet him. He heard her cock swinging around beneath her, the soft slap of her breasts swinging forward and back, and it was enough to keep him going. Felix moaned as he slid into her tight sex, feeling it clasping around him, squeezing him, milking him with every thrust. She held him tight with it, making each penetration feel just as good as the last, if not better.

She was so, so wet, too, particularly when he spanked her. She squeezed down hard, making everything squishy and slick, and the soft squelching sound every time that he slammed in was music to his ears.

"Oh, is the little cock whore getting into it? Is he getting close to cumming in me already?"

The cat growled, smacking her ass again as he leaned over her, humping her and shoving her head down towards the stage. She groaned, her pussy tighter than ever around him, but she didn't stop.

"Look at you, you little slut. You're fucking me hard. Trying to prove that you didn't just suck me off? That you weren't just a little cock slut, desperate for someone to actually prove that you're not just a cock whore?"


She chuckled, shaking her head as he kept pounding away. His balls swung forward on every thrust, and he felt her grunt from the impact. He reached around her, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them, pulling on her nipples, stretching them forward as much as they would go with his grip. He rammed into her as hard as he could, not caring when he shoved her down on all fours.

Nothing worked. She just kept talking.

"Look at you, cock slut. Almost feels like you're a real man back there, with how hard you're humping. Trying to get yourself off fast so you can go back to your boyfriend, so you can get back to sucking him off? Never ends, you know. Once a cock slut, always a cock slut."

"I'm not...into...cock..."

"Oh, right, right. You just suck dick for pussy, right? It does nothing for you. That's why you were able to swallow it all the first time out. Why you were able to keep going right after. You don't care about dicks at allllllll. Cock slut."

He would have lashed out with more than a spank at that point, but he was just sober enough to know it was a bad idea. The club would ban him forever, even if he didn't get banned for doing this.

Just use her, cum, and go, Felix told himself.

And it wasn't like she wasn't enjoying it to some degree. She was wet enough around his dick, and she kept squeezing around him. That had to mean something, he was sure of that much. Felix kept humping away, feeling her pressing back, her ass jiggling and swaying every time that he slowed down, pulling him along to keep filling her.

He leaned forward, growling as he fought the urge to bite down. She looked back at him and smirked.

"Oh, look, the cock slut's thinking of proving that he's a real man. Think you can claim me? Gonna take more than a bite to do that. Looks like I could probably claim you with my dick faster than you could claim me. You'd probably like it more, too."

He groaned, humping away faster, harder. His cock was surrounded by that thick, wet, clasping grip of her pussy, pulling him on, making him thrust harder, faster. He couldn't stop. He was so close. She pressed back against him, forcing him in up to the hilt, making it so that he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.

"Go on, cock slut. Prove to yourself that you aren't just a dick lover. Cum inside me."

And that...that was exactly what he did. With a low, powerful groan, he came, squirting his seed deep inside of her. It exploded out of him, and his claws flexed past his fingers into her hips, holding her down on him as he came, and came, and came, his eyes rolling back in utter bliss.

It was just as good as he'd hoped. Well, lacking her legs around him, admittedly, but he couldn't have everything. The black cat slowly pulled out, watching with a grin as his seed oozed down from her sex, and tried to pretend that her balls weren't there. That it was just dripping from her to the stage.

To her credit, Sylin didn't do anything unprofessional. She walked over to the corner of the room, getting a couple of wipes, and dragged them over her sex. As she was cleaning up, he put his cock back into his pants and - after almost leaving without it - grabbed his money off of the chair and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Free, after all."

"You think that anything is really free?"

"You told me..."

"Don't worry. I'm not taking your money. And I'll tell your friend that you got that bet won. The wolf at the bar, yeah?"

"Yeah, that's...that's Devil."

He groaned. Some of the alcohol didn't seem to be liking everything else in his stomach.

"I gotta run to the bathroom."

"You do that, cock slut. Gotta wash all that pussy off of your dick so you don't ruin your real fun."

Felix barely heard her as he ran off, shaking his head.

Three months later...

"Seriously, dude, how the hell did you pull that off?! That sergal was smoking hot, and you got her to bang you?"

Felix grinned, rubbing his knuckles against his chest as if it'd been nothing. Not that Devil would ever know differently. The last thing he'd ever admit was what he'd done...that night.

A part of him felt a little guilty about dragging the stripper into the whole bet, about trying to bribe her before fucking her and leaving her there, but only a small part. Generally, he felt fucking great.

I banged a stripper, and it didn't cost me a penny.

The wolf shook him by the shoulder, bringing him back to reality before the real cost could assert itself again.

"Seriously, come on, what was the secret?"

"Charm, man. Just charm."

"Yeah, right. There's no way that you 'charmed' a sergal out of her panties quick enough to get off. If she hadn't told me that you did it, there's no way I'd believe it."

"Well, once she saw what I was packing -"


"Heh, believe what you want, then."

He leaned back against the couch, shaking his head. The whole thing had gone just about as well as it could have. He had bragging rights, Devil was envious as hell, and nobody had to know just what he'd done. Nobody had to know that he'd sucked dick to get at that stripper.

Cock slut.

Though he wished those memories would fade as much as the pleasurable ones had. Her pussy had been great, but those were the words that lingered for him.

Felix was about to get up for a drink when he heard the doorbell ring. He blinked.

"Were you inviting someone over?"

"Nah. You?"


Walking over to the front door, he wondered who it could be. He didn't have that many people that he hung out with, and with Devil already here and the pair of them planning to spend the day just hanging out, he hadn't thought that anyone else would bother to come around. He looked through the peephole, and blinked.


There was no mistaking the sergal with that red hair and fluff. She looked through the peephole in return, as if she could see him, and she was...smirking.

He didn't like the sight.

As much as he was tempted to leave her on the doorstep, he slowly undid the lock and opened the door. He forced a smile, chuckling nervously.

"So, uh...hi."

"Hello, 'daddy.'"

Daddy. The single word hit him like a hammer, and his eyes dropped down to her belly, hoping that it was just a horrible joke.

It wasn't. While she hadn't grown tremendously over the past few months, it was clear that she had grown enough to match the timeframe since their...meeting. His eyes went back up to her as he paled, and she chuckled.

"Aren't you going to let me in? I have to live with the child's father, you know."

As she pushed by him, she chuckled again, whispering.

"I told you nothing is really free..."

The End

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