Sharing the Ride

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Kemper and Cara share a car on the way to a convention, but end up sharing much more than just the cost! :3

This story was written for Kemper as part of my Patron only request days for November! It contains M/F sex between consenting adults in a semi-public setting. :3

Sharing the Ride

Kemper wasn't used to the whole rideshare app thing, but when he saw how much cheaper it was compared to a regular taxi, he couldn't really argue. The black and white spotted feline felt his phone buzz, and after checking the notification spotted his car almost immediately. It was sitting amidst a rank of other taxis and ubers, and like most of the others it too had its pick-up sign unlit, providing dedicated transport between the train station and the convention centre on the other side of town towards where countless eager attendees were making their way. Attendees just like Kemper, bags in hand and heart already racing with anticipation for the days to come.

Waving his phone at the driver through the window to show that he was meant to be in this particular car, Kemper was soon granted access to the rear seats. It was a London style cab, though painted white and red rather than the traditional black, which meant that there were seats facing both forward and rearward within the spacious back. Kemper opted for the rear facing seat, and for a minute or two chatted pleasantly with the driver through the small hatch between the two compartments of the car as they waited for the other individual with whom the cost of this ride was being split.

Soon enough, she appeared. A mouse, grey furred, dark haired, slightly plump and beaming from ear to ear. Despite the cool air she was dressed in a light and airy green sundress, and with a holdall slung over one shoulder, its central strap pressed between the buxom curves of her chest, stretching the fabric across them rather firmly. Kemper frowned at himself for noticing such things, for being so inappropriate and rude to a total stranger, but smiled and nodded politely as the rodent let herself into the back of the cab and flopped down rather casually across the seats directly opposite Kemper.

"Alright folks, should have you at the convention centre in about twenty minutes, traffic being what it is. Buzz the intercom if you need anything."

The driver closed the small hatch between himself and the rear of the car, thus leaving Kemper and the mouse entirely alone as he pulled out of his spot and began to carry them to their destination. Silence filled the air, but only briefly. The mouse giggled as she tugged the strap of her bag over her head, and dropped it to the floor between them with a grunt of relief to have its weighty burden removed at last.

"Goddamn, I think I may have packed for a week or two too many..."

Kemper chuckled, and patted his own rather full luggage seated next to him.

"I know. It's not my first time at one of these shows, you'd think I'd remember to leave space for con swag. I... uh, I'm Kemper, by the way."

Extending a paw warmly, the feline couldn't help but beam as the mouse took it warmly and without hesitation.

"I'm Cara. And you... you're super cute."

She held onto his hand. And held it. And held it, long after the contact stopped being a handshake and became more of an embrace. An unexpected, though not wholly unwanted embrace. Kemper's eyes widened as Cara licked around her lips and gave another giggle.

"You know how you hear stories about conventions? About... hook ups? Fun that lasts for the length of the con, and leaves the attendees in question with happy memories and stories to tell for the rest of their year?"

Kemper swallowed thickly, and nodded.


He watched as Cara's hand removed itself from his, and the mouse leaned back in her seat. She giggled as her legs parted, just a little at first, but getting wider and wider in their spread until the fabric of her dress was being stretched and pulled up the length of his gorgeous grey furred thighs. One of her hands aided its motion, lifting the fabric, teasing it up until her panties were visible. Colourful, cotton, certainly not underwear made for seduction, and yet the most erotic sight Kemper had seen since he'd last hung out with Willow.

"I've been travelling all day. Waiting for a chance... but not finding out. But, something tells me... something in your eyes, Kemper... that you won't mind. That you're the kind of guy who wouldn't begrudge a lady the chance to relieve some urges. You don't mind, do you?"

She bit her bottom lip, not to be seductive or teasing, but genuinely stifling a gasp of pleasure and obvious arousal as she slid the crotch of her panties to the side, and exposed the pink flesh of her pussy to the feline male's gaze. A few seconds later the panties slipped back into place, but only for as long as it took Cara to brace herself against the back of her seat, lift her rump off of its firm faux-leather and begin to tease her panties entirely off down the length of her legs. She grinned as Kemper watched, eyes fixated upon the fabric as it dropped to the ground, then rapidly rising as her body slid back into place, and one hand moved to tug up her dress and expose her now bare crotch once more.

The grey fur that surrounded her nether regions, neatly trimmed as it was, made the pink of her lips and the flesh between them all the more deliciously vivid. Even before Cara's teasing fingers spread herself open, drawing a lengthy, breathless moan from the mouse as she showed her pussy's interior off to the near total stranger sitting across from her, Kemper was overwhelmed with arousal. And afterwards, there was no altering what he was going to do next. No possible alternative way he could respond to such an obvious and delectable offer.

Unable to believe what he was doing, simultaneously wholly aware and yet entirely unconcerned by the fact that they were in a taxi moving through streets crowded with people, and with a driver who had easy access to a hatch that would allow him to see back here at any given moment, the feline unbuckled his belt. He unzipped the front of his black slacks, and popped open the final button that held his already swelling crotch trapped within. He moaned, but it was Cara who gave by far the louder cry as the white spotted male exposed his cock.

"O-oh god..."

Kemper blushed. He hadn't been with an obscenely large number of women, but could admit to enjoying the often surprised, more commonly delighted response when ladies caught the first glimpse of his hybrid, canine heritage. His cock that bore not barbs, however rubbery and painless, but rather a girthy knot already visible when primarily unswollen at his base.

"Oh god, I... I lucked out finding you sitting across from me, didn't I?"

Cara's lustful giggles only made Kemper's face burn brighter and brighter beneath his fur, and yet the feline gave a toothy grin as he boldly wrapped a hand around his cock, squeezing its base and shuddering in pleasure.

"I... a-ah... I think I'm the one who lucked out. But, I'm willing to call it a draw if you are."

Sabretoothed feline and mouse beamed at one another over reddened cheeks, shuddering and moaning under their breath as they began to masturbate to the sight of the other person doing the very same. Kemper tenderly slid his hand up and down his shaft, and watched as Cara spread the folds of her pussy back to expose the swollen bump of her clit, flicking and teasing it with a single middle digit while occasionally dipping that same finger inside of herself. They stretched and sprawled out comfortably in their seats across from one another, and it wasn't long before they were playing a casual game of footsie alongside their masturbatory fun. Cara's pink and furless feet caressed Kemper's own, and as his toes curled with every moan and whimper to escape the mouse, he could feel her digits doing the very same in time with the visible contractions and pleasantly lewd drooling of her increasingly worked up nether regions.

"Kemper... I... o-ohh... I..."

He thought he knew what Cara was about to say. What she was about to announce that she was ready, or almost ready, to do. Thus, boldly and passionately, he growled to her before she even had a chance to finish.

"Then do it. Just... oh god, do it, Cara. Now."

The mouse's eyes bulged. She squeaked in lustful hunger, and before the feline knew what was happening, she launched herself across the back of the taxi at him. Only when she was straddling him, and one of her hands was guiding his cock into place as she wiggled and whimpered her pussy down over his throbbing, achingly hard member, did she finish her needy plea. And only then did Kemper realise what he had signed on for.

"I... I know we should wait. That we'll be there soon... that we can go up to one of our rooms and... b-but... oh god, I want that cock inside me. I want that knot stretching me. I'm gonna cum, a-and... I want your cock to be what I'm squeezing, what I'm soaking when I do."

Mere seconds later, Cara was sinking herself down around the wide eyed and stunned male's cock. She was riding him. Fucking him, right there in the back seat of the same taxi in which they had met barely ten minutes before. And though he would not have been able to even imagine such things happening to him just eleven minutes before, Kemper wasn't just letting it happen. He was grasping Cara by the thighs. He was running his hands up beneath her dress, teasing it up and off her trembling body as they both looked out through the windows, trying to remember whether they were tinted or not as they moaned and kissed feverishly. He was bouncing her. Bucking her upon his lap as she grunted and squealed in mindless pleasure.

And he was going to cum in her.

Soon. Very soon, he was going to cum inside this woman, this almost total stranger. But he wasn't ashamed. He wasn't embarrassed. Right then, he couldn't even be shocked by that fact any more.

He was too busy making sure that when his orgasm arrived, and he sent his seed pouring out deep into the mouse's quivering depths, she was right there alongside him screaming, and clutching, and cumming hard and loudly enough that their driver would get the hint, and perhaps circle the block long enough for them to do it all over again.

By Jeeves

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