Choosing the Chew

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A micro undergoes a very pleasant and oh so edible transformation, much to the delight of the individual helping him do so. <3

This story was written for Serling as part of my Patron only request days for November! It contains TF, size play and consensual soft vore (of a sort?) involving consenting adults. :3

Choosing the Chew

Ryan stood before no less than a dozen vats of bubbling, rather thick and sticky looking goo, each glass container the size of a hot tub to the three inch micro's tiny body. The rabbit beamed as he looked at each one in turn, padding up and down the large counter upon which they stood, reading over each of the labels emblazoned upon the vats. Orange. Peppermint. Marshmallow. Strawberry. Tutti frutti. All flavours that would have been pleasant to a great many people, and no doubt had been. He was far from the first to be here. After all, it had come at the recommendation of several friends. But now... now it was his turn, and that meant the choice of flavour was down to him, and him alone.

Turning upon the spot, the little rabbit blushed as he saw that the lab-coat wearing and bespectacled fennec fox standing and awaiting his decision was looking right at him. Looking at his morsel of a form in its pale blue cloth robe and not a stitch of clothing more with that sort of toothy grin he'd seen on countless predator's faces in his day, and which never failed to make him feel both terrified, yet delightfully warm and giddy as well.

"I... uh, I think I'm gonna go traditional, peppermint."

The fennec licked her lips.

"Good choice, sir. I have to say... it's actually my personal favourite."

Ryan's eyes widened, but before he could ask the much taller woman if she was saying what it sounded like she was saying, she spoke up again. After all, she had a job to do here, and now that he had made his choice that job was about to enter its most integral, and probably most fun, stage. Overseeing the conversion process itself.

"Let me just get things set up at the conversion station, Ryan, and we'll get you all minty fresh for whatever lucky lady... u-uh, or gentleman, of course, is going to be spending their day with you."

The rabbit watched, trembling with eager curiosity, as the fennec did as she said she would. She carried the vat, to her just a roughly bucket sized vessel full of the gooey bluish green slime, over to the conversion station, and poured it into a more shallow but broad metal trough. Several buttons with LEDs set into them were positioned across the top of the trough, and she depressed a few of them, the lights springing to life as she did so. Following that she gathered several other items from stainless steel drawers located close by, some sterile cloth wipes, a pair of blue gloves and various other accessories for keeping things clean and sanitary, before returning to Ryan's side of the room and placing one upturned palm flat upon the counter beside him.

"Unless you have any further questions, I think all the paperwork is already signed, so..."

She gestured to her outstretched hand, and without hesitation the micro bunny hopped up onto it. He sat down, cross-legged in the sandy furred female's palm, and smiled pleasantly as she conveyed him from one end of the room to the other, soon setting him down again and allowing the grey furred rabbit to pad over to the edge of the trough now containing all of that bluish green goo. Now that it was free from its glass vat, he could smell it. The rich, almost overwhelming aroma of peppermint. It made his mouth water, and his whole body shiver as he considered what it meant that he was close enough to smell it.

Peering out into the gooey lake, the micro now noticed that it was beginning to bubble gently. Not to any extreme that might suggest it was boiling, but bubbling as heat, or perhaps just air, was passed through it from below. He smiled at that thought, for while the room was pleasantly warm, the idea of jumping into goo that might be much colder was not particularly appealing. As thirty or forty seconds passed by though, the fennec fox patiently waiting as the micro paced up and down while watching the trough's contents bubble more and more, he could feel warmth rising off the liquid. It even seemed a little less viscous and cloying now. Less like semi-dried glue and more akin to... well, some sort of thick custard, perhaps?

Glancing over his shoulder, Ryan blushed as he saw the fennec licking her lips again, still looking right at him. He didn't need to say anything for her to nod her head with encouragement, and felt pleased rather than embarrassed when her cheeks flushed, and she nibbled at her bottom lip as he began to unfasten the cloth ties at the front of his robe.

Nude now, bare from the white furred tips of his ears to his toes, the bunny dipped a single foot into the trough. He gasped, but again, pleasantly so. It was warm. It was gooey. It tingled as the substance touched his foot, and...


A finger, just one single finger, pushed the three inch bunny from behind. He windmilled his arms as he teetered on the edge of the pool, peered back over his shoulder once again just in time to see the fennec pressing a hand to her muzzle to hold back her laughter, and then toppled helplessly forwards. He landed in the gooey blue-green slime with a thick slurping splash, and as the tingling consumed his whole body, gurgling as the minty substance poured down his throat before he could even try to cease his cry of shock, he instantly felt the change begin.

"A-aaahh... ohh god..."

He tried to pull himself upright, to stand, even to sit in the trough of slimy ooze, but it was no good. It clung to him, pulling him back down as he thrashed and splashed. It was almost like the gooey substance was bonding with his fur and flesh, and given that it had covered his entire body as he was pushed into it... well, that didn't leave much room for escape. He tasted the strong mintiness with every gasp for air, but didn't choke, didn't drown. It flooded into his muzzle, down his throat and into his lungs, but the rabbit's breathing wasn't impaired as he now realised that the need to breath was simply gone. He shouldn't have been surprised, after all he did know precisely what was meant to be happening to him here... but the fact he had been pushed, rather than being allowed to enter the trough at his own pace, it had totally thrown him off guard.

Only now, as he began to regain some semblance of control over his racing heartbeat, did Ryan begin to realise that the sensations overwhelming him right now were actually rather pleasant, if intensely strange. Now he was certain of it, the gooey substance was in fact binding to him. More than that actually, it was replacing his fur and flesh. Remaining solid and in the same shape as his former, bunny self, but no longer flesh and blood. Now he was mint. Now he was sticky, ooey-gooey goodness given solid form. Every movement, every sound he made, it was all impossible now as his lungs and muscles and everything that made him live was replaced by this miraculous chemical concoction. Yet still he moved, still he laughed and splashed around in the pool as it rebuilt him little by little, every second that passed by causing the ticklish tingling sensation to grow all the more powerful, until finally it ceased... and thus signalled that the change, whatever it was a change into, had finally reached its end.

For another minute or two the now bluish, goo covered bunny continued to swim and splash around, until he heard someone clear their throat from close by. He raised his head out of the slimey substance, and saw a familiar face smiling down at him. The fennec. He gasped, having forgotten all about her in this brief but exciting transformation's duration, and began to first swim, then paddle and crawl his way to the trough's edge once more.

She was there, or rather one of her hands was, right at the trough's edge waiting for him with a sterile wipe that was larger than his entire body twice over. She wrapped him up in it so delicately, and began to wipe him down from top to bottom. He laughed as her touch tickled his still rather sensitive form, but that laughter trailed off into gasps of pleasant if a little stunned joy when he saw what lay beneath the slime now being cleaned off of him. He was blue, speckled with little dots of a paler aquamarine green. His body was smooth and slightly shiny, with not only no fur, but no distinguishing features of his gender remaining. No nipples upon his chest. No male regions upon his smooth, flat crotch. Not even a belly button to mark him as a thing that had been born. He was still the shape of a bunny... but whether he could call himself a bunny any more and really mean it, Ryan wasn't sure.

He touched himself. Caressed his body, and giggled as the strong tingling, ticklish sensation resumed. Shivering happily he forced himself to stop before he got carried away, and beamed up at the fennec as she slipped off her plastic gloves and discarded the gooey cloth.

"You pushed me in..."

He was playful in his accusation, folding his hands over his little chest and pouting playfully. The fennec grinned, her cheeks reddening beneath her pale sandy fur once more.

"Can you blame me? You looked so tasty already, I at least wanted you to be in a state where I could act on those urges..."

Both of them blushed now, though it wasn't really visible upon Ryan's smooth blue cheeks. He shuffled bashfully upon his bare feet, and peered down at them as he asked the necessary question.

"Does that mean... do you, w-would you, like to be the one who... uh... who gets me?"

The fennec didn't answer. At least, not vocally. She just reached out, and with one strong and vast hand plucked the blue bunny up and off the counter. She lifted him to be level with her face, and opened her muzzle wide with a loud, purposefully exaggerated groan of hunger. Here she paused, and closed her muzzle again only after she heard the rabbit whimper... not in fright or terror, but in desire. More softly now, given his proximity to her maw, she whispered to him.

"If you would like to spend the day with me... it would be my absolute pleasure to be your muzzle."

Her tongue flicked out, and lashed across the front of the micro's already trembling body. Ryan gasped, and giggled uncontrollably as the tingling ticklish sensation erupted across every last micron of his blue form that was lavished by the fennec's tongue. He beamed as she gave a happy growl, and whispered again...

"God, I love peppermint..."

And then, before he could say another word of gratitude or eager anticipation, she did it. She did what Ryan had been waiting for someone to do to him for months, ever since he'd booked in his appointment here back in the summer. She tipped her head back, opened her muzzle wide, and playfully tossed the micro into her jaws before snapping them tightly shut.

There was no pain. Not a shred of discomfort as teeth tore through Ryan's body, pulling him... stretching him, squishing him as the smooth blue surface of his form was shattered and crushed, and the softer gooiness within was revealed. He wailed with delight while he still had some semblance of a muzzle with which to do so, but even when it too was chomped and squashed to unrecognisable proportions, he could still hear himself inside his own mind. Crying out with glee, laughing, squealing with mirth as with every bite and chew the fennec made against and around and with him, his body exploded with ticklish tingling a thousand times more powerful than he'd experienced while being transformed into this state.

And all the while, all around himself within the fennec's maw, the bunny could still somehow smell himself. He could smell the powerful peppermint aroma as it was spread throughout the fennec's muzzle the more she chewed and mangled and masticated his malleable form. Delicious, intoxicating, and an eternal reminder of his current state. He wasn't a bunny any more. Not even the shape of one. He was gum. Living, sentient gum. Chewable. Tasty. Gooey, stringy, sticky gum. And the more the fennec chewed him up, the more she tasted and delighted in his minty presence, the happier he'd be.

Squished between the back rows of the fennec's molars, then stretched out across her tongue and flicked to the far side of her muzzle, Ryan spent every moment not lost in giddy, wordless mirth considering how he could possibly pay the woman devouring him back for such an intimate and wonderful experience as this.

Of course, it never once occurred to him that much as he was having fun in that moment, she was too. The fennec, trying to focus on the rest of her day's work as she chewed and twisted and flattened and gnawed at the malleable man within her muzzle, was in a similar state of glee and a desperate desire to somehow thank Ryan for this chance. Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled as one thought occurred to her. A very bad, very unprofessional thought indeed.

There was one thing you were absolutely, definitely, positively not meant to do with gum. And yet, she'd heard stories... stories from other micros who had been through this same procedure, about the fun they'd had when the muzzle into whose care they were placed either accidentally or purposefully disobeyed that rule.

For now of course, she kept on chewing, just letting that silly fantasy be a fantasy. But it did remain there, locked in the back of her mind as she chomped and feasted upon the minty bunny's malleable self.

What might happen... what fun might she grant Ryan, if she were to do the unthinkable, and swallow her gum?

By Jeeves

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