Pokemon Breeding 101

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Any trainer knows that when you're searching for perfect IVs you need to breed your pokemon, but what happens while the trainer leaves their precious pokemon in the Day Care? :3

This story was written for Yui_olp as part of my Patron only request days for November! It contains M/F sexual acts between consenting adult pokemon. :3

Pokemon Breeding 101

"Alright you two, I'll give you some privacy..."

The two Nidoran looked around at the grassy garden in which they now found themselves, peering nervously up at the stranger who had released them from their poke-balls. An older man with an apron and the words 'Pokemon Daycare - Let us raise your precious pokemon' stretched across it in pleasant lettering. As he turned and wandered away though, back towards the house that sat within this fenced yard with its bushes and small, clear-watered pond, the two pokemon's eyes turned to one another. They didn't know one another, but a quick sniff of the air confirmed that they each bore the scent of the same trainer. He had caught them both, interacted with them both, and even though he hadn't introduced them beforehand, it was pretty obvious that they had been left here together to keep one another company.

Beyond that though, why here? What was a day-care? And why, not that they minded much either way, had that older human been smiling and chuckling to himself as he offered them privacy?

The two Nidoran approached one another, not particularly defensive or wary given the familiar scent they shared, and soon found their noses bumping together. A little chirping squeak escaped the female, followed by a slightly more coarse chirp from the male. Their eyes met as they nuzzled in a more affectionate greeting, and though neither of them knew why, they felt a little shiver run through their bodies. It was only when, quite by accident, their horns brushed together that they reached more strongly. With a loud squeak from each of them in almost perfect unison, they sprang back in embarrassment. Both lowered their heads close to the ground, ready to deliver a nervous apology to the other Nidoran. But when their eyes bashfully found themselves drawn to one another once more, they saw the glow upon one another's cheeks and realised something. Neither one of them were angry about that rather intimate contact. Neither one of them were hurt by the poison that coated their spines. In fact it didn't take them long to realise that what they were seeing in the other Nidoran's eyes was more than a lack of anger. The other pokemon seemed to almost have enjoyed the contact. Perhaps they'd even found it every bit as thrilling as they themselves had.

Crawling forward on his belly, half dragging himself playfully along the soft grassy ground that tickled at his specially softened and tender belly, the male Nidoran approached his new friend. He didn't just nuzzle her this time though, he licked at the tip of her nose. She gave a squeak, but a rather different kind of one from those he'd heard thus far. Almost a whine, like the female was anticipating something. And, before the male knew it, he was whining back at her. He licked her face again. And again. And then, before he could stop himself, he licked at the base of her horn.

From that moment, the chase was on. The female Nidoran gave a shrieking squeal of happiness and mirth, and after playfully lunging at the male and knocking him over onto his side, she bolted away. He chirped in giddy glee, and rushed off after her as fast as his four legs would carry him. Around and around the garden they raced. They dived under bushes, they splashed through the shallows of the pond, they ducked and weaved around the various little sculptures and toys that had been left their to presumably entertain them if they weren't quite so interested in entertaining one another. At points the chaser and chasee flipped almost without warning, no reason given beyond one of the pokemon suddenly spinning on their heels and racing towards rather than away from the other. He chased her. She chased him. And all the while as their bodies grew more and more filled with the hormones of physical exertion, the racing of the pokemon's hearts caused more liberal and potent quantities of poison to drool from the spines that crossed their compact but powerful bodies.

Quite what let the two pokemon know that they were each ready, even they couldn't say for sure. Maybe there was something in their scent, maybe something about the tone of their chirping squeaks of glee, or maybe it was just pure luck. For whatever reason though, the result was the same. The female stopped dead in her tracks as she was pursued by the male Nidoran, and with a squeal of frantic and pleading hunger, she pressed her head low to the ground and raised her backside up high.

For the first time, at least, the first time that he did so with any purposeful awareness, the male Nidoran found himself suddenly transfixed by what lay not so much nestled as rather obviously and prominently located between the other pokemon's hind limbs. His nose went crazy as he approached, slowly now and with a series of more sharp and guttural chirps. It twitched, it quivered, and it inhaled that sweet, musky scent rather deeply. A scent so different from the vitriolic tang of the poison that he could also smell dripping from the pores upon her spines, but one intoxicating in its own right, and even more so when combined with that other smell.

He shuddered, feeling his body reacting. Feeling his other 'horn' emerging in a way that he had only known it to do so back in his wild days, prior to being captured and trained. Back then he had buried his head between his legs and licked at that new horn to delightfully pleasant effect. But now... now instinct was telling him that it had a more defined purpose than just making him feel all light-headed and shivery, or filling his muzzle with unexpectedly sweet, salty fluids as it twitched and throbbed. It belonged between that other Nidoran's legs. It belonged inside her. And judging by her now frantic and impatient grunts as she clawed at the earth with her forelimbs, she was very much awaiting its arrival already.

The female gave another grunt, delighted and overwhelmed by these strange and lustful urges as her lower regions, those which in her wild days she had licked and nuzzled oh so enjoyably when alone, suddenly burned with a need for... for him. For the male of her kind. She could hear him creeping up behind her, his belly still dragging over the grass as he huffed and whined. Her toes dug into the grassy earth. Her eyes bulged, and more frantic whines and chirps erupted from her muzzle as at the last possible moment, with his hot breath washing over her twitching tail, the male Nidoran leapt upon her.

For a moment, both Nidoran held their breath as the female's spines upon her back dug into the belly of the male pokemon while he attempted to mount her. The soft, thick flesh of his belly absorbed the impact though, and while a few of the barbs did pierce the outermost layer of his skin, the poison that soaked in did not harm him. Indeed, as he felt it pouring into his bloodstream the male only felt more energised than ever. His eyes bulged, and he tossed his head back with a fierce cry as his arms clutched at the female beneath him, and he scrabbled for the perfect position. His hips twitched, the first purposeful, instinctive humps of what they now both realised was a mating ritual. Their mating ritual. And then, with an equally wild cry from the female as her male counterpart found his mark and drove his twitching cock into her nether regions, that ritual was over... and they were just doing it. Just mating, like it was something they'd been doing all their adult lives.

Grunting and huffing, the female Nidoran writhed in pleasure beneath the male as he bucked and thrust into her, his clawed forelimbs digging into her flesh and ensuring he had the perfect purchase from which to deliver thrust after urgent, seeking thrust deep inside her. His arousal stimulated the inner walls of her intimate flesh in a manner the female pokemon had never before experienced, her tongue's exploratory probings nowhere near as rough and forceful. She could feel herself convulsing within, little gushes of liquids that she didn't even know her body was capable of producing pouring out around his erection as it pumped feverishly in and out, making every thrust loud and wet with slurping passion.

The male meanwhile was focused with single-minded determination on just one goal. Those feelings he'd experienced before... that white substance that had poured from his cock out into his muzzle and the grassy ground upon which he had sat and pleased himself, he needed to put that inside of this female. He needed it so badly it was all he could think about. All he could do. Just thrust, and thrust, and thrust and thrust and thrust and thrust and... well, needless to say his hips were a blur, and his muzzle hung wide open in a mindless stream of chirps and breathless, strained cries.

The more passionately the two Nidoran mated, the more poison pumped itself into the male's bloodstream from his companion's barbed back digging into his stomach. And in turn, the more poison flooded him, the more passionately he bred her. It was an aphrodisiac of the most intense and potent variety, and it only worked for a comparable pairing such as them. Any other pokemon to attempt such a breeding would have barely made it a few thrusts before being driven off with nausea, but to the female's pleasure and glee, her poison was just fuel to her mate's already raging fire. She chirped and wailed in orgasmic rapture, her body clutching, milking at the male, and he gave a rasping cry as he began to pump hot ribbons of his seed deep within her, just as his body had demanded. But still the poison flowed. Still their hearts raced, and their bodies ached for one another's continued contact. They shuddered and writhed in orgasm, they rode out that pleasure to its very last dregs... and they kept going. Harder, faster, more feverishly needy than ever in search not just of release, but satisfaction from these un-tempered urges.

With their bodies locked together in ceaseless bouts of passionate mating, the two pokemon paid no heed to time. No heed to anything but one another, and of course the needs of their own bodies as they were granted orgasm after orgasm with barely the slightest trace of fatigue. At points, they emerged from an almost trancelike state to realise that they were not arranged as they had been before. Once the female was on her back, and the male was suckling upon her horn as he humped at her, dribbling and drooling her potent poison from his lips and letting her taste it mingled in with his own saliva. Once they were on their sides, bucking and shuddering as though they had fallen asleep, but kept on breeding all the while. Frequently the female found herself spread-eagled on the ground, all four limbs outstretched around her as she buried her face in the cool grass, chirping and huffing as her pussy clutched and gushed around the male's unceasing thrusts, his teeth nipping at the back of her neck, injecting poison laden bites into her own flesh to ensure she remained just as worked up with the virulent aphrodisiac as him.

Each time they came, each time they bred to its inevitable and deliciously orgasmic conclusion, the pair feared it would be their last. Yet that ending never seemed to arrive. Counting not the minutes and hours, but by number of climaxes shared, they went on and on, pouring every drop of poison their bodies could produce into one another to keep the passion burning white hot. And thus, as their bodies and indeed the ground around the daycare's pleasant, grassy yard were doused little by little in their juices, it might as well have been mere minutes, rather than whole days, before they heard a familiar pair of voices cutting through their frantic breeding.

Huddled together under a bush, whimpering, huffing, gasping as the female climaxed yet again and milked her mate to his own release, they heard the day-care man who had offered them privacy at the start of all this.

"The two seem to get on very well..."

What came next however was a voice even more intimately familiar to both of them. That of their trainer.

"That's awesome. I'm so glad. So... uh... have they..."

Her voice trailed off, and the day care man chuckled.

"I haven't seen any eggs yet I'm afraid. But that's okay. Sometimes it just takes a little longer. I dare say if you leave them with us for a few more days, we'll have something for you."

The trainer sighed in apparent contentment, but then her voice rang out again.

"Okay. Can I say hi to them before I go, though? I miss those cuties."

Another chuckle escaped the older man, but the fact that the bushes over the two Nidoran began to rustle a few seconds later gave them his answer without his having to speak a single word. Two human faces peered down through the leaves and sticks, to where the two pokemon lay. To where they trembled and chirped as they mated, and peered up at their trainer's wide eyed, suddenly flushed face with expressions of totally blissed out lust.

"O-oh my god... they're... r-right now?"

As she looked at them, another convulsing orgasm erupted through the female Nidoran's body. She squealed, she tensed up, and an audible gush of liquids pouring out from around her mate's feverishly thrusting erection reached the trainer's already burning ears.

The day care man just laughed, and let go of the bushes, leaving the Nidoran to tend to one another in peace once more.

"Like I said, Miss. The two of them seem to get on very well. So... just give it another couple of days. Trust me. When they're spent? When they're finally done together, there'll be an egg to show for it. An egg, and two very tired, very happy parents to be."

By Jeeves

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