Late Night Classes

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Ever wanted to learn how to be a technically better lover? Riddle knows a class you might be able to take! :3

This story was written for BlueTippedWolf as part of my Patron only request days for November! It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults in a semi-public setting.

Late Night Classes

Every university and college ran night classes. Courses in more specialist or perhaps more casual areas of study, or just for those who worked during the day and couldn't come during regular hours. But Riddle had never before seen a college that offered this particular kind of course before. Not a night class, but a late night class in one particular subject.


When he'd seen it on the college website, he'd thought it was just a joke. Some prank put up by a member of faculty or just a website dev who perhaps didn't realise they'd saved their joke to the actual live version of the site. But after asking around a little, with some of his more close friends and some of the more open minded seeming professors, he'd discovered that it was, in fact, a real class. You could even get credits for it. And thus, somehow, that was how the blue eared wolf ended up standing in one of the college's venue halls at one thirty in the morning, watching as a voluptuous doe laid herself down upon a padded massage table before him, and spread her legs.

All around the room, perhaps eighteen or nineteen tables were situated with one person standing beside it, and a woman lying or preparing to lie down upon it. Every last one of them was naked, even the rather buff moderators who were here to ensure that all the assistants taking part in today's lesson were treated with the care and respect they deserved by those in attendance.


The wolf shook his head, dragging himself out of his dazed state and realising that he was just standing there in front of this beautiful naked woman.

"O-oh god, sorry Sam. Totally zoned out there."

They'd spoken for about twenty minutes before disrobing, allowing Samantha to be sure she felt comfortable with Riddle. He had been overwhelmed with relief when she'd not only said that she was happy to partner up with him, but had been one of the first to say as much when prompted. Now though he felt like a total dork, just standing there dumbstruck like he'd never seen a naked woman before.

"It's fine. Just remember what you've been asked to do, and... well, have fun. I know that's what I want to do."

She lifted a hand from her side, and Riddle took it, blushing. It wasn't just an affectionate squeeze she gave the wolf though, it was the female deer's way of getting things started. She moved that hand across from the edge of the table, over her bare body, and down between her legs. They were already spread, casually hooked over the sides of the table, but now she moved them even further apart. She nodded as Riddle gave a soft moan, and smiled as he placed his hand down over her crotch, cupping the warmth and moistness of her already slightly aroused pussy.

Riddle knew the task at hand, to give the woman he was partnered with a g-spot orgasm. Every one of them knew they were capable of that feat, so it was all down to the person, man or woman, with whom they were partnered to show that they were capable of giving what the woman on the table so longed to receive. And yet, to begin with Riddle didn't even attempt to put so much as a finger inside Sam. He simply began to move his fingers back and forth where they'd come to rest, stroking and casually massaging her pussy, and watching the expression upon the doe's bright and emotive face.


She moaned softly. Nothing too intense or overwhelming, but that wasn't the point. The point was to make sure she was ready. Riddle took his time, and though he could see a few people with fingers already buried in their ladies, and hear moans and cries far louder than anything Sam had let loose, she looked happy. She looked like she was having fun.

"Oh. O-oh... Riddle..."

When she moaned his name, no prompting, no desire for affirmation from the wolf to prompt her to do so, that was when he knew she was ready. Then and only then did he slip a finger between the lips of her pussy, and begin to probe inward, to the opening of her vaginal passage itself. His finger wasn't alone in its motion though, and as he began to tease his way in, the male's thumb ascended the length of Sam's slit, soon finding itself gently resting, almost but not quite motionless, against the doe's clit. Resting his thumb there all the while, he pushed his finger deeper. He felt her inner walls contracting around him, pleasantly wet, slick and wonderfully hot around his digit. He stroked them with his fingertip. Explored her insides in what limited manner he could. And yet, despite knowing the general area where the g-spot was located, he didn't really pay much attention there over any other area.

Nevertheless, by the time he withdrew his finger and the pressure on the doe's clit faded to almost nothing, Sam gave a surprisingly loud cry that caught and echoed around the hall.


She placed a hand over her own mouth in shock at the force of her cry, and her eyes widened as she saw Riddle grin.

"Y-you... oh god, you're..."

The wolf didn't grin. Didn't boast. Didn't try to say that indeed he was anything she might think him to be. He just took two of his fingers, slid them between her legs as she gave another, albeit more withdrawn cry of longing, and replaced his thumb motionless but gently resting upon her clit as he moved those fingers inside her. They ventured forth, rubbing gently at the uppermost wall of her pussy. They drifted from left to right, carefully moving forward as Riddle used his previous knowledge of her innermost workings to discern what was normal for the texture of the flesh over which his fingers were moving. That way, when he encountered the typically more folded and roughened texture of the flesh that formed the g-spot itself... he'd know it, even if Sam was able to hide it.

She stiffened, and gasped, and tried her best to hold onto her sense of decorum when Riddle did indeed find the spot barely thirty seconds later. But it didn't last. As soon as she saw that he knew, she moaned breathlessly. As soon as he delivered the first firm caress to the spot, she gave a long, lingering wail. Others were being just as loud by this point of course, but many of those caring for the other screamers were working far harder, feverishly jabbing with rapid arm motions and employing three, even four digits in one case Riddle could see. He meanwhile just used those two fingers, and didn't attack, didn't violently hammer at Sam's g-spot. He just tapped it. Stroked it. Caressed it oh so carefully and gently, and let the intensity, the volume, the sheer ferocity of Sam's shrieks as she writhed and kicked upon the table inform his next movements.

"Mmmmnhhh... oohhhh god..."

It was perhaps two minutes later that her eyes began to bulge, and the tensing of her body told Riddle that she was starting to hold back. Or rather, that there was now something she wanted to try to hold back. His pace quickened, and he curled his digits up against her sensitive g-spot, grinding at it three or four times more firmly and urgently than before. The doe gave a strained, gurgling cry, and a gush of trickling fluids poured out from the far smaller hole just over her vaginal opening. She grunted, she whimpered, and she stared at Riddle in deliriously giddy anguish. He just grinned, and touched her again. Sure enough, another gush; another flood of her hot feminine ejaculate, and of course another shriek of pleasure.

And then... only then, the final blow. Not just with a touch, but with a whisper.

"Cum for me, Sam..."

His fingers caressed the doe's g-spot rapidly, sweeping and rubbing almost a little roughly over that overwhelmingly sensitive flesh, only to drag themselves free just as an almighty scream erupted from Samatha's lips, and the floodgates opened as she squirted powerful jets of hot, crystal clear ejaculate out well beyond the end of the table and her quivering, kicking hoofed feet.

" Yes! Ohhhgodfuck, fuck yes, Riddle!"

He grinned, and grasped one of her hands. He held her, he looked into her eyes, and as she screamed and shuddered in mindless orgasmic pleasure, he knew two things for absolute certain.

Firstly, he was going to get an A for this class.

And secondly, he really hoped that Samantha would be his partner for the rest of the semester, too.

By Jeeves

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