Hunter and Huntress

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by catsithx, this story follows a rather heated werewolf that's keeping herself in check because of her alpha...though when she's in heat, she pushes that boundary a bit more.

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Hunter and Huntress For Catsithx By Draconicon

The blue wolf fled through the woods, panting and bleeding, and the world felt like it was closing in around her. Trees raced behind her, like allies trying to hold back the tide, but the howling of her pursuers chased her, forced her to run faster. Fenrir obeyed, despite her wounds, her breath coming in hard, rapid puffs as she ran down the forest paths.

"Flee or die! Flee or die!"

The shouts of her pack chased her through the forest, the dark silhouettes of the other wolves appearing at her sides whenever she slowed, glinting teeth and dark claws warnings of her fate if she so much as slowed. Fenrir pushed herself harder, harder, her paws ripping great holes from the earth as she kept on running, kept on fleeing.

Slowly, the sound of their baying howls grew quieter and quieter, to be replaced by the rapid beating of her heart. Fenrir coughed as she kept running, wobbling as her wounds and blood loss started to catch up to her.


She rebounded off of a tree, clutching her shoulder as she kept moving.


A branch she hadn't seen snapped as she ran into it, her eyes blurry.

The blue and white wolf managed another minute, two, before she collapsed. Her breath was ragged and slow, and she couldn't move. Her arms and legs ached, her chest burned, and her wounds flowed freely all over. The cold earth warmed beneath her, almost like it was soaking up the warmth of her life.


Her ears flicked, barely, and she turned one glazed eye towards the sound of them. She saw something dark, but not wolfen. Feline. Feline...with a bow.

I'm dead, she thought, but there was nothing she could do. If he didn't kill her, she'd die anyway. As he kneeled down, something in his hand, she slipped into darkness...

Six months later...

Fenrir walked beside the cat as they made their way from the isolated hut towards one of the nearby towns. She couldn't remember the name, but figured that it couldn't be all that important if Trent hadn't told her about it. Unless he had, but she didn't think that had actually happened. She rubbed her stomach a bit, shaking her head.

"Do you think we can stop and get something to eat, soon?"

"Only if we need to."

"Well, this wolf -"

The feline turned his head, arching an eyebrow at her, and Fenrir blushed.

"Sorry. I need to eat something."

"Can you wait? It's only a couple of hours until we get to Halven."

Her stomach answered the question for her, growling loud enough to be heard over the sound of the other travelers that moved around them. Just a wagon and a couple of others walking along the road, but it was enough to make the walkers turn to stare at her before walking on. Their laughter made her growl, as well, though Trent's quick stare made hers top before it got very loud.

It was...difficult, sometimes, to remember that she had to pretend not to be a wolf. Well, a werewolf, for that matter, but back when she'd lived with her pack, that hadn't been an issue. Everyone was a wolf as often as they liked, and tended to look down on those that remained human. With Trent...

He rescued me, she reminded herself. Rescued me, and helped me get better. I owe my alpha everything.

That didn't mean it was easy pretending to be a human. The lack of fur and the tight clothes made her feel exposed and restrained, and she didn't like the way that her boots clutched at her feet, either. It felt like she had no way of running free, no way of getting around quickly the way that she did as a wolf. No claws, no weapons that worked properly. Not even teeth that were sharp enough to rend and tear if someone got too close.

She was entirely reliant on Trent for protection, despite the daggers at her waist. She'd learned some means of fighting with them, but she was still an amateur compared to most.

Shaking her head, she rubbed her belly again.

"I think I'll need something...soon."

Her alpha sighed. She could tell that it annoyed him, and she was sorry for that. But she couldn't help her own nature, just like he couldn't help his. The black cat turned, his cloak fluttering as he did, and nodded towards the woods on one side of the road.

"There should be something for us in there."


"If you're hunting, I'm joining in. Might as well get something for when we get to town. Maybe they'll knock a little of the price off of our stay if we bring a little food along."

"...Good idea."

"I try."

She was already running for the woods, and she heard him grumble as he tried to keep up. If she'd been in her wolf form, she could have left him behind in seconds, leaping and loping along, but as it was, she was still able to reach the edge of the woods before he could catch up with her. He pressed a hand to her shoulder, and she immediately stopped, going stock-still as he moved to her side.

"No transforming yet. Let's look around for a while, and then see what we need."


Not what she had been hoping for, but she would obey her alpha. He was the one in charge, and he was the one that knew the world better. It was a good idea, even if her clothes did itch, and she felt the need to be free of them. If there were others that saw her, there might be a hunter that would see her pelt as a prize.

The last thing she needed was a fight that, win or lose, would mean that she and Trent got in trouble. Trouble for her, she could accept. Trouble for him...

She owed him more than that.

Four hours later...

Fenrir sat down around the edge of a fire, shaking her head as Trent started rotating some of the rabbits that they caught around a spit. It wasn't the original plan, but after the cat had fallen into the river running through the forest, and their little misadventure with a cluster of small but ferocious wolves, their small hunting trip had ended up taking the greater part of the afternoon. There was no chance of getting to Halven by the end of the day, and the roads were dangerous after dark, even for them.

Still, waiting in the woods wasn't something that she'd wanted. The idea of being out here again was good, but...


She took the stick from her alpha, picking lightly at the edges of the rabbit on the end of it. It was well-cooked, already skinned nicely and seasoned with the little things that the cat had in his pack, and that hadn't gotten soaked. That wasn't her complaint.

There was a new ache in her belly, one lower in her stomach than where she'd simply been hungry. This one was more familiar, though occurred less often. It also extended from her belly to between her legs, and it made her positively miserable at this time of month.

Heat...why now?

It was probably what had called half of the wolves in the pack to them, now that she thought of it. The smell attracted ferals and weres alike, and they tended to fight among each other for the right to mount the female that they'd found. It had taken her some effort to ignore it back then, to just fight them off rather than thinking of her own needs.

Normally, she'd have ways of dealing with it. Twice, Trent had helped her, though often with some pressure from her, but other times she'd needed to use various tools to help herself through her head. That wasn't going to be an option, this time. She could already tell that there was nothing except the real thing that would do for her this cycle.

Fenrir distracted herself by munching on the food she'd been given, trying to just sate one hunger for the moment. She wiggled her toes by the fire, letting her boots dry beside it.

Across from her, her alpha sat on a tree stump, eating his own food. He watched her, though, his eyes locked on her body. The part of her in heat wondered if he was enjoying looking at her, while the part of her that was more rational knew that he suspected something was wrong. She shook her head.

"I'm alright, Trent."

"You're bothered by something."

"A bit. This wolf - mmmph. Sorry. I, am bothered by my heat. Yes."

The cat had the grace to look a little embarrassed at that, his cheeks burning through the dark fur as he got back to eating. She shook her head, finishing her rabbit before setting the stick aside.

"I'm going to need to do something about it."

"Does that mean heading off somewhere, or..."

She looked at him, raising her eyebrows this time, and the cat's cheeks burned all the hotter, turning a brighter and brighter red.

"Why me?"

"Do you see anyone else, alpha?"

"And stop calling me that. You're're my friend."

"That doesn't mean we can't -"

"Oh geez..."

He buried his head in his food, his biting and chewing getting louder. She knew that he was trying to drown her out, trying to keep her from saying anything, but it was annoying every time that he did this. He kept wanting to put her wolfish side to the side, kept wanting to pretend that she wasn' that.

Just because he's a hunter, he needs to pretend I'm not prey.

Growling slightly, Fenrir pulled herself to her feet, and stomped around the fire. She grabbed the cat by his cloak and whipped him around, leaning over him and staring down.

"Listen, alpha."

"Please, don't -"

"I am a werewolf."

She knew he knew it, but she knew she had to say it. The time in human form let him keep forgetting about it. Let him forget that she was something beyond what most of the people saw her as.

"I'm a werewolf, and I have needs. I am a werewolf, and I come from a pack. I don't have a pack anymore...I only have you. And you saved me..."

Fenrir slowly settled down beside him, kneeling in the earth by the stump. She looked up at him instead of loomed over him, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"You've had fun the other've let me make you feel good, and make myself feel better in the past. This is no different from that. Just...let me do what I can for you, alpha. Let me do what I need. I am just as strong as you. I am just as good a hunter. Just because I am more of a beast inside doesn't make me prey."

She stroked his cheek. When he didn't say anything, when he didn't protest, she stood up, and started to strip out of her clothes. No need for the transformation to rip everything she had apart, if it didn't have to.

A buttoned-up blouse hit the ground, followed by the wrap of her bandages. Her breasts bounced free, one scarred along the side, one completely unblemished. Her pants came next, followed by her undergarments, her pale skin bared. Little lines here and there, remnants of her beating from the pack, still stood out despite all of the healing methods that Trent had used on her. There was no disguising how she'd been hurt before.

But she didn't need to. She simply needed to be herself, and continue living.

Under the moonlight, she knew she glowed. She turned in place, giving the cat a show. Rolling her hips, swaying her rear as she moved around, she dragged her hands down her sides, and then back up her belly. She felt his eyes on her body, felt him staring at her ass, at her breasts as she turned around, and she smirked to herself.


The heat was building in her belly, and she slowly released her control over her human shape. The first bits of her coat started to sprout, black and blue on her spine, with white coming across her belly and blue down her sides and arms. She arched her back with a soft groan as it started coming in, feeling the tickling, itching tingle that always followed.

Sitting down by him again, she looked up at him as her fur spread, her hands on his thighs. She felt his tension, his concern, his...need, for lack of a better word, as her fingers went further and further up. Feeling his shaft growing slowly, she smiled, curling her fingers around it through his trousers, and pulled herself up, lips just a few inches away from his.

"I will take care of long as you take care of me."


"Just let me take care of you..."

She leaned in, pressing her lips to his. The difference of muzzle and human lips faded quickly, her own muzzle growing in rapidly as the change was unleashed. She growled softly as her nose and lips pushed forward, pulled out of her face in short order, but the kiss never broke. Trent held it with her, his lips parting slightly and his tongue touching hers. Rasping, harsh, compared to his soft nature and softer body, but all the better for it.

He grasped at her arms, pulling her closer, pulling her up, and she went with it as the fur continued to sprout along her body. Patches of it grew in fast, taking away the glow of the moon on her skin but giving her something better. Freedom, wildness. She growled under her breath, her fingers roaming along Trent's back, claws dragging across his cloak, her eyes closing as she felt the familiar transformations continue.

Her tail pushed out from her spine, the wagging motions already starting as it grew longer and longer. Her hips flared, not much, but enough to have ripped her pants if she had been wearing them.

His hands slid along, and she ground against them, moving to encourage them to keep feeling, keep moving. Her breath came harder, faster, her need building the more wolfish she became. The feeling of her heat, the burning need between her legs, mounted higher and hotter, like some bonfire that fed on the feline's touch.

She had to break the kiss, panting hard, her tongue hanging out already. She groaned, her ears rolling up along the side of her head, lengthening, pointing.

Trent looked at her, and the feline offered a small smile.

"You change so fast..."

"It's still me. I am still myself...."

"I know."

He laid her down as the transformation continued, her eyes rolling back as her legs started to warp, her ankles and heel lifting up as the rest of her feet almost seemed to fatten and bloat. She looked down, watching as one toe disappeared, the others becoming capped with claws and slowly widening outwards. The ball of her foot spread, engorging, even though it was shorter than ever.

Her knee lifted a bit as well, coming closer to her hips, leaving her legs slightly warped, more animal than Trent's. She panted as he reached down to her furred thighs, spreading them before bringing his hands closer to her hips. Fenrir moaned softly as she felt his fingers working in closer, closer, closer to her needy place.

As her spine started to crack, crunching painlessly but loudly as she grew bigger, he stroked a finger along her sex. She bit her lip, arching her hips forward as she started to drip, her body utterly needy. The slight ache had grown to a hunger beyond her need for food, beyond her need for the wild. It was the need to be filled, to be under her alpha...

She moaned as his finger slipped inside of her, unable to help herself as she was spread around it. It had been so long since she'd been able to be a wolf, longer since she'd been able to have anything in there during this form. Trent had tended to her in human form, given her some succor, some fun, but this was different. This was right.

She grew, grew, and grew, gaining almost a foot of height compared to her human form, dwarfing the feline over her. Her new toes curled against the earth, and her claws raked furrows through it as he continued to tease her, that one finger working in and out, curled so that the fur on his finger worked over her clit.

"I have to say, you look so...different this way."


"Wild, but beautiful. Untamed, but submitting. Bestial, but sophisticated."


"Yes, Fenrir?"

"Alpha...please...I need you inside of me..."

He blushed again. She knew that she was pushing him, knew that he wasn't used to her in this form, but she needed him. Needed him before she exploded. Her heat was driving her mad, her sex dripping with barely that little bit of fingering, running down over her other hole and leaving her soaked, utterly drenched with need.

She needed him, or she would take him on her own.

He stood up, and she forced herself to keep her hands at her sides as her transformation concluded. Her breath came in harsh, heaving pants, ragged and wet as she clutched at the earth. Her sex dripped, running with her own arousal, and she could feel the ground turning to mud beneath her tail.

Yet, Trent continued to tease her. Or, at least, that was how it felt, with how long it took him to get out of his clothes. He kept taking his time, slowly pulling this off, slowly dragging that off. His cloak hit the ground, followed by his shirt. Lean, he was, but with enough muscle to handle her - she hoped - he cut a dark figure in the forest. Hard to see, unless one knew just where to look.

His pants came free, pooling around his own boots, which he didn't bother to take off. Instead, he just laid over her, his cock standing tall and free, dripping over her as he lined himself up with her body, grinding against her sex.

"You're so wet already..."

"I need you. I need you inside of me..."

"Not yet, Fenrir. Not yet."

"Alpha...alpha, please!"

"Just be patient..."

Whimpering with need, she laid her head back as he kept grinding against her, the head of his cock bumping into her clit every time that he moved. It was like a pleasurable torture, reminding her of everything that she could be getting, but not quite enough to give her what she needed.

Little gasps and soft pants were ripped from her lips every time that he came up to her clit, and little whines slipped past her muzzle when he seemed to line up, and then pull away. The head of his cock kept coming so close to sliding in, only to pull back at the last moment.

She was squirting on him, she realized, her pussy too needy to hold back. Her scent was filling the air, and she was marking him with it. The alpha was marked by the beta, she supposed, but the feeling was still too good. She wanted to wrap her legs around him, wanted to pull him in, wanted to pin him and ride him until her needs were met.

But no. He was the alpha, and she had to respect that.

The feline kept nudging her, kept working his cock along her nether lips in the most teasing of ways. She wanted him, she wanted it. Every so often, he would nudge her, as if about to slide in, and she'd tense up in anticipation...and then he'd pull back, chuckling slightly at her.

"Please...I can't...I can't take this!"

"Mmm, I don't think you can, can you?"

"No! Please, fill me! Let me - ooooooooooh!"

She howled to the moon as he suddenly slid in, his cock pushing deeper than his finger had reached by a good way. Her entire body arched up to meet him, her hips slamming down against his crotch in one firm counter-thrust. Her toes dug into the ground, and her back arched off of it, her mouth open in a long, loud, happy howl.

She must have cum, at that, her pussy clenching down tight around him, pulling at his shaft, milking it with every needy, powerful muscle down there. She felt Trent fall over her, but the cat's weight was like nothing to her. He muffled something into her chest, grunting and gasping, but she didn't know what it was. It didn't matter what it was. She was getting what she needed, and her alpha was taking care of her.

He didn't cum, though...not then, at least. She realized that he had been holding back, building her up so that he could deliver at least one guaranteed climax to her.

Fenrir smiled, panting hard as she lowered her muzzle, looking down at him. He was shuddering, his eyes half closed as he looked up from her breasts, and he blushed.

"I forgot...forgot how tight you get when you cum."

"Sorry...are you okay?"

"Yeah...just needed to not move for a bit. I would have cum already if I did."

"Hehehe...silly alpha of mine."

"You ready for the real stuff?"

She answered with a squeeze, and he moaned for her before he pulled back. And then pulled out, which was more the pity.

"Get on all fours. I think it'll be easier."

Fenrir obeyed, her lips turned up in a smile as she got herself comfortable. The feeling of the soft earth under her felt better as a wolf, though she knew that she'd need to take a dunk in the river, later. Some of the earth from her soaking sex had gotten stuck to her ass, and she'd need to wash that off before it dried.

Not that it seemed to bother her alpha, as he slid inside of her and started grinding his cock in deep. The head of his shaft opened her up in a lovely way, working itself in slowly, gradually moving in deeper until his hips bumped against her rump. He made no comment about her muddy backside, instead getting a grip around her hips, holding her still as he squirmed into place behind her.

She was surprised when he moved her tail to the side and then laid over her, his chest against her back. It was surprisingly warm, and she smiled as he reached around, grabbing her breasts. Soft fingers, small fingers around them, but as he flicked her nipples, she growled softly in pleasure, clenching and squeezing gently.

"Mmm, going to start soon, alpha?"

"Just getting...situated..."

"Mmmph, please...I had one...I need more...I need a lot more..."

"You'll get them. Don't worry..."

Trent pulled back slowly, his hips working back as his hands stayed right where they were. The slow teasing and circling around her nipples was keeping her all worked up, and she bit her lip to keep from begging more. She'd already made her wishes clear, and it was up to her alpha if she'd be satisfied or -


She howled at his first thrust, his sack bumping against her clit as he thrust in hard and fast, going from just the tip to completely hilted in one smooth slam. Fenrir arched her back beneath him, pressing her hips back against his, trying to keep that cock inside, but it was already moving. Already pulling back, already sliding out of her -


In again, hard enough to push her forward, hard enough to leave her dripping again. She felt her juices running out of her, dripping off of her clit towards the earth, or getting soaked right into his balls. The werewolf moaned, her claws digging into the earth in an attempt to hold her steady, to hold onto something solid -


Another thrust, another deep hilting, and she was moaning again, her mouth hanging open as he gave her what she needed. Not some little tease, not some little rub, but a deep filling, a deep rutting...

A deep fucking.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! In and out he went, always taking himself all the way out, always using her breasts as a grip to pull himself back in. He emptied her, filled her, emptied her again and again, each thrust leaving a wet squelching sound in the air as he worked himself in as deep as he could go, her drenched pussy accepting him more than happily.

She pressed back against him, trying to hold him inside as long as she could to enjoy that filling sensation, but he was always faster, always just that little bit ahead of her. She drooled slightly, her mouth hanging open happily as he fucked her, as he rutted her, as her ass bounced from each thrust. She squeezed on him as best she could, trying to pull him back, but he just...filled her...used her...

Just what she needed.


"Yes, Fenrir?"

" good..."

"You're going to get more..."

He pushed her forward, bending her over one of the logs nearby. She went over without question, her head against her arms as he got into a different position. She felt him stand on the log with one leg, and start hammering down. The new angle pressed his cock into her differently, and she howled again, her pleasure rising fast as he kept pounding her, filling her, thrusting deep.

It came to a head, for her, in less than a minute after that. She arched her back again, and came, howling to the moon, squirting over his crotch as she was filled with his shaft again. He was trapped as her muscles clamped down, and this time she could feel him whimpering, gasping, shuddering behind her. She could feel his balls rising up, trying to cum.

The werewolf pulled at him, pressing back as much as she could, her pussy spasming around him...and he lost control. She felt his seed splattering inside of her, felt him cumming hard, felt him shooting deep, and she smiled.

He fell out of her after that, a soft thump as he landed on his ass. She slowly lifted her head off of the ground, looking over her shoulder and around the log at him. Trent stared at her, his eyes a bit glazed...or rather, he stared at her ass.

Fenrir smiled to herself, feeling the soft, gloppy feeling of a male's seed rolling around inside of her, slowly oozing out from between her well-fucked pussy lips. She reached back with one paw, spreading herself open, and she heard more than saw him gasp. She felt his seed running out between her fingers, drooling to the ground again, and she slowly pushed a finger inside of herself, squelching it back in.

"Mmm...feels good, alpha..."



"Please what?"

"Please tell me that you have more..."

"...I will, soon."

"That'll be good enough."

She got up from the log, and walked over to him, wriggling in under his arm. The cat accepted her, and she nuzzled against his chest, smiling and sighing softly as his fingers continued to work over her breasts, tugging on her nipples gently before just circling them.

She couldn't deny that she needed a little more, wanted more of him inside of her. After all, her heat wasn't satisfied yet, only slightly tamped down, but with the edge taken off, it was bearable. Just barely, but it was.

And being in wolf form had its own perks, as she showed him as she started licking his chest, teasing his nipples with her tongue. He chuckled at first, then started to moan as she worked her tongue further and further down, working towards the 'southern' parts of his body. Fur and sweat were all she tasted for a while, which was fine enough, but the real treat was further down.

Fenrir smiled as she dragged her tongue along the border of his sheath and sack, tasting the bits of sweat, cum, musk, and her own juices that had stuck to it. The werewolf dragged her tongue along his balls, giving them a little rewarding lick for all the work that they'd done, all that they'd pumped into her, before she slowly worked up to the little bit of his cock still sticking out of his sheath.


She sucked his cock into her mouth before he could protest, licking it clean around the head and gradually encouraging it to come out. Her alpha slumped over, his hands over his mouth to stifle his moans as she sucked, she licked, and she teased it. Even as it protested, probably still sensitive, she dragged it out, pulling it up into her mouth with suction and licks, teases and enticements, until it was fully hard again.

Every bit of his seed, every bit of her juices she licked off, cleaning the shaft from tip to base and back again. By the time she was done, he was panting hard, his eyelids fluttering from her work, and she chuckled.

"It looks like you're ready for me again, alpha..."

" are so...persistent."

"Of course."

She shifted position, lifting her hips before bringing her cummy hole down over his cock, grinding against it. She was still so wet, she knew, and she felt him pulsing and throbbing against her.

"Please, alpha...again?"

The End

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