Tailor over Husband

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A short commission off of a recent stream, this one was written for Rush N. Blue, and involves a fair bit of humiliation and cuckoldry.

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Tailor Over Husband For Rush N. Blue By Draconicon

It was a warm night, and Ashi, raccoon dog and scion of her house, had felt the need for something smoother, cooler than her normal bedclothes. So, she had sent her fiance to find the tailor, Li Xian, and bring him to their chambers for a measuring.

They were still measuring, though something much different, now.

Ashi reached behind her, her hand on the back of the red panda's head as she rode his cock. She spread her legs, letting Lycan see as the tailor's shaft slid inside of her, spread her open.

"See how he fills me properly, worm? This is what you should be doing during our nights. Not merely whimpering on the floor, gasping as I allow you to taste me."

The wolf looked away, whimpering softly as she continued to slowly rise and fall along the tailor's shaft. He was thick enough to make her strain to take it, the soft stretches, the slight friction of the heat of his passage in and out of her enough to make her wet. Which was more than her fiance did regularly, with his tongue, fingers, or anything else.

She sniffed, looking away from him and back at Li Xian. He was strong enough to hold her, to reach around and lift her breasts. He squeezed and teased them to the beat of her riding hips, kept her content as she used him. He, more than the wolf, knew his place, and that was to provide her with whatever she needed.

Ashi reached down again, spreading her pussy lips.

"Lean in, dog. Lean in and get a better look."

Her fiance slowly crawled across the floor, his nose barely an inch or two away from their joining. She could feel his breath, warm and moist, across her sex every time that he panted. Her clit throbbed, knowing that he was forced to see where he belonged.

The temptation was there to shove him in, to use the weak little omega as he should have been used for all his life. His tongue was frequently weak, but it would be enough to take her over the edge faster, more frequently. The only thing that stopped her was Li Xian's preferences towards his partners. Any touch of another male would kill his mood immediately, which she respected. For now.

She continued to ride him, taking him deep enough to feel it 'kissing' at her deepest parts. His shaft was large, thick, and she could feel him throbbing, pulsing inside. She clenched, holding him, and he gasped in her ear. Ashi smirked.

"Getting close, are you, lover? Are you losing your own self-control?"

"I will last...however long you need, Ashi."

"Lady Ashi!"

"Yes, yes, of course, Lady Ashi."

He bowed his head, and her smile slowly returned. Yes, yes, he knew his place. A commoner, but one blessed with uncommon luck and skills with his body. He had the right to ask favors, and to deserve mercy.

Unlike Lycan. She lifted one foot and shoved him back, pinning him down with her toes across his cheek. She glared down at him as he remained prostrate across the floor, shaking her head.

"You may be my husband, one day, but you will never sire a child for my line. Your alliance will benefit my family, and may give us what we need to rise higher still. But I will not allow your weak blood to pollute the bloodline."


She chuckled, looking over her shoulder once more. Li Xian had been so good, teaching her how to fight with her body in all senses of the word. She stroked his cheek, and then slowly, ever so slowly, slid off of his cock.

They were connected by strands of their shared fluids, but only for a moment. She moved off of his lap, and laid herself on the bed, her legs spread. Both of the males stared at her, though only Li looked at her with a smile. She knew that he knew what was coming.

"Tonight, Li, you will breed me."


Lycan's face was a treasure to her, and she looked at him, stared at him to fix the expression in her memory. Horror, fear, utter betrayal...and a lust that would not be satisfied with seeing this only once. He was truly, truly a broken man, one that should never have been born in his own bloodline. He belonged on the streets, not in a manor. He belonged working in the markets and serving food, not relaxing in wealth.

Well, here, at least, he will earn his keep, if nowhere else.

The raccoon dog kept her pussy spread with two fingers, making them both look at her wetness, her depths.

"This, Lycan, is precisely what you will never get. Not with anything but your tongue and your fingers. You are not worthy of this level of pleasure, and were it up to me, I would see that you had your capability for it removed. My father knows several clever blacksmiths that might make it possible..."

She let that sink in, the idea of his cock caged, the idea of it being locked away by an artisan of the craft. Then she shook her head.

"But there will be times when it would be inconvenient, and I cannot stand that. You will remain free...but you will never be allowed to touch me. Do you understand?"

"I...I understand, Lady Ashi."

"No. That is Li Xian's title for me. You, on the other hand, will call me nothing but Mistress."

She waved the red panda to her, looking past him as he climbed over her, as his cock slipped between her legs again. She reached down, slowly pulling his cock to the right position, the head against her slit.

"This is what he deserves. You, on the other hand, are a mewling slave. You deserve nothing."

Her voice broke, ever so slightly, as the red panda slammed in, his cock pushing past her outer lips and spearing her once more. From this angle, she felt it just as deep, and then deeper as he worked himself in. Her legs spread further, her toes digging into the sheets of the bed as her lover worked himself in and out, in and out. The feeling of him inside was just perfect, giving her what she needed.

Her eyes closed to slits as she wrapped her arms around the tailor, pulling him in by the hips. She felt every muscle tensing, every squeezing tendon. His body was wired and strong, heavy and lustful, and so...very...powerful.

Every thrust shoved her along the bed, pushing her towards the headrest before dragging her down towards the foot of it. His arms pressed down on her, dragging her into his thrusts, pushing her to take him, forcing her to open up for his shaft. His balls pressed against her every time that he slammed in, a soft, wet clap against her rear. A reminder of what he had, a reminder of what he would pump into her.

She could feel Lycan's eyes on her, knowing that he was staring at that sack as she was taken. He was thinking of what he could never have, what she had taken from him. And if she was not mistaken...

"Stop touching yourself, dog."


She was right. He'd been teasing himself to the sight, and she would not have that. She chuckled, her legs slowly curling up, wrapping around the red panda's waist.

"You know he wants this, Li...he wants to be what you are, but he never will be. He's weak, limp, nothing more than a little omega wolf in an alpha house...

"Not like you, my tailor. You may be low, but you are skilled...and you listen when I tell you to do what you do. And you do it so well..."

He was moving faster, faster, slamming into her deeper now that he couldn't pull back as far. Her heels crossed over his tail, pinning him against her as he rutted her, cock slamming in deep, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. Every slow thrust ground against her clit, working her up in a lather.

"Mmmph...I'm close, Li..."

"So am I, Lady Ashi..."

"Cum...Cum in me, and breed me..."

To his credit, he outlasted her, pushing her over the edge before giving in himself. As she arched her back in pleasure, she felt his seed shoot into her, filling her with everything he had. The soft twitches of his balls rising up against her, the sense of heat and filling that came from his orgasm...it was glorious.

She kept shaking as he pulled out, and she kept her legs spread. A snap of her fingers brought Lycan onto the bed, and Ashi smirked at him.

"You will push it in, dog. Make sure that all the strong seed goes deep. I want to make sure he bred me properly."

Her fiance, her promised husband, slowly nodded at her. He tilted her back, holding her and supporting her by the hips, until her pussy pointed upwards. Soft fingers, hesitant but skilled, worked their way inside of her, and started plunging it down, forcing the fluid back inside, making sure that only the tiniest bit escaped.

All the while, she watched his face, and grinned as his humiliation burned on his cheeks like wildfire. Even now, he couldn't say anything. Even now, he was nothing but a weak little pup of a dog.

She could feel his excitement, even, his cock throbbing against her thigh. He wanted to do something, she was sure. Perhaps he even wanted to try and breed her, to hold the line true after she'd been taken by Li. But he never would. He was too weak to go against her, too weak to try anything to stop her from taking what she wanted.

When she felt full, she grabbed him around the neck with her legs, and dragged his muzzle in.

"Now...clean up the mess outside...and get me off again while he takes a few minutes to rest. This won't be the last breeding tonight...."

The End

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