Assets of Aquarius

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A piece of work done in the vaguely MERVAS universe established by FA: Lurdanjo , this piece was commissioned by FA: Libra-11 and stars his hybrid character Libra. Please forgive me as this was only my third piece of work in the universe, and I was feeling my way around still.

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Assets of Aquarius For Libra-11 By Draconicon

If there was one thing about teleportation that nobody remembered, it was the effect of arriving anywhere that wasn't padded. All the official tests had been carried out on padding flooring, or force-dispersal tiles, or other such things that negated the dimension-shift momentum that came with that sort of transportation. Special equations could be used to minimize it, but Libra, unfortunately, hadn't remembered to do that.

As a result, when the teleportation field faded, he'd crashed right into the limestone tiles, and - save for a blur shooting for him out of the corner of his eyes - would have cracked his head. The g-forces of the shift made him black out, regardless.

It couldn't have been for long, in the darkness of dreams. The rabbit/wolf hybrid slowly came back to awareness, hearing a soft voice the edge of his awareness. The hybrid groaned, forcing his eyes open.

It was bright. Almost painfully bright, though it avoided that by a razor's edge. He rubbed his eyes, slowly shaking his head, and realized that someone was supporting it from behind. He tilted his head back, looking up at the concerned face of a young tiger.

"Are you alright, sir? You almost took quite a fall."

"Did I?"

The hybrid groaned, slowly lifting his head up. Looking down at his sides, he could see that he'd cracked the limestone tiles beneath him, almost making a small crater. Yet, he didn't feel like he'd broken anything. How -

A secondary set of cracks were beneath the first, smaller than him. He slowly looked from the imprint in the rock, and then at the tiger, still squatting by the crater in the tiles, and blushed slightly.

"Did me?"

"I couldn't let someone like you get hurt, sir."

"That's...that's very kind of you."

The tiger smiled as if he had paid him the greatest compliment in the world. As the young man - for his was a man, if only barely - continued to beam, the hybrid stood up and started to look around.

His surroundings were certainly picturesque, he would give it that. Great white stone loomed over the area in curving arches, with pillars supporting them bit by bit. Almost like aqueducts. No, exactly like that, with bits of water falling down into pools all around him, feeding it with fresh water and keeping the hot sun from drying it out.

The pools were filled with small clusters of other anthros, most naked or the next thing to it, while attendants in the sheerest of robes walked to and from the different groups. Some offered drinks, others offered foods, while still others offered flower petals, scattering them about the water and filling the air with a soft, sweet scent. With so many people under the sun, he expected the smell of sweat and bodies, but instead, it was simply something soft, warm, and relaxing.

He turned back to the tiger, and blushed at the soft 'thwack' sound that accompanied his movement, realizing that he was naked. Another function of the teleport that he hadn't quite reckoned on.

"Thank you for saving me. Are you okay?"

"Of course!" The tiger smiled, leaping to his feet. "No worries in the slightest."

"Well, if you're you mind telling me where I am?"

"Of course, of course. You're in the bathhouses of Aquarius."

Bathhouses. Well, at least I called that part. The tiger continued.

"This is a place of healing and relaxation. People come here from all over to lose their worries, to let all their tension fade away. It's perfect for that."

"'s definitely something."

"Do you want me to show you around? I think you could use a -"

"A guide? Yes. Yes, I could use one...I'll call you Guide."

"Sure. Guide will be my name."

He smiled, the tiger's sudden acceptance of his name rather refreshing, compared to everything that he had to deal with back home. The rabbit-wolf hybrid fell in step behind the tiger, and let himself be led along.

The layout of the bathhouse continued to astound him as they went along. As if he'd found something that was pulled out of Grecian or Roman history - probably more of the latter, with all of the aqueducts - Libra was led through many circles of pools, many squares where the world seemed to come to a halt beneath the warm sun, and the scent of flowers and happiness just filled the air.

He was led from one square to another, his feet padding along on the limestone paths, drawn from pools of godly figures to squares of statues that celebrated the masculine, feminine, and all forms between them. The sensual nature of the statues had an effect on him, leaving him blushing for a bit before he realized that nobody seemed to care if he was aroused or not.

In fact, nobody seemed to notice him, despite him being an obvious newcomer. His hair was not in the bound or flowing styles of the public, nor was he as muscular as they are. He stood out as an obvious foreigner, yet, he garnered no attention beyond a glance here and there on the way to looking at something else.

It was almost like invisibility, he felt, and he wondered how he could use it.

Guide led him up a set of steps, through a number of arches to a grand building that seemed to overlook the bathhouses proper. The interior was filled with sweeping seats, naked servants, and plates of food that rivaled the greatest restaurants back home. The salted scents of cured meats and the slightly bitter smells of cheese to accompany them were almost swept away by the many varieties of wine he was offered. His feline companion offered him a chance to stay, but no, he wished to see more.

Guide swept him out of the grand house, taking him to yet another place within the bounds of Aquarius. High walls appeared in front of them as they left the great house, and as Guide took him to the openings, they climbed ramp after ramp, ascending to the heights.

The tiger took him to a comfortably carved stone seat, and gestured to the arena below. He watched, staring as dozens, if not hundreds, of people sparred with each other with wooden weapons, bandaged fists, and many other things. Bodies shining and slick with sweat met again and again, without any injury being apparent from the meetings, only to separate and try something different.

Like everywhere else, they were nude beyond the occasional use of a shield or piece of armor, but even that seemed to be impossibly sheer. He watched as cocks and balls bounced around, flapping about and smacking against opponents. Sometimes they were hard, and sometimes they weren't, grinding against slickened thighs and hard abs.

The hybrid stared, mouth agape at the show, and slowly shook his head.

"What is this, Guide? Why are they doing this?"

"Because they wish to. There is no greater power than one's wish in this place. No need to do anything in this place, sir, but what one wishes to do. One wishes to eat? They eat. One wishes to sleep? They sleep. One wishes to fight?"


A fighter that was near the wall was bludgeoned across the head with a metal shield, a blow that would have felled a normal man if it didn't simply flatten his head. Yet, to Libra's astonishment and joy, the wolf so hit simply leaped back into the fray, as unfazed as ever.

"They fight."

"And they do this all the time? No consequences?"

"Nothing that lasts, sir."

"This is amazing..."

He sat there, staring at the fights for almost an hour, unable to help himself. There was something insane about it, but no less astonishing for it. Blows and even wounds were ignored as the fighters went about their tasks, sparring constantly. Even after an hour, there was no break, nor did there seem to be one required. The fighters' stamina seemed endless, as they pushed themselves harder and harder.

The rabbit-wolf shook his head as he leaned back, his eyes wandering over the crowd. Until now, he had been more focused on the place than the people within it, but it was hard to avoid looking at them, now. The sight of so many naked men, and women, was something that he would have never seen back home. From behind, even looking down at the rows in front of him, he could see a dozen rumps that would look amazing if they were to stand and spread themselves.

Coincidentally, they all stood, and began making their way towards the ramps out of the arena. In the process, a dozen muscular asses, all hard, all bubbling out, were on display, and the hybrid groaned to himself at the sight of them.

Shaking his head as they disappeared, he looked to his side again. Guide glanced back, but it wasn't the tiger's face that he looked at, this time. He looked down, instead, glancing at the young male, taking in his body for the first time.

The Bengal tiger was a beautiful specimen of feline masculinity. His body was lean and limber, his hips just a bit wider than was normal for a man. His cock stood out at a half-hard angle, his tip just barely covered in a bit of foreskin that was tight and taut, showing every detail that one could wish. The hybrid smiled to himself, imagining the sight of that foreskin pulling down as the cock hardened, of the helpless joy that would come to the feline if he were to...

There is no greater power than one's wish in this place.

Did he wish it? Libra found that he did...

Cautiously, he reached over, groping the tiger by the balls. He felt the fuzzy orbs bounce in his hand, lifting and lowering as he gave them a gentle squeeze, but Guide didn't react. If anything, he stared forward more intensely, even as the tiger's cock twitched lightly.

As his own shaft returned the 'gesture,' Libra gave those balls a tighter squeeze, then tighter still, feeling them swell and throb beneath his fingers. There was little reaction besides further arousal from his guide, and his breath began to speed up, his eyes starting to glaze.

The fighters showed no reaction to pain...can they feel it? Can they be hurt?

It didn't seem so, and the idea left him panting at the thought of what he might be able to do, if that was the case. So many possible things that could be done. And so far, there hadn't been the slightest complaint from Guide.

He had to test it. Had to see how far it would go. This luscious feline was the perfect one to test this out on.


"Yes, sir?"

"Let's...let's go somewhere else."

"Okay. Anywhere you'd like, sir."

He nodded, getting to his feet as the tiger did the same. This time, as they walked, his eyes went down, watching that slightly feminine, wider rump swaying from side to side, that slender feline tail swaying with every step. His cock was rock-hard at the thought of his tests, and Libra struggled to keep from grabbing himself, groping himself at the thought of the things he would do.

They reached the ramp, but Libra couldn't wait until they were out of the building. Instead, he waited until they were above one of the gaps, and he pushed the feline. Guide didn't fight it, but went flying over the edge, falling over a dozen feet.

He looked down, just in time to see the feline smile up at him as he fell, the cat turning -


And landing head-first on the stone below. Libra stared, waiting for the rise, waiting for the sure thing that the tiger would come back to him, completely okay.

Guide did not disappoint. The tiger lifted himself to his feet, looking up with a dent in his head, a flattened area just over his eye. It should have been painful, on a person, should have rendered them screaming, but Guide just smiled and waved at him, chuckling.

"I'm sure I deserve that, sir. Do you want me to wait for you, or -"

"I'll be right there! Race you down to the bottom!"

They ran, and despite everything he did to win the race, Libra kept falling behind. He'd knock Guide around, he'd shove the naked feline into another person, knock him to the ramp below, do everything he could to get an advantage, but no matter what he did, Guide managed to keep up. The tiger was fast on his feet, and never seemed to tire, just like the fighters in the arena.

Bit by bit, he caught up, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the tiger was allowing it to happen, rather than just earning it himself. Not once did Guide get angry or shout at him for the cheating methods. Not once did the tiger try and do it back. All he did was run, and take it, and smile, and laugh.

Down, down, down they went, and at the last minute, his companion stopped, and he went flying through the opening. Libra panted, stutter-stepping to a halt, and having to lean forward to catch his breath, his cock grinding against his belly in the process.

"Ha...hah...beat you..."

"Yes, yes, you did, sir! You're so fast, it's just amazing."

And you are so...beautiful...and let me win...

He had to lean against one of the stone seats outside of the arena, gasping for breath as his heart slowed down again, his lungs aching from the results of the race. Guide walked over to him, the tiger's barely hard cock bobbing next to his face. The foreskin had pulled back, just a bit, showing the pearly dots at the head of the shaft.

It reminded him of some of the things that he wanted to do with the feline.

The rabbit-wolf hybrid groaned as he pulled himself up, sweeping his ears back over his head as he looked down at his companion. The tiger looked back, smiling as always, and Libra thought of that ass...of that cock...of the things he wanted.

No greater power than a wish...

Well, he wished that ass...and he wished it right now, rough and hard.

Grabbing Guide by the throat, he slammed the tiger down against the ground, the back of the feline's head cracking through the hard limestone, and grabbed the tiger by his tail. Pinning Guide on his back, Libra pulled those striped hips up, grinding his cock between the cheeks. Despite it all, the feline smiled up at him.

"Please, sir, if you want to use me, go ahead. I'm here for whatever you need."

"I need you! I need you now!"

He leaned forward, getting his own leverage by pressing his hands down against the tiger's throat. A hard gasp pulled past his fingers, the feline obviously 'struggling' to get the air that he needed, but he barely cared as he worked his cock tip down towards the tiger's hole. It was already twitching for him, the tight pucker opening up a little in anticipation for his cock. The feline willingly spread his legs, despite getting choked out, and Libra thrust forward as soon as he had the right angle.

The tightness, the heat inside left him groaning happily, his eyes rolling back in his head almost immediately. After all the eye-candy of this place, after all the things that he'd seen, there was no way that he would be able to hold back long. He already knew that much, already knew that he'd be struggling at best to give the tiger more than a few minutes.

But it would be a good few minutes.

Growling with all the force of his wolf ancestors, he pulled the tiger's head up from the tiles and slammed it down again, and again, beating him in at the same time that he thrust his cock in deep, deeper, deepest. Hilting himself in seconds, he rutted that striped hole, his balls swinging forward and slapping against the base of the tiger's tail.

He couldn't hold back. He couldn't stop himself. He needed everything.

The hybrid groaned and growled in time to his thrusts, his cock getting squeezed and milked every time that he hilted himself with the smaller male. Guide looked at him, never doing anything but smiling, even as his eyes started to de-focus from the beating at the back of his head. The flat surface at his forehead from the earlier fall remained, and for all that the young man had been helpful, beyond helpful, Libra couldn't stop himself.

"Use me, sir, use me. Let me make you feel better."

No blame, no fear. Just happiness, just quiet acceptance, eagerness to do whatever he could to help the hybrid.

There was no pain. He couldn't hurt the tiger. He couldn't do anything that would harm him. And that...that made him harder than anything.

In and out, in and out he went, plowing that ass, filling it as the hole started quivering as the feline was deprived of oxygen. Pulsing, twitching, squeezing harder than ever. The tiger looked up at him with the happiest grin, even as the back of his head was flattened against the ground.

"Are you going to fill me? Please, let me take you over the edge."

"Mmmph...gonna...give you...everything..."

"As you wish, sir...give me all..."

He thrust forward a few more times, his cock throbbing and his balls drawing up as he tried to hold back. He managed it, though not for long. He held back for a good minute after he said he would give the boy everything...

At the last second, Libra pulled out, his cock throbbing as he grabbed it by the base. With one hand on the tiger's cock, stroking it so hard that the foreskin bubbled with pre, and the other on his own, he took them both over the edge to orgasm.

As Guide blew his load all over his white-furred chest, Libra covered the young male's face in his own seed. Splatter after splatter covered the gasping tiger's face, soaking into his whiskers, his stripes, everything. The rabbit-wolf kept stroking himself, milking himself for one shot after another, pushing himself to cum harder and harder, further and further.

In short order, Guide was soaked, both in his own seed and in the hybrid's. He slowly pulled himself off of the young man, looking down at him with a slow shake of his head.

" were amazing."

"Thank you, sir."

Not even a hint of actual harm done, either, at least not in his voice. The tiger lay there with a smile, the crater in the ground almost more like a pillow than anything else. He just smiled, cocking his head to the side, even though his eyes were a little lazy. Libra chuckled.

" just lay there. I have more to see...more to do."

"You don't need Guide anymore?"

"I will later, don't worry."

"Then I will wait here."


The rabbit-wolf walked off, his eyes already peeled for someone else...something else to do...

There were so many choices, from the grottos and pools to the arena lockers, but he eventually settled on a couple in a grove. A wolf and a vixen, lovers that were so interested in each other that they never noticed him coming in.

They were perfect, their bodies sculpted as if by the gods themselves, with the wolf's muscles strong and hard, and the vixen's curves given as if by Aphrodite herself. The hybrid strolled around them, looking down at them as he admired what they had, what they gave to each other, what they had to offer him.

Yes, what they had to offer him. Because this was his wish, and that was the purpose of this place. To fulfill wishes.

The rabbit stroked himself hard again, watching as the wolf buried his cock inside of his vixen. The woman arched her back, laying on the ground as she was taken, and she moaned for him, stroking his cheek.

Neither of them noticed as Libra walked up behind the wolf, and the wolf himself didn't move as the hybrid dragged his cock along that fuzzy, hard rump. It was so different from Guide's, bigger, harder, more muscular. It wouldn't bounce when he thrust against it, he already knew, but he was sure that it would hug his cock all the harder.

He grinned to himself as he pushed his cockhead down, watching as the wolf slammed in and out of the vixen. Neither noticed him, still, and didn't until the wolf backed up, his hole opening and accepting the hybrid's shaft instantly.

They froze, the wolf slowly turning around. Rather than looking angry at the interruption, or even surprised, the wolf smiled.

"I was hoping we'd get a third person, sir. Would you like to fuck my ass?"

"Mmm, I sure would."

"Then fuck away, sir. I can't wait to feel your cum in me."

That might not happen, Libra thought as he looked at them. He had a different idea of what he wanted here, not so violent as what he'd let loose on Guide, but something just as good.

He smiled as he thrust forward, the rabbit-wolf burying his dick deep inside of that furry, hot rump. It was just as tight as he hoped, squeezing on him from base to tip, grinding back at him and working his cock in up to the hilt so that he didn't have to do the work. Libra pulled back, but before he could thrust forward again, the wolf thrust back for him, the canine working back and forth like an eager machine.

Happy to let the canine do the work, he leaned back on his heels, watching as that eager pucker swallowed his cock again and again, working back on it before thrusting a hard, throbbing cock into the vixen below. She arched her back against the ground every time, thrusting her chest up against the wolf's as he had her.

Libra was curious about something, though. Guide had changed...changed as he'd been renamed. Could he do that again?

"Vixen...your name is Prey Lover..."

And suddenly, she seemed less enthusiastic for the wolf's thrusts, less eager to take them. Instead, she looked around the canine, looking at him, at his long ears, at his rabbit features. Her eyes glinted at him, and she looked past her lover towards him, at his cock buried in the wolf's ass.

"Mmm," the vixen moaned. "Fuck the wolf harder, big guy...I want to see him moan for you..."

"Heh, I thought you wanted him to cum for you."

"I want him to blow...but then I want you..."

"Mmm, yes," the wolf moaned as well. "Fuck my girl...after you fuck me..."

That was just what he wanted. Libra smiled, leaning over the big predator before speeding up his thrusts. In and out, in and out he went, ramming his dick in deep every time. He felt the wolf's balls bouncing off of his, felt that pucker squeezing at him and milking his cock for its seed. The wolf felt as hungry for it as Guide had, and if it weren't for what he'd have to do in a minute...

He kept it up, feeling the wolf's body squeezing and seizing up, taking in the admiration from the vixen every time that he leaned over the wolf's shoulder. Love had changed to lust, and a need for someone beyond the wolf. The need in her eyes, the way that she'd altered...

I have so much power wishes are truly all that matter, he realized.

In and out, in and out, unable to stop himself as he pounded into that furry, eager, muscled ass. It was so hot inside, so slippery as he oozed pre like a faucet. The wolf groaned and moaned for him, panting, tongue hanging out -

There. The moment where it was almost at the point of no return. He pulled back, dragging the wolf with him, and stroked the wolf's fat cock. He pointed it at the vixen's chest, and she pressed her breasts together obligingly.

"Cum for her, wolf. Cum for the girl I'm going to fuck properly in a minute."

The wolf howled for him as he went over the edge, the canine cumming buckets from the short handjob that he got. Libra grunted, holding himself back by the barest effort of will as his cock was milked by the wolf's hole, almost pulled over the edge himself.

The vixen, on the other hand, only grinned as she was soaked from head to waist. Her breasts were covered with enough seed to be slimed white, strings of seed moving from one to the other as she ground her breasts together and then pulled them apart. She smiled at him, and at the wolf, only to spread her legs.

"Now...please...please, sir...fuck me..."

Libra had no intentions of holding back, not with that sort of invitation. He pulled himself out of the wolf and threw him off to the side, his cock clean save for the pre that he'd been leaking since he slid in. He laid back, his hands on the vixen's hips as she straddled him. Her ass pointed towards him, her pussy towards her old lover.

"Now, Prey Lover...ride me."

Her pussy squelched as she slid down his shaft, and he groaned, curling his toes as she started riding him with all the enthusiasm of a lady in heat. He grabbed at her hips, his thumbs grinding under her tail as she bounced up and down, going from his tip to the base and then back again. She soaked him in seconds, her juices just barely there underneath the smell of flowers in the air.

Off to the side, the wolf smiled, leaning back as he stroked himself, and Libra chuckled.

"You like seeing your lover ride someone else, don't you?"

"Of course, sir. She looks so much happier on your cock, so much better there than on mine. And she should be making you happy. You are the important one here, sir, an honored guest."

"Yes, yes, I am."

He could feel the vixen squeezing on him, and knew that he didn't have long before he would be blowing inside of her. Her tight sex was driving him nuts, her hot walls and her dripping need soaking him from tip to balls, and dripping off of them. His eyes closed, his muscles tensing and his claws digging into her as he tried to hold back.

"'re so tight..."

"You feel so good, Libra...please...use me...fill me...give me everything that you have...Let me do everything for you..."

She was saying something so similar to what Guide had said, and he knew that she meant it. Just as the little tiger had.

He couldn't hold back. He pulled her down one more time, ramming her hips down against his crotch. Her pussy spread wide for him as he came, and he felt her cumming with him, squirting against the ground. Every single rope of seed shooting out, he felt, her pussy tighter than a hand gripping his shaft as he came into her.

He pulled out before he was done, the last shot landing over her ass as he threw her back towards the wolf. At a command, they were back to fucking again, his seed oozing out of her pussy around the wolf's cock, as sure a sign of his conquest as ever there was one.

His own shaft didn't go down in the slightest, and he lazily stroked it, his juices and hers mixing together as he watched the pair go at it once more. The vixen called out how much better he was, and the wolf said the same, saying that he couldn't hope to give her the same satisfaction, but that he would try.

The world proclaimed his status as special, just as much as everyone in it did. Libra panted as he wavered on tired legs, an attendant in a sheer wrap coming over to him with a cup of wine. She bowed before leaving, letting him drink it without even commenting on the fact that he was hard as a rock, and still dripping.

Perhaps there was something in the wine, because he felt his stamina coming back the more he drank of it. He stepped forward, grinding his cock between the kissing lovers, feeling their tongues working over his shaft. Neither complained, and both worshiped.

They love me...they need me...

He stroked harder, faster, driving his cock closer and closer to the edge. One more, he just needed one more.

With their tongues and his hand, it didn't take long. The hybrid moaned, his toes curling in the soft earth of the grove as he thrust forward against his fingers, spraying his seed one more time over their bodies. The wolf took the brunt of it, white lines of cum landing over his cheeks and along his muzzle, while the vixen took the last few shots over her ears and between the eyes. The white lines remained as they smiled up at him, almost praising him with the happiness in their expressions.

He smiled at them, and slowly turned, taking his leave from the grove. Aquarius remained warm and bright, even hours after he'd arrived, the world as perfect as when he had first slammed into the tiled path and been rescued by Guide. Everyone remained where they were, partnered, or clustered, or apart.

Nothing had by his will. And whatever had changed, people loved. They wanted him to be happy, and so would do everything to make it possible.

Just as intended. The experiment was a success, or near enough as to not make a difference. Libra smiled.

The End

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