Releasing the Slut

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of Torin the 'Dragoness'

FA: Torin13 really is a busy dragon...ess...that can't help herself - pardon, himself - with all the fun stuff that she - sorry, he - gets into.

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Releasing the Slut

For Torin

By Draconicon

Magnus could feel himself getting close to another orgasm, but it was starting to get a little repetitive, keeping the little slut around for more of those. Not that he usually got bored of sex, but with someone that embraced it so thoroughly...well, what was a demon supposed to do without a little challenge?

The alligator demon reached down, rubbing the gold dragon's head as Torin leaned into his crotch, pressing those scaly lips hard against the base of his cock. It was like the 'dragoness' couldn't stop herself, and at this point, he doubted that she could. All the work he'd put into twisting her mind and shifting her to be as slutty as possible had taken a deep root in there, and it would take a greater mind-healer than the earth had on it to fix her if he wanted to keep her that way.

Perhaps lucky for this one that I am satisfied with a few weeks of use, he thought with a chuckle, patting Torin's head a few times as his cock throbbed in her mouth. The dragoness continued to swirl her tongue around his shaft, teasing it and collecting everything that she could for her own personal pleasure, and he felt as if he could release at any time. He wouldn't, of course; a demon lord such as himself released at his own time, and no other, but it was good to see and feel the talent.

It would be a shame to lose it, but it was time to go on to other challenges, other bits of fun. And besides...he had one more thing to let loose for Torin.

He grabbed hold of the sides of the dragoness's face, pulling her into alighnment before slamming forward, burying his cock down her throat. He held her down, her nostrils pressed firmly against his crotch, making her breathe in his scent to the fullest as he came...and came...and came. She swallowed around him constantly, sucking his seed down into her gut with everything that he had to offer, and she didn't cough once.

Even when he stopped, he held her there, watching the dragoness's eyes glaze over. There were many things that he could use to corrupt another, to change them, control them, alter them, but his scent was the most powerful. Even here, in a pocket realm where his power was increased many-fold, Magnus could use his scent to change someone better than he could use anything else.

It affected Torin quickly, glazing her eyes over and leaving her as golden and shimmery there as she was everywhere else. Her eyes reflected the gold of her snout, leaving her mind completely open.

"Heh, good girl, you little slut."


"You still think that you're better than that? Well, perhaps you are. You can charge for it, after all, whore."

The golden dragon didn't blush, not this time. He imagined that the many rounds of conditioning that she'd gone through had rendered her shame down to nearly non-existent. Which was a major part of the training, anyway.

He leaned back on his throne, looking down at her as her eyes continued to glaze over. There was little left of the original dragoness, there, little left of the fun-loving dragon that persisted in calling himself a normal dragon, not a slut, not anything else. Heh, there was barely even a 'he' left in there...

Magnus couldn't return Torin to earth like that.

"All that you learned will be buried, Torin. I'll be putting it in the back of your mind. All that sluttiness that you've picked up here, all the shamelessness, it will be put away. Only a little bit will leak out, only enough for you to remember that it's there, waiting to be pulled out when I ask you to."

Which will still leave you sluttier than when I picked you up, which I'm sure all your friends will appreciate, you cum-guzzling fuck-slut. Magnus chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he petted between the dragon's horns. The little slut continued to nuzzle into the demon's crotch, sucking in the scent and the musk there, and it showed as his eyes continued to gleam with golden light.

The demon kept petting his little dragoness, shaking his head a few times as he felt her cumming over the floor. More scent, but not enough to overwhelm his own as he continued.

"You're burying all that sluttiness, now, just feeling it ooze out through a crack in the door. Nothing to stop you from being horny, though."

He chuckled, feeling Torin's throat squeezing down on his cock at that, a soft gasp that was muffled against his cock.

"Yes, so very horny, horny to be used, even if you aren't acting slutty. Needing that feeling of a dick, needing that scent of a cock, needing the sight of so many big males around you. You won't be able to help yourself, feeling horny all the time when there's a male around, always thinking of what might be, always thinking of what you want them to do to you. It's so hard to think of anything else around other males.

"Yes, yes, so hard, and so stiff, like you will be. You'll feel your cock sliding along your belly whenever you come near someone that is big enough to top you, feel your hole puckering hard under your tail, thinking that you could get what you want. You will be fantasizing constantly, that little radio in your head shifting over to a sexy saxophone, instead."

He smiled as he watched Torin shiver and moan beneath him, the little golden dragon getting into the whole idea more and more. It was so obvious, seeing it in those eyes. They were gleaming with anticipation.

It was part of the whole reason he couldn't keep Torin. A demon needed a challenge, needed the fun of breaking things, rather than simply opening a door and getting a dozen gifts a day. Torin had ended up being much more of the latter.

However, he knew there would be plenty back at Torin's home that would accept the dragoness for the slutty thing that she was...well, mostly.

With the gold dragon buried against his crotch, he worked his magic, shifting some of the changes away. The fattest parts of the dragon's ass were removed, bringing it from too-thick-to-fit-through-a-door to just thick enough to cause some difficulty. He removed the worst of the feminine traits, such as having nearly no cock and adding a couple of inches back to it. Not many, of course; that could be added later, and besides, Torin looked cuter with just a couple of them rather than the foot long shaft.

More than that, however, he worked his magic on her mind, taking away the worst of the feminine pronouns.

"No longer a dragoness, but a dragon. A cock-hungry, horny, submissive, eager to serve dragon, but a dragon. You will be seen as a female no longer. You will carry yourself proudly, but with a swaying ass befitting your bottom status."

The dragon nodded at him as 'she' kept sucking on him, and he released another orgasm as a little reward.

"One last thing...once per month, you will go into your own version of heat. Once per month, your ass with burn, your body will ache, and you will crave cock beyond any other time of the month. You will beg for it, crave it, put yourself on display with desperate need for dick and cum. You will go so far as to throw yourself on the ground and wave your ass in the face of the nearest male, begging for his cock inside of you.

"You will be able to resist it, if you really try, but if you can't, you will have another set of eggs to carry around. Heh...consider it my gift to is this."

Normally, he would have needed to seed the little dragon to send him off with a load of eggs, but Magnus was in his element here. He could do what he liked, and as Torin took in a breath, the gold dragon swelled. The alligator demon watched the gold belly swell outwards, pushing forward with egg after egg that came from the demon's scent alone, filling the dragon until he looked pregnant once more.

It was done. Torin was as much back to normal as the demon cared to take him, and from now on, would be quite the slut back in the real world. Perhaps not as slutty as he would be here, but slutty enough to keep embarrassing the little dragon. It was part of the fun, he supposed; Torin seemed to take pleasure in the humiliation as much as he did in the act itself, and if one admitted that they were a slut, where was the humiliation to be found.

The demon gathered up his power, and pressed his hand to the dragon's head, pushing his pet back, back...and away...


Torin woke up with a groan, the gold dragon barely able to see through some sort of golden fog. It was like he had been knocked out and then rolled in some sort of dust or something...and his belly felt like he'd been gorging himself at a major buffet.

Mmmph...hope that Super Torin didn't make a mistake...

He rolled himself to his feet, only to find something pressing against one of his front paws. The gold dragon lifted it up, and saw, to his surprise, a little golden vial that had been pressed between his toes. He picked it up, tucking it into a tail grip, as he picked up the note that was underneath it.

It was addressed to someone called "Slave Torin," who he had to admit he had no idea who that was. He knew Torin and Super Torin - himself, of course - but he didn't know them. Maybe there was some horrible doppelganger out there, trying to make everyone think that Super Torin was nothing but a horrible, gasp, slut! He would have to deal with that.

But the note did explain the vial. Something about a bet and awakening magic and all that stuff. There were other details, explanations about important things, but he had eyes for just the two words.

"Awakening magic..."

There was no time to waste. Torin popped the cap of the vial and chugged it, only to immediately wince and freeze.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Tastes like pine cones..."

Still, if it actually started giving him magic, the gold dragon would drink as many of those as he had many of them as it would taken.

Gathering up the note and vial again, he turned his attention to the south side of this...forest clearing, he assumed...and started making his way home. Hopefully Kilian could tell him what he'd just drunk.

The End

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