MERVAS Marvels

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A bit of a weird story for FA: Lurdanjo set in his MERVAS setting. Lots of little rules of that, but it boils down to:

  1. Androids populate the world and act as if they are real people.

  2. No androids ever feel pain or feel down or sad.

  3. Everything can be repaired.

With that in mind, enjoy.

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MERVAS Marvels For Lurdanjo By Draconicon

Normally, Lurdanjo had no worries when he was going from alley to alley. He enjoyed the time he spent in these simulations, and he enjoyed spending time with the myriad creatures that populated it. They were kind to him, they indulged his every whim, and they did what they were told, without complaint and without a frown.

That didn't help him one bit when the simulation got this convincing. The red dragon grunted as he tripped over a loose bit of concrete in the alley he'd been chased in, and he barely caught himself in time to avoid hitting the ground. He tried to pull himself up -

"There he is!"

But it was too late. They'd already found him.

Three wolves ran after him, one grabbing him by the tail before he could get up. He was swung around, pressed against the alley wall, bricks grinding against his cheek. Rough, hard hands pulled his arms behind his back, and other furry fingers started stroking over his pockets. One reached inside, while another hand groped at his crotch. A growling chuckle filled his ears.

"Heh, look's like this bitch is already hard."

"You know what? Maybe we should give him something...after all..."

The wolves threw his wallet and his pocketwatch, his coins and his credit cards to the ground before flipping him around. They kept him pressed to the wall, one of them already unzipping while the others held him back.

"After all...we're taking everything he's got...might as well leave him something to remember us by..."

Lurdanjo struggled, but they held him down with insane strength. Even his best efforts didn't move him even an inch, and they held him tighter than metal chains as the wolf continued pushing his pants down. The red dragon blushed as that floppy shaft was revealed, and his blush only got worse as the wolf reached for his pants, pulling his zipper down and pulling his jeans down.

The three wolves laughed as his cock was revealed, his floppy shaft rapidly getting harder as they held him against the wall. One of his captors grabbed him, squeezing his cock in a grip that was almost tight enough to hurt. Almost; it seemed to stop just at that point where it was impossibly firm, rather than aching. Ridiculously high levels of control, for that.

The first wolf grabbed him by the balls, giving them a slight pull before gesturing at the other two.

"Pull him up. I'm gonna give this little bitch an ass fuck like you wouldn't believe."

"Heh, you got it."

"Make him feel it for us too, boss!"

"N-no, please!"

Lurdanjo shook his head, even as his legs were pulled high in the air. It was so effortless for them, so impossibly smooth. His weak struggles meant nothing to them, and they held him tighter and tighter as the wolf moved in close. He felt the tip of that thick cock against his hole -

"HALT, evildoers!"

The four of them turned, as one, towards the sky. On the rooftop just above, a purple-scaled dragon stood over them. He wore a muscle-shirt that looked like it was clinging to him beyond possibility, and his thick arms only got thicker as he posed above them.

"Unhand that young man, this instant! Or I shall unleash a world of hurt upon you!"

"Yeah?" the first wolf shouted back. "Just try it, Super Dragon!"

"HA! As you wish!"

The purple dragon leaped off of the roof, and dived down with a fist extended towards the wolf with his pants around his ankles. The blow was enough to drive the canine right into the ground, muzzle breaking through the concrete with a crack.

The other two wolves dropped him...well, dropped him inasmuch as they lowered him to the ground as fast as they could before turning to the dragon. Lurdanjo watched with his eyes wide and his cock hard, watching as the big, burly dragon swept his arms left and right, punching dents into the wolves with every blow. An arm snapped back, almost flopping free, but the wolf didn't make a sound and just swung it around like some sort of limp noodle.

The fight didn't last long, and soon the wolves were down for the count, their heads bashed in and their eyes flickering with a slightly out-of-order look to them. Just a reminder that they were out, for now.

Making a mental note to fix that as the purple dragon walked over, the red dragon looked up with a smile. There were multiple rips through the hero's shirt, the clenched fist in the center of his rescuer's chest completely ripped apart during the fight. Here and there, the purple scales were pulling themselves back together, removing the signs of battle, but not before he saw little sparks and hisses in the patches.

"Hello, Citizen! It seems that you're still in need of some assistance."

"Heh, I guess you could say that."

"Fear not! I shall serve you in my capacity as a duly regulated hero, every way I can!"

"Really? What if, uh, I wanted to fuck your cock?"

"Then I shall have to have a bigger one, yes?"

A glance down at the purple dragon's cock was all he needed to see that Super Dragon already had a big one. It ran halfway down his leg already, stopping at his knee inside of those camo pants. It was long...but was it long enough? The red dragon had to find out.

He reached over and grabbed the hero's cock through his pants. No sooner had he done it than the purple dragon smiled.

"I am completely at your service, Citizen. Just let me know how I can help you."

" about..."

Wait. Why talk like that...if this guy wanted to be completely of service?

"Alright, then. Super Dragon, get out of those clothes, and let me see what I'm working with."

"No problem. Super Dragon can do that easily!"

There was no stripping involved, sexy as that might have been for the superhero. Instead, he just squeezed, flexing his arms, his chest, his legs. One solid pulse, and that shirt and those pants fell off of him like rags, coming to the ground in shreds. And what popped up was just what Lurdanjo wanted to see.

A solid, pulsing, sexy purple cock, already running fourteen inches long and with just enough give in it to sway back and forth with a simple smack. He grinned, giving it a good slap from the side. It swung around, smacking against Super Dragon's hip before coming back around.

But...As he pressed his cock against the tip, he knew it'd have to be a little bigger, and a little longer, for him to fit in properly.

"Alright, you're one of the best superheroes here, aren't you?"

"Best Super Dragon around, that's me."

"Then grow this. Grow it...four more inches long, and about an inch thicker."


The dragon flexed again, his body seeming to pulse with some sort of 'super' energy, and suddenly the red dragon was pushed back, that throbbing shaft suddenly surging forward against his cock. The sheer mass of it was amazing, and as he squeezed it, he could feel that give, that fleshiness that the best of cocks had. He gave it a few strokes, feeling it throb against the head of his cock, already oozing hard.

Heh, this is going to be so different.

Holding the thick dick still, Lurdanjo started to grind his cockhead against the slit at the end of Super Dragon's cock. It was slick and wet, alright, and it was slowly opening against the pressure he put on it. He pressed against it, feeling the skin starting to stretch. He heard a slight 'rrrip' as he pushed forward, saw the cock flesh tearing as he pushed in, but the dragon only laughed.

"Push it in! Push it in, citizen, so you can properly relieve yourself!"

"Hehehe, you're ripping yourself apart, Super Dragon."

"There's no harm! Slam it in."

"Heh, if you insist."

He thrust forward. There was no discomfort for him; if anything, it was like slamming into the tightest hole he'd ever fucked. Lurdanjo slumped forward at the sudden, tight grip around his cock. It was surrounded with heat, with wet warmth, with a slowly stroking pulse that seemed to grip his cock and milk it like nothing else. His breath came hard and fast, and it only got better when he looked down.

The dragon's cock was split along the head, forming a fuckable channel right down into his balls. And despite it all, Super Dragon's arms were wrapped around his hips and pulling him back and forth, helping him fuck that tight, hot hole. The red dragon groaned, his hips thrusting without him being able to stop.


He looked over his shoulder. One of the wolves was still moving. A half-healed arm had a gun pointed at his back, finger wavering over the trigger as the gun shook back and forth, trying to take aim.

Then, suddenly, Super Dragon whipped him around. The sound of automatic gunfire echoed through the alley, and some of the shots went right through the purple dragon's chest, ripping through the shirt and shooting out to hit the wall. He stared at the holes that were left behind, his eyes wide...and his face lit up with a smile as Super Dragon only smiled down at him.

"Heh, why'd you stop, citizen?"

"Just watching you...that's amazing."

"You're harder than ever, you know."

"I know."

"Want to see that somewhere else?"

"Heh...since it doesn't about they shoot up your ass a little while I keep going?"

Rat-a-tat-tat-tat went the gun, and the purple dragon's hips started thrusting forward in a staccato beat, slamming that torn cock up and down his own shaft, driving him rapidly towards climax. The purple dragon's chest was already healing up, and he doubted that the rest of the damage would be long in getting repaired, either.

These models are getting better all the...the...the... He groaned, going over the edge as he came down Super Dragon's cock, flooding it full as the gun finally clicked empty.

The End

The Captain's Authority 3

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The Captain's Authority 2

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The Captain's Authority 1

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