The Captain's Authority 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And Rumiir ends up having to deal with a most reluctant to talk wolf. Unfortunately for the other pirate, this dragon has ways of making people talk.

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The Captain's Authority 2 For Sidecord By Draconicon

With the battle behind him, Rumiir had expected his day to be freed up. The sudden appearance of Captain Torgul and the other pirate captains amidst the wreckage and the cargo had thrown a wrench into that plan, but the blue dragon was nothing if not adaptable. Not to mention that it provided a new opportunity for him.

The feral dragon swept his head in a gesture towards the doors leading out of the cargo hold, and the captured wolf nodded before walking along. Rumiir's security chief started to pull together detail for escort, but he countered that with a shake of his head.

No need for security on this one, he thought as he walked beside the captured captain. If he can get away from me, he deserves an escape.

"Make sure that the others are properly processed, Rashii. I will probably want to check them out later."

"Don't worry about them, big guy. We can handle these two..."

"I'm sure you can. But make sure you save a little for me, huh? Heh."

"Heh, we'll see. Depends on how tough they actually are," the python said as he and Torgul left the cargo hold.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that the wolf was already shivering. Good. The dragon wanted his captive to be a little bit afraid. The more nerves he could pluck, the better. People who were afraid were more eager to answer questions than people that were angry. And people that wanted something...

Heh, but he'd get to that later.

Rumiir strolled down the halls of his Dreadnought with a smile on his face. Why not, after all? His crew had just destroyed a fleet of seven heavy ships that were waiting to take him out. That was cause enough for happiness.

For him, at least. Torgul continued to grumble, staring down at the deck. He'd imagine that the wolf felt particularly humiliated, considering that he'd assembled a whole fleet on his own to try and take the dragon down, and not only had the fleet been destroyed, but he'd been humiliated in front of two lady pirates. It probably left him feeling even less of a man than usual.

If he knew what I had planned for his interrogation, he'd probably be feeling even worse, he thought. His sheath stirred slightly at the thought, and the dragon let out a rumbling chuckle. It finally snapped the wolf pirate out of his grumbling, making him look up.

"Stop laughing at me. You won. I get it. Stop rubbing it in my face."

"Oh, I'm not laughing about that. And there's so much more than my victory to rub in your face."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You'll see, if you decide to keep being belligerent about it. I don't like people refusing to do what they're told."

"Fuck you..."

"Closer than you think, Torgul. Closer than you think."

The dragon led the way through the ship towards the elevator, using his tail to sweep the prisoner into it before following along. He deliberately straddled the fallen wolf, making sure that he was positioned so that the pirate would come up and see -

The soft gasp from below was all he needed to know that the little trick had been successful. Feeling a few hot puffs of air around his sack was only the icing on the cake. Rumiir smirked as he pressed the button for the elevator, feeling the slight shiver of movement as it started going up. He looked down between his legs as the wolf scrambled out from beneath him, shaking his head.

"Something the matter, Torgul? I'm sure it's something that you've seen before, any number of times."

"I don't keep scalies on my crew..."

"I'm not that different from them, you know."

"Keep your dick out of my face. I don't go for that shit."

"Oh, you don't, do you? You don't like being pinned under the more powerful pirate, reminded of your place as I beat you into submission?"


"Could have fooled me, considering how many times you keep coming back for me to beat you and send you running off with your tail between your legs."

The wolf's blush was as much as he expected and more. The more he taunted his prisoner, the more the dragon knew that this was going to be one of those interrogations. Usually, he saved them for the females, considering that they were much more likely to enjoy it at the end than the males were, but Torgul had earned a special sort of punishment for all the aggravation the wolf had put him and his crew through. He needed to learn a special sort of lesson.

The elevator came to a stop a level just above the bridge, and the console asked him for the captain's passcode. He gave it with a twirl of his claws, and the door opened on his personal quarters.

As was required of a captain and a dragon such as himself, his personal quarters were quite spacious. There was a large set of cushions and anti-grav projectors on the far side of the room, where he would normally sleep, as well as a holographic projector in the center for either battle planning or visual 'entertainment' during his off hours. Several communications and status consoles for the rest of the ship were placed in different areas along the walls, as well as one, other console that he kept locked for his own use.

A use that Torgul would probably see, for that matter.

He used his tail to push the wolf out, making the prisoner stumble forward into the room before following after. He kept pushing the other captain along, nudging him past the center of the room to an open area halfway between the projector and the captain's bed.

"Stay there."


"Because I told you to. Does a prisoner need another reason?"


The hand-cuffed wolf did as he was told, which earned him a little smile from the dragon.

At least he knows when he's utterly outmatched, Rumiir thought as he walked over to the blacked-out console, lifting his foreleg and tapping a few things out on it with his claws. The first passcode was merely a means to keep from getting himself blown up by the console, while the second was the one to unlock it.

Good thing that I never tell that first one to anybody. There had been that one time a mischief-maker had gotten onto the ship and had stolen some of the access codes for the computers around the Silumgar, and had come up here to try and steal his personal data. The thief had put in the second code first, and ended up getting himself splattered across the room as a result. Good security trumps all.

As his private console was unlocked, he went past his data-logs to the controls for a special holo-emitter, positioned just under the wolf's feet. He adjusted a few of the custom settings on it, making sure that they were just about where he wanted them. He didn't activate it, though. Not yet. Instead, he turned around, facing his captive.

"When you thought you were going to die, you were offering me a great deal of information. I know that you keep caches of weapons, goods, and other things around the galaxy. You're networked, even if you're completely incompetent."


"Don't fight it. We both know it's true."


"So, I want to know where you're keeping all of this. I don't know why your boss bothers giving you the information in the first place - ah, you didn't know I knew about that?"

The wolf's face had paled as soon as Rumiir had mentioned the concept of a boss, and the dragon smiled, tapping his head with his tail tip.

"I do pay attention, you know. I might be up to my balls in a nice fat ass half the time, but that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. I know that you're just one of 'Overlord' Schmeer's captains out there. I know that he's trying to make a bid for some power of his own. And I know that he's storing all sorts of things all over the galaxy to make sure that he's got the resources for it.

"And I know that you know where a lot of them are."

Rumiir walked over to the little segment of the room that the wolf was standing on. To any other eye, it would be the exact same as the rest of the flooring, but to him, there was a boundary, a shade of difference. The metal had a 'dirty' look to it, almost like it hadn't been swept or brushed up like the others. It wasn't, of course; those were just the micro-holes where the projectors would release their images.

Not that the prisoner knew that, he was sure. He leaned in, his nose almost touching the edge of the wolf's muzzle.

"So, are you going to tell me just what it is you know? Or are we going to have to do this the hard way?"

"You think I can just stab Schmeer in the back? If he found out, he'd kill me, and more painfully than you would."

"Funny, because you were willing to give up all sorts of information when you thought you were going to do a few minutes ago."

"That was then, this is now."

"And if I said I'd kill you if you didn't tell me what I wanted to know?"

"...You wouldn't."

For the first time, the wolf's muzzle turned up into something resembling a smirk. There was still fear there, Rumiir could see - and almost smell - that much, but Torgul seemed to be getting some of his confidence back.

"You wouldn't kill me here. You're not that sort, dragon. You kill people on the battlefield, you kill them in space, you kill them in raids. You don't kill prisoners. You're not the sort."

"Am I not?"

"No. I know the sort. I know people like Schmeer. You ain't like that."

"No. No, I'm not."

He shook his head, hiding a smile as he turned back towards the console. He'd been expecting the wolf to be reluctant to actually give the information, but he hadn't quite expected his prisoner to figure that bit of information out. The other captain had a little more insight than he expected.

Then again, it didn't matter. He was still a prisoner, and Rumiir had been hoping that the canine would refuse to give him the information. One reason for it was as good as another.

It only took one button to start the process. As his tail tip tapped it, the projectors hummed to life. Torgul shouted in surprise, but it was too late. His ankles were bound in hard-light, wrapped tight in solid holographic manacles. Other chains shot out, pulling the wolf to all fours and then wrapping around him all the tighter.

It didn't take long for the prisoner to be completely bound up, his arms tied even tighter to his sides, his head pulled back and forced upwards, while the rest of his body was kept from moving in the slightest. Rumiir chuckled to himself as he walked over, making sure not to disturb the boundaries until the projection was complete. The wolf glared at him all the while, and snarled.

"What are you doing?!"

"I told you, I have something besides my victory to rub in your face."

"You've gotta be fucking kidding."

"Considering how long it's been since I've enjoyed a good ass on my cock or a nice muzzle slurping around it, I'm not. You are in for quite the treat, Torgul. Most of my crew would love to be the ones that were relieving me after a week of nothing."

The wolf's eyes went wide, and they dropped down. The dragon knew just what the other captain was looking at, too, and lifted one of his hind legs to give him a better view.

He didn't need to look to know what the wolf saw. A fat sheath that was already plumping up, and a pair of balls that would be bruising the canine in short order as he started humping away. The idea of using that throat, of breaking this little annoyance in as a proper slut, was already getting the big blue dragon aroused, his cock starting to slide free of his sheath little by little.

The slight fear in the wolf's eyes only grew stronger as the dragon's cock got bigger and bigger, and Rumiir couldn't help but take some pleasure out of that. There was something about showing someone that had been a pain in his ass for years just what was going to happen to him. To show the wolf what was going to break him. To let him see just how his life was going to go from here on out, because he just didn't know when to quit.

He stepped into the field when it had finally settled, laying his dick over the wolf's face. The soft feeling of fur over his cock was a different sensation than his last lay. Victoria had been quite happy to help him out a week ago, but it had been a long time since he'd busted a nut properly in or over someone. This was going to be a good relief.

He dragged his hips back and forth, hunching them forward so that his shaft slid along the wolf's muzzle, over his face, back between his ears before coming back down along his cheeks. The soft fur was stroking him with every movement, and Rumiir groaned under his breath as he worked himself back to a normal standing position.

"Mmm, I bet your muzzle is going to feel just as good as that. Better, even. You know how to give a good sucking, I hope."

"You can't do this!"

"You'd be surprised how few things I can't do, Torgul. Open wide."

"You -"

That was good enough. As soon as the wolf's mouth was open, he thrust forward. He'd done this often enough that he didn't really need to aim, only had to push forward to the right point to settle his tip in the other person's mouth. It worked quite well as a gag, and something that he often used for that very purpose when a crew member wouldn't shut up about their budget being shorted.

His prisoner, however, grumbled a great deal more than the others. He shook his head, reaching down and pushing on the back of the wolf's head, grinding him further down the shaft until he couldn't turn his head around without dislocating his jaw. Rumiir held Torgul there for a moment, feeling the wolf trying to gum and bite at his dick. Nothing harmful, yet, but he could tell that those teeth would get problematic if he didn't take steps sooner rather than later.

"If you start biting me, I'm going to put your ass out for the rest of the crew. And most of the girls have strap-ons or cocks to use on it."

The wolf stopped his biting almost right away, and Rumiir chuckled. It was one thing to be mastered by a man, but he imagined that the wolf's pride would never let him forget being mastered by a female. Perhaps he would let that happen anyway, just to see how it went.

In the meantime, though...

He started rocking his hips back and forth, back and forth, sinking his cock into that fuzzy muzzle. Even without any technique, the size difference between him and the wolf was sufficient to allow him to use Torgul as nothing but a cock sleeve. He worked himself into that muzzle, his tip sliding towards the back of the throat. Resistance didn't matter to him; it was there, and then, with a thrust, it wasn't.

Even with the wolf gagging and coughing along his shaft, Rumiir worked his way further in, making the wolf take his cock further and further towards the base. He knew that there was a limit - after all, the base of his shaft was more than a little thick - but he knew that the wolf would take most of it before they reached that point.

Oh, if you were just a little bit more of a scum-sucker, I might actually knot your muzzle...but you're just enough of a coward to escape that fate, he thought to himself. Besides, if the wolf wasn't ready for it, the effect of muzzle-knotting could end up knocking him out, if not delivering even worse consequences, and he wasn't here to be an executioner.

As he worked the wolf down to the limit, he removed his hand from the back of the canine's head. There was no need to hold him down, at this point. He'd found the right position to keep humping, working his dick down the wolf's throat again and again, enjoying the feeling of those tight spasms around his shaft. The big blue dragon groaned, his forelegs on the other side of the wolf as he started thrusting harder, faster.

He felt his balls swinging forward, smacking the wolf in the chin with each thrust, and grinned as he smelled his own scent starting to fill the room. There was no way that the wolf wouldn't smell like a dragon toy by the end of this, and that was yet another punishment that he felt was appropriate for this little fucker.

In and out, in and out his cock went, going from the hot mouth to the cool room and back again. He heard the gluck, gluck sounds of his shaft popping into the wolf's throat again and again, and the pufft pufft sound of his balls bouncing off of the captain's chin. He smirked.

"Looks like you can take a cock pretty damn well, you little bitch. I think you should have been doing this rather than trying to steal my stuff every week. Why didn't you just go into cock sucking rather than captaining? I think we both know where your real talent lies."

He could feel the wolf shivering beneath him. Rumiir had no illusions that the wolf was broken yet, but he could feel the cracks in the canine. His prisoner would be a proper bitch by the time that he was done using him, by the time that he was done putting him through his paces. He grinned at the thought, and sped up his thrusts that much more.

In and out, in and out, his cock connected to the wolf's muzzle by a long strand of goo and spit. In and out, in and out, feeling the captain shaking beneath him, shuddering and more held up by the chains now than pinned by them.

"Heh...go better get ready to start gulping, 'captain,' because I'm gonna cum soon."

The wolf finally struggled again, but it was a weak one, barely more than a few squirms from one direction to another. Rumiir pulled himself forward by another pace, dragging the wolf's head right down to the top of his knot. It was already heavily swollen, too big to get into the wolf now, but so hard and heavy...

He thrust one more time, two, three, four...

And he came. The wolf tried to pull back, but the projector held him in place, bound in one spot as the dragon filled him up. He felt the spasms, the gagging in the throat, the attempts to push all that seed free, but he made the wolf swallow each and every bit of it. The damnable pirate was his fucking whore, his prisoner, his to use and break however he liked. The dragon kept pumping more and more cum, feeling his balls drawing up and finally feeling less heavy for the first time in days.

Slowly, slowly he pulled back, dragging his cock free of the slick throat. He heard the coughs coming before his cock was all the way free, and chuckled.

"Oh, didn't you like all that cum? I thought you'd like to see how it felt, considering how much you were staring earlier."


Finally pulling all the way out, Rumiir looked down at his captive. The wolf's eyes were watering, and his muzzle was soaked with spit and pre, with some of the cum drooling out from around the corners of his mouth. The dragon chuckled to himself, shaking his head a few times as he felt his cock swaying back and forth between his legs as he walked around.

That's not going to be the last one, he thought as he felt his cock still throbbing, still needy. Now that there'd been one orgasm, he knew he'd need more. More to get himself fully satisfied.

Lucky for him, the wolf still looked as stubborn as ever. He smiled.

"Tell me where the caches are."

"Nnngh...mmmph...ugh...That....that was..."

"Caches, then you can get out of there."

"I can't...I won't..."

"You won't, hmm?"

Just what I wanted to hear, my slovenly prisoner. He reached out with one foreleg, and his claws made quick work of the captain's pants. They ripped open the back, making a hole big enough to expose Torgul's furry ass. The wolf jumped and jerked in the chains, looking over his shoulder. His eyes went wide, and he looked up.

"You can' can't seriously be thinking..."

"I'm thinking that you need a good pounding. Maybe it'll loosen some of those locations for you."

"No, I can't take something that huge! I can''ll rip me apart!"

"Trust me, Torgul. I'm a better lover than you give me credit for."

Rumiir kept up his smirk as he walked over the bound wolf, his cock dragging along the trousers before he found the hole. He was of a size that he was able to stand over the wolf was ease, and as he flexed his muscles, his cock jumped upwards, sliding along that fuzzy ass cheeks until he found that pucker.

"Heh, feels like you haven't had that much experience back here, you little slut. I think that it's time that I fix that."

"You can' won't...I can't..."

There was no cohesiveness to the prisoner's protests anymore. Rumiir was pretty sure that he was getting close to being broken, now, and it wouldn't take much to push him to the point of giving up the information that he needed. The dragon smiled, his cock oozing pre and cum still, and he smeared it back and forth over Torgul's hole.

"Tell me, or you'll get fucked so hard that you won't be able to walk for a month."


He pushed forward just a bit, his tip nudging at that hole. Even that was bigger than the wolf's fingers, and the captain whimpered, his head falling down. His twitching ass was a different sign, however, and the dragon could catch the scent of something besides his own musk.

Heh...once a bitch, always a bitch, he thought as he started dragging his cock backwards, then pushing forward again, nudging the hole again and again.

"So, a part of you does want the feeling of a good, hard fuck, hmmm? You want to be bred by a bigger male, to be filled and used? You want to be that little bitch that you keep acting like for real?"

The wolf didn't say anything, but Rumiir could check that easily enough. He let his cock slip down from the canine's hole, and thrust forward between the wolf's legs. The other captain jumped, but it was too late. The prisoner's erection pressed right against his, proof positive that somewhere, somewhere deep in the wolf's mind, perhaps, he was enjoying what was happening to him. What he was being forced through.

"Heh, I thought so. Well, no worries, Torgul. You'll get what you soon as I get what I want."

" won't fuck me?"

"Heh, I didn't say that."

He pulled his cock back up, and this time, his thrust pushed the tip of his cock right past the wolf's slippery rim. Torgul stiffened up hard under him, arching his back and whimpering as the air was driven right out of his lungs. The dragon smirked, holding himself there as the end of his cock was stimulated, teased by the wolf's frantically tightening and releasing muscles. Everything was begging for more, and yet, trying to push him out at the same time.

"I know how to fuck someone so that I get all the pleasure and they get none. And I know how to fuck someone so that they will cum again and again and again, never stopping, never ceasing until I finish. Until you tell me what I want, I'll keep the pleasure for myself."


Rumiir thrust forward, cutting off the captain's words again. The prisoner would learn his place, eventually. There was only so long that people could take that sort of tease, when they were the sort that wanted this sort of thing in the first place. In and out, in and out he went, already working himself down to the top of his knot, making the wolf's ass break down to take him properly.

It didn't take long for that rim to stop squeezing on him, the canine's ass muscles unable to keep up with the assault that it was under. Rumiir smiled as he felt the inevitable slackening off, the loosening that came from fucking something that was so much smaller than him. The body just couldn't hold itself together, particularly when it was fucked and rutted as hard as he was working Torgul over.

In and out, in and out, each thrust slamming his knot against the wolf's ass. Each time, he angled himself so that he missed the wolf's prostate, always barely grinding against it rather than actually pressing down. Enough pressure to keep him whimpering and wanting, but not enough to satisfy.

He pulled back when he heard the wolf starting to groan, panting, leaving just his tip in that stretched-out fuckhole. The prisoner groaned beneath him.


"Caches, Torgul. Caches."


"Looks like you don't get what you want, just yet."

He slammed back in, working the wolf across the floor, dragging him along with each thrust. The light dissipated - the scheduled session with them had run out, about a minute ago - and the wolf was dragged along with him, unable to pull away, unable to get himself upright. There was nothing he could do to help himself.

In and out, in and out, the wolf's loosening, slack ass barely gripping him anymore as he pushed the wolf around the room. Dragging him on his belly. Slamming in and again and again, his knot starting to push at that pucker.

"You better tell me something soon, or I'm going to knot you and leave you dry."


"Locations, Torgul. That's all I'm asking for. Locations, and information."

"Nnngh...Please...I can't...I need..."

"Perhaps a slave cache, to start with?"

"...Nngh...third planet...four systems over..."

The information was immediately recorded, and Rumiir rewarded the wolf with a little shift in position, enough for a few thrusts to slam right against the prisoner's prostate. The wolf's howls of pleasure echoed off of the walls, coming back to his ears with a ringing, needy sound.

After that, the information came faster and faster, the threat of the knot and the reward of the pleasurable thrusts enough to keep the wolf singing his praises. It always worked. Pleasure and its denial were always effective on individuals, sometimes even more effective than pain and its relief.

He worked the wolf around the room, leaving the prisoner dripping and begging for more with every thrust, until he was sure that he'd worked all the information out of his prisoner that Torgul had. The wolf was panting, almost brainless beneath him from all the stimulation that he was going through, and the dragon, for all his stamina, was starting to reach the end of his ropes. He needed that extra bit of relief, and he needed it soon.

Rumiir walked the wolf over to the wall, and slammed him against it. Lifting himself up on his hind legs, the dragon captain rested one foreleg against the wall, and braced the other one on the wolf's shoulders.

"Heh, time for your full, filling reward..."


Heh, yes, you need the thing that you feared only a few minutes ago, Rumiir thought, working his hips backwards, and then slamming forward. Back and forth, back and forth, his knot slamming against that broken pucker. The solid base, the needy shaft was pushing so deep in the wolf by now that he was half-surprised not to see a bulge in the male's belly. But that was hardly the problem for him.

In and out, in and out, the knot spreading those fuzzy ass cheeks better than any pair of hands might have. The hole was broken, not bloody, but broken, trained to gape, trained to spread for a thick, heavy cock. It would never be anything but a whore hole from this day on, and addicted to the need that Rumiir had awoken.

The dragon kept thrusting, slamming his knot further and further into that hole, spreading it more, breaking it down. He wanted to feel it break in, wanted to feel it spread properly around his knot.

This is what a bitch deserves, he thought. This is all that a bitch needs. A thick, heavy, powerful, knotted dick.

Another thrust, sinking in almost halfway, feeling it clutching around his cock and almost taking him over the edge. The wolf moaned, no longer scared, but begging for the knot. No longer fighting it, but craving it. In and out, in and out...


And there it was, his knot sliding in, slamming in deep into that hole. Rumiir moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as he got a proper climax rather than just a quick blow. The feeling of that hole squeezing desperately around him, the way that the wolf came against the wall in loud spluts, the way that he felt his own seed swirling around his cock as his balls drew up and delivered their load...


He kept thrusting in micro-movements, grinding his seed into the wolf's hole until he felt his load finally come to an end. The dragon pulled back, and then started to pace around the room, dragging the blissed-out prisoner with him, the knot holding them together for the moment.

The information on the caches would definitely be helpful. He could start re-supplying himself after using up as much ammunition as he had on the ambush, not to mention set a few different sets of slaves free. Probably ransoming the richest of them, if he could, just because it wouldn't be a bad idea. And if it did get back to Schmeer what he'd done...

Well, Rumiir enjoyed tweaking the noses of other people. Not to mention making damn sure that they knew it was him.

But what to do with the cock-sleeve that was still drooling off of his shaft?

He looked over his shoulder at the dribbling little wolf, shaking his head. There was no way that this little asshole would be able to captain a ship again. Not after going through that much of a mind-break. He'd need to be put somewhere to actually do what he was good at. But at the same time...

Hmmm, he might be useful in other ways...

Rumiir dragged himself and his fuzzy cock sleeve over to one of the communications consoles, tapping a few buttons to bring up the security rooms. Instantly, he had a view of his python security officer ramming her dick down the throat of the vixen pirate captain from earlier. He chuckled, and immediately, Rashii turned her head.

"Sorry about the wait, big guy. Just finishing up down here."

"No need to hurry on my account. Which of the two is she? Cammus or -"

"This one's Kandy. Cammus is the wolfess, and Berta's taking care of her."

"Heh, make sure that you two leave their bodies intact. We're going to be sending them back to their allies."

"...Come again, Rumiir?"

"Oh, break their minds as much as you like, but we're sending them back as part of a message. Ditto with some of the goods."

"You're fucking kidding me."

"Not in the slightest. Besides..."

He smiled.

"I believe it's time that we met with the militia, as well. Don't you?"

The snake looked back at him, her hips never stopping their thrusts down the vixen's throat. Slowly, Rashii's smile came back, and she nodded.

"I like the way that you think."

"I'd hope so. You're supposed to."

"Do I get a -"

"Heh, maybe. But I think I might just keep this one to myself."


"No, just enjoying myself. Make the preparations for that after you finish your fun."

"Yes, sir."

He cut the channel, looking back down at the wolf hanging between his legs. He could see his knot slowly going down, but he wouldn't be able to pop it free for another few minutes, at least. He had time to consider just how he'd use the prisoner after that.

Hmmm, another round of anal, or do I want to just use him as a grinding toy...decisions, decisions...

The End

The Captain's Authority 3

The Captain's Authority 3 For Sidecord By Draconicon The _Silumgar_ dropped out of warp behind the local moon, the Dreadnought floating in the shadow as Helmsman Gloria set up an orbit around the pale planetoid. Rumiir called out a...

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The Captain's Authority 1

The Captain's Authority 1 For Sidecord By Draconicon The halls of the _Silumgar_ were modified beyond the scope of most Dreadnought-class ships, with each passage raised by eight feet more than the normal plans and widened by...

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A Lack of Understanding

A Lack of Understanding For Veronica Foxx By Draconicon Rei, simply put, was tired of Texas. She was tired of the people, she was tired of the school. "Coach, why's that bitch still here?" And most of all, she was tired of...

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