The Captain's Authority 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And so, the story of the great Captain Rumiir comes to an end, for now. But what does he do to bring it to an end? That's the fun part.

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The Captain's Authority 3 For Sidecord By Draconicon

The Silumgar dropped out of warp behind the local moon, the Dreadnought floating in the shadow as Helmsman Gloria set up an orbit around the pale planetoid. Rumiir called out a few instructions, reminding Victoria to keep the missile turrets armed but keep the particle beams offline. The raptor was already on top of the situation, but it never hurt to give the trigger-happy reptile a reminder.

Of course, there were a few guests on the bridge, kneeling down on either side of his chair. The increased gravity around the captain's seat was a better chain than any sort of metal, and the wolfess and vixen were pressed tight to either side of him, the pirate queens unable to move in the slightest.

Their third guest, of course, was down in the cargo hold, along with a great deal of slaves in a larger pod.

"Rashii, you made sure to encrypt those messages, yes?"

"Just the way you told me to, big guy," the python at his side said, polishing a pistol in the process. "And according to Communications, everyone got the message. They should be here soon."

"Just making sure. We want this to go smoothly."

The blue dragon looked down at the ladies at his sides. Cammus and Kandy, two pirate captains that he hadn't even heard of before his most recent battle. The pair of them had joined with a 'rival' of his - though the term was almost an insult to him, considering how pathetic Torgul was - to try and take him down. It hadn't exactly worked, and now the pair of them were without crew or ship.

After some...persuasion...from Rashii and Bertha, the pair of them had decided to join his crew. Of course, they didn't keep their earlier positions, and their new attire reflected what they did now. As did the slow drip, drip, drip between their legs to the bridge deck.

The feral dragon stroked the pair of them with his tail, petting their heads before turning his attention back to the orbital scans going on around him. The last thing he needed was a surprise when the other ships showed up. If they decided that they didn't want to simply buy back their goods...well, the Silumgar was good, but he would need to be on top of his game.

After all, Schmeer wasn't the most predictable of outlaws.

They were waiting in the shadow of the moon for almost thirty standard minutes before the proximity alert went off. A bare two seconds later, four heavy cruisers popped into the space in front of him, each of them already pulling their deflectors up and - according to Victoria - leveling their weapons at the Silumgar.

"Any signs of power fluctuation?"

"No, sir, seems like they're just locking on."

"Keep our weapons ready, but unlocked. Let's not start anything just yet."

"Being hailed, sir."

"Give it to me."

A projector suddenly opened in front of him, giving him a clear picture of an annoyed-looking mole. No clear indications of rank or skill, but Rumiir supposed that Schmeer was a little less selective than most when he was picking his officers. Torgul was evidence of that. The feral dragon leaned back in his chair, smiling.

"I assume you're the one that picked up my message, then?"

"Captain Vertibrand, yes. You have Torgul and his slaves?"

"Yes, down in the cargo hold, now."

"Send 'em over."

"Certainly. After I get the payment that I asked for."

"You think that asking Schmeer for money after you stole from him is a good idea?"

"I think that giving up any goods for free is a bad idea. And besides, I wasn't the one that took them. Torgul jettisoned it with him inside to save his own skin."

The mole went silent, but the dragon could feel the annoyance coming through the channel. This was not a captain that enjoyed fools. Perhaps this one had been another 'rival' of Torgul's, or perhaps this one simply didn't like someone else showing a sign of strength that wasn't on their team.

Either way, Rumiir didn't say anything else. If they wanted their goods back, they were going to pay for them. The mole suddenly smirked, though, and crossed his arms.

"I didn't take you for a slaver, dragon. What changed your mind?"

"I didn't change my mind. I'm simply getting some money out of it before getting rid of the trouble."

"Heh, the mighty Rumiir, selling slaves. Never thought I'd see the day."

"You trying to start a fight, Vertibrand?"

"You think you can win?"

"I've won against much worse odds than this."

Not quite the truth, considering that those fights had included him starting it and having the element of surprise. Still, better not to let the mole think he could randomly insult him. These sorts of pirates respected strength, and if he seemed too nice, they might just try and blow a hole in the cargo hold and take what they wanted for themselves.

Not that it would work, but they'd try. Slaves were valuable to sell, but cheap to replace.

Vertibrand continued to stare him down for almost a minute before reaching somewhere off-screen. One of the ships in front jettisoned a small container, which started spiraling end over end towards him.

"There's your payment. Just like you asked."

"Let me pull it aboard, and we'll just make sure it's the right amount."

"You don't trust us?"

"Would you?"


Victoria's gunners grabbed the pod with a tractor beam and pulled it into one of the secondary holds on the ship. After Rashii's security teams checked it over and she confirmed out of sight that it was the right stuff - a collection of gemstones that were worth more than the slaves, depending on where he sold it - he gave the order for Torgul and the slaves to be likewise removed from the ship.

The pods floated between them for a little while before one of the heavy cruisers dispatched a couple of smaller ships to pull the pod in. Vertibrand nodded at him over the channel.

"Good doing business with you. I assume you'll stick around while we make sure that you've given us the right stuff?"

"You'll assume correctly."

It wasn't like he had anywhere to go, and for that matter, it wouldn't hurt to keep them busy for a little bit longer. After all, there was another guest that hadn't arrived just yet, and he'd like to see their reaction when it happened.

He and the mole made small talk while they waited for the pods to be pulled in. Vertibrand told him about working for Schmeer, sounding more like a recruiting speech than anything else. All sorts of information about the pirate overlord's conquest of a few worlds, the establishment of a pirate utopia and all of that.

Rumiir just let it flow over him and fade away. It wasn't important, nor would it last. The pirates of the old times hadn't managed to make it happen, and while space was far more vast than the seas, the law had gotten much better at tracking people down and making them pay for what they did. The only safety was in mobility. Schmeer's fortresses would last for a time, but they would inevitably fall. He wouldn't make that mistake.

Finally, the mole turned to face someone else on his end. Rumiir saw the cocky look on his face fade away, turning to shock, and then embarrassment, his cheeks burning red. Vertibrand looked back at him, mouth working silently, his eyes wide, and the dragon smiled.

"Something the matter, captain?"

"You...did you..."

"Is something 'wrong' with Torgul?"

"He's fucking naked! And...and dripping!"

"Yes, well, those are the consequences of messing with me. I do not take this sort of interference lightly."

"That's -"

"Consider him a warning. Your boss might want to think the same, if he is planning on coming after these gems, or sending you after me."

The mole's eyes widened yet further, and he saw the fear there. Good. He'd been getting rather sick of all the vulture-like raids that he kept having to chase off of his kills and his hunts. The other pirates could go after their own prey, the ones that they could actually win against, and stop leeching off of him.

Rumiir leaned on one forepaw, smiling.

"Anything else, Vertibrand?"

"...Let me...let me get in touch with be sure..."


He cut the communications channel, looking over to his communications officer. She gave him a small nod, and he chuckled.

Looks like Helen managed to work out the encryption after all, he thought. Now just how long will it take her to get here?

It shouldn't take long, of course. The cracking of the encryption had been a bit of a wild card, but he'd intentionally picked one that the gryphon had cracked before. The better for her to get here on time, considering everything that was going on. The extra guns weren't required, but they would be very, very -

The proximity alarm went off again, this time announcing a series of smaller ships that popped into space behind the heavy cruisers. Rumiir smirked as they immediately started shooting, bursts of lasers and the occasional missiles peppering the engines of the larger cruisers. Not much, for an initial barrage, but he knew how much the backs of those ships lacked protection. And as long as they were kept busy from other sides...

"Victoria, lock missiles for the bridges of the other ships, if you would."

"Heh, locked already, sir."

"Fire when ready."


The raptor's shout was immediately followed by four thumps as the missile launchers of the Silumgar let loose, the fast-moving pieces of metal, accelerant, and explosive shooting straight for the glass-lined bridges of the ships. Deflectors or not, he knew what would happen next, and he wasn't disappointed.

Multiple explosions bloomed from the tops of the heavy cruisers as their bridges were blown out, the fire blossoming briefly before fading away into darkness. The ships that had just arrived took up a cordon position around the four pirate vessels, a few more barrages hitting the sides of the cruisers before they stopped shooting.

"Another communication, sir. From a 'Helen.'"

"Put it through."

Rumiir had his smuggest face on as he leaned back for the new projection. A gryphon's beak, pulled up in the most severe of disapprovals, stared at him. He smiled back, lifting one forepaw to wave at her.

"It's been some time, Helen."

"Admiral Helen, thank you very much."

"Oh, so high as that now? I guess your superiors must have forgotten about the whole egg incident, hmm?"

"That issue of smuggling has been...overlooked, in favor of my other services. And I would thank you not to mention it again."

"You've never thanked anyone for anything."

"...It's an expression."

"Heh, I suppose. Anyway, thank you for your help here. I always thought that you were particularly good with your timing."

"I wasn't here to help you. I was here to take care of several dangerous pirates, who you were making deals with. As a commander of the militia, I can't...You..."

He saw the realization flicker in her eyes, and the gryphon smacked a forepaw against her face.

"You dragged me into this on purpose, didn't you?"

"Pretty much, yes."

"I should have guessed...Why, pray tell?"

"Oh, certain reasons. Perhaps reasons I'll even tell you, if..."

"If what?"

"If I can have safe passage onto your ship for a one on one conversation."

The gryphon lowered her forepaw, looking at him with clear suspicion on her face. He didn't really blame her. The last time that they'd ended up talking with each other, he'd planted so much contraband on her ship that she'd been tied up in investigations for months. Honestly, he was a little surprised that she'd managed to not only extricate herself from it and avoid being discharged, but risen in rank. Spoke to her character, he supposed.

"If I do, you are going to be scanned, inside and out, for weapons and contraband."

"If that's what it takes, I'm willing."

"And you'll be under my eye the whole time. No tricks."

"No tricks."

"...I feel like I'm waiting for you to pull one right now."

"Heh, you should. But I'm not planning anything illegal."

"For now."

"For now."

"Fine. Get over here. But I'm watching you. The minute that that Dreadnought of yours powers up its weapons..."

"Don't worry. Victoria, power down all weapons."

The raptor looked at him like he was insane, but he wasn't about to repeat himself. Another look her way, and she gave the order. The gryphon seemed to let loose a small sigh, but he could have been mistaken. She was something of a steel figure, hard to read at times.

The dragon stood up from his chair, ending the channel.

"Ready a small shuttle. I'll be back later."

As the order was sent down the ship, he left the bridge. Rashii was right behind him, her hand on the grip of her pistol as she walked at his side.

"Think this is a good idea?"

"Heh, I think it's going to be a fun one."

"You know that gryphon's not that fond of you, after that little prank, big guy."

"Oh, she doesn't have to be. I just think it'll be fun to talk with her for a while."

"You never just 'talk' to the ladies, captain."

He smiled a bit, already feeling his sheath bulging from the thoughts of what he might do. It was always a challenge, of course, but he'd seen that gryphon rump too many times to just let it pass by him again without taking a shot at it.

Rashii sighed, patting him on the flank.

"I'll keep a boarding team ready, just in case things go sour."

"That's my girl."

She left him as he reached the elevator, and he hummed to himself as it descended. An old little sea shanty, modified, of course.

"Yo-ho, yo-ho, a gryphon's ass for me..."

The trip over to the command ship of the militia fleet was uneventful enough, though he did feel a little concerned when there were literally dozens of weapons locked on his position at any given point. Helen apparently hadn't forgotten the incidents of the past, or forgiven them. If it wasn't for the fact that he wasn't such a public enemy as the pirates that they'd just captured, he was pretty sure that they would have already obliterated him for prior humiliation.

That, and it would have been against the law, considering he didn't have a death sentence on him.

Docking went well, but security was damn near murder. Rumiir had seen what Rashii did with anyone that they didn't trust or didn't like, but Helen's guards put new meaning to the words 'invasive procedures.' They patted down every single one of his scales, tapping them with little hammers, working over him like he might have replaced some part of his body with a cybernetic version of itself, and that was just the start.

'Cavity' searches was taken to a whole new extreme, as suited-up wolves and lizards opened up his mouth and pushed several long tubes down his throat, as if he'd carried something along back there to throw up later. One of them grabbed him by the sheath and started poking and prodding inside of it, feeling around for anything but flesh inside.

It wasn't until one of the techs started pushing his tail up that he started getting truly annoyed, however.

He swung his tail around, batting the wolf in question off of his post, and looked down at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Cavity check. Admiral ordered it!"

"You are not sticking anything up there."

"But I -"

"Captain Rumiir."

He turned around, the dragon looking up towards the catwalks in the hangar. The gryphon admiral looked down on him from above, her paws planted on the mesh beneath her as she stared at him.

"I will insist on this. Considering the humiliation that you heaped on me last time, consider this something you can do to pay me back, and regain a little trust."

"Heh, you really think that I, of all dragons, would shove something up my ass in order to sneak it in somewhere?"

"If you had to? Yes."

"You really don't know me very well."

"I know you enough to know that this meeting is about more than just sharing information. I'm not taking any chances."

It appeared not. The dragon looked back at the suited-up wolf again, and slowly pushed his tail out to the side.

The check was quick, at least, and it didn't involve anything too large. A thin tube was fed under there, and wiggled around in a strange way until they were satisfied that there was nothing hidden inside of him. The feral dragon grumbled the whole time, shaking his head.

If I were Schmeer, that wolf would have a death sentence on his head now. But he wasn't, so he contented himself with thoughts of pushing that canine down and using him until he was as much of a bitch as Torgul had become.

The security team kept up their scans for another few minutes before pronouncing him clean. The admiral nodded at them, and walked away, heading to one of the upper doors. Rumiir, watching that furry rump depart, smirked to himself before leaving through one of the lower doors, one of the security staff following at his side like some sort of guide.

He was led through the ship, up two levels and down towards the officer quarters. He was a little surprised to see that the admiral kept her quarters down with the rest of the ship rather than keeping herself somewhat removed; perhaps she had a lover that she wanted to stay close to.

Honestly, he doubted that, but it made for an interesting consideration.

The security officer tapped a code out on the door, letting him in. It wasn't a particularly large room, but it was big enough for him to slip into. The quarters included a joined bedroom and kitchen, with a small segment separated off for entertainment. All three pieces probably added up to a third of his own quarters back on the Silumgar, and none of them had the flair that his did.

Admiral Helen was seated, as much as a feral could be seated, on the couch part of the entertainment section, and from the look of things, was going through information on one of her datapads. Rumiir extended his neck, trying to peer over her shoulder, but as soon as he could even see the datapad screen, it went black.

"I'd thank you not to look at my private things."

"Again with the thanking? You know it's not your thing."

"You know that it's simply an expression."

The gryphon put the datapad down and looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes narrowed, adding to the severe nature of every expression that crossed her face. Always so pinched, always so annoyed-looking, and the beak didn't help.

"Why did you drag me into this? With that beast of a ship, you could have handled those pirates."

"Ah, but that would have involved a great deal of killing. And now, you have the crews to process."

"You were making a deal with them, however. You stood to make a great deal of money by selling things back to them. Why did you involve us, then? You could have let the deal go through, given them the slaves, and taken the money and run."

Always good to know how much they know, he thought to himself. They thought that he would have given up the slaves first, and then gotten paid. Goods before money. It didn't work that way, with pirates. It was money before goods, if anyone had any sense. Otherwise, one just ran off with the goods, and then the shooting started.

The dragon shrugged as he walked around the couch, taking a 'seat' of his own, his forelegs pressing down as he curled his back legs up beneath him.

"Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean that I'm a slaver. There's certain things that are allowed, and certain things that aren't."

"So, you're telling me that you weren't keeping any of those sex slaves for yourself? Or that you haven't bought and sold them before?"

"I've used them. I haven't bought them or sold them. There's a difference."

"Scant one."

"Enough of one."

"So, you're telling me that you involved us so that you could pull them all in, get them arrested, and get the slaves set free? Is that really, really what you're telling me?"

The dragon smiled, his head cocked slightly to the side as he looked down at her. The gryphon held his gaze for a few seconds, then tossed her head back with a grunt.

"Fine, you know what? Don't tell me."

She sighed, pushing her datapad off to the side before rubbing her forehead.

"You could have avoided shooting out the bridges, though. The fact that you killed off all their officers is going to be a mess of paperwork for me. Not to mention why I won't be bringing you in."

"Oh? Would you? Even if you could?"

"Don't tempt me, Rumiir. You're a pirate, just as much as the rest of them, and you know that being here is a violation of every oath that I've sworn as an officer."

The blue dragon chuckled, stretching back slowly. It was no accident that his sheath popped forward slightly at the movement, nor did it go unobserved when the gryphon looked down by instinct. He held himself that way, showing himself off.

"You know that I've never been caught. And you know that none of your ships would be able to take down the Silumgar if things went south. So, why keep posturing like this?"

"Because you're a pirate, and it bothers me that you keep running around and making things harder for other people."

"Not accurate, Helen. I make things harder for people that try and make my life harder."



"You make things harder for everyone when you steal. Driving prices up when goods go missing, making my job harder when I can't catch you and people start distrusting the militia, starting your little wars with other pirates -"

"Don't forget ending those wars with no more pirates on the other side, when they push me too far."

"It doesn't matter!"

She slammed her forepaws down on the couch as she stomped over to him, lifting one and jabbing his nose with one of her 'fingers.' Helen glared at him as she kept poking him right on the nose again and again.

"You might be taking down pirates, but you're taking down legal things, too. Everything you do is illegal. The only reason I'm not arresting you right now is because -"



"You probably want to back up a bit."


"Because if you don't, you're going to end up stomping on my dick with your next step forward."


The gryphon finally looked down, and he treasured the look on her face as she realized that she was about to step on his dick. It had come out of his sheath already, firm and strong, and it rested right between her forelegs as she brought the other one down from his face.

Better still, her jaw dropped as she stared at it, and he could smell her reaction in the air already. The blue dragon chuckled as he hopped down from the couch, turning his side towards her and hiking up his back leg, giving her a good view of the long, thick shaft as it throbbed beneath his belly, bouncing and bobbing up and down already.

"Heh, the rumors are true, you know."

"What...rumors...are those?"

"That I can go all night long...and by the time that I'm done, no lady will be able to resist if I show it to her again."

"You're insane."

"Am I? Then why are you so wet already?"

Helen's blush was everything that he could have asked for, and the way that she turned away like some prim and proper madam was all the better. She slunk along the couch away from him, her eyes looking away, but he still caught the occasional glance back towards him as she tried to catch another glimpse of his cock. It was clear that she was already fascinated by it, and it was only getting worse for her.

The gryphon slipped off of the couch, trying to hide her rump, but he saw the flicker of light off of her pussy lips. She was already eager for it, already thinking about how his cock would feel inside of her. The blue dragon smiled, following her as she walked towards the door of her quarters.

"I think you should go."

"Aw, but I only just got here. Don't you want to try this out?"

"That is neither here nor there. I believe you should head out before -"

"Heh, before you give in? Before you start acting like a slut instead of an officer?"

She whipped her head around so fast he almost heard a crack, and glared at him. However, her back end was dripping enough to put the lie to her words, and he smiled at her as he walked a little closer. He was just enough taller than her that he could walk over her, and he did, making sure to stop and drag his cock between her hindquarters a few times, feeling her shiver beneath him.

"Perhaps I should leave...after might be a bit too...mature for me."

"...What did you say?"

"I like ladies with energy, not ladies that are so frigid. But..."

He dipped his hips down, his cock finding her pussy and feeling her heat, her warmth. She shuddered beneath him as he ground against her.

"Maybe you got a little heat after all."

Rumiir dipped his head down towards her, whispering in her ear.

"Do you want it, girl? Do you want to be fucked by a pirate? You know the rumors. I know you have...they're everywhere. Rumiir the pirate. The deadliest captain...and the most skilled lover. Hard, hot, heavy...If you say you haven't thought about it, you're lying to yourself, and lying to me. You're so wet just having seen it...

"Have you fantasized about it, Admiral? Thought about being conquered, pinned to the wall, filled again and again by a pirate's cock? Maybe that's why you can't capture me...maybe that's why you can't arrest me...because then it will never happen."

He dropped his hips a bit further as the gryphon quivered beneath him. She was already dripping like a fountain, her sex drooling down to the floor and all over his dick, like she was showering it with her 'affection' already. He brought one forepaw up, dragging a claw around her neck, over her beak.

"If you don't want it, all you need to say is one word...Just one little word..."

She shuddered as he pulled back, his cock tip pressed right against her. He waited, giving her the chance to say the word. But he knew she wouldn't, and he was right.

The dragon slammed in, his thick cock pushing past her eager slit. She gasped, driven up against the door, her forelegs scrabbling against it for some form of leverage as he loomed over her. Her wings beat against his belly, flapping hard as he started rutting her, barely slowing him down in the slightest as he worked to get his cock inside of her before his knot started inflating too much.

The gryphon was tight, very tight, but he could feel her loosening up from the first thrusts. This wasn't her first time with someone else, and he grinned as he felt her clamping down on him almost immediately as he started working himself in and out, in and out, slowly grinding his way into her depths. His forepaw worked along her neck, stroking her for being a good girl.

"Mmmm, you like this, huh? You like being filled and fucked? Used like a little bitch?"


"Not so much of an officer now, hmm? So wet around me, and such a nice fat ass for fucking."

He rammed in hard enough to make her jiggle, and grinned at the feeling of her rippling around his cock. The admiral panted for him, and he rewarded her with the rutting she needed.

Her fur and feathers pressed against his scaly chest. Not in any effort to get him off of her, but just to get him against her, to feel him over her, he was sure. She was panting for breath, her beak hanging open as he rammed into her again, again, again, feeling her squelch around his cock.

Slowly, his knot started to form, getting firmer at the base and slowly getting bigger. He felt her popping around him as he rammed himself in up to the base, his balls smacking against her rump very time that he bottomed out inside of her, and he growled in pleasure as he worked himself in further, further, changing his angles so that his growing knot ground against her clit every time that he slammed in.

She gasped, suddenly, squeezing down on him, and he realized that she'd cum from his thrusts, his fucking. He smirked, pulling out slowly, all the way to the head.

"Mmmm, feels like you've been needing this more than I thought."


"Yes, but I'm an ass that's very good at fucking, and that's just what you need."

He pushed down on her harder, dragging himself back into her. She was loose enough now for him to really go to town, hammering at her pussy as hard as he could. Flattening her against the door, he held her there as he fucked his cock into her, feeling her hot, wet flesh squeezing down on him with every thrust, her copious juices running down his sheath down to his balls, feeling them drip every time they swayed back and forth.

He used her, filled her, and drove her over the edge to another climax, two, three, making her pant and shiver and moan. She lost her grip on the door, slowly slumping down as her head laid against the floor. Her chest rested there, her ass still high in the air as he rutted her, his forelegs resting around her hips as he rammed himself in again and again.

His knot was so hard now that it was impossible to fully hilt himself anymore, but he was working on getting it in. She was stretched enough to get half of his knot in, now, but to get it all the way in...

Gonna fill you up so much that you never forget that I was here, he thought, working his dick into her again, and again, his knot getting squeezed hard by her pussy. She was eager for it, working back, pushing back against him. She'd had so many orgasms already, and yet the admiral was begging for his cum like a good little bitch.

In, out, in, out. Almost inside before her muscles pushed him back out. In, out, in, out, again, so close, pulling on her, only to lose his grip at the last second. In, out, in -


And there it was. The hot, wet flesh around his cock pulled him over the edge, the dragon roaring loud enough to echo through the small chamber as he filled the smaller gryphon with his seed, sending it splattering around her insides, filling her to the brim and beyond. He felt her belly swell under him, felt her grow wide with his seed, and he grinned as he slowly came down from his orgasm, panting softly.

"Heh...when the knot goes down...I'll be shoving it up the other hole..."

She squeezed around him again, at that.

Rumiir left the ship with a smile on his snout and plenty of gryphon juices around his sheath. When he'd left the admiral's quarters, she'd been sprawled on the floor, oozing cum from both her holes, and her face had been slathered in his seed. He'd lost count of the number of orgasms he'd given her, but she had gotten a lot.

The dragon flew back to his Dreadnought, and quickly returned to the bridge. Giving orders to get them out of there before the militia figured out that he'd actually been paid for the slaves, Rumiir settled himself down and started thinking about the important question.

Who do I have next...Cammus or Kandy...

The End

The Captain's Authority 2

The Captain's Authority 2 For Sidecord By Draconicon With the battle behind him, Rumiir had expected his day to be freed up. The sudden appearance of Captain Torgul and the other pirate captains amidst the wreckage and the cargo...

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The Captain's Authority 1

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A Lack of Understanding

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