Torin's Cure

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Torin the 'Dragoness'

FA: Torin13 just can't stop. Again, caught by his own desires, and this time twisted by Kilian and his demon captor from before.

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Torin's 'Cure' For Torin By Draconicon

Torin had been working hard for a month, trying to get his life back to normal. It hadn't been entirely difficult. There was the time when he'd fallen over in a fruit-stand, and ended up getting violated by a rather amorous tendril (the fruit stand had belonged to some relative of Cthulhu or something, from what he'd been told), but he hadn't had any real problems other than that. A couple of people who didn't know him mistaking him for a dragoness had hardly been a problem at all.

Then the end of the month hit, and with it, the gold dragon experienced heat for the first time.

He'd been at the cornerstore for some milk when it happened, and bending over for the milk in question when it hit. Torin's eyes went wide, his back arching and his hole twitching like mad from the sudden need, and his shivering legs almost plopped him right on the ground as a result. Gasping and panting, he shut the fridge door, his back legs crossed as he pulled himself along with his front ones, walking right back out of the store.

Torin panted hard, his eyes slitted as he dragged himself back down the sidewalk the two blocks to the house that he and Kilian shared. His tail wouldn't go down, and his hole felt like it was puckering, almost dripping with...something. His cock was steadily growing, but there was no need to touch it. Instead, all of his attention was drawn back towards his ass, towards his dripping, flexing, puckering ass, which seemed to be more sensitive than ever.

His attention was drawn repeatedly to the males walking by, his eyes dropping down to the bulges in their pants. Anytime that it was less than five inches, he moved on, but that seldom happened.

Must be Stallion Day or something, Torin thought as he crawled by at least a dozen well-hung horses, each of them tempting him, making him drool by their very appearance. Some had hefty balls that stood out through their pants, while others had humanoid cocks that ran down their legs. Some, wearing shorts, actually were showing off their cockheads in the process. He wanted them bad, and he almost turned towards them.

But no, he had to get home, had to talk to Kilian. The blue dragon would have some idea of what was going on...he hoped.

As he went, he did his best to ignore what was happening, his body giving off some sort of scent. Everywhere he went, males started getting turned on, and he could feel the eyes watching his ass as he made his way along the sidewalk. All it would take would be one look back, and they'd be on him. They'd be fucking him, filling him...

Breeding him.

That thought kept him going, all the way home.

He shoved the door open with his tail, and slowly backed into the house. Before he could shut it, however, a hand - a thick, big hand that he hadn't thought he'd ever feel again - grabbed him by the tail.

"Hello, Slut."

That voice...there was no doubting it, particularly with the musk already in the room. Torin slowly turned around, looking up at the tall, broad-shouldered alligator demon that had cursed him before, who had turned him as femme as he was...and likely was behind this current predicament, as well.

"Hello, Master."

It was there, a word he couldn't quite avoid saying. He wobbled his jaws, trying again.

"Hello, Master. No, I mean, Master. I mean, Master. Master, master, master..." He groaned. "I can't say it."

"No, you're saying it right. You're just not used to it."

"And maybe you two can explain what's going on, now?"

Torin blinked, turning. There was his roommate, Kilian. The big blue feral was lounging on the living room couch, shaking his head.

"What did you get yourself into this time, Torin?"

"I don't know! I just know I was getting milk - like Super Torin does, always there to save the kitchen -"

"Yes, yes."

"And suddenly, I just felt...hungry. Like my butt needed all the dick and cum it could get."

The blue dragon nodded a couple of times, then looked at the demon again.

"It sounds almost like heat. What did you do?"

"Only what he wanted me to do, of course. He's hardly someone that's innocent in the ways of dicks and cum."

"I am so! Wait...Are we talking to Super Torin or Slut Torin?"

"Slut Torin."

"...Okay, I'll give that a maybe..."

"Give it a guarantee," Kilian muttered.

Before Torin could give a retort, Magnus - the demon in question - chuckled.

"Don't worry about your little slut, Kilian. He'll be fine. Or, I suppose 'she' will be. It's simply a heat that I've left her with. It'll pass in a few days."

"A few days?!" Torin shook his head. "I can barely walk! Come on, you have to help Kilian fix this. I can't be Super Torin like this!"

The demon and the other feral dragon looked at each other, while Torin squirmed on the floor. His hole hadn't stopped twitching since the heat had descended at the cornerstore, and he could feel it worming its way in deeper, and deeper. Even when he clenched his muscles, trying to stop the twitching, all it did was remind him how empty he was.

Magnus eventually reached behind him, and Torin groaned as he tried not to keep grinding himself against the floor. His cock was throbbing so hard, and he was dripping everywhere. It was a bad thing, not worthy of Super Torin, but he couldn't stop!

Kilian and Magnus shared a few words, and soon, Kilian had walked out of the room. The demon turned to look at him.

"Your roommate is going to brew a little potion for you. It'll help you out. I promise."


"Heh, you'll get everything you need very shortly."

It didn't take more than three minutes for Kilian to come back with some sort of potion, but it was three minutes of torture for the gold dragon. He groaned and whimpered, rolling about on the floor. He ground his ass against the carpet like a dog, felt himself dribble some sort of slickness from his ass, and had to constantly fight the urge to ram something up it. The legs of the table had started looking rather inviting when Kilian came back.

Torin didn't even question what it was. He just grabbed the potion and threw his head back, his neck tensing up as he chugged it down in one go.

And then...everything got worse.

The gold dragon flopped down, curling his arms around his belly as the heat surged higher, his entire body breaking out in a sweat. The demon rolled him onto his back, his wings spread out on the floor like blankets, and he shuddered as his exposed hole was stroked by a clawed toe.

"Looks like he's already dripping, demon."

"Give it a minute. She's gonna be horny as hell when that potion finishes its business."

Torin whimpered, feeling his belly swelling, almost, the time when he had started laying eggs. The thought alone made his cock swell, dripping all the more, but even as it dribbled over his belly, he felt something else. Something very familiar.

Shrinkage. He looked down, watching as his cock thinned and seemed to shrink back towards his sheath. Not into it, but towards it, the rod no longer as long as it had been, and rapidly pulling itself towards something more resembling a hatchling's cock rather than a proper dragon's.

Further and further away it shifted, and his balls seemed to shrink, too. They flattened against his crotch, pulling up until they were nothing more than a slight rise in his scales. His cock didn't disappear, but it pulled back until - even fully hard - it didn't quite slide out of his sheath. It just dribbled from it.

And his ass...oh his ass, it burned. His hole puckered, feeling like fire burned around it, like something was on fire and needed to be put out. He looked up at the males above him, and saw that they were both hard. Magnus stroked a cock that looked about as wide as his neck was thick, and Kilian's cock...well, his hole was well acquainted with that.

"Not much of a help, that," Kilian muttered.

"Helps us, doesn't it?"

"That wasn't what he meant."

"Well, I'm sure that we him properly now."

"Mmmph...ugh...I shouldn't."

"Oh, but we should..."

The demon was corrupting his friend! Torin opened his mouth, only for the demon's toes to still his tongue, pinning it down as he tried to talk. Magnus stepped over to Kilian, fingers rubbing down between Torin's hind legs for a moment before pressing them to the blue's nose.

Kilian's eyes flared, his nostrils going wide to take in the scent. The demon chuckled.

"Go on...use your bitch."

Torin wasn't sure what happened after that. He was rolled onto his belly again, his ass in the air, and the blue dragon was over him. Humping, humping away. His hole was stretched out wide, but the feeling of pre dribbling over his hole was something. It took away some of the heat, some of the...some of the fire.

And the demon kept it going, with his musky cock in his face. Torin could tell that his belly was swollen with eggs, just waiting for seed. He could tell that Kilian was going to give him in. And he could tell that Magnus would make him take it.

The thing was...he didn't care. It felt too good to stop.

The End

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