Bimbo Torin

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#7 of Torin the 'Dragoness'

FA: Torin13 really does get around. Even after getting caught by the demon and released, he's back to being hypnotized and used all over again. Poor guy...not really.

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Bimbo Torin For Torin By Draconicon

Who would have thought Torin would be so into demons? Necross thought as he walked up to the house shared by two feral dragons. He kept his hands in his pockets as he shook his head. Even with his immunity to magic, he'd still been mildly affected by it, and had seen Torin as more of a female than a male. Mostly due to the sheer abusability factor, there, but that was still something more than he liked.

He'd have to find some way of having words with that demon; it wasn't polite to drag everyone into that sort of game.

Regardless, at least it was time to have some more fun, himself. The dark red dragon walked up to the door and tapped his fingers on it, and immediately heard the sound of bustling footsteps inside the house.

"Super Torin to the door!"

Heh, as silly as ever.

He leaned against the doorway as he heard a clumsy set of footsteps, a bang of something falling over, and the thunk of someone running into something. It wasn't too surprising; the gold dragon couldn't really keep his footing when he was excited.

The door opened on...well, a smaller dragon than he expected. He remembered there being some changes to Torin during the whole demon thing, but he hadn't remembered the extent of it. Torin has lost at least three inches of height, putting his body at just a little under five feet tall, and his overall musculature was much weaker. The gold dragon looked like he could be pinned by a decently endowed mouse, at this point.

That, plus the fat ass that the dragon sported now, was all the evidence that he needed that Torin had been well-used as a slut, and probably had enjoyed it.

Necross smiled, waving at the little feral dragon.

"Hey there, Torin."

"That's Super Torin to you."

"Ooooh, is that so, my little tail-raiser?"

He scritched the blushing dragon's head with a chuckle, and stepped around him, walking deeper into the house. A quick tilt of his head and listen told him that Kilian was not anywhere else in the house. The big blue had probably gone out for the day, looking for some new potion ingredients.

Which was good for him. He could play with Torin as much as he wanted.

Necross walked towards the living room, and heard Torin following behind. He settled on the couch and waited for the little gold dragon to follow. As soon as Torin was seated beside him, he rested a hand on the feral dragon's head, petting him lightly.

"Heh, so, how are you doing, little dragoness?"

"Mmmph...not fair..."

"Heh, says the girly dragon that was laying eggs all over the place not that long ago."

"I was just...that was a demon's fault..."

"Heh, like it was the demon's fault that you were getting horny enough to spurt cum all over the place without warning?"

It was too easy, really, to play with Torin's head. The gold dragon had every reason to want to play with other males, and it only took a little bit of exploitation to bring that need to the surface. And a little bit of cheating, sometimes.

He reached into his pocket again, tapping a finger on a medallion that he'd picked up recently. It wasn't anything huge, but it was one of those things that people like Draconicon and other mages tossed out on a whim. Little things with big magics that they didn't need anymore. In this case, however, he was pretty sure that it would serve the purpose that he needed juuuuust fine.

"So, Torin, you've been getting back to normal? You still look all sorts of femmy, at the moment."

"That's because Kilian hasn't made all the potions to turn me back, yet. I'm still looking forward to being normal, though."

"Heh, did he at least fix your cock?"

"Yep, all fine again."

"Heh. Well, I might have something for you. You willing to let me give it a try?"

"I thought that you didn't know any magic, Necross?"

"I don't, but it's something that'll probably help anyway. May I?"


Always so eager, and always so adorable, he thought with a chuckle. It was one of Torin's biggest problems, when it came down to it. He had no common sense, and was always eager to trust someone if he thought that it might lead to some fun. It was an adorable quality, but one that was just begging to be abused.

He pulled the medallion out of his pocket, and held it up in front of the gold dragon's face. Almost immediately, Torin started staring at it, and Necross chuckled. He turned it one direction, then another, making sure that the gold dragon's eyes were locked on, and they were. Just as he'd hoped.

It had no real effect on him, though he could feel it trying. The magic in the thing had a tugging, tingling effect on the back of his brain, trying to make him stare at it, lose his mind in it. No effect on someone with magic resistance, though.

On someone without it, however...

"Heh, just go ahead and lose some of that intelligence there, Torin. It's not helping you right now."


I swear, I could hold up a drumstick in front of him and he'd be hypnotized, he thought with a shake of his head. Still, the medallion was making it faster, and from what he'd looked up, this intelligence drain would last longer. Torin wouldn't be getting it back until he released it from the medallion, and even then, it could be locked behind a hypno-trigger. Something fun for later.

He watched as Torin's mind slowly disappeared, the glitter of happy curiosity slowly fading from those eyes as it was replaced with a simple, dazed look of complacency and contentment. It was so simple to drain all that away, and it was actually rather adorable in its own way.

"Just a bit more, now, Torin..."


"I know, I know. It's kinda hard to deal with. I bet it's confusing, too, losing all those thoughts, the ability to think, the chance to actually come up with solutions for yourself. But think about it this way. It's so much better to be a feral than an anthro, right?"


Torin slowly nodded.

"Yes, yes it is, and I'm helping you lose all those problems that come with being an anthro. Intelligence doesn't help you, does it?"


"Heh, hard to speak, huh? Don't worry. You can just be quiet and stare."

The longer that the gold dragon stared, the more his intelligence faded, and the more his intelligence faded, the more his true nature seemed to come out. That tail slipped out of the way, already offering that fat ass to anyone that wanted it, and the feral lowered his head down until he was resting his chin on Necross's lap. It was a nice, warm feeling, and the dragon wasn't opposed to it.

He let the drain continue for another few minutes, until Torin was almost drooling, before finally taking the medallion away. He wanted a nice little pet, not someone that was a total, drooling idiot.

Though it looks like I was a little late for the drool part, he thought as he wiped his lap clear of dragon spit. Now, what to do with him...

Well, the first thing that he wanted was to re-establish his own ownership of the little dragon. Things had gone crazy during the whole demon incursion, and he'd lost some of his claim there. He wanted it back.

Telling Torin to stay - and hoping that the feral understood the command - he got up from the couch and went rooting around in Torin's bedroom. It was a hell of a mess, with a sea of toys (adult and child-like) all over the place, forming him to wade through it to find what he was looking for. There was a toy chest on the far side of the room, if he remembered right...

It was still there, though it was covered in different pieces of junk, including a big broken egg. Trying not to think of where that might have come from, he uncovered the chest and flipped it open. Dildos aplenty lay inside, but he was pretty sure that there was something else that he could use...


He jumped at a sudden lick at his ass, and turned to look over his shoulder. Torin was there, happily treading toys as he swam through the mess, and had just licked him. The anthro dragon chuckled, petting his head.

"Heh, sneaky guy."


"And being so adorably ferocious, as well. Just hang on a second, almost found - AH! There it is."

He pulled a leash and collar out of the toy chest, and flipped them into the air before catching them. Turning around, he saw that Torin had already swum to the other side of the room, and sighed.

"Well, looks like the chase is on."

90 minutes later...

Necross panted as he flopped down on the couch. An hour and a half of chasing that happy little dragon all over the house, but he'd finally managed to collar him. Torin coiled up at his feet, wrapping around his legs, and was purring happily.

Who knew...the little guy could fast...

The End

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