Tribal Play

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A MERVAS story commissioned by FA: Lurdanjo following his character Danji through a forest towards this tribe of hyper-masculine panthers, who are all too eager to do as he tells them.

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Tribal Play For Lurdanjo By Draconicon

A t-shirt and jeans were hardly a good set of clothes for exploring the jungle, but they made Danji happy, and that was all that mattered. The sandal-wearing draconid pushed long, heavy vines out of his face as he walked down the beaten dirt path, shaking his head as the heat beat down on him from above.

One of these days, will have to do something about that, he thought, rubbing the back of his neck. Better climate control or something...heh. These jungles are beautiful, but they're so hoooooot.

The red-scaled draconid pulled his hat off of his head, fanning himself as his shirt started to darken with sweat. Several snakes slithered around underfoot, working over his exposed feet before going along their way, and a couple of birds cawed quietly in the canopy above him. All in all, a very quiet part of the jungle.

But he was on the right track. There were footprints in the path in front of him, large and heavy ones. The tribe wasn't that far away, now.

His imagination was already running wild, just knowing what they'd look like when he arrived. Thick-limbed tribals, strong and hearty, with an easy grace to them and loincloths that hid positively nothing. He imagined the black panthers that he knew lived in the area, knew that their dark fur would leave them like beautiful shadows among the jungle greenery, that they would be as sensual as they were strong, and -

He almost stumbled over a rock as he imagined it, and Danji caught himself at the last minute on a coincidental vine. The draconid pulled himself upright once more, dusting himself off and shaking his head.

Heh, better pay attention where I'm going. Can't count on coincidence every time. That just wouldn't be realistic.

He laughed at his private joke, and kept walking.

The trail followed a river through the jungle, and eventually, he caught sight of other signs of civilization. Not much, barely more than a few bits of shaped wood and a couple of things that people had made, a couple of trail markers pointing out things that he didn't understand, but it was something. Danji smiled, pulling himself along faster and faster, his own eagerness driving him to run at a breakneck pace, stomping on snakes and running through clusters of ants and other insects. Nothing bit him, though whether that was because they were too shocked, he was too fast, or some other reason was up for debate.

He ran so fast that he burst into the middle of the village almost before he realized he was there. The draconid only stopped when he bumped into one of the huts in the village, and he was caught as he rebounded off of it, saved from slamming into the floor.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. Are you okay?"

Danji shook his head, rubbing his nose lightly. It hadn't been that hard an impact, but he'd been running so fast that the bounce off of it had been more of a surprise than he'd expected. More than he thought that a grass hut should have, for that matter; it was almost more like rubber.

He looked up at his rescuer, and immediately, a grin started to spread along his face. Leaning over him, cradling him in thick arms, was exactly the panther he'd been imagining. Muscular, dark-furred, and - he leaned in, taking an experimental sniff - an odd lack of a personal scent. He smelled the moisture in the air, the juices of the plants that made the panther's body paint, a soft fruity smell above that, but nothing else. He smiled.

Heh, this is perfect. Juuuuuust wonderful. Couldn't ask for better.

Danji pulled himself up, the panther still looking at him curiously, and he remembered that he'd been asked a question. What was it?

Oh, right.

"Oh, I'm fine."

"Really glad to hear that," the panther said, as if there hadn't been any gap at all. "My hut didn't hurt you, did it?"

"No, no. I don't think I hurt it, either."

"Heh, don't worry about hurting it. I can always build another."

Out of the corner of his eye, the red draconid could make out a number of other panthers going through their daily lives. All of them, from the biggest warrior to the smallest child, wore loincloths rather than anything else. They were barefoot, and they moved around without a care in the world.

He ignored them after noting that they were around, and they ignored him in return. Almost as if they hadn't seen him. Instead, they continued going about their daily lives, some gathering spears for what looked like a hunt, while others were attending to what looked like the chief of the tribe. Still others were heading down to the nearby river, while one or two adults were tending to the children that needed it.

The panther at his side remained quiet, just looking at him and smiling until Danji started talking again.

"So, this is your village, huh?"

"My village? Heh, no, it belongs to the chief."

"I wonder how he looks."

"Not as good as you."

"Oh, you flatter me."

"You'd be surprised. I mean, he's a glorious panther, but I don't think any of us have the same appearance and appeal as you do."

The draconid laughed, rubbing his cheeks a bit as he started to blush. The panther had to be flattering him, considering how good he looked. Positively towering over him, with hard, rounded bulges of muscle everywhere. The warrior made him look positively puny, and he imagined that the panther's other 'attributes' were as good.

In fact...

He reached beneath the black cat's loincloth and fumbled around, reaching up for the thick shaft he was sure would be there. It had to be, considering how perfect the fantasy was so far.

And it was. Oh, it was. The draconid licked his lips as he felt just how thick and heavy the meat was beneath that leather cloth, starting to stroke it, feeling it up. The shaft had to be almost twice as long as his, and still completely soft. He groaned softly, squeezing the fleshy, floppy thing.

"So, would you like a tour?"


He barely looked up from the squeezing he was doing, only to see the panther still smiling, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Danji smiled.

"In a minute. Just want to see how this looks, hard."

The lean reptile started stroking the panther's cock faster, throwing the loincloth off to the side so that he could look at it properly. It was a thick, heavy thing, with the sides already bulging as it grew, and the tip flared and then subsided as he kept dragging the thick foreskin off of it. He smiled, leaning in to sniff at it, and once more he noticed a lack of any 'personal' scent. It smelled of fur, of rain, of greenery...but nothing like a person.

He kept stroking, pushing it to keep growing, and the thick, forearm-sized piece of meat continued to rise. It grew longer, and thicker, until it was almost half the size of his arm. Danji lowered it against his limb, and shook his head as he saw that it went from his fingers to almost five inches past his elbow.

Geez, that's huge...and amazing...

He was still wondering how it would fit into anything - and how any hole could take it without breaking - as the villagers passed to and fro around him. Nobody stopped to ask what they were doing, nobody looked twice at the fact that some foreigner was jerking off one of their warriors. They just minded their own business.

Not even the warrior himself said anything, only smiled when he wasn't moaning softly at the touches that Danji gave him. The draconid shook his head slowly.

Rather than giving the loincloth back, he kept it out of the way.

"Stay hard for me, and show me around?"

"Sure! No problem. All of us know how to do that."

And so, with a throbbing dick that would put anyone else he knew to shame, the warrior led him around, dragging him through the small village. He watched the warriors get their practice in for fighting, their spears dancing in the air as they sparred with each other. Here and there, wounds were taken, and in one case, a spear went straight through a panther's shoulder. The blade went from one side to the other.

Danji just laughed, particularly as neither warrior showed any reaction to it, and just kept doing what they were doing.

His guide took him along the paths towards the upper side of the village, further from the river. He met with the chief, briefly, and the two panthers spent some time stroking each other's cocks after he made the suggestion. Danji noted that the chief was even better endowed than the guy who was guiding him, and the draconid wondered if anyone here could be used...for something else...

He shook his head, putting that thought away. It was better to just keep looking around for the moment, rather than thinking of that.

His guide took him towards the edges of the village, furthest from the river, and finally gestured at a lonesome hut.

"And this is my home," the warrior said, his cock slapping back against his chest in the process. "Care to come inside?"


Danji smiled as he was led in, only to be immediately ambushed by a little black blur. It shot across the room and slammed into his waist, almost knocking him off of his feet. It certainly knocked the breath out of his lungs.

"New friend, new friend!"

"Hehehe, yes, Da'thi, we have a new friend. His name is...what was it?"


"Danji, yes."

He looked down at the little thing that was hugging him around the waist, and saw a little cub holding onto him. Well, perhaps not little. The panther was at least twelve, maybe even thirteen at the outside, but he was definitely in better shape than any youngsters that would have been in the city. His arms and legs had lean, toned muscles pushing out, showing that he could probably run for days, and his eyes were gleaming with a sharpness that he hadn't seen for a while.

When Da'thi pulled back, he saw that it wasn't the only thing that the boy had going for him. Though the little panther had less of a loincloth than his father - perhaps only half the length - his cock head poked out beneath the bottom of it, just barely in view. It was rather cute, in some ways. And kinda sexy in others.

He was guided towards the table, and little Da'thi sat on the rough piece of wood as his father walked over to a pot. The panther cub kicked his legs back and forth, occasionally shifting that loincloth around more and more. Danji watched, for a couple of minutes, but soon enough find himself curious.

"You're rather friendly, Da'thi."

"Why not? You're a friend of my daddy, and if daddy lets you make him hard, then you have to be a good person."

"Heh, I guess so."

He looked over at the panther, whose cock was barely suspended over the stew pot that he was working, the tip almost pressing against some hot metal above it. Danji chuckled to himself at the sight, shaking his head.

"You can go soft now."

"Oh, thank you. I had forgotten about that."


The panther's cockhead flopped down almost immediately, plopping into the stew. Despite the bubbling broth, the panther made no complaint, and kept on working. Danji watched in eager fascination, his own cock growing in his pants at the sight. Even as the skin darkened and turned red from the heat, the panther didn't make a sound, and he had to hold himself back from teasing himself.

The cub kept kicking his legs back and forth, humming happily. Shaking himself out of his reverie, Danji coughed to get some attention.

"So, I've heard rumors of...manhood ceremonies?"

"Oh!" The panther cub grinned, his face almost split in half. "That's gonna happen to me tonight. Can I tell you about it?"

"Heh, go ahead."

"Oh, it's awesome. I have to go through all sorts of warrior training, from using weapons to dodging arrows, and I have to do it all perfectly. And then, then I get to do some of the fun stuff with the adults, for the first time ever!"

"Fun stuff, huh? Like what?"

"Like getting a penis up my butt!"

Almost sputtering with laughter at the cub's frank statement of what he wanted, the draconid had to hold up a hand and turn away. He'd expected things to be a bit different here - hell, he'd known they would be - but the sheer frankness of the cub was something that simply astonished him. English speaking, sexually free, utterly uninhibited tribals. It was like a dream come true.

After a few minutes of sucking in enough air to calm himself down and pulling himself back together, he turned back to the family. The father had pulled back from the pot, his dick looking inflamed and damaged, but the cub just kept grinning.

He waved for the cub to continue, and Da'thi just kept on explaining things as if someone had unpaused him. It kept coming out, the trials of manhood, the feats of strength, how he was supposed to show stamina and hardness, and how he was supposed to take pain with the best of them, and -

Danji held up his hand after about a minute, and it stopped the boy.

"I think I get it now. How about we take a little walk, spend some time together before your trials? I'd like to get to know you better."

"Heh, no problem, Danji. We got all day, and they'll wait until you're ready tonight. You're the guest, after all."

"Heh, that's flattering."

"That's the truth!"

He walked out of the hut with the little cub, and soon they were out of the village. The other warriors didn't make a single complaint, and when he passed by the chief, who was still rock hard, the panther only waved at him. Even gave him a little wink of approval, which left him a little surprised. More at it not being chiefly than anything else.

Hmmm, not quite right...

They walked over to some of the taller trees, and Da'thi led the way up. He followed behind the little feline, looking up now and then to get a good view of that little rump. Tight and small, it wiggled back and forth as the little guy climbed up, and the draconid had a perfect view of those little buns wriggling around. He chuckled to himself, imagining how they might feel around his cock, and licked his lips at the idea.

He followed fast, his eyes locked more on the feline's privates than the branches, so he missed a few as he went. Once or twice, he almost fell, and had to reach up and grab hold of Da'thi's tail. The boy should have been knocked right off the tree when he did that, but instead, all he heard were cracks. Hard, sharp ones, almost like breaking bones, but there was no sign of anything happening to the little cub.

Still, his tail didn't move as much when they got up to the top of the tree, so he was sure something had happened. But Da'thi wasn't really hurt. He could tell that much.

The boy stood up on the branch while he sat beside him, the panther chuckling as he walked along it, balancing on it in the way that bored cubs tended to do everywhere. Danji shook his head.

"You're going to fall if you do that."

"No, I'm not."

"Heh, yes you are."

"No, I'm not!"


He smacked the branch with his palm, and it bounced up and down, almost as rubbery as the hut had been. The end of the branch swung up, down, up, and on its downstroke, Da'thi lost his footing.

The cub smiled all the way down, and Danji grinned as he watched the boy fall. He wouldn't actually be hurt, just like he hadn't been injured when he had been pulled on from behind, just a little bit ago. This cub was too tough for that, too strong, too cute to actually be in pain from a fall.


A rock broke the little feline's fall, and as he looked down, he saw the tip of the rock coming out of the boy's belly. Da'thi's loincloth, having broken off during the fall, fluttered down over the top of the rock, keeping him from seeing it.

Yet, at the same time, the little panther returned his grin, not breaking it for a second.

"Hahaha! You were right, Danji. I fell. Sorry for doubting you!'

"Heh, you silly boy. You can't really get it right, can you?"

"No, no, I can't. Can you come down and help me?"

"Sure, be right there."

He took the slow way down, hopping from one branch to another until he was on the forest floor again. The cub was impaled on over two feet of sharp rock, the back of it going straight through his spine and all the way out through his belly button. His cock and balls were on fully display, too, and - considering that the boy wasn't in the slightest bit of pain, from his giggles and his lack of complaints - the draconid reached for them.

Fondling that smaller pair of balls - though still almost as big as his own - Danji shook his head. They were just a cute little pair, so smooth, so soft, so full. He rolled them around in his palm, watching as the boy's cock started getting bigger in response.

"Danji, do you want to help me off? I don't mind staying here, but -"

"In a minute..."

He shook his head a few times, looking down at the boy's ass. The way that it puckered slightly did entice him, and it wasn't like the cub was going anywhere. He groped at himself, feeling the temptation to just take him right then and there...

But no. It was better to save it. Besides, he'd get a hell of a show at the manhood ceremony later, and he didn't want to waste his load on this.

He did, however, finger that hole. Despite how tight it looked, he felt it give for his finger almost immediately, allowing him in without the slightest bit of effort. He smirked as the little kitten's cock jumped up at that, and looked around the impaling rock.

"Heh, you are one hell of a slutty kitten, aren't you?"

"Yep! The best slutty kitten!"

"Do you even know what that means?"

"Not really, but it makes you happy."

"Heh, you're such a good boy."

He worked another finger in, then a third. The hole kept on taking him, so he kept on pushing. Four, then his whole fist. Unnaturally so, the boy's hole opened up for him, letting him get his whole fist in. Little Da'thi kept squirming for him, his cock rock hard already, and Danji laughed.

"You have my whole fist inside you. Geez, how much practice have you had?"

"None, Danji. It's just me."

"Oh, no it's not. You've been practicing all around the village, haven't you? Taking big cocks like your dad's up your butt all the time. Right?"

"Oh, yes, you're right. I'm sorry, I'd forgotten about the last few weeks. I've been training to take everything I can for tonight."

Heh, that's right, you have, he thought, unable to help himself as he worked his fist in and out of that ass a couple of times. Much as he wanted to give it a proper filling, though, he knew better than to take the time for it now. Even if the village would wait for him to return, he wanted Da'thi to be on time for his little ceremony.

It took more effort than he expected to push the cub off of the rock, and by the time he was done, the hole had gotten even bigger. The draconid looked through the cub as he was set down on the ground again, and then got down on his knees behind him. He stuck his head through the hole, and looked up at Da'thi on the other end.

"You are a weird kid."


"You gonna be okay for tonight?"

"Of course!"

"Alright, then. I'll go back to your dad's place, for now. I'll see you with the rest of the tribe?"

"Uh-huh, and then, I'll have a surprise for you, Danji."

"Oh, you don't have to."

"But I want to. You're special!"

"Well, if you insist."

That night, the entire tribe congregated by the chieftain's hut. At a request from Danji, all loincloths had been discarded, and only the bare erections of the tribe were left. Some other cubs were around, but mostly it was adults, which meant he was surrounded by a small forest of throbbing dicks.

The trials began as soon as everyone was assembled. Da'thi had already been there when he had arrived, of course, the little guy wearing a little more clothes this time. No loincloth, but his chest had a layer of leather over it, as did his back, almost like he just wanted to cover the hole. Couldn't quite blame him for that.

It didn't seem to stop him, though. Danji watched with a grin as the boy was given two full buckets of sand, and was told to hold them out at his sides for as long as he could, as people poured water over the sand. The cub did it, and held his position for a just went on and on, with the tribe shouting encouragement at him all the while, and the draconid joined it, happily shouting his cheers.

The buckets were discarded, to be replaced with a series of poles. A dangerous balancing act, over a pool of snapping fish, all looking to bite at him. Once again, the little panther surprised them all, leaping from the ground to the first pole over ten feet in the air, and then darting from one pole to another. Each and every one bent under him, flexing as he pressed his weight down on it, but Danji could see how perfect the moves the kitten made were. Forward, forward, always ahead of the snapping, leaping fish, even when one took the tip of his tail off.

There was no stopping, the trials coming one after another, each one deadlier than the last.

Archers stepped forward, and Da'thi dodged their arrows.

Poisonous frogs were pressed to his cheeks, and he stood firm rather than falling from the venom.

A spear was handed to him, and - just like earlier - he held it to the ground and impaled himself on it, shoving it up just under his heart and out through his back.

Mmmph...nothing can hurt him...he's so amazing, the draconid thought, gripping his bulge through his shorts, squeezing it at the sight.

Finally, the boy was given a blade. Sharpened obsidian, a tribal weapon that he started to toss as other warriors beat on drums that were brought up for just this occasion. Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum they went, counting out the moves and the steps for the little panther cub. He would dart forward, slash, step back. He would throw the blade up, turn, and catch it. He would -


The blade came down on one of the throws, and he didn't catch it. Nobody gasped, nobody even reacted as Da'thi's arm came right off, the little boy's left arm completely gone, sheared off at the elbow. Danji's dick only got harder as he saw the boy turn to it, and then laugh, holding up his other one.

"I've still got one!"

The tribe laughed with him, everyone happy, everyone grinning.

It seemed to be a changing point, though, as the chieftain stepped forward. His cock throbbed hard, as erect and dripping as all the other males in the crowd, and he shouted.

"Da'thi has but one final trial. The breaking in of a boy to man. Now, he may choose his partner, the one that will fill him first."


The boy's shout was almost instantaneous. The draconid half-expected a little disappointment, but the crowd only smiled and patted him on the back. Of course, it was him, some said. Why not have the exotic outsider?

He stepped forward as he was called, unable to help himself as he looked the boy over. The panther cub's arm was completely broken off, with some bits of fluid here and there. No bones, no torn flesh, just a straight cut.

Better weapons than I thought, he observed as he started stripping out of his pants. His cock popped up, and the boy grabbed it with his free hand, Da'thi stroking him hard and fast. He groaned, his dick already rock hard, already dripping, already needy.

He sat down, and the little male backed up on him, his cock sliding between those fuzzy ass cheeks. Despite fisting him mere hours ago, that entrance felt tight as a vise, squeezing him as he dragged the one-armed cub backwards, pulling him down onto his shaft.

He ground himself forward, rubbing his cockhead against that opening, until -


The draconid groaned, leaning his head back, his hair flopping over his head as he slid his cock inside the little cub. It was so tight, gripping him hard, feeling almost too slippery inside. Almost. He rested one hand on Da'thi's hips, working him down to the base of his shaft, before slowly pulling him back up again. The boy purred happily, almost as if he was happier than Danji was getting off than he was for his own experience.

As the chief walked up to them, the fat cockhead of the panther looking almost too large for the boy, Danji reached down to the leather that covered the hole that had been left this morning. He lifted the back of it, and smiled.

He could see his cock through the hole, see it as it slipped in and out of the boy's inner workings. Not flesh and organs, not blood and bone, but android material. Metal and synthetic things that felt so real, and with tiny sparks that ran along his cock to enhance the feeling of going in and out again.

Dropping the flap again, he went back to thrusting, back to bouncing the boy up and down on his cock. He could already feel that he was close, and the soft, building chant of the tribe, the slow insertion of the chief's cock into the cub's mouth, and the eagerness of the boy on his lap only made it all the better as he went in and out, in and out, his cock getting pulled along and teased with every single penetration.

Others stepped forward as the impaled cub was fucked from both ends. He felt the boy's insides move around him, felt the tightness get even better as the little panther's legs were lifted into the air. Soft-looking soles pressed into the cockheads of two other panthers, while his remaining arm jerked off a third. Men, men, all around, and all of them getting tended to by a cub that knew its business entirely too well.

Danji groaned, lifting and lowering the small feline on his cock, unable to help his own need. He was already so close, already so near the edge as he slammed himself in over and over again. That tight pucker never loosened, never pulled back. All it did was squeeze harder, soaking his cock in some sort of natural lube.

The panthers around him chanted with the rest of the tribe, never breaking the cadence. The only time they went silent was when their actions spoke for them, the slippery slide of shafts sliding along flesh, the stomp of their feet on the grounds, the thuds of spears hitting the earth, each sound giving a rhythm to what was going on.

Grunting to himself, his balls slowly pulling up, Danji slammed that tight little ass down on his cock, feeling it gripping him at the base. He pulled the boy up again, feeling the spasming, twitching pucker around his cock head. Down again, up again, down -

He couldn't hold back. With a deep moan, he came as he hilted in that tight little hole again, and as he went over the edge, so did everyone else. The males in the crowd shot their load like guns firing a salute, a blast of white shooting over their heads and landing on the ground behind them. The four panthers around him came, the chief shooting down the boy's throat, while the other three shot over his body, over his hand, over his feet.

All around him, their eyes blazed with light, momentarily looking like bright stars in small sockets. Then, they slumped forward, everything fizzling slightly.

Danji sighed to himself, feeling his seed coming out of the suddenly-slack hole around his cock, and he lifted the little android off of him.

"Overloaded. Gotta do something about that sympathetic circuit..."

He slowly stood up, looking around as the darkness faded, and the heat became less oppressive. A normal, white light came through, reminding him of the nature of the whole simulation, and the draconid shook his head. It was already over.

Still, at least he'd had fun. He reached over, patting the head of the smaller android, and chuckled.

"I love these guys...They might have their problems, but they're getting better all the time."

Now, what could he do next...

The End

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