The Pendant and the Imp, Chapter 3: The Steps to Hell

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: bbbuuu like the rest of the series, we continue this series, with the characters caught and imprisoned. Poor them.

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (You are Here)

The Pendant and the Imp Chapter 3: The Steps to Hell For bbbuuu By Draconicon

"Hehehe, I could have told you that this was a bad idea."

Allard tried not to listen to the imp, but it was getting harder and harder to tune the bastard out of his head as time went on. The horse closed his eyes leaned his head back against the stone wall of the prison cell, gritting his teeth as the little imp floated around his head.

"Oh, you thought that you could sneak right into a wizard's tower. Probably thought that you could get him while he was busy, sneak in and stab him in the back. Heh, maybe even fuck him before you did, but nooooo. All you did was get yourself caught. Wizard traps, always good for catching muscle-bound idiots like you."

"Shut. Up."

Amoro laughed above him, and the stallion's instinct to punch the impish creature in the face were almost overwhelming. The only thing that stopped him was that he was afraid to make the creature even stronger; the imp seemed to gain stamina after he recovered from the beatings.

He felt a nudge at the side of his face, and smelled the musk of the demon's cock. Growling, he shoved Amoro away, opening his eyes again and looking around the cell.

It wasn't good. Callix was in the cell with him, Fergus in the cell across the way. The walls were lined with metal, making it impossible for the bull or him to break down a door and get out, and the rabbit didn't have his stuff for spells, either.

Didn't have his armor, or weapons, or anything in the way of clothes besides a loincloth, either. Allard grumbled.

"Don't sit that way."

"What way?"

"Pointing your ass at me."

"What's wrong with my ass, sir?"

"I don't want to look at it..."

The rabbit rolled over, sitting upright instead. It wasn't much better, considering the curve of that luscious rump was still quite on display, but at least he wasn't looking at the parting of the cheeks. He closed his eyes, not wanting to be filled with temptation as he always was, but it was harder than usual. Mostly because of Amoro's constant whisperings and reminders of what he wanted.

Just hold out for a little while longer... Despite the imp's thoughts, they were still on schedule for the plan. If he could just hold out -

"Mmm, you know what you want, Allard..."

The horse shook his head, but it was too late. The demon was already projecting the image into his mind. Veshath's prison cells faded away, leaving only Callix on his belly, that soft, white rump pressed up and wiggling back and forth. Rounded, almost feminine in shape, with soft fingers reaching back and parting the cheeks. The stallion groaned, barely able to keep his hands at his sides as he 'saw' that twitching pucker before him, begging for his cock in all sorts of ways.

Damnable hell magic filled his mind with perverse images. The rabbit bending over for him, leaning against one of the walls and gripping them while flicking his tail up. The spellsword trapped in prison wrappings, his body arched back as his ass wiggled from side to side. Bound on his back, legs in the air as his ass spread around a proper stallion cock, taught his place -


He swatted the air, trying to dismiss the images. He felt his hand smack into the little imp, but the damage was already done. His cock was up and throbbing, pushing past the loincloth that was all he wore since they'd been captured.

Resisting the urge to grab it, Allard pulled himself up to his hooves, wobbling back and forth. Callix got to his feet, as well, looking up at him with a worried expression. The stallion waved at him, panting, and the rabbit turned around.

That ass...

He groaned, his cock throbbing hard as he stared at it, and the demon was right there. A tiny hand grabbed his cock, pulling on it, dragging it forward. He looked down, saw Amoro, saw the demon pulling it towards his own ass.

"Heh, give in, knight. You can't stop the summoning of my master...and you can't resist your own lusts."

The imp was hardly better than the rabbit. He knew the price. The imp had been trying to get him to fall for days, now, teasing him, filling his dreams with the images of his only other lover, of all his fantasies for the rabbit. A hundred and one different ideas had come to him, all more perverse than the last, and his cock had risen for every one of them.

The need to burst forth, the need to cum and fill something with his cum was overwhelming...and he only had one choice left to him.

Groaning as the demon hot-dogged his cock, he turned to look at the rabbit again. His balls felt like iron weights between his legs as he looked at those white-furred ass cheeks, at that lifted tail, at that barely-visible pucker. The demon's touch inflamed his cock further, making it throb, ooze, drip...


He roared as he ripped himself away from the demon, shoving the imp aside. He wouldn't give himself up, but he couldn't move forward with the way that things were. Callix screamed as he grabbed the rabbit by the hips, shoving the spellsword forward against the bars of the prison.

Across the way, Fergus the bull was on his feet, shouting at him, saying something, but he couldn't hear. The blood was rushing in his ears, his heart racing and his dick throbbing. The rabbit turned to look up at him, gasping and blushing, but there was no way he could stop. It was too much.

Maintaining only enough sanity to spit on the rabbit's pucker before he lined up, Allard pushed his cock head against the rabbit's hole and shoved. He felt the flesh resisting him, the rim holding out as best it could against his cock. The horse groaned, one hand on the base of his cock as the other held the rabbit as tight as he could. Little thrust, little thrust, one after another, bumping that pucker with his thick, flaring cock.

"STOP! Stop this!"

Callix's shout meant nothing. That feminine ass, those hot cheeks around the sides of his cock. They beckoned him, pulled at him, begged him to fill the hole between them. Everything that the horse had resisted pulled him forward...

Another thrust, sliding up and along the valley between the cheeks.

Another thrust, almost pushing past before he slid down.

Another thrust...and he was in.

The tightness nearly made him faint, the horse gasping for breath as his flared head popped into the rabbit's ass. Allard almost collapsed, his body pushing forward and grinding his spellsword ally against the cell walls. He heard the rabbit gasping and whimpering, felt the small body beneath him, straining, squirming.

Every little squeeze pushed down on his cock in a new way, and he groaned as his balls tried to pull up and empty themselves. He should have let them, but the dark part of him, the needy part, held back.

It wanted to savor this.

Allard wanted to take it slow, but he couldn't. He slammed in, feeling Callix's ass stretch under him. The rabbit must have changed more with the effect of the demon at the alligator's hut, feeling that stretch. It took him in easily, his cock pushing in almost up to the hilt in the first thrust. He gasped, groaning as he grabbed the rabbit's hips tighter in his hands, holding them against him as he buried his dick in that hole.

Whimpers and pants from beneath him were the only sounds he could hear, and he savored them. The horse pulled back, feeling those inner walls squeezing down on the edges of his cock head, only to slam back in. Again, and again he pulled back, always slamming in as fast as he could thrust, always doing it as hard as he could manage.

And every time he slammed in, he saw that furry little butt bounce for him, shaking and quivering every time he hilted. Those muscles tensed and tightened on him, and he groaned as he felt it like a milking massage all the way up and down his cock.

The imp was at his shoulder, glaring at him.

"You could have had me..."


"Heh...and miss this show? You are losing yourself, you idiot. You're giving up everything that you were. The holy knight, the spectacular warrior...all for one, little, tight ass...Don't you want something that won't hate you afterwards? Don't you -"

With a roar of pure anger, Allard turned his head around and headbutted the imp right into the metal wall. There was just enough of a clang for the sound to echo over his thrusts for a while, and somehow, it shut Fergus up across the way.

In and out, in and out he went, slamming his dick into that hole, feeling it open up for him as the time went on. He moaned under his breath, starting to buck a little slower, but his body insisted on more. He shivered, giving in.

And slowly...ever so slowly...Callix started pushing back.

He felt it first with a smack against his crotch as he pulled back, and he looked down to see the rabbit grinding his ass into his crotch. Tufted tail twitched against his belly, wiggling back and forth, pulling him onwards, and he had no reason to turn that invitation down.

So he didn't. He pulled back and rammed in, grinding the little slut up against the bars of the cell, forcing the rabbit almost off of his feet. Allard growled, reaching around and grabbing hold of the rabbit's cock, feeling it between his fingers as he jerked it off hard and fast, feeling it ooze pre around his fingers.


Callix nodded at his statement. The rabbit must have been as pent up as him, as eager for help as he was...

It took some small guilt off of him as he hammered home, feeling his balls slowly drawing up, his cock throbbing more than ever. He lifted the rabbit right off his feet, holding him against steel, hammering home again and again. Callix moaned at the top of his lungs, and Allard panted as he slammed all the way in, up to the hilt every time. Tight bunny butt bounced, rippled against his cock...and he finally blew.

He whinnied at the top of his lungs as he came, spurting his seed deep into that no-longer-tight hole. He felt it oozing past his cock after the first two shots of cum, and it only got worse as he kept on cumming...and cumming...and cumming...It oozed past his balls, dripping down on the floor, creating a puddle under him and between his hooves.

Somewhere in there, the rabbit came as well, spurting his load in the air across the cells. He wasn't sure, but Allard almost thought he heard Fergus cum as well.

And then, it was over.

Sanity returned, slowly, but surely. He realized what he'd done, and he slumped forward, slowly rolling the rabbit off of his cock. Callix's ass was sore and red, and he could see that the rabbit was utterly gaping, his hole opened and ruined by the horse's cock.

"I'm...I'm sorry..."


"Callix, I'm -"

"It was the imp. Right?"

He slowly nodded.

"Not you. doesn't doesn't mean anything."

"No, no it doesn't."

"And you're not distracted anymore, sir?"

He wasn't that, that was for sure. The draining had been more than sufficient to take care of all the rut that had been building up. The rabbit nodded slowly, rubbing his ass with his loincloth.

"Then...then it's okay. No more, though."

"No more, Callix."

"You fuckers done?"

Allard looked up, saw that Fergus was glaring at him, and he slowly nodded at the bull. He didn't miss the cum-stain on the bull's fingers, though.

He settled back, not caring that he stomped on the imp's legs in the process. That...that hadn't been part of the plan, but for the first time in weeks, he was thinking clearly again. The plan would go forward, now. All they needed was -

"Finally. Dungeon, always hard to find."

Suwa. The horse glanced towards the door out of the dungeon, watched as a spider shifted from a tiny form to a larger one, and from that to an alligator in a patchy robe. The magic-user walked over to them, blinked, and then glared at him. Allard held up his hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean -"

"Get you out. Then deal with demon. Talk after."

He nodded. Now that the wizard was here, they were back on track.

Allard had known Veshath would expect a frontal assault from a bunch of mercenaries. The point had been to be captured, which would leave the spell-triggers and warnings along the front doors already used. That, he'd hoped, would have allowed Suwa to get in, and with the alligator busting them out and getting them their weapons...

The horse grunted as he walked over to the chest in the corner, pulling his armor out and passing possessions back to the other two.

Now, it's time to get this fight started.

"Where's Veshath, Suwa?"

"Two floors up. Practicing for ritual. Probably experimenting with pendant, as well."

"Probably, yeah."

Which meant that there was a chance that the wizard might bind the damn demon after all. They had to get up there.

As soon as everyone was armed, he walked over to the door. The dungeon wasn't going to be guarded that thoroughly, but he knew that as soon as they were up a floor, the alarm would sound, and all hell would break loose.

He just hoped that they had sufficient surprise to get through.

Two floors later...

Allard ripped his sword out of a minotaur's chest, stepping around the body and walking onto the main part of the floor. Unlike the halls and many rooms of the floor below, this one was vast and open. A summoning chamber, he'd warrant, from the various circles on the floor and braziers around them. A quick glance found the wizard Veshath, a moth standing over the rest of the room on a raised set of stairs. Two wolves on each side guarded him as he read from a book.

"Fergus, get the one on the left. Callix, on the right. Suwa, with me."

"Yes, sir."

"You got it, boss."


They were off as fast as they could move, Allard hanging back just a bit to allow the bull and rabbit to get ahead. The wolves were already coming down the stairs, determined to defend their masters. Fergus engaged one, throwing him off the stairs before chasing after him, while Callix engaged his partner on the stairs proper, fencing with the wolf rather than blowing him up.

With the alligator at his side, Allard made his way to the cleared side of the stairway, avoiding the center of the summoning circle like the plague. It was already crimson red, and he imagined that the portal to the hellish realms wasn't far from opening.

Striking his sword against the stairs, he shouted.


The moth looked up from the book, and Allard saw the pendant around his neck. The same one that he'd been carrying, the key to binding the demon lord. The horse charged forward, even as the moth raised his hand. Light glowed around the moth's fingers, a spell forming -

"KuFA: "

Suwa's spell countered it, a blast of light intersecting the bolt shooting towards Allard. The horse nodded in appreciation, running up the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him.

He mounted the top just in time for another spell to shoot at him. It blasted his sword out of his hands, sending it flying away, but it was too late for the moth. He leaped forward, tackling the mage to the ground. The spellbook went flying out of sight, leaving the pair of them alone.

The stallion struggled, reaching for that pendant, but the moth kept slapping his hands away. With fingers enhanced by magical means, the normally easy fight was much, much harder. The horse groaned.

"You have no idea what you're doing! You're going to doom us all!"

"Me? What about you, sell-sword? Without the amulet, there is no control! I must have it, or Takapata will enslave us all."

"Instead of just the ones you choose?"

"Better a portion of the world than all the world."

"Says the man that would sit atop it all."

He reared back with a punch, but the moth rolled at the last minute, his fist cracking into the stone beside the mage's head. Allard groaned, only to shout as he was suddenly blasted back by a wave of force. The magic threw him almost off of the stand, and before he could catch his balance, the moth mage muttered another word. His hooves melted into the stone, falling almost a foot inside of it before it sealed up again, leaving him paralyzed.

Squirming did nothing. This was powerful magic, and without being able to move, there was nothing he could do. He looked down, but Suwa was busy, the alligator casting what magic he could into the portal to slow it down. Callix was still busy fighting his opponent, and Fergus...

Damn the bull, he's not helping any of us doing that!

Looking away from the bull pounding the wolf, he saw the moth approaching, lightning crackling in his fist. Veshath looked him in the eyes, and slowly pointed his fingers.

"I should have done this myself from the beginning. You almost ruined it for all of us, Allard. Never trust a knight to do a proper mercenary's job."

The moth's hand pulled back, up, up, the lightning crackling -


And a crackling beam of red light shot over Allard's head, smacking right into the wizard's chest. The moth went flying backwards, tumbling off of the platform and falling to the ground over a dozen feet below. The stallion stared, and then slowly looked over his shoulder.

Floating just behind him was the imp. Amoro chuckled, dusting off a smoking finger.

"Your ass is mine, Allard. Besides, he served his purpose. The portal is open. The most your mage can do is slow it. Since he can't serve any further use and he wanted to take away my new toy, he had to go."


Leaving aside his conflicted gratitude, Allard shouted down at Suwa.

"Leave the portal! Get me out of this."

"Will expel demon soon. Trying -"

"It's too late! He's coming through anyway. Get me out of here, or you're fighting him without me!"


The alligator rushed up the stairs, Callix disposing of his opponent in the meantime. The rabbit was at their side as the alligator mage muttered around the rocky steps, and a few moments later, they eased around him. Allard grunted as he pulled himself up, dragging himself free of the blasted things, and he looked down at the room again.

Things were not on their side at the moment. The wizard that might have stopped it all was dead. The portal was most of the way open. The demon lord Takapata was coming through regardless of what they did, and if he got free, he'd end the world. Enslave it, or destroy it, one way or the other, the demon would leave the world unfit to live in.

And they were the only ones that could stop it.

Allard nodded towards the moth's body.

"Get the pendant, Callix. Might need it."


The rabbit walked off, limping slightly, and the horse winced at the sight. He'd done something pretty horrible to the rabbit, and he had no doubt that he'd paid for it later. But later.

For now...

Well, he'd had an idea ever since he'd seen Fergus fight the incubus outside of Suwa's hut. If this was a demon lord of any kind of lust...there might just be a way to beat him that didn't involve swords and sorcery.

Within a minute, Callix returned with the amulet, and a few minutes later, the bull rejoined them as well. They stood at the top of the stairs, and waited.

Less than five minutes later, the circle shimmered, the ground splitting into a shining portal. It oozed with red light, smoke rising from it as a pair of horns slid out. They were followed by red arms, thick and muscled, and longer even than Fergus's pair. A smiling face followed, atop thick shoulders and a heavy-set chest, all as red as flames and solid as armor.

The demon lord pulled himself out completely, standing a foot taller than Allard himself, and smirking up at them. An aura of flame projected around him, and even from this distance, the horse could feel his lust rising. His cock throbbed in his armor, and he heard the groans from his companions. The demon shouted up at them.

"Submit! Submit, for none can hope to master Takapata!"

The demon's command echoed across the room, and a wave of power followed it, rippling up the stairs before slamming into him, Suwa, and Callix all at once. The rabbit went to his knees, panting hard, and it took everything that Allard had to keep on his feet. His legs shook, his cock throbbed harder still, and he tensed his muscles to keep from blowing his load inside of his armor. Fergus's sudden grunt from behind the staircase didn't help, reminding him of what the bull had been doing.

He's a lot stronger than the other demon...and not bound, like it was, he realized. Amoro the imp was fluttering away from him, floating down to join his master, while his allies were, at the very least, impaired by the demon's power. Callix was down, and Suwa...

He glanced sideways, and saw that the alligator's loincloth was pushed up by a rather hard, throbbing erection. The mage wouldn't be of use here; he looked like he was chanting some sort of mantra to keep himself from indulging in...other things...

Better that he keep out of it, anyway. I don't want him shooting spells at us if we can avoid it.

And with Fergus still busy fucking, that just left him. The stallion took a step forward, looking down at the great red demon.

"I will not submit!"

Takapata looked up at him, smirking, and Allard pulled on all his honor, all of his willpower. He had not fallen. He would not fall now.

But oh, the temptation. He felt the power of the demon lord fall on his shoulders, the weight of corruption and evil magics pressing at his mind. The former knight bit his lips, clenching his teeth so hard that he tasted blood. His body burned with the heat of his own need, and if it hadn't been for what he'd done to Callix in the dungeon, he would have fallen then. His cock throbbed, and his armor felt so constricting...

Yet, he withstood. His cock oozed inside of his armor, leaving everything from belly to balls soaked in a lusty slime, and it squished around as he walked towards the steps leading down to the demon. The horse held his head high, trying to ignore the way that his bloated balls squished and slid between his thighs as he walked, and kept his eyes instead on the demon leaving the circle and walking towards the base of the stairs.

They met there, him two steps higher than the demon on the floor, and yet they could look each other in the eyes. Takapata offered him a hand, swirling with crimson energy before it formed into a collar.

"Wear this, mortal, and perhaps you will be spared the worst of the ravages I will visit on the world."

"Sorry...but I have different plans."

He lashed out with one hoof, hard and fast enough to kick the collar far away. It landed in the distance with a soft thud, and the demon lord turned, almost as if in shock.

It was the only opening he'd get, and he knew it. With a battle roar, he leaped forward and the fight was joined.

Immediately, he knew that his armor was a liability. He was slower and clumsier than the demon lord, and he slid across the creature's shining body as if it was covered in grease. Clanging to the ground, the horse rolled to the side, avoiding the kick of the demon, and pulled himself to his feet just in time to take the demon's charge. Horns slid around his neck, nearly impaling him, and it was only luck that kept him from losing blood.

He threw the demon down, and went down with him, landing with a thud across Takapata's chest. The blow would have knocked the wind out of Fergus, or any normal person, and likely have broken ribs with it. But no such thing happened to this demon. He only laughed, and swung his head forward.

Allard fell back, dazed from the headbutt, and the demon pushed the attack. Magic flashed and flared around him, followed by blows of immense strength. Each one took off a piece of his armor, leaving him with less and less with every successive hit. His breastplate, his shoulder guards, the bracers along his wrists. Everything was vulnerable to the demon's power.

"You will not stand before me, mortal. Amoro could have defeated you, were he not bound, and I am his greater many times over."

"You are nothing but a blight upon the world, and I will not allow you the freedom to enslave it."

"If you think you can stop me, try." Takapata smirked. "But you will not succeed."

Half-expecting the smaller imp to join the fray, the stallion did everything he could to keep the demon lord between him and the little pest. He didn't need the temptations that would come if Amoro did start messing with him.

Whether he was successful or the imp merely wished to let the greater threat do the fighting, he didn't know. But he was soon stripped of all his protections, his armor removed completely. The dented, damaged, and utterly shredded pieces of metal lay strewn across the floor, leaving him in nothing but his loincloth, and even that was damaged already, though not by the demon.

His cock stood up, throbbing hard as any stallion's would do when it was sufficiently aroused, and he groaned as it swayed with every step, as it ground against the demon when they came together, as the bumpy muscles on the demon's body were like teasing rubs along the head of his shaft. Allard groaned, his swollen sack swinging forward and back as he dodged, as he charged, as he took so much as a step. Everything, everything seemed determined to arouse him and tease him.

He caught Takapata's charge again, but this time the demon reached down, grabbing him by the middle of his cock. The horse gasped, and the demon lord chuckled.

"I am a lord of lust, mortal. If you will not serve willingly, you will still find yourself under me. If you will not wear a collar, you will wear a cage."

The idea of his cock being stuffed into something solid enough to keep it down, to make it so that he could actually focus, was hardly a temptation at this point. The idea of having it locked away, so he couldn't indulge this need...

With a groan of supreme effort, he threw the demon back, but the touch had done enough. His cock dripped and dribbled over the floor, leaving him panting with every step he took. Watery pre ran down his shaft, leaving it hot and cold by turns, the veins on the side starting to stand out as he and the demon circled each other.

His companions couldn't come to help, he saw. Callix had fallen back on his heels, jerking off desperately, while Suwa was barely holding his hands away from his cock. Fergus was climbing the stairs, and the way he stroked his cock, it was clear that he was going for Callix's ass. The rabbit would be limping for days after that, if they were even alive after this.

He brought his eyes back to Takapata, and groaned as the demon held up his own cock.

"You're strong, mortal, but this is the thing that will break you. Why do you make yourself wait? Amoro has told you what your fate is. To be spitted on a cock, to be a whore from now until eternity. Give in, and it will actually be pleasant for you. We'll make it so you can enjoy it."

He bit his lip, feeling the demon's power extending towards him, feeling the heat and the rush of excitement that underlined those words. Takapata's power was greater than he had imagined, and he felt his ass twitching, throbbing, pulsing with need as much as his cock did. For the first time, he felt a hunger under his tail, a curiosity for something big, something hot, something hard...

The demon took a step towards him, and he took a step back, his breath coming hard and fast. He shook his head, but the demon only smirked, squeezing at that thick slab of meat. It almost felt like he could feel that, like a sympathetic twinge through his cock.

"Come on. Give yourself to me. Give up that idea of freedom. Give up that need to be on top. You will enjoy it under me. You will serve with pride, by the time that I'm done with you."

Such power. He'd felt it coming off of the incubus by Suwa's hut, but this was something entirely different. This creature lived by the power of its sexuality, the demon lord drawing on its dominant energy by making others submit. The temptation was almost overwhelming, his legs shaking and his hole begging to be filled.

His dreams came back to him again, dreams of the lord's son who he'd fucked and then failed, who'd died because of his dominance and weakness. Of his own weakness in the cell, taking Callix despite the other's lack of permission. He thought of all the times that he had indulged, and it had gone wrong...

And he stopped backing away. Takapata smiled at him, reaching out and grabbing him by his flared cock head.

"Yes, that's it. Just give in, and enjoy the fall. You will be a good servant to me and Amoro, I can already tell. Strong, smooth..."

"And big enough to put you in your place."


"I...will not...SUBMIT!"

With a desperate roar, the horse swept his leg around, knocking the demon down. Even as Takapata pulled himself to his knees, the stallion was behind him, his cock throbbing hard over that muscled, thick rump. He smacked the head of it against the demon's ass cheeks, kneeling down on the demon lord's thighs.

"I know what you are...I've seen it in the others. Amoro could have trapped me this way, but you can't...your power comes from domination, not from submission."

He pressed the head of his cock to the hellish thing's hole, feeling the heat coming off of it, the throbbing of that pucker. The temptation was there again...and in addition, he felt fear. A need that came from the demon, but more than that, confirmation of his guess. A demon lord could not submit and maintain his power. A demon lord could not give up his ass, to tempt another. That was a power only the underlings had.

Allard smiled.

"Do you know how long I have lived under restraints? Do you know how many times I have held back, because I could have hurt someone with this? Do you know how much I've LEARNED about myself because of that?"

"I don't care! Release me, or suffer -"

"No, no...I think it's suffered."

He rammed himself forward, and the demon lord screamed. Not in pain, but in forced pleasure as the horse's cock slammed in deep. The former knight groaned as he buried his cock in the demon's ass, feeling it squeezing him from tip to base as he sheathed it inside.

Immediately, the air seemed to cool, the power of the demon lord withdrawing from them as his focus was broken. As Allard pulled himself back, he looked at his companions. Fergus was just starting to pull out of Callix, the bull and the rabbit looking beyond confused, while Suwa was tucking his shaft beneath his loincloth again. The three of them had turned to Amoro, the imp busy with defending himself while he...

He worked on the threat to them all. He brought his hand up and spanked that round, red ass hard, making it bounce around his cock, and he grinned as the demon groaned under him.

"The great Takapata...brought low by one horse that wouldn't bend over..."

" did - mmph! How did you resist?!"

"Because I had to. Because I know what happens when I don't."

Failure. Failure happened when he gave in. This...this was just a piece of punishment for someone that had reached too high and threatened them all.

And oh, how he punished that hole. In and out, in and out his cock went, his flared head popping out occasionally and making the demon scream with forced pleasure as it went back in. Loosening it up, breaking it down, leaving it a loose, sloppy version of what it once was.

The sounds of combat behind him meant nothing. Amoro was nothing compared to his master. In, out, in, out, his heavy balls slapping against that ass. He could feel the demon weakening, feel the muscles shrinking as the dominant power of the demon lord was stolen away in their rut.

Takapata threw himself from side to side, trying to escape, but there was none. Allard held him too tightly, and the horse wasn't about to lose this fight.

The room chilled further and further, and the horse's balls pulled up higher and higher as he got closer to his orgasm. He rutted that hole harder than he'd fucked anyone else, harder than he'd given it to Callix, harder than he'd done to his old master's son. Harder, harder, deeper, deeper, a punishment, and a release.

Allard shoved the demon down, keeping Takapata's horned head against the floor as he shifted his angle, his thrusts becoming more and more irregular. The demon's cock was throbbing as hard as his, dripping, bouncing with his thrusts.

"Cum for me, you bitch of a demon...cum for me, and show what you really are..."


The demon's protests meant nothing as the streams of white came. Shot after shot of demonic seed, spurting across the ground. Allard hilted himself, holding himself there, letting the tensing, squeezing feeling of the demon's ass tease him, and finally take him over the edge. It almost felt like he was relieving himself more than climaxing, but, in a way, he was grateful for that. He didn't want to remember 'cumming' for a demon, but merely filling it would be something he could live with.

The ground flared with red light, and he pulled himself free. Takapata panted, even as chains started to reach from the floor, pulling towards him, dragging him down. The demon lord screamed.

"What...release me! I am your lord!"

Laughter echoed from beneath the light, and Allard knew the demons were pulling him down. Weakness was not something demons would be able to let stand. Not now, and not ever.

Takapata was pulled away as he screamed, and Amoro followed before the portal closed. As soon as the light faded, the stallion fell to his knees, panting. His companions joined him, the four of them silent for a few moments before he smiled.


And that was all that mattered.

The End

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