Big Jimmy

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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Mark has been working up the courage to ask Trixy out for a while. The prom is coming up and he would like nothing more than to have her as his date! Unfortunately, someone beat him to it. Trixy has a date to the prom and Mark is left moping.


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It had been the most nerve-wracking day he'd ever had. Mark had been sweating every time he looked at her. Trixy was a beautiful girl, the hottest in class. Head of her cheer squad. Curves in all the right places. An angel fallen from heaven. Her bright orange fur shimmered and flowed like expensive silk and her blue eyes shone like stars in the deepest night.

Senior prom was coming up and Mark was intent on asking her to the dance! The golden-furred stallion had been trying to work up the courage all day. It seemed the universe was against him, though. Every time he got the opportunity, Trixy would get called away or distracted by something at just the wrong moment. But this was it! The bell had rung and Trixy was sitting outside, waiting for her parents to come pick her up!

Steeling himself, Mark made his way across the parking lot to where she waited. He stood behind her, lost in the moment as courage threatened to abandon him. He shifted his weight from one hoof then the other over and again. The sound must have been louder than he realized. Trixy's ears perked and she turned to look over her shoulder at him.

"Oh," she said. Her smile made his knees weak. "Hey, Mark. Your parents aren't here yet?"

This was it, there was no turning back! He lifted his hand and brushed his chocolate mane out of his eyes. "Ah... no. I walk home. It's only a few miles out of town. Nothing to bad. Keeps me in shape."

"Oh," she said again, smiling lightly. She was staring at him, actually staring at him! It made his knees even weaker. Was she checking him out? Was she thinking what he was thinking? He truly hoped so! He'd had the hots for her since they were in mid school. But that was a long time ago. And now-... "Was there something else, Mark? Do I have something on my face?"

Oh crap, she was staring because he was standing there like an idiot! "NO!" he said, causing her a bit of a start. "Um, no. There's nothing on your face. Um... Listen..." He shifted his weight again and stared at the ground. His heart was pounding and he felt increasingly light headed. "Do... Do you wanna go to prom with me, maybe? I can come pick you up, I wouldn't walk like I do going home every day and I..." Dude, just shut up! he thought.

"Oh, um... I'm sorry Mark," she said and his heart sank. "I'm going to the prom with Jim."

His heart slammed into the bottom of his shoes and he felt like he was going to throw up right there in front of her. Not Jim... Jim, or Big Jimmy as the rest of their class called him, was a big doberman who had always been a bit of a bully to Mark. He teased him mercilessly since they were kids. What kind of a pony prefers stupid books to sports, he would say as degradingly as possible. It was one of his favorite teases, among many, many other things.

"Oh. Jim. That's-that's cool." He was sure he would start crying if he thought about it any more. Crying and throwing up in front of your crush weren't exactly the best ways to win her affection. "I guess I was too late," he said with an awkward chuckle. "Um. I'll see you guys there then, yeah?" he asked, then turned, looking around. What was the right thing to do now? "I don't suppose you know if anybody's asked Karen-..."

"Oh, my ride's here! See you Monday, Mark!" the vixen said as she jumped up and sprinted to her parents car.

The relief of being let out of that situation was only a small comfort. He was glad he had been given an escape from that situation, but that didn't change the fact he'd had his heart set on going to the dance with Trixy. He never really went to school dances, and he'd wanted their last and most important one to be shared together. But Big Jimmy had beaten him to the punch.

His hooves carried him across the parking lot and down the sidewalk, their audible clip-clopping his only companion on the journey home.

Of course it had to be Big Jimmy. It couldn't have been any other guy in school. Nope. Had to be Big Jimmy. That big bully had been a thorn in his side for as long as he could remember. If it wasn't about his disinterest in sports, it was about the way he dressed, or his love of Star Wars and other nerdy stuff.

There had always been abundance of ammunition in Big Jimmy's arsenal of things to throw at him. They had never come to blows, but they had come awful close a few times. It wasn't that they had nearly fought, per se. He'd tried to stand his ground or defend his stance on things and Big Jimmy would threaten violence and loom over him.

Even that was something Mark wasn't proud of. Being a horse, he was much taller than Big Jimmy, but that broad chest and tree-trunk sized arms were always far more imposing than Mark's lithe form. He was toned and fit, certainly, but Big Jimmy worked out and it showed.

If there was one good thing about Big Jimmy it was that his parents owned the big ranch between Mark's house and school. They owned dozens of horses and Mark just loved watching his less developed cousins run and play in the fields. Hell, the ranch was big enough, there were plenty of times he'd snuck in to get a closer look at the horses. He always felt better watching the horses, and he definitely needed to feel better right now.

He leaned on the wooden fence, watching the horses frolicking about in the green fields beyond. His spirits lifted immediately. Whether it was because they seemed happy and oblivious of the teenager's problems or because the hot spice of mares in heat hung heavy in the air, he didn't know or care which.

He had a sneaking suspicion that it was the latter, though. Especially when one of the big black horses, Midnight he'd discovered the horse was named, mounted one of the mares. Mark's sheathe thickened and his shorts grew incredibly uncomfortable as he watched the mare lock her knees and spread her legs, willingly allowing Midnight to drive his big black dick deep inside of her.

Horses being the three-hum-chumps that they are, Midnight finished quickly and Mark watched in amazement as that impressive tool slid free of the mare's slit, glistening and dripping in spent seed. The big black horse trotted away from the mare who just stood still, her hind end dripping copiously. Mark snorted and shook his head. "You fucked her silly, bro!" he called out to Midnight who ducked his head several times, as though nodding in agreement.

Mark laughed at that reaction and climbed over the fence slowly. He hopped to the ground on the other side and made his way over to the big black horse. Gently stroking the big animal's neck, he sighed and shook his head slowly. "At least you're getting some. I asked a girl at school today if she'd go to the dance with me and she turned me down. Big Jimmy asked her first."

Midnight snorted and pressed his forehead firmly against Mark's chest. He laughed lightly and hugged the big stallion's head. "Yeah, thanks for that, buddy."

He stepped away and quirked a brow as he heard a loud, rhythmic slapping sound. What was that? When he stepped around Midnight, it became clear instantly. His cock was stiff again and Midnight was slapping it against his belly. Masturbating? "What? Why don't you find another mare to give that too?"

The stallion just stared at him, slapping his cock upward against himself again.

Mark rolled his eyes and smirked. "I appreciate the sentiment, but no thanks." But there was no denying the sight of that big cock aroused him, especially knowing it had just fucked a mare silly. He began to wonder if Trixy would have the same reaction the mare did. If she'd just lay there in a daze after he fucked her. Not that there was any possibility of that now, of course, but...

Mark knelt down, staring at the throbbing tool more closely. He was utterly HUGE! Much bigger than Mark was. Still, he thought... how much bigger? He stood up and looked back toward the road. Nobody there, of course. Nobody really ever drove on that rode. No one lived back here but his family and a few others.

He reached down and undid his shorts, shoving them down to his ankles. As he stepped out of the fabric pooled at his hooves, his erection sprang free, growing to its full size immediately. He gave it a few good strokes, making sure it was at its full size before he knelt down again and stared at the big tool there. He looked from one cock to the other, comparing size. "Jeeze, no wonder she just stood there. You've got at least six inches on me, dude!" he said, looking up at the horse.

Midnight just stared at him, slapping that cock against his belly again and again. Mark smirked, stroking himself lightly. "My sentiments exactly, except that's about all I can do. I don't have a girlfriend to burry mine in!" he said, staring at the horse's big tool again. He wondered what it felt like, if it felt anything like his. He imagined it probably did, but there was really only one way to find out.

He reached out slowly, intent on curling his digits around that big spear gently. Midnight snorted and stepped away however. Mark sighed and nodded, standing up slowly. "I know, I should mind my own-..."

He stopped short when he saw that the big black horse had spread his legs wide and held his tail off to the side. More than that, Mark's heart leapt when he locked eyes with the big stallion staring back at him expectantly. "There's no fucking way."

The stallion slapped his cock against his enormous barrel again for emphasis and snorted.

Mark stared at the animal for several moments then shook his head. Midnight had always been his favorite and he made no secret of that, but... "You letting me get some since I wont be getting any at prom?"

Midnight bobbed his head again in that same way he had minutes ago.

His jaw dropped. Really? He had to be imagining it... But fuck... if the horse was presenting and watching him... There was nobody around! Nobody ever drove on that back road! Hell, he knew for a fact Big Jimmy's parents were away at some breeder show this weekend, the odds of being caught were almost zero!

"Fuck it!" he said and stepped forward. He reached out, resting his hands against Midnight's hind quarters. He could feel the muscles tensing, rippling beneath his palms. His breathing grew heavy as he stepped forward and pressed the tip of his mottled length against Midnight's puckered hole.

His eyes lifted to the black animal's and he tilted his head to the side. "Are you really sure?"

Midnight just stared at him and the sound of that hot meat slapping against firm belly filled his ears. "Alright..." he said then started to push against Midnight's pucker. That tight ring spread outward, accepting his length willingly. As tight heat enveloped his sensitive flesh, Mark threw his head back and moaned deeply. In one long motion, his hips pressed tightly against Midnight's rump.

"Jesus Christ," he whispered, looking down at where he was buried to the balls inside the animal. "I cant believe I'm doing this." Midnight snorted impatiently and he laughed. "Alright, alright..."

He drew his hips back, pulling his length out of the horse until only his tip was left. Then he pushed back in. The fire in his groin burned intensely and it was all he could do to keep control.

To say he kept total control would have been overly generous. The tight muscles squeezing every inch of his dick coaxed him into a fast animalistic pace that had his hips slapping loudly against Midnight's rump. He gasped and moaned every time his balls smacked into Midnight's boulders.

"Oh fuck!" he yelled, feeling his tip start to flare. "Fuck!" His balls tightened up and he drove himself as deep into the stallion's rump as he could. He threw his head back and whinnied loudly as he came. He filled Midnight's insides with his seed, pumping load after hot load deep into the horse's bowels for what felt like an eternity.

Breathing deeply, he started to come down from his orgasmic high when something yanked him back suddenly. Mark yelped as he was pulled away and out of Midnight and thrown to the ground.

"Fuck my horse!?" an altogether too familiar voice yelled.

Rolling onto his back, Mark stared in horror up at Big Jimmy. The imposing doberman stood above him wearing nothing but a scowl. Mark's eyes widened as he saw every rippling muscles along the canine's broad chest. What scared him more was the angry red dick throbbing between his legs. The dog was as big as Mark was!

"Wait! I'm sorry!" he pled, trying to will his body to move, to get up and run. "I didn't mean to-..."

"Didn't mean to!?" Big Jimmy asked, spreading his arms to either side. "Looked like you damn well meant to from where I was standing! Got your rocks off and were moaning and everything!"

"I'll never do it again!" Mark pled. "I'll just go home right now and never come here ever again!"

"You're not going anywhere!" the canine snarled. "Roll over!"

Mark's heart stopped for a moment. "What are you gonna do to me?"

"NOW!" Big Jimmy barked.

Fear settled deep in his gut and slowly, Mark rolled over onto his hands and knees. He had barely settled his weight when two big hands grabbed his hips and tugged him back. He nearly choked when he felt the hot, hard tip of what he could only guess was Big Jimmy's dick press up under his tail.

"Hey!" he yelped. "What are you-..."

He screamed loudly as his ass was forced to spread wide open to accommodate Big Jimmy's big jimmy. He dug his fingers into the soft earth beneath him, squeezing the grass and mud tightly as Big Jimmy started to fuck him without mercy or care. It hurt so much but there was no denying that the feeling of that hot meat stroking his tight muscles and pushing deep into his belly felt good.

The pain and the unexpected pleasure collided deep inside of him and all Mark could do was whimper loudly. "Fuuuuuck," he moaned in a combination of agony and bliss. "Jimmy, please stop!"

"Noh uh!" the big dog snapped. "You fuck my horse, I'm gonna fuck you! Now you know how it feels!" Mark felt something big and firm slam up against his puckered tail hole, practically searing his abused flesh with the heat coming off of it. But Jimmy had stopped moving. "So how does it feel?"

Mark felt Big Jimmy's hot breath wash over his pointed ears but more than that, he felt the canine's every heartbeat reverberating deep inside of him as that big cock pulsed. The stillness and scalding heat soothed the ache deep inside. He hung his head and whimpered. "Full. G-good..." he admitted. He lifted his head slowly and looked over his shoulder at Big Jimmy. "It feels good now."

"Good?" the doberman asked. "Well... I hope so." He started thrusting again and squeezed Mark's hips. " 'Cause I just got off the phone with Trixy. She said you tried to ask her out."

Mark moaned, nodding slowly as he hung his head again, this time in shame. "Yeah..."

"Well..." There was a moment of silence. "I got a deal for you, then."

What was he going on about? Mark didn't ponder it long. That hot mass was slamming against his tailhole again, making him whimper and gasp each time it did. Big Jimmy suddenly pulled hard on his hips and thrust forward, forcing that big mass hard against him. Mark's eyes widened as pain began to spread along his rim once more. He felt his body slowly stretching wider and wide around that massive base until finally, something gave.

Relief filled him as that mass disappeared into him, but it wasn't the only thing. Molten heat rushed into him, filling his belly with white-hot pleasure. He threw his head back, whinnying as he came again. It splashed up onto his arms, thighs, and chest as he came hard, knowing full well Big Jimmy had just cum in him.

It seemed to go on forever and ever. That heat kept rushing into his belly and he kept cumming, even when his balls had nothing left to give. It was only when he felt his belly press downward against the puddle of cum and soaked grass that the fire began to dim.

"Well?" Big Jimmy asked.

"Huh?" he stammered. "What?"

"You didn't fuckin' hear me, did you? Were just cumming like a whore that whole time. I said I'll let you have a dance with Trixy. Hell, I'll even let you fuck her after prom. It's not like you could get her more knocked up."

Mark's heart sunk. Trixy was...? But he did want to dance with her, and the chance to fuck her, even once... "What do you want in return?" he asked, letting one of his hands press against the bulge of his cum-filled belly, a belly he wondered if Trixy shared after Big Jimmy fucked her too.

"I want you."

Was that it? He already had him. Mark could still feel that knot throbbing just inside of his abused hole. His belly was enormous, swollen with the doberman's spent seed. "Fine. Deal."

"Good pony," Big Jimmy said with a deep laugh. "You can dance some with Trixy at prom. You can come home with us and fuck her all you want. But you belong to me now."

Wait, what!? Mark lifted his head to question that, but Big Jimmy's lips muffled his own. Mark was sick at first, but the surprising gentleness in the kiss, the sudden grip of strong canine fingers stroking his dick, the caress along his sloshing belly.

He melted against the big doberman. A soft moan escaped around their lips as Big Jimmy stole his breath away. He nodded, breaking the kiss as he agreed. "O-okay. I belong to you..." he whispered.

"That's right. You're my bitch now. Or... mare, I guess." Big Jimmy grinned, both hands caressing his belly. "Do you like having my pups in you?" he asked, rocking his hips lightly again.

Mark gasped at the feeling of that knot ever so slightly thrusting into his abused tunnel. Pups? His brain knew the impossibility of that, but he nodded, pressing his hand against the swell of his cum-belly. "Yes! I like having your pups inside of me!" he admitted.

"Good mare. After Midnight's done fucking you, I'm gonna put more pups in you again. And again. And again."

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