Star Trek Invincible

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#14 of Miscellaneous Fanfiction

After fleeing their xenophobic homeworld, Asari and her crew of Sirens join Starfleet. There, they help develop the most advanced ship in the Federation, and just in the nick of time. Events in galactic politics are unfolding and the USS Invincible is about to be right in the middle of it all.

Star Trek and Image are (C) Paramount and Cryptic Studios


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It was a fine ship. One she wasn't even sure she was fit to command. But Starfleet deemed her worthy. Who was she to argue? It was an honor, especially for a species that hadn't even really been admitted to the Federation. Not fully, at least. Her people were from a world in the Gamma Quadrant known as Sirenum Scopuli. It was a large Class-M planet with an advanced culture. More advanced than the Federation.

Unfortunately, the Sirens were xenophobic. They despised alien species and went to great lengths to hide and if necessary, defend their world. Their fleet was vast. But its design was for defense and pursuit. They rarely ventured outside of their native star system. The only time they did was to chase down other starships unfortunate enough to have ventured into Siren space.

There was a group of Sirens who weren't content with the status quo. They didn't want to sit idly in their star system, not when they ships capable of taking them to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

It had taken years of planning. Years of logistical re-arranging, gathering all of the dissidents aboard one starship. Then they said good-bye to their home and sped away at high warp. Thankfully, many of the top engineers in the defense fleet had been aboard the ship, including herself. Asari had made it difficult to track them and finally, they lost their pursuers.

They travelled in isolation for weeks. It wasn't until they stumbled into a wormhole that they encountered any other living creatures. There was a circular, claw-like space station waiting for them when they emerged. They were immediately hailed by the inhabitants and the rest, as they say, was history.

The crew was eager to call for asylum. To defect, in point of fact. They of course purged their navigational computer. They weren't traitors. They allowed this Starfleet to dissect and reverse-engineer the starship. All of the technologies were offered freely. This part of the galaxy, after all, was being torn apart by war and strife. Klingons. Romulans. Undine. Borg. There were many threats in the galaxy. And Asari was at the forefront of the project to scavenge the starship the Sirens brought and build an experimental starship of Starfleet's own, an answer to these threats.

The Intel Dreadnaught had been a joint effort, but Starfleet had been gracious enough to trust the Siren crew with senior positions. Starfleet officers made up much of the rest of the crew of the massive starship, but what surprised all of them most of all was that they had made Asari captain and given her the right to name the Vengeance-class dreadnaught.

They hadn't seen combat yet, but they had been given the mission of conducting close contact stealth drills with the rest of Starfleet. With the help of the Sirens' advanced cloaking technology, they had been successful in shadowing some of the most advanced ships in Starfleet including the flagship, the USS Enterprise.

They glided through space in the wake of the Odyssey-class_starship, keeping a close eye on them as well as a constant sensor lock. Asari sat in the command chair on the bridge, idly pouring over the data collected from the sensor readouts of the _Enterprise. There was not much going on at the moment. They were patrolling the Neutral Zone, so their long and short range sensors were focused into the zone. Their sensors were almost as advanced as the _Invincible's_so Asari didn't worry about not seeing a threat before it was too late. More than that, their cloak was, as far as they knew, more advanced than the Romulan Warbird's cloaking system. If the _Enterprise_detected something, Asari would see it on the little screen attached to the arm of her chair.

A three-tone beeped from the ops console in front of and to her left. She lifted her head, blinking her three eyes to help them refocus on the items at a greater distance than the arm of her chair.

Before she could enquire, the Siren at that station called out "Captain, priority one message from Admiral Quinn."

Asari looked down at her tiny panel to confirm and sighed. Now what? Had th_e Enterprise_ detected them? She hadn't made any kind of move to tip their hand. They continued on their way seeming oblivious of their shadow. "Thank you, Tilana. I'll take it in my ready room."

She uncrossed her blue legs slowly and her thigh-high leather boots squealed in protest. She kept her legs closely together more as a courtesy than any embarrassment. Sirens wouldn't care if they got a peek up her short black skirt, but as Captain, it was prudent to distance herself from her crew and not offer any hints to the contrary.

She stood as gracefully as an ocean breeze and started across the bridge toward her ready room. Her heels clopped softly against the deck plate with every step. "You have the bridge, Simara," she said without looking over her shoulder at the Siren who had been seated at her right arm.

"Aye, sir," she heard her first officer say as she stepped into her office. Her feet carried her to her seat behind the reflective black desk and she carefully settled her weight on the soft cushion. She rested her hand on the desk, turning the computer monitor there to face her. A swift tap to the activator brought the admiral's face on screen.

"Admiral Quinn," she said with a nod. "Is there a problem?"

The aged Trill smiled behind his short, thick beard. He shook his wrinkled head and groaned "We don't know. We've been contacted by the Republic of New Romulus."

She didn't know an awful lot about this quadrant's politics, but she knew enough to know that the Romulans were a deceitful and dangerous people.

"The communique was short," Admiral Quinn continued, "but they gave us a set of coordinates in the Hobus system. The message gave us a stardate and mentioned a rendezvous with a Romulan representative, but we are understandably skeptical. That's where you come in," he said, motioning to his viewscreen and by extension, her. "We're sending you to tail the Enterprise's sister ship, the USS Harbinger and monitor the rendezvous. If the Romulans are hostile, you have permission to decloak and render aid. If they are not, remain in stealth mode and monitor the situation, then follow the Romulans back to wherever they make berth. Then return to Federation space and report your findings."

Asari nodded. Their first real mission. No more playing hide and seek with Federation starships who had no idea they even existed. "Understood, Admiral," she confirmed, storing away her orders mentally.

"I'm sending you the coordinates of the Harbinger's present location. Good luck, Captain. You may have the Federation's security riding on you."

The screen winked out, replaced by the seal of Starfleet Command. She de-activated the station and stood up. Her heels clopped as she strode back out onto the bridge, heading toward the chair in the center. "Helm, did you receive coordinates from Admiral Quinn?"

The Siren glanced down at her console and nodded. "Yes sir. Course set and locked in."

Pleased with her crew's efficiency, Asari seated herself in her chair. "Engage at warp nine," she said and gave her tight uniform a firm tug, both pulling the wrinkles out of the synthetic-leather and tugging the uniform down the swell of her bust, revealing more of her smooth blue skin to the cool recycled air.

The helm gave its tell-tale beep as the engines were engaged and they left the Enterprise behind.

Hours later, they dropped out of warp to find the Harbinger,_another _Odyssey-class starship hanging in empty space. Asari watched the starship curiously on the viewscreen and shook her head. This was the stardate. At least, she assumed it was if the Harbinger was there. Admiral Quinn, after all, didn't give her the date.

"Anything on sensors?" she asked, turning her attention to Commander Tilana at ops.

"Yes sir," the officer said. "There is a cloaked object two kilometers off the Harbiner's bow."

"Confirmed," a voice she knew belonged to her tactical officer, Commander Lirial, called out. "Readouts conform to Romulan cloaking technology."

"Can you get a weapon's lock?" she asked, glancing down at the readouts on her own little screen.

"Negative," Lirial said. "I will have to fire manually if they do not decloak."

She nodded slowly, reading silently into the situation. "Their sensors are focused on the Harbinger," she said. "They're probably trying to figure out the same things we are. Are they friend or are they foe? If they do charge weapons, they'll have to decloak to fire them and raise their own shields."

"Captain!" Tilana called.

Asari's eyes lifted toward the large viewscreen in time to see space shimmering and taking shape in front of the Harbinger's saucer section. There, nose to nose with the Federation starship was the Romulan ship they'd detected.

The massive Tulwar-class Warbird hung ominously in space, staring the other ship in the eye. At the moment, they hadn't bared their teeth. Asari was thankful for that. A glance at the transponder told her the Warbird was known as the RRW Lleiset._She was armed to the teeth with very nearly a comparable armament to the _Invincible. If she did start charging weapons, it was going to be a tough fight.

"The Lleiset is hailing the Harbinger," Tilana added.

"Put them onscreen," Asari said, resting her fingers against her chin.

A Romulan woman appeared on the left side of the viewscreen, a bearded middle-aged human male wearing an admiral's uniform on the right.

"This is Admiral Scott of the USS Harbinger," the human said, quirking a brow. "To whom do I owe the pleasure?"

The Romulan offered a smile and polite bow of her head. "Commander Tiaru Jarok of the Romulan Republic," she said. "Admiral, I would like to formally request an escort back to your Starfleet Command. We would like to negotiate an alliance."

Asari quirked a brow. That didn't sound like an enemy of the Federation. In fact, she almost sounded desperate. Then again, she did know that when the seat of the former Romulan Empire was destroyed, the Federation quickly offered aid in the form of starships and supplies only to be countered by the conquering Klingons. Maybe those Klingons were too much for the Romulan Republic to handle and they needed more Federation help?

By the time she came out of her reverie, the two faces on the main viewer were smiling.

"We will escort you to Starbase zero-zero-one, Commander. I hope you and Starfleet Command can reach an agreement," Admiral Scott said.

"As do I, Admiral," Jarok agreed. "As do I."

Their faces disappeared a moment later, leaving Asari staring at the two ships nose-to-nose. The Harbinger came about and went to warp. A moment later, the Lleiset followed suit.

"Helm, stay on them. Match their course and speed. Keep us within a hundred kilometers. Lirial, if the Lleiset so much as twitches her weapons, open fire. Disable their weapons, shields, and engines."

Both officers voiced their confirmations as Asari stood up. She smoothed the front of her uniform again and turned toward the tubrolift. "I'll be in my quarters. You have the bridge, Simara."

The door of the turbolift closed before she heard her first officer's response. This was far more stressful than she thought it would be. To her knowledge, neither ship knew the_Invincible_ was there, but the element of surprise would only take them so far. No, she knew her tactical officer. There wasn't a better shot in the galaxy than Lirial. The Romulans would be dead in space before they knew what hit them.

Exhaling the building tension, she made her way to her quarters. A nice hot shower, that's what she needed. Command was still new to her and weighing heavily on her shoulders. She wanted to make a good impression with their new allies. For all intents and purposes, the Invincible was their home and she was not about to do anything to jeopardize that.

She peeled her uniform off and neatly folded it up to set aside for future washing. Her undergarments and thin stockings followed. Little bumps appeared all over her light blue skin and her dark blue nipples hardened in the cool recycled air. She quivered lightly, looking herself over in the mirror. She ran her hands along the supple curves of her body from her firm breast to her limp member. For now, they had health and home. She would be the best captain Starfleet ever had so they wouldn't take those away from her or her people.

A quick command to the computer had a hot, steamy rain falling in the sonic shower stall. She stepped under the gently falling droplets and let out a gentle, content moan as the heat washed away her worries. They had so much to do and so much to look forward to. They had the lives they always dreamed of.

What they didn't have were Progenitors. It wasn't like their species was going to die out. They had escaped their isolationist roots. That didn't mean they were the last of their kind. More than that, they didn't need the breeding caste to continue their lineage. They could all of them become pregnant if they wanted to. It was a conscious decision for her species. Progenitors excluded, of course. They were hyper fertile and didn't have a choice in the matter. Insemination guaranteed gestation.

But allowing themselves to get pregnant would be detrimental to their work. It would be impossible to maintain their station aboard the _Invincible_if they were gestating. If they wanted to continue their species away from Sirenum Scopuli, they would have to sacrifice their careers in exchange for mothering offspring. Perhaps they could take it in turns, or perhaps a few of the junior officers would be willing to take up the mantle of being voluntary Progenitors. At least, until they birthed some natural ones.

Asari scolded herself. She had come to her quarters to get away from stress. All she had done was replace the immediate stress with that of a more long term stress. More than that, all of that thinking about Progenitors or fathering children with the junior officers had a very particular effect on her. She glared at her stiff arousal and shook her head. Suppose then that a nap was in order. She had to get rid of that before she went back on duty, and she was not about to spill her precious seed in the shower.

She pressed her palms against the wall and called for the computer to discontinue the water. A moment later, the standard sonic shower activated, bombarding her body with waves of sound, vibrating away the grime from her skin, her horns, and the ridged, soft tissue along the top and back of her head, as well as pushing all the water off of her, drying her off considerably.

Once the sonic waves deactivated, she pushed off of the wall with a deep breath. Her eyes closed and she let her head roll back along her shoulders. She took another calming breath and willed away the worry. She would make a good captain and her people would go on for generations free of the oppressive xenophobia of their homeworld.

Once her nerves had calmed, she turned and made her way back into her bedchamber, but stopped in the doorway with a startled gasp. There, sitting on her bed, was Simara. Her first officer had set her neatly folded uniform aside, leaving her sitting in only the lace panties and bra that strained to contain her ample chest as well as her similarly laced garter belt and black stockings.

Simara smiled, shamelessly looking Asari over from head to toe. "Why captain," the Siren said with a soft moan. "I see you are as excited to see me as I am to see you."

She felt herself stiffen more, seeing her trusted friend and first officer sitting on her bed. But the stress she had worked so hard to put aside sprang back into her mind. "This is hardly appropriate." It wasn't like they hadn't mated before. In fact, the two of them had sex plenty of times when they were running from their homeworld. A fact Simara was quick to remind her of.

"It wasn't inappropriate on the Ya'wron," she said, standing up slowly.

Asari took an involuntary step back and shook her head. "It isn't considered appropriate behavior in Starfleet for a captain to have any sort of sexual interaction with any of her officers. Especially her first officer." Simara was walking toward her, but she reached up and gently, albeit firmly, set her palms against the other Siren's shoulders. "If Starfleet takes away this ship, we don't have anywhere else to go. I am not about to do anything to jeopardize that."

Simara gave a little moan and reached behind herself. Asari was painfully aware of the younger woman's breast giving the faintest bounce as they were free from their lace confines. She was unable to pull her eyes away as Simara pulled her bra off and dropped it to the floor. "What Starfleet doesn't know wont hurt them. Besides," she said, curling her digits around Asari's throbbing length, "there isn't going to be any evidence left behind."

She gave an involuntary moan as her hips instinctively pushed against Simara's gentle hands. "No, but..." A gentle squeeze toppled her resolve. She gave another soft moan and slid her hands around Simara's shoulders, pulling the younger woman against herself. Their breasts pressed tightly together and Asari forced her tongue past her first officer's lips.

It had been so long since they'd done anything. It was abundantly clear by the lace-covered stiffness pressing against her own bare flesh that Simara felt the same. She grinded herself against the eager Siren and together they shuffled back toward the bed.

It didn't take them long to find it. As soon as their legs collided with the side of the mattress, Simara broke their kiss and pushed her back firmly. Asari stared down at the blue-skinned first officer in confusion. She didn't have to wait long for an answer.

Simara turned, crawling up onto the bed on all fours. She arched her back lightly and looked over her shoulder with a toothy grin. "I've been waiting so long for this!" she said, wiggling her butt. "Don't keep me waiting any longer, Asari!"

Who was she to argue? Asari crawled onto the bed behind her first officer and hooked her fingers beneath the tight lace panties hiding away her prize. As she slid the fabric down Simara's butt and thighs to rest against the top of her stockings, her first officer groaned and arched her back once again.

Moaning with her own anticipation, she reached down, tracing her fingers up along Simara's dripping slit. She was sopping! With a growing eagerness, Asari scooted up behind her friend and reached down to grab her ridged length. She guided the tapered tip up against Simara's dripping slit and gasped. The heat radiating off of her was astonishing!

"Oh fuck!" Simara gasped. "Don't stop there!"

As much as she wanted to torture her friend, she needed to be sated much more. She set her hands against Simara's firm hips and squeezed tightly. She practically yanked Simara back as she drove her hips forward. Both of them cried out, their moans ascending in a musical crescendo as Asari fucked her ridged length into her first officer without mercy.

Of times they were gentle, even loving with one another. That was when they had time. When they weren't so deprived of contact with one another. Need overpowered affection at this point. Instinct drove Asari to claim Simara's tight hole in a most animalistic way. Normally, Sirens were very open about their bodies and sex, but in Starfleet they had to suppress that. Like most things, it was prone to explosion when the pressure got too high.

Asari leaned forward, curling her hands up over Simara's tight belly toward her swinging breast. She gathered the woman's firm swells against her palms and squeezed gently, caressing and groping her friend in ways only she knew Simara liked.

The reaction was instantaneous. Simara threw her head back and her voice sang of bliss and ecstasy as pleasure overtook her. Asari felt her inner muscles spasm and squeeze tightly along the length of her ridged length. The pressure was too much for her. Her heart wanted to prolong the pleasure, both for herself and Simara quaking and tensing beneath her. Her body, driven by instinct, rutted Simara until with one final thrust, her world exploded into vibrant color.

Her voice joined Simara's song as she felt her testicles tighten against her phallus's base. Heat rushed through the length of her arousal, erupting deep inside Simara's tight belly. She grinded her hips against her friend's rump even as their legs gave out. They collapsed forward onto the bed. Asari gasped, quaking and quivering as her weight settled against Simara's bare back and slowly, the starburst of pleasure that had filled her eyes was replaced by warm afterglow and the fuzzy shapes of the furniture and décor of her bedroom.

They moaned and gasped against one another, basking in their shared pleasure for several minutes until Simara gasped. Asari felt her body go rigid. She slowly lifted herself up and stared down at her friend's head resting upon the mussed bedding. "Simara?"

The first officer chewed on her lower lip for a moment and turned her head to stare up at Asari slowly. "I... I didn't mean..."

Her hearts leapt in her chest. She pulled herself off and out of her friend. She rolled, sitting beside Simara who rose to sit cross-legged in front of her.

"It was an accident..." the usually strong woman croaked, reaching up to shakily press her palms against her belly. "I didn't mean to."

Asari stared down at Simara's hands pressed against her toned blue belly. She reached out, hesitantly pressing her own palm against her friend's abs. She felt it. A growing link between them. Somehow, she felt it as if it were her own belly. There was a pressure there. Not a physical pressure, really. It was a weight, but weightless. A mass without volume. There was something there that she could feel despite the improbable likelihood that she could physically make it out. She both knew and didn't know how to describe it.

"Why did you...?" Asari shook her head and looked up into Simara's reflective silvery eyes. "They're going to kick us out of Starfleet."

Simara shook her head, chewing on her lower lip for a moment. "The Federation is accepting of all of their member cultures and their practices. This is..." She looked down at her own belly and Asari once again followed her gaze. "This isn't any different."

A burning warmth began radiating outward from her lower belly, yet somehow Asari knew it was Simara feeling that carnal desire for more. Even so, she wanted to sate it as though it were her own. She pressed her hands Against her friend, her mate's shoulders and gently forced her onto her back.

"It's okay," she said, as much to reassure herself as Simara. "Everything is going to be okay." Straddling Simara's hips, Asari reached down between them and took hold of the firm, ridged length pointing up at her. Her mate gasped, arching her back and thrusting almost violently up against her.

Asari clicked her tongue and wagged a finger at her. "Not yet."

Simara shook her head, curling her hands in the blankets on either side of her head. "It's so sensitive after...!"

Asari nodded, pressing the tip of Simara's cock against her dripping slit. She nearly came just from that contact. She gasped and arched her back, pushing her breast outward. No, she told herself. At least...

She let her weight pull her down, impaling her on the hard length throbbing with eager need. The fire in her belly exploded, filling her with warmth as another wave of pleasure washed over her and another song of passion filled the air.

Her muscles squeezed Simara's pulsing cock, milking the length for every drop. That same animalistic urge to breed filled her mind, but she forced it down. Panic filled her, overriding the need to push the biological button. She grabbed her own bust, squeezing tightly and bucking against Simara's hips as molten heat rushed into her womb. She was tempted to let it happen, but the need to protect her people and now her mate and unborn child were too great.

As the afterglow once again settled over them, Asari leaned forward, pressing her breast against Simara's once again. She kissed her mate gently upon the lips and ran her gentle digits gingerly over the soft tissue behind Simara's horns. "You know you're going to have to pay dearly for that mistake," she whispered. "They may force you to temporarily resign your commission."

Simara breathed a heavy sigh, mirroring Asari's movements by letting her fingers dance over the soft blue flesh behind Asari's horns. "They might," she agreed. "But they cant make me leave the ship. I wont leave the ship. Not now that..."

Their eyes danced downward to the life they both felt in Simara's belly. Asari nodded slowly and kissed her forehead. "It was still stupid. You should have maintained control."

Simara avoided her gaze, but that steely resolve Asari was so used to seeing in her face was slowly returning. "I know I should have, and I am prepared to live with my mistake if you are."

Asari smiled and nodded. "For the rest of my life. Two hundred years, three hundred. It doesn't matter."

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