Containment VII

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#7 of Containment

The cold war just got hotter. A Hunter battlegroup has come out of hyperspace around Earth, intent on assaulting the parasite colony in Area 51. Three capital ships and three dozen fighter squardons are prepared for battle. But no plan survices contact with the enemy.


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The mission was simple. More so than most missions of this magnitude. But they always started out seeming that way, didn't they? Every time their ships were sent out on smash-and-grab assignments, there were always unforeseen complications. Maybe it was being complacent with the easy task that caused problems. Maybe it was bad intel. More often than not, it was the simple missions that always turned into incidents.

Unforeseen colonies, smarter than average bugs. Any number of things. Hell, this planet in particular seemed to have a smarter-than-the-average-bug problem. One of their hunters was killed on a scouting mission by a drone that had more smarts than any one bug ought to. Either he was not run of the mill, or there was a queen with smarts in the colony that had begun to form.

That's why they were escorting a small flotilla of cruisers to eradicate the infestation before the planet was lost completely. It was only a post-industrial society hardly capable of handling such an incursion of parasites. But they could still be saved.

A warning flasher on his fighter's HUD blared and Skeeva brought her consciousness to bear. <Dropping to sublight in five.> Lance Squadron's leader, that of her own wing of snubfighters, voice crackled in his ear. She keyed an affirmative into her com and watched the countdown tick down slowly. As it dropped to zero, she hit up the sublight engines and disengaged the hyperdrive.

All at once, the light rushing past her cockpit exploded into a million trillion points of light in the sky and a bright blue ball hanging in space in front of them. To her right, three Drenadk-class cruisers hung in space, their maw-like bows bristling with hyper canons, missile pods, and pulse beams.

Swarming around them like fireflies were a half dozen squadrons of small T-shaped fighter craft. While the plan was to bombard the parasite from orbit, that oft times was easier said than done. The bugs were smart enough to have learned by now that-...

<Capital ships report missile lock from the surface,> Lance Leader said. <Lance Squadron is going to provide escort for Petard Squadron. We're going in hot. Stay tight, be prepared for hostile ground fire and possible air threats.>

Her stomach turned. It was never easy was it? She keyed in another affirmative and angled her deflector shield to fore. Best to keep her protection up front for incoming fire as they broke atmosphere. Then she could distribute again. She saw several of the disk-shaped bombers pull ahead of the rest of the battlegroup. The fighters swarming around her own craft accelerated to join them and she gunned the throttle to follow.

The ship gave only a shudder as it slammed into the upper atmosphere, but the gravitational diffusors kicked in and evened things out, keeping the ride less than turbulent.

<Looks like the local population is also launching an air raid against the colony. I'm counting fifty-seven bogies on a course for the colony. Stay tight and keep your heads on a swivel.>

Great, so they were going to have to contend with air threats. As the cloud cover parted, giving way to an expansive desert stretching out in all directions, Skeeva redistributed her shields for full coverage and took up her position on the bomber formation's right flank. Almost directly in front of--or rather below--them was a large base-like instillation, complete with towers and what appeared to be anti-air emplacements.

Her warning flasher blared an angry warning at her of an incoming threat. She reacted on instinct and yanked her fighter to the right away from the rest of the fighter group. The rest of her squadron and all of the bombers followed suit, split effectively in two as a series of missiles and bright, glowing plasma torpedoes raced past them.

Skeeva swore. The cruisers were about to have incoming. A non-stop steam of hostile fire was rushing into the heavens at the battlegroup she knew hung in orbit over the planet. More than that, as their fighters approached the target, she noticed little craft buzzing around the complex, firing missiles and dropping bombs against a shield impervious to their antiquated technology. Smaller anti-air guns fired up at them and most of the pilots were trained well enough, at least, to dodge that for the most part.

<Angle south,> Lance leader called out. <We'll come in fast and low and avoid as much of that crossfire as we can.>

All twenty-four of the ships turned, following that order as they approached the surface. At the last possible moment, Skeeva pulled hard on the stick, pulling her snubfighter out of its perilous dive to skim across the flat desert toward the battle.

Several of the locals jet-propelled aircraft broke away from the fight and rushed straight at them. "Are you kidding me!?" Skeeva shouted. "We're on your side, guys!" Another warning siren blared in her ear, signaling she'd been painted by a missile lock. "Oh, come on!"

<Break and engage! Lance, protect the bombers at all costs!>

"Copy, Lance Leader," Skeeva said, composing herself as she rolled her fighter up on its starboard stabilizers. She pulled back on the stick again and arced off and away from the missile. On her scanners, she watched the projectile turn to follow her, safely away from the bombers but she still had to worry about it!

"Wait, is that radar guided?" she asked, scowling at the scanners. "No wonder they cant get through that shield!" She flipped a toggle beside her HUD and for a moment, there was a high pitched squeal in her ears. A moment later, it regulated down and the missile lock warning died. The incoming threat straightened out, no longer following her on her loop.

More projectiles, small and unguided splashed against her aft shields and she turned, peering over her shoulder out the canopy and past the engines on either side of the cockpit. There behind her, one of the local jets had fallen in behind her and was firing metal slugs at her.

"At least they're quick enough to keep up," she mused aloud. She angled her rudder to port and drew her stick back against her sternum, corkscrewing up into the sky. The jet tried to follow, but she had a much tighter turning arc. She gunned the engines as she levelled out, pointing straight up into the sky. On her scanners, she watched the jet start to pull in behind her again. With one hand, she killed her throttle and with the other, she pulled up hard. Her momentum carried her skyward while the thrusters on the nose of her fighter turned her end over end. All at once, she was staring straight at the fighter rushing up to meet her.

She flicked a toggle on her stick, bringing up her targeting reticle. Almost instantly, they flashed green, indicating clear line of fire and she squeezed the trigger.

Bright bolts of crimson lanced out, punching holes in the jet fighter and exploded. Whooping to herself, Skeeva punched the throttle again and rushed downward through the cloud of smoke and molten metal.

Ahead of her, she saw one of the jets angling in on the bomber squadron and she shook her head. "Oh no you don't!" Letting gravity assist her, she sped into the Jet's wake and pulled back, falling in right behind the fighter. It banked hard left and started launching chaff pods from under its fuselage.

The reason why became immediately apparent. A much smaller, but just as bright plasma torpedo sped up from the ground below and exploded against one of the glowing chaff pods. Shit, they were almost directly over the colony now!

As she turned to follow the jet fighter, Skeeva was aware of the bombers dropping their payload on the shielded colony. Many of them detonated against a shield that was only visible as each one impacted, but several of them managed to slip through.

She refocused her attention on the jet speeding away from her and grit her teeth. He wasn't getting away that easily! She gunned the throttle again and keyed up her own missile pods. Just had to get close enough...

The reticle danced around her HUD as it tried to get a lock, but this pilot was nimble and quick, and her certainly knew his stuff. He juked and climbed, dodged and dived, never allowing her a clear line of sight. But her fighter was much more maneuverable than the diamond-winged aircraft these people flew. She grit her teeth again, scowling at the aircraft.

Then he made a mistake. She had only straightened out again from a tight arc when the pilot was already doubling back on his previous course. Right into her reticle. The targeting computer beeped and flashed green as she acquired a lock and she loosed a small missile.

The projectile sped into the sky and slammed into the other aircraft's aft engines. A picosecond later, it exploded.

Skeeva whooped again, but all too late her warning sirens blared again. Her snubfighter rocked and spun as something slammed into her aft shields. Her engines went out and smoke billowed from her port thrusters.

She swore again. Her gravitational diffusors were offline. She felt centripetal force slam her against the side of her cockpit. She howled in pain as the force began to crush her. She shook her head and reached with all of her strength toward the small switch between her legs. It was hard, but her fingers slowly crawled over then seat and down to the little button. She struggled to push down on the button rather than its casing, but finally, she felt it disappear inward.

Her canopy exploded and the howl of hot desert wing rushed in to meet her. A strong force slammed her down into her seat as her cockpit and the rest of her fighter fell away below her. Just as gravity had begun to give way, her chute deployed and another powerful jerk slammed her down into her seat.

As her vision cleared and the howling diminished, Skeeva saw her fighters and bombers weaving around the other jets as they screamed through the sky, their engines a stark contrast to one another.

As she descended toward the shield, panic began to set in. It wasn't fear that she was going to die as the shield's energy discharged through her body, but instead because she watched the purple field yawn wide to admit her inside. And there waiting for her on what she imagined used to be a landing strip, a half dozen of the menacing black parasites.

She reached for the side-arm at her chest, struggling to pull the focused particle pistol from its holster as the ground rushed up to meet her. It caught in the leather of the holster and panic began to swell in her breast.

It finally jerked free and she brought it to bear on one of the parasites circling her descending chair. She pulled the trigger and the blaster screamed, spewing bolts of magenta light at the creatures below.

She felled one and turned her aim on another, but something heavy collided with her and together, they crashed into the ground. They tumbled along the chitin-encrusted asphalt and her arms and neck twisted violently against every impact on the hard ground. The heavy object, what certainly smelled and sounded like one of the squeeling, hissing parasites, writhed and tore at her ejector seat. At some point before they came to a stop, she lost her grip on her pistol and her chair lost its grip on her.

Finally they came to a stop. Skeeva landed on her back, her great golden wings bent at painful angles beneath the weight of her body and that of the parasite pinning her to the ground. Her breath caught in her throat as the creature leaned down close and opened its beak wide the shriek angrily at her.

"Fucking kill me, you monsters!" she screamed, struggling against the black alien holding her down, but it didn't budge. They chittered at each other, clicking their beaks and hissing in their own language that all Hunters were required to learn before taking live-fire assignments.

<Should we? I haven't had a good meal in so long.>

<No, the Queen will want her body. She is ripe. She is healthy. She will carry many drones before she succumbs.>

<But what the Queen does not know will not hurt her.>

<The Queen always knows.>

<Take her down then. Give her to the Queen. We will remain. We will find more food. More incubators. Maybe the guns will shoot down a male.>

<Yes, we can eat a male.>

The creature whose weight was crushing down on top of her hissed and turned to look over his shoulder at his companions. <When I am absent no doubt.> He climbed off of her and his tentacles shot outward, wrapping around her body before she had the chance to struggle for escape. The creature lifted her over his curved head and pulled her tight against his back, restraining her with ease. Then they were off. The alien sprinted into the dark catacombs of the colony.

The stale smell of death and sulfur filled her nose. More than once, the substance coating the walls would drip onto her face and she was powerless to shake it off. She wanted to vomit, to wretch, but she wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Skeeva was trained to fight until her last breath so that's what she was going to do.

It was so dark, by the time her eyes had adjusted, they were already emerging into a brightly lit room full of eggs and larvae in various stages of development. Her eyes widened as she turned her eyes about the room. There was hundreds of them, maybe even thousands!

"And what have you brought me? A Hunter? How delightful..." a raspy woman's voice touched her ears. "Set her down. Go back above. Bring any others to me. Females. Eat the males. My drones need their strength."

The creature chirped and affirmative and lifted her up. He swung her around so fast she felt sick and dizzy then set her down on the ground. His tentacles were gone but an instant later, another four were wrapped around her limbs.

As she was pulled into the air, she lifted her head and scowled at the Queen. She had seen images of them many times, but never one in person. Like the holos, this one was larger than the drones with much more mass. Instead of a spaded tail, she had a large, undulating abdomen that was maturing and depositing the eggs her drones gave her on a daily basis. There was one difference in this queen that the images didn't have. Her crested head was not all black, nor was her torso. On either side of the dome that preceded the wide crest on the back of her cranium, there were two white ovals, and the soft flesh of her chest and belly was just as pale.

She didn't have time to ponder. The queen pulled her struggling form through the air until she could almost smell the rotting meat in the creature's maw. "Well, aren't you a pretty Hunter?" she asked, lifting a clawed talon to start cutting at Skeeva's flight suit with the same deliberate movements as if she were plucking the petals from a flower.

"Pretty. Young. Healthy. You'll carry for a long time before your body breaks."

Skeeva knew what was coming next. She didn't even look downward when she felt one of the queen's thick tentacles start prodding at her nethers. "I'll crush them in my belly," she spat. "I don't care if they fester and rot inside, I'll kill them before I lay any of your spawn!"

The air began to fill with a pungent odor and she wrinkled her nose. Pheramones. Each Hunter was genetically altered in the egg to be resistant to that universal aphrodisiac. She snarled, baring her pointed teeth. She tried to flap her wings to off-balance the queen, but her sixth and final tentacle shot outward, grabbing both of them and wrapping them painfully in a tight coil.

"Oh, I don't believe that," the Queen said, her belly already swelling to resemble that of a rapidly growing pregnancy. Skeeva knew what that was. It was her body producing her own eggs, rather than being a vessel for her drones. All of them were going inside of her soon. And by the enormous size, the Queen had quite a few to give!!!

She didn't have time to ponder it. Sharply, the tentacle prodding at her womanhood rushed inward. Skeeva's eyes widened and she threw her head back to scream as the air was forced out of her lungs by the sudden blow. Not a sound passed her lips as she felt the dull impact deep in her chest. She would have blacked out if it weren't for the tentacle mercilessly fucking her egg chamber.

The queen was relentless in her ministrations. That thick tentacle stretched Skeeva wider than she had ever felt before and plunged deep to slam into the deepest wall of her egg chamber before withdrawing to nearly exit her body. Again and again, she felt the tip of that thick appendage slam into her lower chest and she moaned in agony. She writhed, weakly pulling at the soft tentacles holding her up in the air. The queen smirked, rubbing her beach gravball sized belly and Skeeva wanted to vomit again.

"This host used to be a scientist, you know," the Queen hissed as her belly began to shrink, much faster than Skeeva thought it should. "She was very smart, head of this instillation before we took over. Now, her knowledge is my knowledge. Her innovation is my innovation... You will not be crushing this egg."

Skeeva blinked the blur from her eyes. Her heart leapt then hammered in her chest as she watched an enormous bulge, one the size of the gravball she'd seen in the Queen's belly, slowly working its way through the length of the already thick length fucking her. She tried to protest and shake her head, but still another mournful moan passed through her muzzle and filled the air.

"Oh don't worry," The queen assured her in a soothing tone that filled her with dread. "It will fit. I have made sure of that."

The tentacle pistonned faster into her body, pushing the taut golden scales of her belly outward with every thrust but as the bulge got closer to her, the Queen drew Skeeva's legs wide, forcing her to do a splits where she hung in mid air. With one last powerful thrust, the tentacle lunged into her and stilled.

She shook her head, trying desperately to find the words, to plead with the parasite, but none came in time. The bulge pressed against her abused pussy and began to force her even wider. She cried out at last, screaming in agony as the orb elongated itself, puching her flesh and scales outward as it pushed inside of her.

Skeeva's hands balled into fists, drawing blood as her claws pierced the scales of her palms. She felt like she was being split in two. She heard her bones pop as they adjusted around the giant object invading her. The tight entrance of her egg chamber felt like the flesh was tearing in every direction as more and more of the thing pressed inward.

Then all at once, the pain began to abate. The tentacle inside of her body slipped free and cool air rushed into her belly as her muscles struggled to regain their natural shape.

The five tentacles holding her up dropped her heavily onto the slimy chittinous floor. She tried to curl up about herself, tried to take a fetal position but an enormous bulge in her middle precluded that. She opened her eyes and stared at the golden scales covering her belly. The egg had appeared enormous in the Queen's belly but there stretching her flesh, it looked disproportionately large for a Hunter's body.

She could barely move for the weight and her muscles were stretched so tightly against the flesh and scales of her tummy, she couldn't constrict her egg chamber to crush the egg if she wanted to. Tears overflowed in her eyes as her hands explored the new globe in her middle. She shook her head and sobbed, trying to make sense of what happened.

As if reading her mind, the Queen clicked a disgusting chortle and reached a claw down to caress the huge swell. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, wont you? Don't worry. You might learn to enjoy being so full and dread ever having an empty womb again...."

The click-click-click of claws drew Skeeva's attention toward the entrance of the Queen's chamber. Another drone had entered carrying a wiggling, writing Hunter pilot. Her green scales stood out against the jet exoskeleton and flesh of her captor and Skeeva could barely make out the woman's muffled protests. Muffled because it appeared one of the drone's tentacles was pushing down her throat quickly, already covered with a generous coating of blue fluid.

"Ah, another incubator has arrived... Come, Hunter... Look what will become of you," the Queen told the new captive, waving a talon indicatively at Skeeva. "Your future and ours. Your future is soon to look like her, full of the next generation of drones. The next generation of drones: Stronger, faster, and smarter soldiers. Soldiers with Hunter DNA..."

Skeeva choked back a sob as she realized what was weighing heavy in her belly. If what the Queen said was true, then this world was doomed already. Unless the Hunters came en force, with everything they had...

She curled tightly around the bulge of her belly, unwilling to watch as the screaming Hunter pilot was lifted into the air by the Queen's relentless tentacles. No sooner did the screams stop, cut short by the same deep plunge that started Skeeva's ordeal, than the gold-scaled Hunter heard another series of click-click-clicking footsteps coming into the chamber.

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