King's Guardian

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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Agamemnon has been working hard all day. Then again, there are few days when a King doesnt work hard. The stress is particularly high when he goes to check on his newest acquisition: a new girl. But she is asleep. Thankfully, the king's guardian is more than willing to help alleviate his temptation.

The throbbing had started to pulse behind his eyes again. It felt like someone had shoved a dirk into the side of his skull and was jerking it to and fro, tapping to the rhythm of some macabre tune. Agamemnon reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging the area just above his ducts to try to alleviate the pain.

It helped, but when he peered back down at the trade agreement's manifest, the pain returned. Slowly, he rested against the back of his chair and groaned. Once again he pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other reached up, smoothing the fur between his antlers. Fine. Break time.

The manifest would still be there in the morning. He could double-check it before the caravan left for the southern jungles. He would keep his side of the agreement one way or another. It didn't have to be done right now.

His chair groaned in protest as he pushed it back and rose to his hooves. He carefully smoothed the light brown fur along his chest and belly and started toward the door. He didn't bother snuffing the candles himself. The servants would do that.

The throne room was already quite dark, the candles there having long since been snuffed out. He must have been going over things far longer than he would have thought.

"Finished, your majesty?" his guard-captain's growling voice boomed behind him.

Agamemnon glanced over his shoulder at the monolith of a tiger following him and nodded. "For now, Redrick. I'll finish in the morning. There is so much travelling south. But how do you put a price on the chieftan's daughter?" he asked, shaking his head slowly. "How do you put a price on any one life?"

"At least," the tiger said, "the chieftan was kind enough to send a list of what they need. It gives you a good place to start."

"It still doesn't feel like enough. But it is better she be sent here than any other kingdom in this world. A girl such as her would be ruined. Spoilt and abused by any of the men who would take her."

Redrick hummed thoughtfully behind him. It reminded Agamemnon of a low, rolling thunder. "It is better she has come to you, your majesty. She deserves a kind hand. A gentle touch."

He nodded his agreement and sighed. "It is truly a shame the law does not recognize the southern tribes as nobility. It would be nice to finally take a queen." He sighed, rubbing his temples again as the pain finally began to abate. "Has she been taken into the west tower?"

"Yes, your majesty. She is with the girls now. They are helping her to settle in, I believe."

Of course there was no way for the guard-captain to know this. None but Agamemnon were allowed into the west tower. "Good." He quirked a brow at nobody in particular and hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps I will go see if she is settled in and comfortable."

"Your majesty," Redrick protested, "It is very late. I am sure everyone is asleep by now."

"Then my visit will go unnoticed."

"Of course, my lord," Redrick said after a short pause.

Agamemnon navigated the shadows of the dimly lit corridors with ease. Before he knew it, he had come to the gilded door leading into the west tower. Without bidding his guard-captain a good night or checking to see if the big tiger stopped to stand guard, he ventured past and climbed the stairs into the tower's main chamber.

The main chamber was a vibrant place of comfort. It was littered with the softest cushions and seats, shelves with books a-many. There was a doorway to Agamemnon's left that led to another room much larger than this one with an enormous tub of warm water and similar cushions and places for seating. But that was not where his attention was. His attention was here, at all of the lithe bodies laying scattered about the main chamber.

There were lupines and vulpines, canines and felines, even an equine there off in a corner. But his eyes sought the blue-furred vixen lounging very near the center, where most of his girls were clustered. It was not hard to find her. Her fur gave off its own soft glow, a truly marvelous thing to behold. Why the tribe had deemed it fit to send her away was beyond him. Suppose, as superstitious as they were, there was a taboo against one with glowing fur or something. But she was safe, comfortable, and oh so beautiful. Agamemnon was tempted to wake her but she no doubt needed her rest after such a long journey.

Satisfied, he turned to leave when movement caught his attention on the balcony directly opposite the door he had come through from the top of the stairs. His long ears perked and he turned to take a closer look. His heart leapt in his chest in fear that it might be someone who wished to do harm to his girls, but relief washed over him when he realized it was his guardian and oldest friend Liariel.

The gryphon had lifted her head to watch him, her golden eyes glowing in the moonlight. Well, there was no sneaking out now. Agamemnon had been called many things, but rude was not one of them. He turned, tip-toing gingerly around and between the girls sleeping here and there, making his way to the balcony.

As he emerged into the cool night air, Liariel stood, ruffling her feathers and fur gentle as she did. Her head bowed low as always it did as he came to her side and he shook his head. "You don't need to do that, you know."

"Of course, my lord," she responded, raising her head to stare at him.

"And don't call me that."

"No, my lord."

Smirking, Agamemnon rolled his eyes and curled his fingers in the soft golden feathers of her neck. "You're impossible." When she didn't immediately respond, he turned his attention to the glowing girl inside. His head slowly shook and a sigh passed his lips. "She's so young. Why would a father send their child away like this?"

"There are many reasons, my lord," she said, turning to nuzzle her beak against his chest. "Southerners are incredibly superstitious. It is possible her fur startled them. Even a father would send away his child if he thought her presence was a promise of doom."

She was right, of course. "I suppose I shouldn't complain for it," he said. "His loss is my gain. She is beautiful, isn't she? So young and innocent, but she still processes a beauty unlike anything I have ever seen."

"And her laughter is like music," Liariel agreed.

"I very much wish I had finished my work much sooner," he lamented. "It would have been nice to end the day in her embrace, with her voice in my ears." He shook his head, licking his lips slowly. "Perhaps I should wake her. Take her into the bath. Introduce myself properly." He immediately waved his hand and shook his head. "No, she deserves her rest. A good night's sleep must have been impossible on the road."

The gryphon shifted her weight beside him, drawing his gaze.

"Perhaps I can remove my lord's temptation," she said. "If I slake your thirst, you will no longer be so keen to disturb her."

"In your condition?" he asked, his brow furrowing gently.

Liariel lifted her wing and peered back at the curve of her middle. Where usually a slim flank lay hidden beneath her golden feathers there was a large, round barrel. "Being egg heavy does not remove my ability to please you, my lord."

The stag king gave a chuckle and shook his head. "I suppose it doesn't." His hand slid back along her flank, feeling the swell of her middle and the faint outline of the large eggs within. "Thank you, Liariel."

She said nothing. Instead, she stepped away from him and pulled her tail to the side. She spread her paws wide, giving Agamemnon ample access to her femininity. The gesture should have disappointed him, but the king knew by now that gryphons were not ones for foreplay. There was no cuddling or build up. Just raw, dirty mating. The cuddling came after but even that was something he had to ween her into.

Reaching down, Agamemnon caressed his thickening sheathe and heavy orbs, coaxing his long, red arousal free. As his hooves carried him up behind his guardian, he reached out and set his hands gently on her hips. With a practiced ease, he pressed his tip against, then into his gryphon's hot, wet slit. A soft moan escaped his lips as he speared into her tight warmth. Her only reaction, as always it was, was to push back against his thrusting hips and ruffle her feathers.

Her beak hung open but no sound ventured from within. Agamemnon on the other hand gave soft moans and little bleats as he rocked against his friend. Every thrust into her tight body sent a trill of excitement through him. Gryphons were not people. Not really. They could speak and reason, but they were specially made. They were bred to be totally loyal to their caregivers. There was no order or request he could give that she would not obey. She was utterly agreeable and always willing. His life came always before hers, his safety more important.

But she was still a beast. A beast who had given him her first heat, had introduced him to sexual maturity. No one would discredit him if they knew what he was doing in that moment, what he had done to her in the past, but no one would look at him with the same respect. He was the king, but this was still taboo. Anthrin do not mate with beasts.

And there he was, thrusting into her belly ripe with eggs he knew very well could be his. None of his girls batted an eye when they mated and if any of them were awake now, none of them would judge him as he pushed his dick deep into her waiting body or as he reached forward, exploring the expanse of her middle.

In fact, they were probably jealous of their guardian. He had seen how many of his girls had fawned over Liariel's growing belly, heard them giggle as they touched their own flat tummies. It wasn't for lack of trying, of course. But Liariel had been the first pregnant female they had seen in the west tower.

He groaned and very nearly filled his gryphon's belly with his seed that instant as he imagined all of his girls plump and heavy with his fawns. What a sight that would be. But as much as he wanted to indulge in that fantasy, he wanted to prolong his pleasure with Liariel as much as he possible could.

Redirecting his attention to the gryphon rocking back against his every thrust, Agamemnon gave another soft groan as Liariel's insides clamped down around his cock. In all of his thinking and fantasizing, he must have hit a sensitive spot inside of her. As her mini-orgasm milked his length, Agamemnon bent forward against her back, wrapping his arms around her middle as far as he could.

Liariel shifted her weight beneath him and he could feel the eggs within her shifting against one another as her muscles tensed and relaxed. His digits danced over her flank, seeking out the gentle outlines of each shell pushing outward and against one another. It was marvelous how many there were. There was no wonder why she was so large, though she did well in hiding her plump figure most of the time.

He felt the eggs shift within her again as her muscles tensed one more time. He smiled like a child watching fireworks as he felt each one move beneath his palms. A moan peeled from his lips as her inner muscles clamped down on him again, rippling along his length from tip to base. It was getting harder and harder to hold back with each thrust into her powerful body.

The eggs shifted a third time and he felt her flank tense again. Her inner muscles rippled along his cock the full length of her canal again and he thrust hard into her. He grimaced and sucked in a sharp breath as his tip thumped against something firm. Her cervix perhaps? He drew back and thrust in again just as her pussy rippled outward again and her flank tensed.

The same firm surface met the sensitive tip of his length and he stopped. What was-...

Her flank tensed and her pussy squeezed him from tip to base again but this time he felt that firmness inside of her pushing against him as well. It dawned on him immediately what was happening. She was egging right there while he fucked her!

The very thought that she was about to lay eggs he himself might have put inside of her sent him over the edge. He threw his head back and bleated loudly as his hot essence rushed into her plugged canal. The sheer copious amount of his seed rushed back along his length and spattered onto the balcony floor, and against their thighs.

"Liariel," he said breathlessly as he slowly drew himself out of her sopping pussy. "Are you laying your eggs?"

The gryphon's beak remained open and Agamemnon noticed her eyes were wide. She wasn't moaning. She was panting and he doubted it was because of the fucking, at least not completely because of that.

"Liariel!" he snapped. "Come inside!"

He led her quickly, albeit as carefully as possible, through the main chamber and into the bath. Hastily, he gathered as many of the cushions as he could into a corner for her and stepped back. Liariel wasted no time moving into the impromptu nest. She spread her hind legs wide and squatted down slightly.

Agamemnon came to her side and gently ran his hands over the ruffled feathers of her head. "Liariel, you didn't have to mate with me if you were about to lay."

"Yes I did," she said breathlessly. "Anything for you, my lord."

His heart swelled at that and he nodded. He turned and moved up behind her to watch her pussy spread wide as the first egg began to emerge. "Is there anything I can do?"

Liariel craned her head to stare back at him for a moment then gave her wings a shrug. "You may do whatever you like, my lord."

He stared at her, aghast. Was she giving him an open invitation? It certainly sounded like it, didn't it? Well, he clearly couldn't fuck her pussy, not when she was egging. Would be hard trying to force the eggs back into her belly when she was working so very hard to push them out.

"Alright," he said as he carefully crept up behind her. "Hold your tail to the side then."

Liariel did exactly that, pulling her tail high and to the right for him. Agamemnon smiled at her, once again setting his hands on the expanse of her tensing belly. As expertly as before, he pressed his engorged, cum-slicked length against her tailhole and began to enter her.

Liariel gasped and spread her wings wide. She didn't push back against him, not when she had assumed the position to lay her eggs. Agamemnon stopped all the same. He tilted his head and glanced down to where half of his length was imbedded inside of her. Beneath it, he saw the first egg beginning to emerge.

"Am I doing something wrong?" he asked.

She shook her head and her whole body quivered. "No, my lord. You may of course do whatever you wish."

He nodded at that and eased the rest of his length into her. Even buried in her rump, he could feel her pussy pulsing, forcing the egg ever closer to freedom. More than that, he could feel the firmness of the first egg near her entrance pushing up against him even as another had begun to work its way behind it.

"You're about to be a mother," he whispered as he started to thrust into her, rocking his hips gently against her own in a quick, albeit gentle pace. She muttered something in response but he didn't hear it. He bleated loudly as her muscles continually squeezed his sensitive length.

Every thrust had his balls gently pressing against the egg emerging from her body but after several time he noted the absence of that same thump against his jewels. Looking down between them, he noted the first egg had emerged and rested on the soft cushions below. A moment later, her body had begun to spread wide and push the next one out of her.

He moaned loudly and started slamming his length into her body harder and faster until he could audibly hear the sound of his thighs slapping her own. The first few times his balls slapped hard against an egg nearly convinced him to stop, but lifting himself up and altering his angle just a little bet to get them out of the line of fire persuaded him that he could keep going.

"Tell me if you want me to stop!" he said, curling his fingers in the fur of her much slimmer flanks.

"Do what makes you happy, my lord," she said, her beak still wide with her panting.

He nodded, unable to put agreement to words at that moment. He was already rapidly building toward another climax. He groaned, feeling each of her eggs sliding along the underside of his length as her body continually squeezed against him with every thrust.

Slimmer and slimmer, her round middle had begun to shrink with an increasing speed and Agamemnon had lost count of how many times he had thrust against a new egg. Honestly, it was hard to tell with all of that thrusting. But he did finally notice when her waist had returned to its mostly-normal shape. Liariel speaking also had a lot to do with that.

"They are all out, my lord."

Were they? He groaned deeply, so close already! She'd just laid gods knew how many eggs that very well could belong to him. A bit of pre- squirted out of his tip but he bit back the rest and shook his head as if that would help stave off more.

"Can I put more in you?"

"Yes, my lord," she said as placidly as ever.

That was all the consent he needed. Agamemnon withdrew his length from within the gryphon's tailhole and quickly pushed the entirety into her stretched pussy.

That hot wetness suddenly enveloping him all over again set him off. He threw his head back and bleated loudly as another thick load of his copious seed rushed into her egg chamber, filling all of that empty space left behind.

The next thing he knew, Agamemnon was looking at the ceiling. Why was he looking at the ceiling? He lifted his head and looked around. Liariel was laying in her nest atop her newly laid eggs and somehow, he had leaned up against her in the nest. Her wing was draped over him, cloaking him in downy warmth.

"How did...?" he asked.

"You passed out, my lord," Liariel explained. "You collapsed onto my back when you climaxed. I tried to make you comfortable until you awoke."

Agamemnon nodded, glancing at the faintest sight of her eggs hidden beneath her fur and feathers. Then his eyes travelled up along her slender flank. "Did I cum in you?"

"Yes, my lord."

He smirked at that and nodded. Good. One less mess to clean up. "Do you think I put more eggs in your belly?"

She turned her head and peered at him with a golden eye. "If that is what my lord wishes, then yes."

"Oh good," he said then let his head fall heavily back against her. "I hope so."

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