WoW - Midsummer's Festival

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#16 of Miscellaneous Fanfiction

Chen Stormstout is heading down to the Krasarang Wilds for the Midsummer Festival, but Li Li has to stay behind in Halfhill because she's too young. Or so Chen says. Li Li disagrees and will do whatever it takes to prove him wrong!

Warcraft (c) Blizzard


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"Oh, come on Uncle Chen!" she pled with a roll of her big eyes. "I'm old enough to go to the midsummer festival!"

The big pandaren leading her into the inn smiled and a deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. "You are growing up faster than most, Li Li. But this is something you are not grown up enough for. Next year," he promised her as he turned his rotund body to face the diminutive pandaren girl. "Stay here. I will be back after the festival has ended. Then we'll both go get back our brewery!"

Li Li howled and threw her hands in the air, waving her curved staff around in protest. "This is so unfair, Uncle Chen!" she said, throwing herself into a chair at a nearby table to pout.

Ignoring all of the eyes turning toward them, Chen smiled again and pat her head. "Don't worry, Li Li. I will be back in the morning. I promise!"

The little pandaren harrumphed, grumbling to herself as her Uncle left. Fine, she would stay in Halfhill. By herself. ALL NIGHT! She scratched at the grains in the wood on the table and mumbled profanities under her breath.

"Not old enough! We fought our way across the valley! Us against the world! He barely helped, even!" She howled and threw her hands in the air again. Scornfully, she batted her staff onto the floor and kicked it under the table. "I'm plenty old enough." She turned her big eyes on the bar and held up a hand. "Bartender! A beer!"

The fat pandaren behind the bar hiccupped at her and waddled, or rather stumbled, over to her table with a tankard in hand. He set it down in front of her and belched loudly. His hazy eyes stared down at Li Li and he shrugged. "Musta been the runt'a litter," he said and made his way haphazardly back behind the bar.

"Not old enough... not old enough! What could there possibly be at the festival that I am not old enough for!?" she asked then threw the tankard back. She guzzled at the cool contents, swallowing great gulps of beer as quickly as she could, though a fair bit drizzled down her muzzle and onto her light red attire.

She slammed the empty tankard down on the table, grumbling for a moment as she wiped her face on her sleeve. "It's all about turtles anyway, right? Migrating back to shore?" She spat. "Not old enough! BARTENDER!"

A second, a third, a fourth beer she threw back before her boisterous complaining drew some attention. As the fifth tankard was set before her, a bearded fellow sat down beside her and leaned on the table. His long black robes hugged his form loosely and for a moment, Li Li thought he was a deformed pandaren. "Oh, a human," she said with a *hic*. "Whassit you want? Come to tell me I'm jus' a kid too!?"

The dark haired man shook his head and quirked a brow down at her. "No. Just come over to see what's troubling you. You've made it very clear to all of us by now that somebody thinks you're too young. Too young for what?"

"I am not too young!" she yelled again, drawing all eyes to her table.

"So we've heard," the human said with a smirk. "What aren't you too young for?"

"Wellsh, my Uncle Chen is gonna gon' to the Midshummer Feshtival down in Krasharang!" She said, throwing back her tankard again. "BARTENDER!" As another tankard was unquestioningly set before her, she continued. "Shaysh I'm too young to go with him!" She reached for her tankard and missed twice before she snatched the handle. "Why!? It'sh jusht turtlesh migrating to shore, rightsh?"

As she threw back the tankard, guzzling about half while the rest washed over her face and down onto her tight clothes, the human smirked in amusement and spread his arms to either side. "Well, the turtles are returning to shore to mate and the festival-goers are there to watch them and celebrate. When the sun goes down, they do a little mating of their own. After copious alcohol, I'm sure."

"WHAT!?" Li Li asked. "Ish that all!?" She blathered something the human couldn't make out. Finally she pointed a finger at him, or in his general direction at least, and scowled. "I can do all of that shtuff! I'm equipped to fight! I'm equipped for that too, Sha damn it!"

"Yes, but-..."

"You don't believe me!?" she howled. "You think I'm too young too!? Look!" She stood up in her chair and pulled the front of her red kimono open. "SHEE!" she yelled, showing the human, and everyone else, her naked body beneath.

"Yes, I see that," the human said, hesitantly reaching out to run his hands over the drunken pandaren girl's soft white belly fur and up along her chest where her nipples were peeking out of her fur. "Why don't we go get a room then? You can get some-..."

"With you!?" she spat and shoved his hand away. "You don't have enough fursh for me! Your hidesh too thin!"

The human's brow knit together and he stood up slowly. "Oh, you think so?" A puff of smoke enveloped him and Li Li yelped. A moment later, a pair of dark furred hands reached out and grabbed her, forcing her onto the table. Her empty tankard clattered to the floor as she was pressed onto her back.

"Hey, what'sh the big idea-..." She stopped short and her eyes widened as the smoke cleared and a dark-furred wolf stared down at her. "Oh... Thatsh better... I think?"

The worgen's muzzle curled into a smile and he leaned down, pulling her hips toward the edge of the table. Once she was in position, he spread her legs with one hand, toying at the soft, damp white fur around her little slit while the other set about removing his belt to allow his robes to fall open.

Little Li Li gasped, writhing her hips against the thumb rubbing her sensitive cunny. She gripped tightly against the edge of the table and a soft moan escaped her lips. "Go ahead, mishter wolf. I'm old enough! Gonna show Uncle Chen I'm old enough!"

"I intend to," the wogen growled as he freed his bright red arousal from the depths of his dark robes. He reached down with his free hand, guiding the impressive weapon against her small body.

Li Li's eyes widened when she saw what he had in store for her. She tried to close her legs and push him away, but his hand was too strong for her. Maybe if she wasn't drunk, but... "Hey! That'sh too big for me! It'sh not gonna-...!"

Her eyes widened and she arched her back violently against the table. Her muzzle opened wide in a silent scream as her lower body stretched in all directions to accommodate the worgen's dick plunging into her belly. Her claws dug into the table and at last a low, pained groan left her throat.

"That fucking huuuuuuurtsh!" she whined, trying to push herself to sit up as the worgen withdrew. "I don't think I wantsh to do thish anymore!"

But the worgen plunged back into her, filling her with the entirety of his length. Li Li felt it deep in her chest, a dull ache that burned like a day's worth of training did. She arched her back and fell against the table as another cry left her lips.

"FUUUUUUUCK!" she yelled as the wargen withdrew. Quicker this time, she felt his cock spear into her again. She lifted a hand and pressed it against her taut abs, but recoiled instantly. She could feel the shape of his cock as if it had been stretched against a bit of fabric instead of her hide! "Sha, you're sho fucking huge!"

The worgen laughed lightly, not pausing for a moment as he rammed his cock into her again and again, slapping his groin against her own with every thrust. "Well, you wanted to show your uncle that you're old enough!"

She hesitated at that, only grimacing as he stretched her belly again and that dull ache blossomed in her chest. The wolf man did have a point, didn't he? She licked her lips, grimacing as another thrust slammed into her.

"Fine!" she said, starting to pull herself against the table to meet his every thrust. "If we're gonna do thish, then let'sh do it all the way!" She grit her teeth and furrowed her brow. "Fuck me good, mishter wolf!"

"You got it, kid," the wogen said, grabbing her hips to piston into her harder and faster. The sounds of their bodies slapping together was only barely audible beneath Li Li's pained cries, loud gasps, and boisterous begging for more.

Then it happened. Her body went rigid and her eyes shot wide open. She arched her back and squealed loudly. Fire exploded in her belly and filled her eyes with stars. Warmth rushed through her completely, from the tips of her ears to her tightly curling toes. She didn't understand what was happening, but she knew she never wanted it to stop.

Until she felt something large and bulbous slamming against her abused cunny. She barely had time to consider what it might be when it pressed hard against her, forcing her wider and wider. "Wait!" she screamed. "It'sh too big! SHTOP!"

But her body gave way. With a sudden lancing pain, the bulge pushed into her and began to grow bigger and bigger. The pain in her cunny grew for a moment, then sweet relief filled her abused nethers and her stretched belly. She screamed, but this time not in pain as a rush of molten pleasure filled her belly, soothing the burn in her chest, her abs, and around where they were joined. She was also acutely aware of the wogen howling loudly.

As the high of her second ever orgasm and his subsided, the worgen smirked and lifted her off the table. "How was that, kid?"

"Don't," she said breathlessly as the worgen turned, laying himself against the top of the table with her laying comfortably on his chest, "call me kid! I'm a grown-up pandaren!" She hiccupped as a pair of hands grabbed her rump. The digits massaged her and squeezed, making her moan again.

"Yes you are," the worgen said, his hands gliding along her then-bare back and sides.

Wait, then whose-...

She arched her back as another hot, stiff dick pressed against and into her puckered ass. Her eyes widened and she screamed as more pain burned deep inside of her. He wasn't even taking his time! Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw a purple-skinned elf grinning down at her as more and more of his thick meat sank into her.

"Wait!" she pled. "It'sh too much!"

The night elf just leaned down, kissing her nose. "Oh, please. You'll be moaning like a whore in a minute."

Across the bar, a pair of glowing white eyes watched with a heavy sigh. The young pandaren was screaming her little head off, writhing and struggling as the two men had their way with her. The poor dear. Iselia was sure she was feeling pleasure in her beer-addled mind, but the way her body was stretched, and the sounds coming out of her muzzle was more than enough indication that she wasn't feeling all of the pleasure she could have.

The paladin drummed her gauntleted fingers against the top of her own table. She would wait until they were finished. It was pointless to heal little Li Li right now. The warlock and the druid would just tear her open again. She sighed again, dropping her eyes into her lap. The smells, the sounds, the entirety of what was happening only a few tables away was soaking into her blue skin, a great deal of which was exposed by her golden platekini.

As in tune with the life forces of others as she was, what with her healing magic training as extensive as it had been, Iselia could not deny that the act, as vile as it had become, was making her tight metal clothing very uncomfortable. A fire burned in her belly that grew with every moan, every growl, and every squeal from the trio.

It was hard not to imagine herself between Li Li's legs, her tongue lapping at all of the nectar the pandaren girl could give. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to indulge in the fantasy for only a moment. That was all she got, it seemed. Someone stumbled into her, jarring her from imagining the feel of the soft fur tickling her lips and her chin, the heat and wetness coating her tongue.

"Sorry," the night elf who had been fucking the pandaren's ass muttered as he stumbled away.

Turning her eyes back on the table, Iselia noticed the warlock and druid had left Li Li along, her fur disheveled and matted with copious amounts of their cum and her own blood. The poor dear.

She stood up and made her way to Li Li's crying form, her hooves thumping heavily with every step. Carefully, she scooped the young pandaren into her plated arms and spun on a hoof. "Come child," she cooed. "Let's get you cleaned and healed before your uncle returns."

"I'm not a child!" Li Li spat, struggling weakly in her arms. "I'm not too young!"

"So you have demonstrated for everyone to see," Iselia said with an amused smirk. "but you've been hurt while you were showing us. I'm going to fix that."

Li Li grumbled incoherently under her breath as the paladin carried her up into the room she had rented for the evening. There, she gingerly set the pandaren on her bed and took a deep breath. Whispering a quiet prayer to the Naaru, Iselia waved her hands over the young girl. A golden light enveloped her and warmth filled the air between them both.

As the light faded, Iselia was pleased to see the pandaren's nethers and tailhole were as good as new. "There," she said with a smile. "It's like it never happened."

She turned, making her way to a wash basin nearby. Thankfully, the Pandaren had running water here. That made things easier. She reached out, getting the hot water flowing so-...

A pair of small, furry hands pressed against the taut, bare flesh of her belly and she gasped. "Li Li, what are you doing?"

"I'm not too young!" the pandaren insisted as those little hands descended, moving down lower and lower until they pressed against her tight, thong-like armor covering her nethers.

"Oh," Li Li said dejectedly. "You're a girl. Thass not gonna help me show Uncle Chen I'm not too young..."

After all of that, the girl still wanted to fuck to prove a point to her uncle!? Rage filled Iselia for a moment and she spun, rising to her hooves to snap at the girl before the realization of what was happening sunk in. If she was going to insist anyway... "Oh really?" she said instead, hastily prying at the buckle on her shoulders, her the chest plate that barely covered her boobs, and her thong and thigh-high armored boots.

Li Li watched her all the while, more curious than anything. Her eyes light up when Iselia pulled her metal thong away from her body. Good, that was exactly the reaction she was hoping for! "Oh!" she said, clapping her little hands together. "You've got a dick!" Then she stopped and scowled. "Why do you have a dick and boobs? Arent you a girl too?"

Iselia giggled at that and led Li Li back toward her bed. "Draenei are not like your people. For Draenei, it is the females who have the penises." She pondered for a moment, searching for something to make it easier for Li Li to understand. "We are like Seahorses. We impregnate the males. They carry the young, then we care for them after they are born."

"Huh?" was all Li Li could say.

She sighed heavily and rolled her glowing eyes. "Girl Draenei have dicks."


This was all going to be worth it, she reminded herself. If Li Li insisted on getting fucked, at least it would be her doing it, someone who had the courtesy to heal and clean the girl afterward. "Get on the bed."

The pandaren grinned excitedly and turned, clambering up onto the bed with some effort. In doing so, she had to literally crawl up, exposing and presenting her rump to the draenei's growing horsecock.

Iselia couldn't stand it. She reached forward and grabbed the girl's hips, pulling her back. Li Li barely had time to react before Iselia was pushing her unflared cock head past her tight cunny lips. "By the Naaru, you're so fucking tight!"

Li Li whimpered as slowly, more and more of that monsterous length speared into her. "Ooooow... Slower! This is my first time!"

First time? She really was drunk, wasn't she!? Iselia couldn't help but giggle as she reached down, pressing a hand against the girl's belly to feel her length straining against the taut flesh there as more of it pushed inside. "I'll be gentle, child."

"I'm not a child!" Li Li said, suddenly rocking backward.

Iselia's eyes widened as all of a sudden, her entire length was buried deep inside of the too-small body wrapped tightly around her. She stared down at where they were joined and shook her head. How the hell was Li Li fitting all of that inside of her? She didn't dwell on where the pandaren was putting it for long. A moment later, Li Li was rocking forward, then back again.

"I'm not too young!" she said every time she pushed back against Iselia's smooth thighs and groin. "I'm not too young!"

"No, child, you are not," the paladin agreed as she started gently rocking back to meet every backward movement. In moments, the two of them were gasping and moaning loudly as the pleasure filled them.

"This feels so good!" Li Li said, curling her fingers in the bedding.'

Good? How, Iselia wondered. The worgen wasn't as wide or long as she was, but she'd been yelling out like she was being stabbed. Then again, this time Li Li was much more relaxed and they were being slow and gentle. Suppose that made a great deal of difference, didn't it? Especially for a runt like Li Li.

"I'm glad you think so," Iselia said around a deep moan as Li Li's tight belly squeezed her median ring in just the right way. "You are going to love what comes next!" She was already so close! Not that she'd had many pussies wrapped around her cock, but the few she'd had didn't bring her to her end this quickly! She fought the urge to let go. She tried to prolong the pleasure as long as she could before she remembered that she could make sure Li Li was healed and cleaned after everything was done, no matter what it was...

So she let go.

She grabbed Li Li's hips and pulled her back against her smooth groin tightly. The fire in her balls exploded and she arched her back. She cried out loudly as her tip flared deep inside of Li Li's body and began to pulse, filling the girl's abused womb with her hot seed again and again.

Judging by the feeling of the throbbing she felt along the entire length of her cock, she knew Li Li had climaxed as well, but she couldn't hear anything over the thunder of her own heartbeat in her ears.

Finally, as the two women came down from their blissful high, Iselia pulled herself out of Li Li's gaping hole and collapsed beside the girl on the bed, breathless and exhausted. "That was... That was..."

Li Li moaned gently and leaned over, closing her lips around one of Iselia's dark blue nipples for a moment. "More...."

Already!? She gave a breathless laugh and nodded. "Fine. I'll breed you as many times as you want, child..."

* * * * *

Chen Stormstout hummed to himself cheerfully as he made his way across the inn's front porch. A most pleasant festival and while he didn't partake of any of the... festivities after the sun had set, he had partaken of a great many delicious brews that the party-goers had brought!

He chuckled pleasantly at the memory and pushed the door open. Now, to fetch his niece and continue on their way. His eyes scanned the room and he spotted her in a table near the middle of the tavern. He grinned and started forward. "Good morning, Li Li. I hope you are feeling well this morning."

The little pandaren turned and looked over her shoulder at him. She gave him a toothy grin and reached down to hook her thumbs in the top of her leggings. "Good morning, Uncle Chen. Are you ready for breakfast?" she asked as she pulled her leggings down, revealing her bare rump and her young, dripping cunny.

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