Islands of Wet Dreams, Chapter 1: Onto the Beaches

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of Islands of Wet Dreams

This is the start of the latest patreon series, called the Islands of Wet Dreams. Here, on the Moto o Moemoea, we have a little resort that has a lot of myths behind it. Look what happens when someone starts prodding at the mystery.

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The Islands of Wet Dreams Chapter 1: Onto the Beaches By Draconicon

Clear waters, sunny skies, and diamond-like beaches fit the image of a resort perfectly, and Toby expected no less as the boat started drifting past the first of the five islands of the Moto o Moemoea. According to the old language, the name meant something like, roughly translated, Islands of Dreams, though that was a bit off of the original meaning, but the coyote couldn't think of a better way to put it, looking at it from the prow of the ship.

As they rounded Kararehe, the center of the miniature archipelago came in sight, and the coyote smiled to himself.

"Now, that is how you set up a vacation resort..."

Toby leaned against the railing, staring at the triangular building that soared out from the south side of the center island, Noho. The island itself was supposed to be the biggest of the five, and considering how big the hotel itself seemed to be, it certainly looked possible. The building looked almost like a great pyramid, standing tall and proud over the south side of the island, and reaching almost all the way down to the coast.

He looked past it, taking in the view of the tropical trees that circled the sides of the building like a jungle, only spoiling the illusion by how regular they were, and the small 'towns' of huts and villages that lined the coasts as far as the eye could see. It was like some mix between a tropical village and a tourist trap, and it has its own charm, in a way.

"Hey, Toby. You done staring yet?"

The coyote stood up, smiling as he looked over his shoulder. A human walked up to stand beside him, leaning sideways on the rail.

"Seriously, you looked like you were about to fall off the rail there, old-timer. Dreaming again?"

"Oh, just a little. Hard not to, sometimes. And besides, I have an excuse here."

"Yeah, yeah, the Islands of Dreams and all that. Just don't start daydreaming and falling off the ship, huh? I don't want to tell my best friend his dad drowned because he wasn't paying attention."

Toby chuckled a bit to himself, nodding his head before turning around again, watching the pyramid come closer and closer. Carl, his son's friend, eventually leaned over with him, though he seemed intent on talking.

"Why are you so interested, anyway? It's not like they don't have crazy resorts everywhere else."

"Haven't you studied anything?"

"I don't usually study vacation resorts. I'm a bit too busy with engineering."

"Hmmm, well, it's fascinating, really. The history too, but even the name is pretty telling."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the main translation is 'Islands of Dreams,' yes. But there's other ways to think of it than that. We could -"

"Attention, attention, please. The ship is coming in to the dock, now. All passengers, please gather your belongings and head to the main deck for a swift departure. Everyone, please gather your belongings and head to the main deck for a swift departure, thank you."

"Looks like you'll be telling me about it later, old man."

"Professor, Carl. Professor, or my name."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get our things. Meet you at the gangplank."

The coyote shook his head as the human walked off, and sighed. It was always that way. Youngsters rushing off to find something to do, when they could be finding out something genuinely fascinating.

Ah well, I can tell him later, Toby thought, smiling slightly as he made his way to the stairs. The coyote took his time, making sure that he didn't take another fall like yesterday, and gradually found his way to the line. The very, very, very long line of vacationers that had been called out to the islands.

Not too bothered about standing out - after all, he was the only man around in a tweed shirt and a jacket in this weather - the coyote looked out the windows as the ship came in to dock. Various employees were already gathered around the thick wooden pier, forming two large crowds and an aisle between them. He chuckled as he saw that many of the males were dressed in shorts and little more, with the females looking just barely more covered.

I've seen more modesty in a bikini barista, he thought, though not without some amusement. Ah well, I'm sure Carl will love the -

"Hey, Professor!"

Jumping almost out of line, the coyote pressed a hand to his heart as his companion slipped in behind him, two suitcases jammed under his arms and two more in his hands. Gasping for breath, Toby shook his head.


"Hey, got you to make a little room, heh."


He shook his head, but he couldn't stay mad long, particularly as the young lad looked out the window and stared staring, his eyes going cartoonishly wide as he took in the view. Toby smiled as the boat came to a complete stop.

"So, which are you staring at?"

"The ones with the big - Professor!"

"I'm older, not dead, Carl. Not like I wasn't doing it myself."

Still chuckling as the line started moving, Toby let his companion stew a little behind him. It wouldn't harm the boy to get surprised every so often, and besides, there were more interesting things to see than the sulking young man.

As they walked down the gangplank, the tropical air hit him like a pleasant wave, rolling over him with sunshine and bright sea water, with salt and flowers and fruit in the air. It invigorated him to the point where he wanted to skip down the plank, and he only stopped himself because he was fairly sure that he'd fall right into the water if he did.

He was just stepping off when he heard the signature sounds of a young man overbalancing. Whipping around, he grabbed Carl by the arm just as he was about to go toppling into the water, and gradually pulled the human off of the plank.


"No problem. Don't want to lose all my books, after all."

"What about losing me?"

"Oh, you can swim, I'm sure. And besides, you can show off to the big whatchamacallits better if you're soaked."

He chuckled, taking two of the suitcases from the young man before walking down the aisle between the locals. It was almost entirely anthros along the line, something that was rather comforting considering that they were in the minority in most of the rest of the world. He shook his head as he passed by them, resisting the urge to take too long a look at the men or the women. Much as they were quite inviting - and some of them were very inviting in their dress and stance - he didn't want to get himself in trouble. was hot, and he wanted to change.

After getting checked in at the hotel and setting up some ground rules with Carl - no inviting someone up to the room without making sure the other person was aware, and other such things - the pair of them split up. Carl said something about checking out Ngahau, the more modern eastern island on the archipelago, and had gone down to rent a canoe for it. He, on the other hand, was quite interested in seeing what all Noho had to offer.

Now dressed in a hawaiian shirt that left most people covering their eyes from its colors and a pair of shorts, the older coyote made his way back out of the resort hotel. Humming as his sandals clicked along on the boardwalk, he walked along with his hands on his pockets and his eyes towards the coastline.

Now, let's see...where's a - oh, here we are.

Walking up to a map, he dragged a clawed finger down it until he found the usual 'you are here' star, and proceeded to orient himself.

"Hmmm, old tribal village...lagoons of leisure...warming pools...private beaches...Hmmm. It all does sound so nice..."

But before all of that, the professor felt that he needed a drink, and there was only one place marked for that on this map. On the western side of the island, not far from another canoe rental place, there was some sort of cabana with a bar. Double-checking that he had his ID in his pocket, Toby set off for it...and immediately started hopping along.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hot sand, ow, ow, ow!"

He doubted anyone had ever seen a coyote his age run that fast. Darting over rocks and into waves with his short chin-scruff waving around, Toby ran as fast as he could across the scorching beaches towards the west side.

He ran for about four minutes before collapsing, panting hard in the sand as the water came rushing in, and he probably would have been carried off by crabs if some tour bus hadn't seen him there. Several island staffers - a pair of seals in tight shorts - walked over and pulled him out of the sand and helped him into the bus. Toby thanked them profusely, and smiled slightly to himself as he pinched one on the rump before they could leave.

Heh, perks of being old, nobody expects it, he thought as the seal in question looked around before walking off. He smiled, and closed his eyes to enjoy the rest of the ride.

The bus came to a stop outside of the cabana, and he disembarked with the rest of the resort guests. About half of them were humans, while the others were made of an entire assortment of species. Three dragons in particular seemed quite eager to get off, and ran towards the beach on the other side of the big cabana, joining in some of the sports and muscle-beach activities.

Hmmm, some big guys around here, he thought, looking through the open walls of the structure towards all the men out there. Most of them were scaly, he realized, and seemed to be concentrated around a big, hulking orange dragon. He cocked his head to the side, watching as that one seemed to go around, talking to people, rubbing his hands on them and positioning their arms and legs in different poses.

Probably just sharing his ideas on working out. Heh. Youngsters these days, he thought with a chuckle.

The coyote hummed to himself as he walked right up to the counter, and tapped his hands on the bar. Almost immediately, a little rat ran over to him, as undressed as everyone else, and leaned forward. He barely came up to the counter top, and only his hat came over it.

"What can I get you?"

"Sweetest drink on the menu, please."

"Okay. And your room number?"

"1034, thank you."

"Alright, coming right up."

The rat darted off, and the coyote smiled as he turned around. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses that he'd gotten just for this trip. Carl probably thought that the extra-dark shades were just for his sensitive eyes, and the human would be about half-right with that.

Time for the peep show!

With the glasses on, nobody could see where he was looking, so as long as he just idly stared forward, he could stare at whatever he liked. One of the waitresses passing by, a tall, muscular humpback, had a set of breasts so large that he swore that they would not fit through the doorway, while a speedo-wearing bull walking through had a bulge that would put someone's eye out. He stared at each one of them to his heart's content, humming happily as they walked by, only to be replaced by someone just as fun to look at.

A thick-set bear with an ass to die for walked by, and he stared at that, watching those bikini-bottoms squeezing that rump like a pair of eager hands.

A little mouse passed by with a cute little package almost lost in his shorts, and he watched it bounce around, wondering how the young man might like some experience.

He never looked away. The eye candy was just that good, and nobody could really tell him to stop. After all, who could actually see what he was -



Toby's back went straight as he turned around on his stool, finding himself staring up at a rather tall shark. The coyote chuckled nervously, pulling his sunglasses down and folding them up before pocketing them.

"Good afternoon. What's the matter?"

"Heh, no need to be so nervous, old-timer."

"Old, yes, but why do you think I'm nervous?"

The shark tapped his cheek, and the coyote slapped a hand over his forehead.

"Oh, right, the sensors your species has. You're hearing my heartbeat right now, aren't you?"

"Quite loudly, actually. Heh. So, are you enjoying staring at everyone else?"

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily call it staring-"

"Heh, your eyes weren't moving that much."

"...Darn sharks and your nerve reading. So, uh, how much trouble am I in? Any of the ladies or men gonna slap me for it? Kinda used to that, to be honest."

The shark shook his head, hopping over the bar. He was even less dressed than the rest of the staff, wearing little more than a g-string that barely covered his groin, and Toby could see this was one of those sharks with a pair rather than a single rod. The coyote blatantly stared away before looking back up the muscular body.

"You know, unless you're thinking you'll be smacking me with those -"

"Heh, old man, it's nothing like that. I'm just thinking you'd like one of the VIP rooms."


It wasn't the first time that he'd been caught - or even the first time that he'd been caught by a shark, for that matter - but it was the first time that he hadn't been punished for it. Being invited to something like that, though -

"Here's your drink, sir."

His jaw was still hanging open as he took the glass from the rat, and the shark laughed.

"Alright, old man. Why don't you come with me?"

"Uh, sure...So, uh, what's the VIP room got going for it?"

"Heh, does 'everything' answer your question?"

"Not really."

"Oooooh, baby..."

Toby's eyes rolled back as he groped two asses at once, a skunk male and a vixen female at his sides and pressing themselves right against him. His drink was cradled right in his lap with a long straw running right up to his lips, and he sipped at it between little happy moans. His fingers danced over those barely-covered asses, hardly believing that he was getting just what he wanted.

The shark had disappeared just after getting him seated, and all these lovely people had come in without him even asking. There were two orca girls sitting at his feet, and a big, strong horse standing behind him, massaging his shoulders. The coyote was as happy as he could be, particularly as the two at his sides started groping and rubbing at his thighs.

"So," the vixen asked, kissing his cheek. "I hear you're a professor."

"Mmmm, that's right, girl. Professor of linguistics, history, and - mmmph..."

He broke off in a moan as the skunk reached down a bit further, groping him through his shorts. Oh ho ho, this was the VIP room, alright. He was getting the royal treatment...

Toby took a deep drink of his beverage, the sweetness hitting him like a freight train as it went down his throat. All the better to disguise alllll that alcohol. He giggled again, his little chin fluff wagging at that as he shook his head.

"Like I was saying, professor of linguistics, history, and mythology."

"Mmmm, sounds impressive, Professor," the skunk said.

"It is, it is. So fun, though. I mean, even little things - oh, god, touch it there again, boy..."

His shorts were coming down, and some slender finger had rubbed right against his bulge. The coyote couldn't help but grin as wide as he could, his hands busy still on those two hefty asses, feeling them squish beneath his fingers. Oh, he wanted to do more, but he didn't know the rules. Better to let them lead. Youngsters they might be, but they were just as eager as him.

"Hehehe. What was I saying?"

"Oh, just something about names, Professor," the vixen said. She sounded lower than before, and he looked down to see that both her and the skunk were right up against his crotch, their chins on his thighs. Their noses were almost flush against his crotch, just about nuzzling against the bulge in his underwear.

Oh, my...this never happens at home...Hehehehe, I better not forget this when this is over. Better stop drinking...

He lifted the glass out of the way, setting it down on the floor, and by the time he was sitting up again, the horse massaging his shoulders had reached down for his shirt. Toby couldn't stop him from pulling it off, and didn't want to, the older canine only groaning happily as those big, warm hands came back down on his chest, massaging him gently.

The orca girls had also moved forward, taking off his sandals and massaging his feet, though...though they were pressing his heels right against their chests, holding them up with their huge breasts as they massaged his soles.

"Names...names, yes!"

He grinned. Nobody to stop him this time.

"You know, like the name of this place, the islands. Moto o Moemoea. Just about literally the Islands of Dreams, right?"

The youngsters all around him nodded, though they seemed more focused on his body than on his words. But at least they pretended they were listening, and even though his underwear was getting pulled down, he could try and lecture. Emphasis on try, as he felt his cock getting pulled into one warm mouth, and then the other, the vixen and skunk sharing it back and forth.

"Ah, mmmph. It's name, yes, but it's not the only - oooh, Jesus, you're good. Would get an A in my class, definitely. But, but there's more than one translation. Islands of Dreams is great, marketable - mmmph!"

He broke off as the vixen took him right down to the root, his toes curling at the pleasure that he was getting. Her mouth was warmer than any sex toy he'd bought, and he would just bet that she was better at getting people off, too. No one got that good without some sort of experience.

Good thing he liked that.

The coyote panted as she bobbed up and down his cock, the horse gently pushing him down until his ass was almost sliding off of the chair. Feeling the skunk go down, his tongue working between his cheeks, almost left him empty-minded...

"H-hey...come on...let teacher talk...."

"Heh, come on, Prof. Don't you want to relax?"

A thick weight flopped onto his head, and he didn't have to look up to know what it was. It wasn't the first time a jock had cock-hatted him, and it wouldn't be the last, he was sure. Oddly, it was normal enough for him to actually focus.

"Come on, it's just one fact. Let me talk a bit?"

"Okay, Prof. One fact, then we get back to giving you what you really want."

Toby nodded. He was good with that. After a sliding back from all the lovely individuals, he cleared his throat.

"The Moto o Moemoea is also known by a different translation. Not Islands of Nightmare, as you might think if you were thinking it'd be an opposite, but rather, the Dream Islands."

"What's the difference, professor?"

He didn't miss the dirty looks that the vixen and orcas gave the skunk for asking, but Toby only smiled, warming to his topic.

"Very good question, young man. You see, Islands of Dreams tells you that the place is somewhere dreamlike, somewhere that you can go and enjoy, be idyllic and have a good time. Dream Islands, however, is something a little more...fantasy. Somewhere that isn't so real, where strange things happen. It's not so happy sounding, is it?"

None of them answered. That was alright, he was used to explaining things. Toby sat up in his chair, smiling at them as he leaned forward, continuing.

"And that's just the start. I mean, if you take it from that, the mythology around these ancient islands starts making sense."

"Myths?" the skunk asked again.

"Of course. The words come up again and again throughout Maori and Polynesian history, mythology, and creation legends. It keeps coming up throughout all sorts of different texts, as well, so it's interesting to see these recently discovered islands named the same thing. It's part of the whole reason I'm here -"


It was the first time one of the orca girls had talked, and her voice cut right through his. He looked over at her, and realized that she was looking a bit...bigger. Her arms and legs were more muscled, and as she stood up, there were clothes on her that she hadn't had before. Black, latex, almost, and - where did she get that whip?

"I think it's time that you learned a little discipline for that tongue."

"...Kinky, but I thought -"

"Ah ah."

The whip snapped out, wrapping around his neck as the orca stepped forward, a boot that she definitely hadn't been wearing suddenly pressing down on his thighs, almost pressing down on his balls.

"Let's keep the noise to a minimum, huh? I think it's time for the prof to learn from his students, and you don't need to talk for that, do you, little guy?"

"Oh, n-now, come on, that's uncalled for."

Even so, he wasn't drunk enough to miss the fact that some impossible things were happening. The other orca had stood up, even taller, and somehow, even thicker. She looked like some dominatrix out of a pin-up magazine, and she had a riding crop in hand. He looked to the side, and watched as the skunk stood up, no longer wearing a speedo, but instead a cock-ring and holding a rather heavy-looking chastity cage in hand, with -

"Okay, impossible things, very impossible things. Let's just take a step back - MMMPH!"

The professor grunted as his mouth was suddenly filled with some sort of goo, something that started shaping itself into something very phallic as it was pushed further into his mouth. He stared straight ahead as he was held down against the chair, and felt his arms getting tied behind the back of it as the orca lady looked down at him. She chuckled at him, stroking a finger under his chin.

"Are you going to be a good, quiet student now, Professor?"

He looked down at her breasts, his cock twitching until she nudged it with her boot.

"I didn't say you could look."

Doesn't mean I'm not going to, whippersnapper.

"Mmmm, feels like he's feeling pretty naughty. Oh, and what's this? Fantasies of getting gangbanged by his students?"

He whipped his head back up at that, staring at the orca female. He'd never mentioned anything like that, not even to his closest friends. And now they were -

Wait...what was that sound? It was like a whistling in the air, getting louder and louder, except -


The roof came crashing in around him, and something big and furry slammed through it, carrying a piece with it and ploughing through the orca woman. Toby flinched back, ducking his head out of the way just in time to avoid more debris. The others were gathering around him, looking at their pinned friend, as a dark shape slowly rose out of the rubble.

"Ugh...fucking parachute never works..."

"Who the hell are -"

The horse's question got interrupted by a bola thrown from a furry hand, and the orca female sneaking up on him was likewise dealt with, the pair of them falling to the ground. Before the skunk could run anywhere, the pinned female was lifted off of the ground and thrown like a missile, knocking him down and holding him on the ground.

Toby didn't even bother moving. After all, what was he going to do with his arms tied behind his back and his dick out against something like this?

The vixen took one look at the shape, and just slumped over. The coyote wasn't sure if she was playing dead or simply fainted, but he figured that she probably had the best idea of the bunch.

Finally, the stranger stepped into the light. It was a rather huge male, he had to admit, and almost wished that the leather pants the canine was wearing had gotten ripped along with the shirt. As the furry wolf - or perhaps werewolf, he guessed, might be better - shrugged off the parachute that had apparently failed to work, Toby saw a glimmer of something in his fur.

"Was that...a badge? Tattooed?"

"Yeah, in fucking silver. It realllllly hurts, let me tell you."

"Silver? Hmmm, there was something - ah, right, yes. I remember that old defunct agency, the APSE, using some of those on their supernatural agents, but -"

"They're not as defunct as you'd think."

The werewolf shrugged a few slivers the size of a hand out of his body, and then patted it down a few times until the holes healed. He watched, fascinated...and wondered how that would affect werewolf refractory times.

He rather missed the question that came after, shaking his head and coughing.

"Sorry, would you mind repeating that?"

"You're the guy, right? Doctor Tobias Greenway?"

"Um, so long as you're not after that bill from 1999 that I forgot to pay, yes."

"I, what...Okay, look. I'm Lupe. I just dropped out of a plane, on a crap-tastic parachute that didn't even work, and I've still got a piece of wood rammed right up my taint that needs to get pulled out. I'm having a really bad day, so are you him or not?"

"...Okay, yes, I am."


"Hey, what's going on in here?"

Toby and Lupe both turned to the window, just in time to see that same orange dragon from earlier standing there, along with a fair number of other dragons...other dragons that were a lot more muscular and well-hung than he remembered. Mostly the well-hung part; he hadn't been staring at the muscles earlier, after all.

"Friend of yours, Doc?"

"Uh, don't really know him."

"Makes my job easier, then."

"You haven't been on the island before," the orange dragon said as the werewolf walked over, cracking his knuckles. "You don't want to start anything. This is a place for people to have -"

The resulting punch knocked the orange dragon right out of the hole in the wall, and down the beach by a good twenty feet. The other dragons stared at their knocked-out leader, while Lupe cracked his knuckles a few times. Toby stared at the hole in the wall, and then at the werewolf...and then at the piece of wood that was still sticking out of him.

"How did you avoid getting that rammed into your ass?"

"I don't like anything going up there."

"Yeah, but how -"

"I don't. Like. Things going up there."

", why are you here?"

"Some big-wigs down in Washington are freaking out about this place. Something about ancient curses or some fucker coming back from the dead, the usual thing. So, they wanted me to investigate it, and wanted someone that knew something about the legend. They wanted you, found out you were on vacation - FUCK, this hurts."

The werewolf backed up, and bent forward with a growl. Getting the picture, Toby reached out and pulled the large piece of wood - almost ten inches long, and pointy as a needle at the tip - out of the werewolf's taint. It was rather bloody by the time it came out, but the hole healed up almost instantly.

"Thanks. Anyway, you're my guide now."

"Come again? I was just -"

"Hey, I just saved you from being captured and tortured."


"...or was that actually some BDSM stuff? Some of you old guys are into some freaky shit."

"Closer to the latter, I guess. Help me out?"

With a tug that almost sent him flying to the floor, the werewolf wrenched him out of the ropes. Toby reached down and pulled his shorts back up, buttoning them tightly, and he was just about to put his sandals back on when he heard a groan.

He turned, and the orange dragon was back at the hole, rubbing a black eye that was rapidly fading. Behind him, looking much less curious and much more aggressive, were the other dragons he'd seen on the beach, muscles bunched up for a fight.

"You know, I was just thinking about having some fun. Still am, but I'm thinking that it's not going to be as fun for you this time."

Toby glanced at the werewolf, who looked more annoyed than anything else, and then back at the dragon, who looked flat-out angry. He looked back and forth a few times, and then sighed.

"It's gonna be one of those days..."

The End

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