In Muffet's Web

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Story featuring one of Undertale's most signature characters, the spider queen Muffet, and the commissioner's fursona. And yes, all of these things are pieces that he asked for.

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In Muffet's Web For Carrow By Draconicon

The different levels of Hotland were as familiar to Carrow as the snow-filled forests outside of Snowdin. Warm metal and stone pathways were built over the molten core of the underground, and the field mouse enjoyed the warmth that streamed up from it. This high up, it was almost pleasant, though he knew that the lower levels would start getting incredibly hot when he wasn't inside some machine or other. More than a few trips back and forth between Snowdin and the MTT Resort had taught him that much.

Carrow fluffed out his shirt a few times as he stepped into one of the many elevators leading into the complex, shaking out some of the sweat and the air before the doors closed behind him. As the field mouse pressed the button for the bottom floor, he took a deep breath and imagined Snowdin Village again.

Just a little walk down to the River Person, and then a quick trip back to Snowdin, he thought to himself. Nothing in the way. Just head on back, sign in at the inn, and do a relaxing job and get paid.

He tried to keep his mind on the snowy village, but it was harder than usual. Probably because he was as tired as he was, if the mouse was honest with himself. Usually, he wouldn't take the River Person home, and just enjoy the walk through Waterfall, but today, he felt like he'd collapse if he took the long way around. Carrow's imagined village kept shimmering as he leaned against the back of the elevator, and he couldn't hold it steady in his head.

It wasn't his exhaustion that brought an end to the mental image, however. It was the sudden stop of the elevator one floor down. He jerked upwards, momentarily invigorated by the surprise halt.

"Elevator shaft is blocked further down. Please depart here."

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"We are not kidding you."

Rolling his eyes at the elevator voice, the mouse stepped out, getting his bearings. He thought that it looked a little familiar, though it wasn't until he walked down the walkway for a while and saw the purple doors that he realized where he was. A soft groan slipped by his lips.

"I would have to pass through her parlor today..."

Admittedly, Muffet wasn't that bad a person. A little bit greedy at times, a little bit obsessive about her species, but it wasn't as bad as some of the monsters down here. She was also a good host, as long as people were polite to hear. He just really didn't have the energy to deal with her...peculiarities today.

Maybe she's not in, he thought as he walked up to the archway. Maybe I can get lucky and just...walk through.

His shoes caught on the spiderwebs on the floor almost immediately, and the mouse heard the skitter-skitter of spiders along the walls as they responded to his footsteps with noises of their own. Doubting that they'd be that sociable without their mistress, the mouse kept walking, making his way through the darkened hall as best he could.

The soaring ceiling and the long, narrow path only emphasized how far away the other side of the room was, and his tiredness made it seem a hundred times further away than usual. Little grunts of effort escaped his lips as he took each step, and each time that his shoes got caught in the webbing, it felt like lifting a massive weight just to take another step. In short order, he was panting for breath.

Skitter-skitter, the spiders went around him, and he could feel their eyes on him. Those shimmering little specks in the darkness made it clear that they were always watching him, and he saw some of them moving towards the higher parts of the ceiling, so far away that the light didn't reflect off of them anymore, too deep in shadow.

He was halfway across the path when he heard the humming of the spider mistress. Carrow groaned softly as the purple-skinned spider girl descended from the ceiling, popping herself free of a string of webbing and landing on the ground in front of him. Her little high heel shoes didn't even catch in the sticky stuff, and she smiled at him.

"Welcome to my parlor, little mouse."

The soft little hiss of her voice and the little tick-tick of her fangs touching other teeth reminded him of her real nature, even though she had a less monstrous body than the rest of her kind. Carrow forced a smile, fighting a yawn as he responded.

"Thanks, but I have an appointment. Can we -"

"Mmm, is someone in a hurry?"

"Maybe a little."

"Such a slow pace for someone so hurried. Sounds like something you can afford to miss for a cup of spider tea. I'll even give you a discount."

"I...It's a nice offer."

And it really was. Muffet almost never offered a discount on her goods, considering that she always had some sort of spider-related charity that needed funding. The fact that she was doing it now...

No, no, he needed to keep moving. The inn wasn't going to run itself, and if he didn't go soon, he wouldn't have the energy to keep walking.

"I should be going."

"What's the matter, my mousey friend? Are you afraid of me? You shouldn't be. You know that I have nothing but the best interests of my customers in mind. Why run when you can walk? Why walk when you can rest? There's nothing out there that needs you right away, is there? Just rest in my parlor...Rest on a web like a spider."

He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the idea of him being like a spider. He had nowhere near the patience required for that sort of waiting and watching. At the same time...

Well, he was rather tired. It wouldn't hurt him to sit down for five minutes, rather than standing around the whole time.

Carrow let himself be led over to the side of the walkway, where several chairs had been set up. It was a small change, compared to the way that Muffet usually kept her hall. She had a stand out on the other side for people passing through - rather strategically placed, from what he had seen - where she gouged people for prices and then gave them drinks that they needed beyond anything else.

Here, however, she had kept it bare. Until today, it seemed. Webs had been formed into chair-like shapes, and there was a table made of rough stone that she must have gotten from somewhere else.

The mouse sat down, folding his tail into his lap, as the spider woman walked into the shadows again.

"Spider tea okay, darling?"

"That'd be...that'd be fine. You said there's a discount, though?"

"Oh, yes. Only a quarter of your G, rather than half."

That's a pretty big discount, indeed, he thought. Considering that there was only about five G in his pocket anyway, and not in the grand sense, either. He reached inside, pulling out two. He had no expectation of getting change, but figured that she would appreciate the fact that he was overpaying rather than underpaying.

Muffet returned, her eyes glittering in the reflected light as she folded two pairs of her arms under her chin, the last pair resting on the table as she handed him the tea. It was a soft, warm brew, and he sighed as he sipped at it.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, darling. It's a special one, so do take your time and enjoy it."

He nodded slowly, taking a few more sips as he relaxed. It was a nice place, this hall. He hadn't given it much attention on his other trips passing through, but it was located in a good place. Not so hot as it would be closer to the CORE, or on the outside of it, and not too cool as in the obviously over-conditioned areas of the machine. Just right...

And dim, too. His eyes were slowly closing without him realizing it, and the mouse rapidly shook his head a few times to wake himself back up.

"Sorry. I'm just...tired..."

"Hmmm, yes, more tired than usual. If you'd fallen down, I'd have considered charging you rent for the night."

He chuckled, but only after she did. When it came to money, one could never be sure when Muffet was joking and when she was deadly serious.

The spider woman kept looking at him, her five eyes glittering when she blinked, almost like a rolling shimmer that went from one side to the other, and then filled them all again when she stopped. He shook his head a few times, trying to focus on the tea instead. Which was, in all honesty, more delicious than usual.

A few mouthfuls of it later, and he was half-bent over the table, the mouse sighing into his cup. The cool air, the darkness of the hall, the gentle warmth of the tea: they were all combining to make him more tired than he already was. Carrow groaned, trying to pull himself upright, to try and shake of the building exhaustion, but it was already there, sinking deep into his bones.

And through it all, Muffet kept watching.

"Mmm, is something the matter, Carrow, darling?"


"It's so easy to be tired when you're comfortable, isn't it?"

The mouse slowly nodded.

"Yeah...I should...I should get going. You probably have...have other customers that you need to take care of."

So many yawns. It was hard to keep his eyes focused on anything, both of them closing down to slits again and again. It was like he hadn't slept in weeks...which in some ways, he hadn't. Not well, at least. All the stress of running the inn for the rabbit while she was away, all the time running up to the MTT resort and back. It was not good for sleep, and the Underground itself had many things that would wreak havoc on those that just wanted a normal life. He groaned, shaking his head again as he tried to stand up.

It was a hopeless endeavor. He didn't even get so far as extending his legs before he flopped back down, too tired to move.


"Just sit down and relax, darling. There's no need to hurry. After all, you wouldn't have gotten to Snowdin anywhere near nightfall at the rate you're walking."

"What...what do you..."

"You're so tired, aren't you? So sleepy, so very eager for a rest. You couldn't even make it across my hall in a speedy manner. It took you five minutes to get from one side to the middle. How long would it take you to leave the CORE and get down to the River Person? No, no, darling, you need a rest, and I know just what you need for that."

She sounded so reasonable, so sure of herself. That soft hiss led her words deeper and deeper into his head, and the little field mouse groaned under his breath.

There's...there's something I'm responsible for, though...I need to...I need to be doing something...not resting and relaxing with a spider...

But try as he might, Carrow couldn't think of what it should have been. It was obviously something, but...

He leaned back in the chair, his body starting to go limp from head to toe. There was something beyond tiredness involved, something that was slowly dragging him off. But what? There wasn't anything beyond tea that he'd taken, and he wasn't so...


His head flopped forward, and he barely had the strength to lift it back up again. This time, Muffet wasn't sitting across from him, but leaning over the table, her eyes barely a few inches from him.

"Carrow, darling, you've given me an idea for something new. Why don't you help me try out a different product, hmm?"


"Yes, it's something so simple and perfect for a spider to offer. But I need you to take off your clothes, first."


"Yes, don't worry. It'll be safe here, and you'll be perfectly comfortable. Nobody but me will see you that way, darling. And I'll keep your clothes safe, for free, this time."

Free...Muffet never did anything for free, but it was something so nice...If she was going to be that nice, he had to be nice in return.

He found the energy, somehow, to stand up, and he gradually started peeling his clothes off. It was easy to do, comforting, even. Almost like he needed to have them off. The cool air that came from the breeze through the room as his shirt came off was lovely, and as he dropped it down, he saw it disappear. Probably pulled away by some of Muffet's other spider helpers.

His shoes came next, and the sticky webbing held tight to his feet for a few minutes until Muffet helped extricate him from the sticky pieces. His pants slid down on shaky legs, and he had to lean against the chair to keep himself from falling over in the process. And then...

Carrow shivered as he slipped his fingers into his underwear, wondering if he was really doing the right thing. He should have been fulfilling an obligation...obligation...inn...Snowed Inn?

"Don't worry, darling. Everything is taken care of. All you have to do is help me with this one little thing, and then you'll feel wonderful."


He nodded slowly, pulling at the band of his underwear and dragging it down past his waist. It slipped down his slender legs, over brown fur all the way to his ankles, and he slowly stepped out of it. The briefs disappeared in a twinkling of an eye, leaving him stripped and naked in front of the spider woman.

She gestured for him to move in front of her, and as he did, he saw the same sparkle in her eyes as before. It was a flickering, fascinating burst of light, and it danced from one of her eyes to another. He stared at her, his eyes caught in the light as it danced from one end of her face to the other, always following the blinking that she did that never touched all of the eyes at once.

And she spoke...her voice...her voice so soft and gentle..

"You are so trusting, Carrow, so trusting, my darling. You've never had a need to distrust me...never had a need to worry. It's so easy to work with trust. So easy to give it to another. Wouldn't you say so?"

"'re very...trustworthy."

"Once I've been paid, yes? And you know you've paid you know you can trust me..."

"Know I can..."

He shivered. Muffet was trustworthy. So very trustworthy, particularly if money was involved. She would always give what she promised as soon as the coin was given. And his pockets had been so light during the tea...

" you..."

The flickering lights drew him in, and the effect only got stronger as she leaned in, her eyes inches from his own again. His eyes moved from left to right, and then right to left, following the dancing lights in her five, glittering eyes. It was so beautiful, so fascinating that there was no way that he could look away from her.

She stroked a finger along his chin, keeping his head up when he was losing energy to hold himself erect. He nodded his thanks, slowly, but kept following that fascinating light.

"Trust me, Carrow. Trust me. You can trust me to take care of you, to care for you for a little while. Just trust me, darling. Can you do that?"

"Did I..."

So hard to talk, his energy fading by the second. Everything felt so weak, so soft...

Except for one thing, which he was only barely aware of.

"Did you...for that?"

"Heeheehee...You did, did."

"Then you..."

He couldn't remember anything about what he'd done or what he hadn't done, but Muffet kept an exact account of things. She wouldn't give anything away for free. If she'd been paid to take care of him, she would do it...he could trust her.

Her eyes pulled him in, his thoughts fading away the longer that he looked at that glittering burst of light. It pulled his head left and right, and right and left. Each time, he swore he left something behind, something slipping from his mind and fading away. Each time, he thought that he was more tired than the last, that he couldn't get more exhausted, and every time, he was proven wrong.

Slipping further and further into that deep, glittering sleep that she seemed to offer, Carrow leaned forward, supported on two of her hands as she held him aloft, his body slipping away.

"Trust me, darling. I will care for you. I will show you precisely what you need. I will give you all the rest and relaxation you've been missing. Just trust me, and let go..."

There was little else that the field mouse could do. The brown-furred rodent was lowered to the ground, his eyes staring up at her. There was...something...something that drew a soft moan from him as she touched him somewhere else.

"Heeheehee, looks like not everything is getting rest and relaxation, is it, darling?"

"Mmm...not...not everything?"

She held his head with two hands, gently lifting him. He was made to look away from her eyes, but not for long. Just enough to look down at his own crotch. He saw his erection, throbbing hard, almost painfully so, and he groaned under his breath at the feeling of it.

More, though, he wanted to look back into her eyes. The loss of that glittering light, the loss of that slow pull, that direction, left him shaking. His heart felt like it was shooting up into his throat, beating painfully fast, and he was hyperventilating within seconds.

Just as he was about to start thrashing around, Muffet's eyes were there again. Slowly blinking, slowly flickering with light as she pulled him back into her gaze. He slowly fell back into it, sighing softly as he was covered in her lights again.

His mind slipped back into the flow of that glittering blinking, the shimmer pulling him into her care. He laid out flat as she let him go, the webbing on the floor feeling so soft and cushioning to the mouse. His tail flopped down between his legs, and Muffet chuckled at him.

"So limp, everywhere but one place. Could my darling customer be enamored of my eyes? Oh, what a treat, what a treat, indeed."

It didn't mean anything to him, what she was saying. All that mattered were her eyes. The beautiful, beautiful eyes.

Muffet stroked his cheeks with her hands, all the while pouring herself another drink of tea. He smiled slowly as she kept talking.

"Trust me, Carrow, and slip away. Slip away, my darling, into the tired depths of your mind. You have a lifeline to come back on, and there's nothing better than a spider's web to catch you when you fall."

That felt so true, and the mouse nodded. It was weak, barely a movement at all, but he did it anyway.

Muffet is so good to me, he thought tiredly. Helping me...holding me...caring for me. She's so gentle...

His tiredness, however, was dragging him down. Even with the flickering lights, it was starting to feel like he was seeing them as if from underwater. He realized that his eyes had closed to slits, and he was losing track of what was going on. Yet, there was no panic this time. Only...only peace. Peace and quiet...

Carrow closed his eyes, drifting off to the soft hissing sounds of the spider woman's voice.

"Drift down, on a spider's line. Drift down for me, darling. Drift down, and relax. Drift down...and sleeeeeeep."

And so, he did.

Muffet smiled as the mouse slipped into her spell. She could always tell when the little guys managed to slip into a real trance rather than the semi-ones. They stopped looking quite so normal, and their eyes started reflecting the lights in her own. Carrow's, in particular, had been rather bright.

Though that's probably from the tea that I gave him, the darling mouse, she thought with a chuckle. He should have asked what it was, but would I have told him? Probably not.

It was for his own good, at this point, though she would be the first to admit that she was enjoying it more than she expected. There'd been more than one person to come through her parlor that got this treatment, and it was always fun.

Carrow, however, was responding a little differently. Usually, there was some part of a person that refused to relax and go into trance, but this was the first time that it was so...obvious. The spider woman reached down, clutching a three-fingered hand around his erection. It bounced and throbbed to the beat of his heart, the little mouse's shaft looking like it was either having the time of its life or being very 'vocal' about protesting the state of its own.

It was rather amusing.

Giggling, she stood up slowly, and whispered to the mouse.

"Sleep, and stand. Sleep, and walk. Sleep is so easy to maintain, sleep is so important to stay in. It feels too good to stop sleeping, so you will simply sleep, and obey. Let your mind sleep, and your body obey."

The soft hissing was something that even she was aware of. The fangs in her mouth left it almost at a cross between a lisp and a hiss, but it seemed to work on the many people that came through her little parlor. It certainly was working on him, and he groaned as he slowly got to his feet.

He was rather cute, in a silly way. A soft bulge at the front of his mouth where his teeth poked through, and a tail that seemed to be constantly twitching, almost like he was nervous at all times. Even though he didn't have to be, around her.

She stroked his head gently, and guided him towards her table once more. She helped him onto it, and looked up, half-expecting to see that raging erection going down.

Instead, it was harder than ever.

Mmmm, the poor darling's enjoying this, for sure.

Giggling to herself again, Muffet tossed a little stream of spider silk towards the mouse's ankle. She twirled a finger around, and he got the picture, slowly rotating around on the tabletop. She spooled out the silk, letting it wrap around him bit by bit. The silver-white silk wrapped around the bottom of his calves in short order, and quickly started moving up. By the time it reached his knees, he started having trouble, so she stilled him, walking around him instead.

"Mmm, it feels good to surrender, it seems. You enjoy being in the care of another, don't you, darling? The feeling of being in someone else's arms. The feeling of being under their wing. The feeling of being with them and knowing that everything will be alright. It's all that you ever cared for, isn't it? Someone to take care of you and make things alright."


He slurred his words, but she knew he meant them. The mouse was so tired, the poor thing, but she was sure that he would be right as rain when she was done with him. Right as spider rain.

She kept walking around, dragging the silk up his thighs. His shaft poked forward with determination to avoid being wrapped up, and the little thing was so cute and 'angry' with its protests that she giggled and avoided it. She spread her silk around it, letting his shaft and sack hang free while everything else was properly contained.

As the silk pinned his tail down to his legs, she moved up to the walls, having to walk on them to keep moving up. Her high heels clicked against the wall as she walked on it, still humming and talking.

"You are so comfortable in this suit, aren't you? No way to move, no way to worry. You don't have to think about messing something up, because you can't do anything. All you have to do is lay back, all you have to do is be quiet, and let someone else tend to you. Let someone else care for you. It feels right. It feels good. It feels wonderful. Doesn't it, my darling?"

" good...paralyzed...still..."

Mmm, looks like my little mousey has been thinking about this for a while. So tired, but never a chance to relax and recharge. Perhaps he should have come to me sooner; even if I charged for it, he would have been better.

She walked along the wall, her silks dragging up his belly, moving up towards his chest. His hands were pinned at his sides, no chance to move them, no way to get free. She kept it gentle, but she doubted that he would even manage to break out of this. Spider silk was strong, and this was more than a little sticky. It stuck to itself, making the already-potent strength of the silk that much better.

Up, and up, and up she went, covering that brown fur with the silver-white of her silk, weaving his new suit. His shaft seemed to bob and dance every time that she looked at it, and hadn't softened even a smidge.

"Mmm, and you like being take care of, don't you, darling?" she whispered from the darkness. It echoed around the room, just as she intended. "You like it when someone comes to you, takes care of you, takes all those worries and fears away. You don't have to think about anything. You don't have to do anything. All you have to be taken care of."

" good..."

She moved further and further up, her silk running past his shoulders and up to his neck. Muffet had no intention of covering his head; that would ruin the effect and likely scare him to death. But at the same time, a slightly thicker bunch of silk there would not go amiss, and then he might keep it when she let him go.

If I let him go, she admitted. The spider had a bit of a possessive side, particularly for playful things that she enjoyed as much as she did. Carrow was rapidly turning into one of those.

Muffet gave the mouse's neck two more circuits, just to tie off the silk, before walking back down to the floor of her parlor. His eyes were completely glazed over, and he looked like he was in the middle of a dream. And an excited one, for that matter.

"So tired and relaxed, now, so fully cared for. You can feel it, from your head to your toes, wrapped up in warmth and safety. You know I will care for you. You know that I will take care of you. You can trust me. You have paid for it. And you are safe."


"Now you are comfortable."


"Now you are mine."


She smiled at his slow descent. The total encasement was doing its job, leaving him utterly at her whims, as was the hypnosis. She lowered him to the table, having him lay on his back as she took up her seat beside him. It was a comfortable spot, and it let her reach down to his shaft.

It was so hard, and so warm to the touch, for that matter. She chuckled as she stroked it, feeling it throb, feeling him shiver at her squeezes. Some part of him knew that he was being 'tended' to in an entirely different way, and she could tell that he liked it.

"Perhaps, darling, it is time for a confession from you."


"Tell your Muffet just why you're so hard?"

He blushed heavily, almost turning scarlet beneath the brown fur of his cheeks. Even so, she kept stroking, making it impossible for him to ignore his own erection, or the pleasure that she brought to it. She kept on teasing it, rubbing it, lifting it, running her thumb over the tip as it started oozing. He groaned, squirming inside of the cocoon of webbing, but even at his most needy, he could only roll himself from side to side, not actually pull himself free of it. Let alone thrust into her hand.

The mouse whimpered and blushed, but she kept on stroking, teasing him with her smile.

"Come now, darling. You can tell your Muffet. Tell her why you are so excited. Shouldn't you be tired, relaxed? Why is this part so energetic?"


"There's no need to be need to be worried. I'm here to take care of you. And that means you being honest with me."

He slowly nodded in the silk, her words obviously keeping him deep in trance. There was little that he could say, more than likely. He wanted this, wanted it more than he likely knew...but she wanted him to admit it. She wanted him to admit what it was that he liked.

Slowly, the mouth's mouse opened.

"I wrapped up like this..."

Muffet smiled.

"You like being wrapped up, tied up, helpless? You like knowing that you are helpless, to be taken care of the way that I choose?"

He slowly nodded, the blush fading. He was accepting that, now, but his shaft was no less hard for all of that. She squeezed it, drawing a soft moan from him as she did.

"You are hard as a rock right want to be held down, and given treatment and care. You want to be the one that is helpless. You wanted this...and you wanted me to cover your mind, to put you to sleep, didn't you?"


"What do you have, Carrow?"


"What is it that you crave?"


The mouse shivered. He was so conflicted about himself, so tired and so needy. No wonder that he had been a mess. She shook her head. Any other person would have been a profit mine. Carrow...she supposed she just had a soft spot for the mouse. She needed to hear him say it, though.

"Come now. Let me care for you properly. Let me hear what you need."

"I...I need..."

"What do you need?"

"I...I be cared for...To be tied...and helpless for it...To not have my mind put to sleep..."

She smiled.

"And what does that mean, darling?"

"It means...hypnosis...and bondage..."

"Do you like those things?"

"Oh...oh yes..."

That was honesty of the highest caliber, as his shaft popped and twitched and pulsed in her hands with every word. Perhaps the young mouse even had something of an exhibitionist fetish, considering how much he seemed to like confessing to what he enjoyed. But that would be something for another time.

She believed that he had earned a reward for that, however, and considering that he had been so truthful, she leaned down to give it to him.

His shaft was slick already, but it started oozing more as she slipped her lips around the head. He gasped beneath her, the mouse straining to arch his back but restrained by the web. A few soft gasps were all that could make it out, his body helpless and his mind likewise so.

She smiled as she rolled her head down his cock, taking the whole thing into her mouth without too much difficulty. After some of the things that she had done with other monsters, he was positively perfect for this sort of thing. She felt the head dripping on her tongue and rolled her head back, letting the spongy tip grind against the roof of her mouth, and the soft moan that came from that was a positive reward in and of itself.

Up and down, up and down she rolled her head. There was no need to ask for more information, more bindings for the mouse. Not yet, at least. He had earned this from her, and she felt that he needed this care in order to go any deeper. Otherwise, all of his attention would be on his member.

Up and down, up and down, her fangs teasing the side of his shaft every time that she pulled back, grinding the bigger teeth against it, reminding him of who she was. Muffet, the spider queen. She felt his twitches, and she knew he liked it.

Up and down, his cock tip sliding almost all the way to the back of her throat, her spit running down his cock towards his sack. The mouse was no longer whimpering, instead gasping for breath as she worked him over. It was the quietest that her parlor had been in some time, and she knew that it would soon get louder.

And it did, as she sped up, bouncing her head faster along his shaft. He groaned, and the wet, slapping sounds of her mouth sliding along a cock echoed through the room. The skitter-skitter of other spiders told her that they had a small audience, but one that would never speak of what she was doing. It was a private matter.

Up and down, up and down, his shaft oozing into the back of her throat, the whole thing throbbing with need, veiny from the tightness of the webbing, dripping and sensitive. The mouse was gasping and moaning, even panting from how hard she was working him, and it would only be a matter of time until he blew.

She looked up at him with all five eyes, and saw him staring towards the ceiling. He was about to blow, and he -

Muffet coughed on the first cum-shot, feeling it splatter against the back of her throat before she pulled herself back from it. The rest of it slipped into her mouth without a problem, but that first shot almost had her gagging the rest of it back out. She held her mouth right there, sucking it out of him, feeling his tension leaving him along with the seed.

Of course, it wasn't a complete draining, as the mouse doubtlessly had more than could be taken in such short order, but she knew more tricks than that.

She swallowed, clearing her mouth before she pulled herself onto the table. Straddling the mouse, she looked down at him with a smile on her face as she took his slippery shaft in her hands, working the palm of one hand against the top and using three more to stroke it.

Any other male would have been half-screaming, half moaning from the treatment, considering that it was right after their prior orgasm. Carrow, however, was already deep in trance, and as he started gasping, she leaned forward, her eyes meeting his.

"No, no, you don't need to worry. You don't need to fear. I am here. I am caring for you. This is what you need. Trust me to give it to you. Trust me to give you what you paid for."

He groaned, trying to shake his head. One of her free hands reached up, plucking a web strand that had hung down, and she started wiggling it around. A practiced motion turned it into a spiral, a spiral that spun his attention right back towards the center of it.

"Yes, that's it, darling. Just let it fade. Let your pleasure and your worries fade away, while I give you what you need. It's so simple to let it go. So simple to drift off in your mind. You know it already; you've given yourself to my eyes, and you've given yourself to my mouth and voice. Now, give yourself to my webs, and slip away into the dreamland that you so desperately crave."

He groaned, trying to shake his head at that, trying to put some sort of denial on what he required. But at the same time, he was already starting to close his eyes again. The silhouette of the spinning web was right there, reflected in his eyes, and he couldn't look away.

Nor did he go soft as she kept stroking him, his member still standing hard and proud between her fingers, dribbling and drooling over them still. She ground his pre right back into the head of his shaft, keeping it nice and slippery as her other three hands kept stroking. It left only one free that wasn't doing anything, but that was all she needed to make this work.

Spiraling him into deeper and deeper submission with the web strand in her hand, and working him with four more, she used her last one to stroke his cheek. Not much, not hard, but enough to give him a reminder of just what he was here for. What she was doing. It was a simple caress, a simple stroke, and he let out a long, slow sigh as he nuzzled up to her hand.

It was adorable enough that she almost lost herself to a few giggles.

She suppressed that, however, and kept on stroking him, teasing his shaft back to its fully erect state. It didn't take long, with her talented fingers, and the slick pre and spit that covered him already was making it easier than it would have been the first time. As was the webbing, she would have to admit. It formed a tight ring effect around the base, encouraging it to rise up again.

"That's it, Carrow, darling. Let yourself just relax...there is no pain, there is no worry. There is just sleep, and happy dreams. Happy dreams, and sleep. That's all that you need to think about right now. Let me take care of the rest. Let me...take care...of you."

The more she teased him, the more worked up she was getting, and it took some discipline to not reach down and help him into her, so to speak. She could feel how hard he was, and it would only take a few seconds to slip out of her shorts and allow him past them. He would enjoy it, and so would she...

But it would take away from the trance, now, and she knew that it would be more of a payment for her.

Why does he have to make me so generous? she wondered as she looked down at him. The moment she thought of his member as a payment, it became something that she couldn't do without making a deal while he was awake.

At the very least, though, she could keep teasing it, and drive him towards a wonderful climax.

She leaned forward, the spiraling web strand reflected in his eyes, looking like he was drowning in a silvery whirlpool. He was lost to her, his mind on a vacation, while his body was putty to be molded.

The spider woman smiled, sitting back for a moment, feeling his hardness against her, feeling it against her shorts. It was such a temptation...

But that would be a temptation to drive another deal, another 'caring' session later. He would be eager for it, she was sure, and she would make sure that he wanted fact...

"You need this caring, Carrow. You've been so tired, so exhausted, so alone. You need someone to care for you. You need someone to keep helping you, to take you to this place again and again. You will need this later, need me to help you once more. You won't be able to help yourself..."

Stroke, stroke, stroke went her hands, driving him higher and higher. He was dripping like a leaking tap, now, but she knew just how to handle that. She ground her thumb over the tip of his shaft, rubbing right over the opening. He whimpered, but so weakly, so tiredly, so very far away.

"You will need to have this help. You will need me...and you will come back to me. You know that there is nobody else that can help you in the Underground like I can. Let me be the one to care for you, and I will make sure that you are cared for in the best of ways.

"You can feel it now, can't you? All that stress, all that worry, all that pain, all that tiredness, all running down to the same place. The only place where it's so hard where everything else is so soft. The one place that's so hot where everything else is so cool. You know you want it. You know that you need it. Just let it out...let it out for me."

The mouse groaned under her, the sound tired and weak and far away. He was probably barely aware of what was happening to his body at this point, so deep and submerged in his own submission, his own sleep, his own distance now. Still, there didn't exist a male on the world or below it that would be able to resist her hands once she got started, and he was no exception. The only reason that he hadn't blown yet was because she hadn't pushed him over the edge.

But that didn't mean that he wasn't trying.

She smiled as there were several weak thrusts against her hands, grinding against the one on the head before slipping down and between the ones on his shaft. She could feel his weak twitches, the pulses through his shaft, the sheer need that was driving him. It was so close now.

She kept spinning the web spiral, looking into his eyes.

"When you release, all that tension will be gone. All the tiredness, the discomfort, everything will go shooting out of you. And in its place, in its place will be a need, darling. A need for your spider queen. A need for Muffet."


"Yes, your caregiver. Your helper. Your friend. You will come will come back again...and again...and I will take care of you. Because you trust me...because you've paid for it."

He nodded slowly, and that was all she needed. It would work. It would have to work. She stroked him harder, faster. He gasped beneath her, the mouse panting, and Muffet - despite all her reservations - pushed back, grinding the end of his slick shaft against the crotch of her shorts. She could just feel the pressure, and the spider girl whimpered softly to herself at her own ache to be 'taken care of.'

But it was too late. She pressed down and squeezed, and he came. She felt his seed splattering around, rushing through his shaft despite her tight grip on it, and then up against her shorts. He came, and came, and came. There was nothing but a silent, open-mouthed semblance of a moan to go with it from him, but he was shooting like a man possessed, like someone that hadn't gotten any relief for weeks.

She kept milking him throughout it, squeezing his cock with four hands, moving them up and down constantly to keep him going. There was no stopping, no relief for him, and she made sure that she kept going until he was totally dry. Up and down, up and down, all that she could give...until he finally stopped.

Muffet panted as she slowly walked off of the table, feeling herself dripping inside and outside of her clothes. The spider queen shook her head, and looked up towards the ceiling.

"Not a word, my lovelies. Not a word to anyone."

The sparkles of many eyes opening and closing on nodding heads was her silent answer.

With the helping legs of many spiders, she lifted Carrow off of the ground and into the air. The mouse wasn't that heavy, but he was a larger thing than many snacks that her lovelies had taken for themselves in the past. The spiders needed her help, and she needed their help to get him up in the air.

As soon as he was suspended in the shadows, she took a spot above him and hurriedly changed her clothes. It didn't take long, though her soiled things went falling down through the darkness. They'd probably land somewhere near the fiery core, and then be burned to bits. It didn't matter; they were cheap, and she could get more any time, considering how much the spider charities were taking in, and she was a spider herself, after all.

Once cleaned, she hung from the ceiling and nudged the silk cocoon back and forth. There was no sign of wakefulness in the mouse, and she supposed that was probably for the best. His sleep would allow the different ideas to settle in for him a little bit better, and then he would be much, much better suited for his new tasks.

Besides, she knew that he needed sleep. She hadn't been teasing or hypnotizing him when she noticed that. The mouse had been dragging himself along with the last bits of energy that he had, and with that sort of dragginess going on, she doubted that he would have made it down to the River Person, let alone all the way back to Snowdin.

And I'm not letting someone just fall off of a walkway into lava because he's exhausted, she thought. But why is he so tired? What's left him like this?

Perhaps she'd find out sometime. Perhaps he'd tell her before he left in the morning. In any case, she would let him sleep. Besides, she needed a little rest herself after all of that. Her arms were killing her. The spiders brought her ice packs and she webbed them to her shoulders as she slumped back. That many arms working on one handjob was hard work.

The End

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