Rocked by the Band, Chapter 1: Start of the Tour

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A potential new sponsorship series, following my characters Gus and Greta during a number of different concerts, and adventures outside of them, if people are interested in throwing money at this one. The pair of them are incredibly exhibitionistic, and VERY happy to 'play' with some of their fans.

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Rocked by the Band Chapter 1: Start of the Tour For Taiko By Draconicon

If there was one way to get around the world in style, it was by playing in a rock band, particularly one that had a name for itself. Sadly, Gus and Greta didn't have a full group to work with on their own. On the other hand, it always meant that they had top billing, and that was fine with the lion.

He could already hear the crowd cheering on the other side of the curtain, and Gus smirked as he worked himself into a lather. His fingers danced along the strings of his guitar, giving them a last minute fondle before wiping down the red neck of the guitar again. It didn't need it, but it gave his twitching fingers something to do besides start playing. Usually, he wouldn't mind, but Greta -

"Gus, you're making a strum again."

The lion's fingers stilled, and he looked over his shoulder. Their drummer volunteer was looking a little scatterbrained already, and he shook his head.

"Sorry. Getting excited."

"Yeah, I can see that much. Kinda surprised your new piercing isn't dragging your dick down yet."

"Heh, and I'm amazed that your clit chain isn't pulling you off your feet, considering it's almost down to your knees."

Greta laughed with him, and the two guitarists patted each other on the ass. Her hand was a lot quicker, though, particularly as he started fondling that white-furred rump. The white wolf rolled her eyes.

"Gus, much as I like the quickies, we're going on in thirty seconds."

"Heh, I can probably get you off in 29."

"Probably, but we only have 27. Snap the drummer out of it; places!"

Rolling his eyes, the lion walked around the drum set. Their volunteer, an armadillo, had completely spaced out. Not entirely surprising, he supposed. He'd been playing for a while earlier, and most of the band was under some sort of zonking anyway. Otherwise, his and Greta's mode of dress would have probably put them off.

He chuckled as he adjusted his vest, the only thing that he bothered wearing these days. The lion's slender build was good enough to show off to the rest of the world, and the fact that he had a piercing on the end of his cock that kept it from quite disappearing from view was all the better. Greta was worse, anyway; she didn't cover her top, at all, and the white wolf's legs weren't even covered with pants. Just fishnet stockings that went up to the thighs.

And she looks great for it. Not as good as some of the gals I've seen, but pretty darn good.

Shaking his head, he grabbed the drummer by the arm, giving him a shake that set his shell a-knocking. The smaller male jerked a bit, shaking his head.

"Sorry, Gus. Didn't pay much attention. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, man. Just get those drumsticks ready. Starting in 10."




Laughing to himself, Gus kicked himself up off of one of the drums, his tail smacking the cymbal for a rimshot as he joined Greta at the front of the stage again. She was grinning as the curtains came up...and the crowd was revealed.

Thousands of people were out there. Some were from the nearby city of Novus Ager, while others were travelers. Hell, some of them were probably friends that he'd made over the years and forgotten, while others were probably sent along by that screwball dragon, keeping the business up and making sure that they kept getting the funds they needed.

Heh, after tonight, we'll get booked solid for the next three months, he thought as his fingers rode along the strings of his guitar.

As the lights flashed over them, Gus couldn't resist the urge to step forward and give a little spin, letting the spotlights flash over his fur from every angle. Golden brown fur and a darker mane were only slightly matted with sweat, hanging down over his body and making him shine. The audience gasped as his cock flopped about as he spun, and he looked over his shoulder at them as they admired his ass.

Of course, Greta had to steal the thunder after that. The white wolf did a power-slide right to the edge of the stage, her legs spread for the audience to stare right up between them, gaping at the sight of her sex, and he rolled his eyes as she flung her hips around, her clit chain spinning with it.

"Show-off. Come on, everyone can do a helicopter."

The audience laughed at that, and she chuckled with them as she walked back to stand beside him.

As she started to talk about their first song, however, Gus looked out at the crowd, and spotted something that he definitely hadn't expected. The lion narrowed his eyes, assuming that he'd just been seeing things.

No, no, he wasn't. Gus grinned as wide as he was capable of as he saw a familiar anole and lion in the crowd, the pair of them with their arms over their shoulders and almost hidden behind a few elephants towards the back of the crowd. They looked like they were blushing, but there was no doubt that it was them.

You rascals. Oh, you better believe I'm tracking you down after the show. Sorry, Greta, but I just found myself my fun for the night.

"A one-two-three-four!"

On instinct, Gus slammed his hand down on the strings, letting out a deafening chord of sound at the same time that his partner did. Greta's soundwave and his melded together, and the air...rippled. There was no better word for it, as the space above the crowd bent and shimmered like a lake that had just gotten a rock dropped into it.

Or a boulder, in this case. Sharing a grin with Greta, the pair of guitarists lifted their hands in the air, pointing a finger towards the stars.


STRUUUUUM! The start of the song was like a bomb going off, and the front four rows of people were knocked right off their feet. The shockwave of sound rippled through the audience, the drummer beating at his instruments like a man possessed, and Gus slipped down into the bass while Greta leaped into the melody.

"_Pair of shooting stars Flying for the top A pair of shooting stars Won't drop, won't stop

We're going for the end And never gonna break We're going for the top And there we're gonna make

A stand for all to see Achieve the long-lost dream Blaze a trail for all to find A success fully deemed_ "

Gus strummed his guitar harder, faster as the lyrics took a break, his fingers dancing along the strings in a solo that brought everyone's eyes on him. He spun around, his tail like the whip of a lion tamer as he shot right to the edge of the stage. One foot came up, almost kicking several people in the face as he spun in place, almost falling off the stage twice before he came back again.

Greta took the lead, next, but Gus didn't care. The spell of their song was already in the crowd. They were spellbound, ever to hear everything that they had.

And they had plenty to sing...

Gus panted as they went backstage at the end of the show, his fur utterly soaked in a layer of sweat and his fingers aching like crazy. Despite that, he was grinning like a madman, and the lion's cock was standing up and throbbing from showing it off to everyone for the last hour and a half.

"Heh, that was a crowd and a half, wasn't it, Greta?"

"Heh, wasn't it? Geez, the guys that were trying to pull me off-stage, though."

"You were the one that ran up and started offering your chain like a leash, you horny bitch."

"Heh, what about the time that you shoved your foot in that horse's face, and almost ice-skated around the stage from how much he was licking it."

He laughed. It was what they always did. Whenever they started some concert, they always started getting out of hand as it went on. Him before her, usually, but it always happened eventually. They just got so into it and wanted to have fun that it just happened.

She reached down and offered him the chain, rather slick from how much she'd been getting off, but he shook his head.

"Heh, I saw some familiar faces in the crowd. I'm gonna go catch them before they leave."

"Oh? Do I know them?"

"Sam and Darl?"

"Ah, then not so well. You have fun then, Gus. I'll see if I can find that rat I saw."

"Didn't know you were into rodents lately."

"Gus, honey, they can do things under your tail that you wouldn't believe. Have fun."

"You too."

They shared a quick hug before he darted off. She would likely have a lot of fun, if he remembered the rat from the crowd correctly. Looked a little, well, dirty, but she liked that sort of thing with a guy. Anything that made them rougher and a bit more 'dangerous' always seemed to tickle her libido.

He, on the other hand, knew exactly what he was going for tonight.

Gus ran through the back hallways of the stadium, passing by the unused locker rooms until he could find the halls that the customers would be using. He dodged a few of the more ardent fans - they always came to these things, begging for a dick signing, or an ass fucking, or something like that - and wove through the crowd. There were a few shouts for him to put clothes on, which he mostly ignored, as he looked for -

"Hey! Hey, Sam, Darl. My dear 'brother!'"

The other lion's face went completely red at that, but Gus didn't care in the slightest. He was too happy to see the couple, and he burst between a horse and mare to get at them. His arms were around them in a second, one around Sam's shoulders, and the other around Darl's. He felt the heat of their blush on his cheeks even before he gave them an extra tight squeeze.

"God, it's been too long, guys. When did you come down here?"

"Well, uh..." Sam trailed off, and Darl cleared his throat.

"We came when we heard you were coming through. Thought that we might see how you were doing. Still performing naked, huh?"

"You know it. Gets the crowd going."

"I'm still not sure how the hell you haven't been arrested."

"I, heh, I can guess at that..."

"Oh ho, is dear little Sam having a few lingering fantasies?"

Gus's chuckle made the anole look down right away, but he gave Sam a pat on the back anyway. He grabbed them by the arms instead, and pulled them. Darl grunted.

"H-hey, what are you doing?"

"Taking you backstage, of course. No good knowing the musician if you don't get a few perks."

"But -"

"We don't -"

"Course you do. Now come on!"

He pulled them along despite their resistance, his guitar clacking against his back as they made their way back through the flood of people and into the backstage areas again. Gus supposed they could have stopped in the unused employee hallways, but why do that? The lion dragged the couple behind him all the way to his dressing room, and shut the door behind him.

It wasn't much of one, really. Just a couple of couches, a tripod chair, a mirror that he shared with Greta - briefly, before she'd beaten him away with a strap-on - and a lot of lights. He pushed them over to the couch, and sat down on the chair before leaning forward.

"So, it's been a while. How've you been?"

Darl and Sam looked at each other, but Gus wasn't nearly done.

"I heard that you're getting married soon. Gotta tell me that I'm the singer for it. You know I have to be; who's the one that helped get your bakery going again? Who's the one that helped you two start doing all those new things? Who's the one who got Sam to -"

"Gaaaah! Not now, not now!" Sam blushed heavily. "That...that was just the one time."

Gus arched an eyebrow, and the anole blushed even worse, looking down and muttering something about 'seven times' after a few seconds' silence.

"Hehehe, only seven? You guys are missing out."


He arched an eyebrow. Darl sounded remarkably serious, there. He cocked his head to the side.

"Something wrong?"

"Well...not wrong, but..."


"Yeah, kinda. I mean...why are you on tour, exactly? You looked like you were doing fine, the last time we saw you."

"Yeah," Sam added. "I mean...we can't do much to help, but...if you're in trouble, we could -"

"Trouble? Oh, ho, no, no, no, nothing like that."

Gus laughed, shaking his head a few times.

"Just one of those weird things out there. Some friends of mine found out about something, and this makes a good way to get around while finding out information about it. Just about funds itself, really."

The couple stared at him, blinking a few times, and he shrugged.

"Okay, it doesn't exactly fund itself, but it comes close enough."

Darl looked at Sam, who nodded, and then looked at him.

"What, exactly, did your friends find? Was one of them Thimas?"

"...Uh, I don't know if I should be talking about that."

"Is it something dangerous?"

"Do me and Darl have to do anything?"

"No, no, it's not...ah..."

Gus rubbed the back of his head, groaning. This wasn't what he'd been hoping for. He just wanted a good night of fun with friends, and now the reality of things was trying to burst in on him.

Well, he wasn't going to stand for that, no sir.

As Sam and Darl kept bombarding him with questions, each one getting closer and closer to asking if the end of the world was coming, Gus pulled his guitar out from behind his back. They were so intent on worrying about themselves that he had it settled in his lap and his hand up before Darl finally noticed.

"Gus, don't you -"


The soundwave just about knocked them over the back of the couch, and did leave them upside-down afterwards. They looked dazed and confused, their eyes spinning as he put the guitar back over his back. Gus walked over to them, sitting between them and folding his legs over his lap. This had the additional effect of putting his toes right over their noses, considering their new positions, and they were already sniffing at them as he wiggled into place.

"Look, seriously. There's nothing to worry about. Me and Greta have it all in hand, and we got these magic guitars, remember? There's nothing that's gonna come rising out of the sea and take out Novus Ager. There's no flying monster in the sky waiting to swoop down and burn us up. It's just another adventure. That's all.

"Now, why don't we just forget about all those worries, and have a little fun tonight, before you guys get married? After all, the last thing I want to do is break up the happy couple, so I gotta get my fun where I can, right?"



He chuckled at Sam's almost immediate lock on his toes, the anole's soft, slightly scaly lips already working down along his big toe, and pulling another in afterwards.

"Always were one for my feet, weren't you, Sam?"

As the anole moaned softly, Gus reached up to the top of the couch, his arms hooking around their legs and working down towards their crotches. He found Darl's familiar bulge, working it over with a few good squeezes and bounces of the other lion's sack through his clothes, while he pressed down on Sam's crotch until he found the tell-tale dip of the anole's sex. It didn't take long to get the pair of them showing more interest, and he smiled as their breath turned to panting over his feet.

He brought his hands down a bit further, unzipping the pair of them and dragging one pair of pants off, and then the other. He paused, looking down at Sam's crotch, and chuckled as he saw that the smaller male had taken to wearing a thong today.

"Heh, looks like you've taken on a few other habits, too, huh?"


"Heh, don't worry. I like it on you."

He patted that soaked crotch before shucking those off as well. Pulling his dripping toes from the anole's mouth, he rotated them all along the couch, putting Sam down on the bottom, on all fours, while he got in between the anole and the other lion. He pulled Darl forward, not on top of him, but under his tail, feeling the soft, puffing breath. Wiggling his hips, he looked over his shoulder with a smile.

"It ain't morning, but I'm sure you know what to do."

"Mmmph...for that...I sure do..."

There was just enough of a hazy sound to the lion's voice for Gus to know that Darl was still under the influence of the sound blast, but as long as it kept the pair of them relaxed enough to enjoy themselves, he wasn't complaining. There was a lot of fun to be had with mind-zonked pairs.

He slid forward as he felt that warm, slick tongue against his rump, his own cock sliding between Sam's pussy and his ass. Each one felt eager for him, the former dripping and the latter twitching. Considering that he didn't have much in the way of lube, though...

"Hey, Darl, do you mind if I fuck your boyfriend's pussy?"

"Mmmph...go ahead...He loves other people..."

"Mmmph...particularly...other lions," Sam moaned.

"Well, then, looks like I'm just about perfect for the job."

Gus pushed his cock down, the new, bigger piercing drawing a gasp from Sam in the process. The anole pushed back against him, eagerly trying to get it, and Gus was happy to give it to him.

He groaned, biting his lip as his cock was sucked into Sam's waiting sex, the anole squeezing down on him instantly. It didn't help that Darl chose that moment to slam his raspy tongue right past the lion's rim, sliding it inside of him and working it in. Gus groaned under his breath, rocking forward, and then back, sliding his cock into that tight, wet hole, before grinding his ass cheeks back around the other lion's face.

Back and forth, back and forth he went, gradually working himself in and feeling Sam gasping for more beneath him. He reached around, pressing his hand against Darl's head, and slowly shifting his stance until -


Hehehe, thank GOD I'm not Thimas. Old man couldn't stretch this far, he thought as he ground the ball of his foot against Darl's cock as the other lion worked his hole over. In, out, squeeze, stroke. In, out, squeeze, stroke. It was the simplest rhythm, driving him into Sam's eagerly flexing hole before pulling out and teasing Darl's cock with his foot, feeling that shaft slid between his toes before coming out and grinding along the ball of his foot.

In, out, in, out, squeeze, stroke, squeeze, stroke. The couple sandwiching him moaned for him, and he panted as his cock throbbed inside of Sam's sex. He was getting so close now, his eyes rolling back as his balls started pulling up, no longer swinging forward so hard and smacking against Sam so loudly.

" two are 'brother' and brother-in-law."

He teased them, and they blushed beneath him. That tongue pushed further up his ass, and Gus couldn't hold back anymore. With a roar that echoed around the room, he slammed in, hard. His cock throbbed and pulsed as he came, his toes squeezing down around Darl's cock, feeling it pulsing...but not quite cumming.

The musician groaned as his shooting seed slowed to an ooze, but he wasn't done yet. No lion worth his salt was done with just one. He smiled, pulling out of Sam, and shifted position. He pushed back until that slippery lion cock was lined up with his ass, and he pressed his own lips under Sam's tail.

"Round two..."

The End

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