Sole-ful Interrogation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story for an anonymous commissioner, where he finds himself in rather serious trouble, and ends up being interrogated by the dreaded Drakina, her soles working him over until he gives up the information required.

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Sole-ful Interrogation For Anonymous By Draconicon

Savel remembered an explosion. A mine, maybe, or something else that could fit under a jeep. Whatever it was, it'd blown up with enough force to send him and his men sky-high, and then...

It was hard to remember. The wolf groaned, squeezing his eyes shut a bit tighter as he tried to recall what had happened. Fire, screaming people. A hard thump as the jeep came back down, other soldiers getting knocked out, a bit of crawling...

Then nothing.

Must have been an ambush, the wolf thought to himself. They'd been on the border of enemy territory, just a typical patrol, but if the other side had gotten wind of several officers being out with them...

Savel opened his eyes, and confirmed his suspicions.

He was tied up in a chair, his arms bound to the sides of the chair and his legs similarly pinned. His uniform was still on, though all his pockets had been turned inside out and there was no sign of his pistol anywhere. Not that he expected to keep that; any capable interrogator would have taken all his stuff as soon as he was brought in. Hell, any soldier would have done it.

Okay...command has to have heard about the attack by now. If any of the men survived...

Shaking his head at the reminder of how much destruction there'd been, the wolf forced himself to keep thinking.

If any of the men survived, command will have an idea of what happened, where the attack was. And if they didn't...well...they'll know something is wrong soon enough.

Now he just had to hope that the other side played by the same conventions that they did. Prisoners of war were guaranteed certain rights, after all, and he was pretty sure that he could resist the typical things that were allowed. But if they decided to play against the rules, he wasn't sure how long he could hold out.

The room remained empty for some time, a technique he knew was designed to break him down, make him want to talk if only to break the silence. Savel closed his eyes, and started counting down from a thousand. It wasn't much, but it would keep him -


He jumped, his eyes going all over the place, trying to find the source of the sound. Nothing. There wasn't anyone in the room, nobody around that could have made the sound.

Intercom, he guessed.

Several repetitions of the sound came later, but they didn't have the same impact as the first one. It did, however, keep him from settling into that silent count, kept him from focusing his thoughts away from this place.

The wolf sergeant shook his head, trying to at least get used to the thumps coming from somewhere else, but they kept coming. Never in a pattern, either, always with some degree of randomness that kept him from getting used to it. It had to be some sort of interrogation technique, keeping him from getting settled or letting his mind relax.

They're really going all out.

Savel shook his head. This was going to be harder than he thought.

Two hours later...

The wolf groaned as he found himself drifting off in his chair, shaking his head as he made himself wake up. The longer that they left him, the worse that it was going to get, he knew, but he couldn't bring himself to sleep in front of whoever was watching him.

And there had to be someone watching him, even if there wasn't a window into the room. Miniature cameras, a disguised panel, something had to be letting his captors watch him, or there was no point to him being left alone like this. But what were they waiting for? Were they just...thinking about how to handle him?

It was a flattering thought, that they might need special methods to break him, but Savel knew better. More than likely, they were just waiting for their interrogator to be ready to be let in, or softening him up with a long, extended silent treatment. Either way, all he could do was -


The doorknob. The wolf's eyes flicked to the door to his left, watching the knob turn. It opened slowly, and he braced himself. What sort of person would the enemy send in? Someone intimidating? Someone nice? Someone that could try and fool him into submission? He was ready for -

Okay, apparently not everything. The wolf blinked as a long, purple leg stepped into view, followed by the rest of the body. His eyes almost bugged out of his head as purple scales slid further up, his eyes following the shape emerging from the doorway. Curved hips, a long tail, and then further up, towards a slender waist and a large bust, a hint of leathery wings followed by a narrow, scaled muzzle, with horns sweeping over the top of a very feminine face.

" you're the one that they want me to break."

Even her voice tugged at something inside of him, making him shudder at the strange feeling of being under her gaze. It was like being stared at by some sexual fantasy brought to life as the feminine creature walked into the room, shutting the door with a sway of her tail. He forced himself to keep his eyes on her face, not daring to look down lest some part of him betray his own fantasies.

She chuckled as she walked around him, and he could hear the soft click of her claws with every step that she took around the room. Savel blushed, closing his eyes and looking down towards the ground.

Of course, considering how close she was as she walked around him, that didn't help. He kept catching glimpses whenever he opened his eyes of her hips, her ass, her curves, and it made it impossible for him to ignore the presence of the dragoness at his side.

Just...don't look. Don't look, don't talk. You'll be fine as long as you don't say anything.

Easier said than done, when she kept chuckling at him, her fingers tracing a line along the back of his neck, always making sure that he couldn't forget that she was right behind him.

It took almost five minutes before she said anything, and even then, her voice seemed filled with amusement...and some sort of anticipation.

"Savel, sergeant first class, part of the 173rd Ranger Regiment, hmmm?"


"No need to really hide it. There were plenty of documents on you that we've already gone through. Or rather, that my 'supervisors' have."

Supervisors. So, maybe she wasn't a fully integrated part of their force. A mercenary interrogator? Or some specialist that had come in from outside? Either one spelled problems for him, and not ones that would be easy to get around.

She pressed a claw under his chin, forcing his head up. He kept his eyes closed, but she kept talking anyway.

"You know, you only have one chance here. After that, I'm allowed to go as far as I like with you, as long as I get your information. Do you understand that?"

"My name is Savel, sergeant first class, airborne, 173rd Ranger Regiment."

"Yes, we know that."

"That's all I'm going to say."

"You know, you don't have to butter me up with these promises. All you have to do is stay quiet."

What is she? Some sort of sadist?

Her claw dropped from his chin, and he took a deep breath as soon as she pulled away. The last thing that he needed right now was for her to start tempting him with anything. He hadn't gotten a good look, but he was sure that part of the reason for sending her in was to make him think that she was soft, that she was some sort of female that he could bond with and get to know.

It wouldn't work. He wasn't going to fall for that, even if they were being crazy for sending her in naked.

"Savel. Do you know what I'll call you by the end of this?"


"Slave. It's a remarkable thing, really; your name rearranges to fit it perfectly."

You can't be serious... Even so, he blushed at her comment, not having thought of that before. It wouldn't be the case, though. He'd never just give in.

"Do you know what else we found in your pockets?"

He didn't say anything.

"We found a picture, you know."

The wolf's cheeks burned before he could stop them, immediately guessing which one it was. Savel shook his head, trying to keep his eyes closed, but one flickered open.

And there it was, held in the dragoness's claw. It was a picture of a young woman from back home, some girl that he'd barely met for more than a night, but she'd been most...kind to him. Something about being a soldier had impressed her, and she'd let him do a number of things with her. The wolf girl had been very...indulgent.

The picture was of her in the nude, with her feet pointed right towards the camera, and her toes spread wide for him. He shivered as just the sight left him with a throb down in his pants, and he tried to say something to distract the dragoness before she could notice.

"That's just -"

"Oh, the girl doesn't matter. But it tells me your weakness."

"What are you talking about?"

"Heh, for a prisoner, you ask more questions than I do."

The dragoness stood up, tossing the picture to the floor, and for the first time, he got a good look at her, and...

She was beautiful, beyond anything that he'd expected. The dragoness's body was like a pin-up of a curvy woman with seemingly impossible curves and physique. Her waist pulled in tight, while her chest and ass seemed to jut out firmly and far. He blushed as he looked down from her breasts, unable to resist trying to get a look between her legs -

Only to find that there was something else in the way. A thick, purple shaft that hung down over balls more than twice the size of his own, each of them swelling and churning in visible ways. Down her thighs, he could see some moisture already running down, and he could also see that it was reaching down to her knees, and past that.

She took a step towards him, planting one foot between his legs, toes almost brushing against the crotch of his pants.

"I know what you want. And I know how badly you're going to groan, moan, and beg by the time that I'm done working you over."

"You...what, you're going to torture me with sex?"

"Torture? I prefer...bend you with it."

She pressed her toes forward, and he gasped at the feeling of them rubbing against his bulge, her big toe drumming along it before drawing a line down his zipper, almost as if she was thinking of unzipping his pants with her toe alone. The idea sent a shiver down his spine, and he rapidly shook his head.

"You can't...this isn't allowed."

"That's why I'm here. You see, your enemy is quite eager for your intelligence. Your information. But they can't touch you the way that they need to. I, on the other hand, am outside of their command. I can do what I like, and all they have to do is say that the cameras went out for a few hours."


"Why do I do this?"

He nodded, even as his cheeks burned hotter and hotter as her toe edged up higher and higher along his zipper, almost touching the top of it. His cock, shamefully hard, was throbbing underneath, and he already imagined - and dreaded - how it would feel to have that large, slender foot pressing down on him.

She rested her toes on the waistband of his military uniform, smiling at him.

"I do this because I enjoy it. Because there is something so delightful in seeing someone's eyes glaze over in the throes of pleasure, to see their mind snap when I get through with them. They are mine to be broken, to be shaped, to be used.

"And you, little wolf...oh, you will be a good one."

Savel grimaced as she flicked at the tip of his bulge, making his cock bounce and slide along inside of his pants. It only got worse as she dug her claw into the buttons of his pants, flicking them open before grabbing the zipper.

"You see, I've done a lot of things to a lot of people. Questioning, curious men that were all too eager to slobber on my cock, when they had a chance. Ass men that couldn't stand my cock but were all too eager to slobber over my ass. Those that wanted to be held down and face-fucked, ass fucked...But you..."

His zipper came down, and the wolf whimpered as his underwear jutted forward, his cock barely contained within his briefs. Her slender, purple foot dragged across the side of it, nudging his bulge from one direction to another, making his dripping cock head drag along the inside of the fabric, teasing it and making it leak all the more.

"You, you are going to be an interesting one. A little, foot loving wolf. I think that you will make for a fine toy, in addition to a new bodyguard for someone like me."

"I won't...nnngh...I won't do anything...I won't tell you anything!"

"Oh, you will. It's just a matter of time, after all."

She chuckled to herself, her five toes hooking over the edge of his waistband, and then pulling down. He gasped at the cool air rushing over his crotch, his cock shoving itself upwards for attention as soon as his underwear was hooked beneath his balls, whimpering as she stared at him.

He hadn't been so hard in such a long time. The last time he'd looked at the picture, he'd sprung erect, yes, but this was beyond that. Even that wolf girl - Shara, or something - hadn't done something like this to him. The bondage, the ropes holding him down, his helplessness...all of it played together to make him hard as a rock, impossible to shift around, dribbling pre all over himself.

And the dragoness seemed to love it. She chuckled at him, batting his cock repeatedly with her toes, making it sway from side to side. As she did, he could see that her cock was slowly rising up, as well, getting harder and harder.

Savel bit his lip, trying to look away, but she grabbed him by the muzzle and forced him to look down at himself. She made him stare at his own cock, watch as it got slipped between her toes. He moaned before he could stop himself as she started stroking him, dragging her foot up and down along his shaft, making it bounce and bob from her ministrations. The pleasure was beyond anything he'd felt in the last few months, and he couldn't imagine holding back for long.

"Hmmm, seems like you're a little on the short side...but it's fair enough. I won't be using you for that, anyway."

He shivered, trying to block out her words, but it was almost impossible.

"Your tongue should be quite useful to me, after you've given up everything you know. Staff Sergeant Savel; I think you'll be more of a slave than anything else. Your tongue working over my toes and soles, cleaning them up for me every day. Making sure that they are nice and shiny to try and earn your daily reward from me. Because I know this will not be the only time you'll want my feet on you."

The military wolf shivered, trying to deny it, but it was true. He was already dreaming of other things that she could do with her feet, other things that she might offer him if he was hard enough to break. He almost wanted her to try and seduce the information out of him...

Only his core training kept him from breaking then and there, even as his cock begged for release. He whimpered, his shaft throbbing up and down, oozing pre all over the space between her toes. The wolf leaned forward, his breath coming in pants for air, his cock pulsing as he -

"Ah, ah."

A sudden kick knocked him back, the chair falling over and smacking against the ground with a harsh clack. He groaned, his head rocked back and forth, but all he could think of was how close he was, how hard his cock was throbbing, how much it was dripping all over the place. It needed climax, needed to go over the edge.

The dragoness leaned over him, her foot barely above his cock, so close that he could almost touch it. He whimpered, barely keeping himself from thrusting forward, and she chuckled.

"Already so close? A hair trigger as well as a smaller cock?"

"It's...a hard the desert..."

"Don't worry. You'll get all that you need, and more."

She sat down beside him, her dry foot on his chest, her slick foot so close to his cock and balls. The soft scent of a feminine musk filled his nose, and he shuddered as he realized just how potent an effect that had, a shot of pre arcing out from his cock and over his chest. She wiggled her dainty, purple toes, and he shivered as his tongue wanted so badly to taste them.

Savel clenched his hands into fists, shaking his head. He was a soldier. He had to...had to hold out. He couldn't break in so little time.

The dragoness pressed her foot against the side of his face, and he bit back a moan as the feel and scent of it was almost enough to make him cum then and there.

"Tell me, Savel. What was the last briefing you had? What was the mission that you were being sent on?"

"Patrol. Was ambushed."

He groaned as soon as he'd said it, shaking his head. Bad mistake. They were pushing him for harmless information first, so that he got used to answering questions. No, he had to remember the techniques. He couldn't keep falling for those tricks.

The dragoness nodded at him.

"That's already verified, slave, but I think you deserve a reward for that."

A reward? He both craved and feared it, but there was nothing he could do. Her foot shifted from his cheek to his nose, and her toes curled around his nostrils. The first breath forced her scent right down his muzzle, filling his brain and leaving him gasping. His cock throbbed, and then throbbed again, and would have cum were it not for her toes pinching him right around the base of his cock.

"Ah ah. I said a reward, I didn't say an orgasm."

She chuckled down at him, but he barely registered it. The scent of those toes, the smell of her foot, the odor that permeated his mind left him barely coherent, his entire body and soul focused entirely on the soles that he was being teased with.

Every breath brought that scent into his mind again, and he felt it in waves, rolling over him and brushing away a few more thoughts with every go. He tried to shake it off, shake his head, but her foot held him firmly. There was no escape, no pushing away from her control, and he just kept breathing...and breathing...

With each inhalation, he felt his fears fading away, some part of the scent working at the back of his mind. His thoughts started, and then stopped before they could reach a conclusion. Was it a drug or was it...

Was she trying to soften him, or put him to...

What was happening...

What was...


He tried and failed to question it, and with each breath, the failure happened sooner and sooner, his cock getting harder and harder with each subsequent filling. The wolf's eyes glazed over, his vision becoming hazier as she stroked his cheeks...

And then the foot lifted away. Minutes passed, and his eyes slowly cleared, but his need was stronger than ever. His cock felt like it was about to explode, and as he looked down, he could see that it was veiny and thicker than ever, almost like it was getting bloated with blood flow, trapped at the peak of arousal.

The sensation was driving him mad, and he whimpered as he tried to thrust. All that got was the grinding of the ball of her foot against his sack, making him shiver all the more, driving him so close...

"What was your mission before that?"

"Intel gathering. Watching the border."

He barely realized he'd spoken. Another harmless bit of information, but it was followed up by another shove of her foot against his face. This time, her toes slipped into his mouth rather than over his nose, and his tongue went to work before he could stop it.

Savel's need continued to grow, his entire body throbbing and pulsing with the beat of his heart and the twitching of his cock. Everything ached, everything burned as those warm, slender toes pressed against his tongue. He tasted a slight hint of sweat, but mostly the taste of scales and flesh. Soft, raspy, warm. He moaned, unable to keep himself from sucking on them, his mouth wrapping around the little digits and pulling them deeper.

The dragoness laughed above him, and his cheeks burned, but there was no thought. Her scent kept filling his nose, and now her taste filled his mouth. It was driving him mad, making him so desperately needy...

Question after question came, and each time he resisted for less and less time. All harmless information, names of people dead, names of people that he had met with. His commanding officer. His base. His...

The questions came faster and faster, and he didn't get a break from the foot on his face as he answered, smothered beneath her scent and her power, the soft feeling of her sole on his cheek and against his lips, and most of all, the sensation of her foot over his cock.

Every answer was rewarded with another stroke of his cock, pushing him further and further along, edging him away as her scent - pheromones, a near-silent part of his mind supplied - kept him eager. He was oozing pre like a faucet, running down the sides of his cock and over her foot, driving her to be slicker and wetter, making every stroke that much better. She stroked down, asked a question, and stroked up again. Her toes curled around his tip, squeezing it with another question before she stroked down again.

Savel wanted nothing more than to hump and worship those feet as they deserved, but he couldn't even move. All he could do was lay there, tied to the chair, and answer whatever she put to him, hoping that it was good enough.

Information passed his lips that he barely remembered. People that had met with him in the past. Troop movements he'd overseen, border watch posts that were half-buried in sand, people that were hiding out on the other side of the border, informants that were keeping his regiment supplied with all sorts of movements that were going on with the enemy.

He even said something about a visiting officer, a general that had been part of the whole war effort and ensuring that the border didn't shift. Savel barely remembered him, though, particularly as her foot shifted from his face to his cock.

She squeezed, the arches of her purple soles squeezing his cock so tight that it was almost painful, but at the same time so wonderfully slick and heavenly. It was smooth, frictionless as she dragged her feet up and down his cock, milking it slowly as she milked him of information...and of thought.

Savel barely remembered his name, his eyes rolled back in his head as his cock felt like it was getting more and more bloated, getting harder by the second. His pre ran freely, never stopping its steady ooze from his tip, and he whimpered as his cock felt more sensitive than it ever had in his life.

"You are doing well, slave. Looks like your lust is almost ready to consume you. Do you know anything else that my employers want to know?"

"N-no, Mistress...please..."

"Is there anything else that you have in mind, that might be helpful to people on 'my' side?"

Savel shook his head, doing his best to answer quickly and efficiently. The mistress couldn't be denied. The power of the dragoness was immense, and there was no fighting it. He didn't want to fight it. He wanted to serve it.

She pressed her feet more firmly to his cock, giving it a stroke with her soles and a drum with her arch. It was so close now, his eruption almost there...

"Do you want to come, Savel?"

"Mmmph...please...please Mistress..."

"Beg, then. Beg like the slave that you really are."

"Please, mistress! Please, let me cum, let me cum all over your perfect feet. Let me burst my load all over them and soak them with my seed. You've teased me so much, I can't take it anymore. Let me do anything, anything to earn the right to cum. I want to cum, I want to cum, I want to cum!"


She grabbed the head of his cock with her hand, rubbing her palm against it in a rapid circle, and Savel arched his back, howling loud enough for the echoes to bounce along the walls in the empty room. He came, and came, and came, her hand and those slowly milking feet taking him over the edge.

Even as he splattered her palm with his seed, she didn't stop. She kept polishing his tip, keeping him hard, making him cum again. He screamed in pained pleasure, unable to keep from grinding forward, his body begging for more and begging for relief at the same time.

She brought up her foot, pressing the sole against his cockhead, and she did the same rubbing as she'd done with her palm. She milked him right against her foot, making him spurt helplessly again, and again, and again, covering her sole...

And then she did it to the other one...

He collapsed back, feeling utterly drained, his mind empty and gone. He couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't do anything but stare as the dragoness held up her cum-glazed soles. He saw her drag a finger through it, licking his seed off of her feet, and he shuddered, his cock throbbing that much more.

He was so empty, then. His mind was blank, slaved to her scent and her power, and as she whispered, he was helpless to do anything but nod along in understanding.

"You are no longer Savel. You are Slave. You are a toy to a dragoness that you worship. Do you understand that?"

He slowly nodded his head.

"You are Slave, a foot loving toy that wants nothing more than to be under his mistress's feet, worshiping them when he is not protecting her. Do you understand?"

He nodded, a little bit faster this time.

"You are Slave, a toy that will be mine until the end of time. You are no longer a soldier. No longer a member of an army. You simply belong to me. Do you understand?"

He nodded, faster than ever.

"Keep repeating that, Slave. Run it through your mind again and again, until you know what you are. I will be back soon."

The dragoness got to her feet, her soles squelching with his seed under them as she walked out. She left wet, slick footprints behind on the floor, and a part of him wanted to get up and lick them clean.

No. There were orders to follow.

I am Slave, a foot loving toy that wants to be under my mistress's feet, worshiping them when I am not protecting her. I am Slave, a toy that will be hers until the end of time. I am no longer a soldier. No longer a member of any army. I simply belong to her.

I am Slave, a foot loving toy that wants to be under my mistress's feet, worshiping them when I am not protecting her. I am Slave, a toy that will be hers until the end of time. I am no longer a soldier. No longer a member of any army. I simply belong to her.

I am Slave, a foot loving toy that wants to be under my mistress's feet, worshiping them when I am not protecting her. I am Slave, a toy that will be hers until the end of time. I am no longer a soldier. No longer a member of any army. I simply belong to her.

They kept repeating through his head, slowly drilling themselves in deeper and deeper, and reminding him of what he would always be.

And he loved it.

Two days later...

Slave left the base with his Mistress, carrying his weapon once more but without the benefit of his clothes. He walked naked with the Mistress towards the jeep that would carry them away from the enemy base, his brain blank but constantly observing details.

Slave saw the soldiers that were being brought in from other trucks, and absently noticed that they were people that had been assigned to the hidden posts along the border. Some stared at him, shouting, but they were not Mistress, and they did not matter. He hadn't been ordered to feel anything about them.

Mistress got into the jeep, and he followed, sitting beside her with his rifle at his side. She patted his head, and he leaned up, nuzzling against her hand despite himself.

"The pheromone full power will fade in a week, Slave. We'll see how well your conditioning has lasted at that point. For now, however, you may put your weapon down and tend to your mistress's soles."

She swung her legs up, putting her feet in his lap, and he immediately obeyed. No sooner was the rifle down on the floor of the jeep, safety on, than he'd picked up one of her long, purple feet by the heel. The smoothness and length of it still astounded him beneath the fog of his conditioning, and he moaned as he started dragging his tongue up and down the length of it, tasting her, feeling her soles against his face.

Even the slight chuckles she let out at his behavior made him smile, his cock slowly rising up between his legs as she nudged him with her other foot.

"You were easy to break, Slave."

"I know, Mistress."

"You wanted to serve a woman, not a cause."

"I wanted -"

"No, not a woman. You wanted to serve feet."

She pressed her foot firmly against the side of his face, almost pushing him to the point where he was leaning out of the jeep. The harder she pushed, the harder his cock got, and she chuckled at his expense.

"Yes, eager to serve...eager to be used."

He nodded, even as she reached down and started stroking herself. It was what he was. He'd always wanted to be beneath a pair of feet, to be held down and used by them, to be given relief by feet over everything else. He was a foot toy. He was a foot wolf.

He dragged his tongue over her soles again and again, ignoring the looks that he was getting from the jeep driver. All that mattered was pleasing his mistress, and making her feel good.

Slave kept up the licking, changing feet when his Mistress ordered, until the jeep came to a stop almost an hour later. The Mistress stepped out of the jeep with a chuckle, and he followed her. The jeep sped off, leaving the pair of them alone, out in the middle of nowhere with nothing around them.

Or, so he thought.

The Mistress walked him towards a small outcropping in the stone hills nearby, and pointed him towards a cave. He walked inside, his cock bobbing up and down as he followed her orders, descending from the desert heat to the soft coolness inside of the caverns. He felt his Mistress following him, her cock rubbing up against his ass with every step from how close she was to him.

Almost a minute of walking later, they reached a lighted cavern, and there, he saw them.

The Mistress's other slaves hung from the walls, all fed well, all watered well, and as naked as he was. Men and women, all of them panting and gasping, whimpering in need. Some looked like missing members of his own unit, while others were from places he'd only heard of. All soldiers, all people that had gone missing at some point or another.

"It's good to finally show off my collection. I hope that you appreciate it, Slave. You'll be living here for a looooong time to come."

"Understood, Mistress..."

The End

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