The Dragon's Prices

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little stream story commissioned by FA: Taiko a while back, and dealing with his character Bruha and my character Draconicon. What happens when an orc needs emergency magical supplies, and the dragon he wants to conquer is the only one with them available?

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The Dragon's Prices For Taiko By Draconicon

Bruha stood outside of the dragon's house, still debating whether coming here was worth it. The orc knew that this was the only place for miles around that he would be able to get everything that he needed, and he'd extensively looked up many other sources just to be sure. There was no other choice.

But knowing Draconicon, he's going to make it embarrassing, the orc thought to himself, running a hand through his beard in annoyance. Never takes gold, but always takes something...

If he'd had a little more time, perhaps, he could have put in some special orders to different stores, gotten them to put in orders for him and picked them up a few days later. But with the influx of dragons for a big convention, he needed the materials for his spells by the end of the day, if not sooner.

Grumbling, the orc raised his hand -

Just as the door opened, and a black dragon with pure white eyes poked his head around the edge of it.

"You going to knock or not, Bruha?"

"...How long were you watching?"

"For about five minutes. Come on in."

The big green orc grumbled again, passing by the dragon and heading straight to the living room. He knew the layout of the dragon mage's house; he'd been in it a number of times, with and without Draconicon's approval, and had even used it as a base at one point. All the spellbooks and materials were a major boost to many of his plans, not to mention the pre-made ritual circles in the basement.

Today, though...

He walked around the corner, intending to go to the living room, but instead found himself stepping through the bedroom door. Bruha blinked, turning around to find Draconicon behind him.

"What just happened?"

"I remodeled. Getting a little tired of being predictable."

"Remodeled as in re-arranged your entire house?"

"Hokainen's Extensive Remodeling."

"Should have gone with Gorashur's style. Less effort intensive."

"Yeah, but more unstable. At least this way my bedroom doesn't slingshot towards the moon."


Draconicon walked around him, the robed black dragon sitting on the edge of his bed. The dragon crossed his arms over his chest and looked up.

"So, what are you here for?"

"Long story short, materials."

"Materials, huh? Let me guess, run short of dragon-zonking stuff?"

"I said, long story short. I don't want to talk about it..."

Particularly since I'm not sure if Alek's reading thoughts, these days. I swear, I was keeping that last harem completely secret...

Draconicon looked him in the eye for a few seconds before finally shrugging.

"As long as it's not someone that I know, I'm good with giving you some materials, as long as you're willing to pay a price."

"Uh huh. Knew it. So...what kind of price are you gonna ask?"

The way the black dragon smirked, Bruha knew he wasn't going to be too fond of it.

"You've gotta be kidding."

"Hey, you were the one that said you were willing to pay."

Yeah, but wasn't thinking it was going to be like this, he thought as he looked over his head. His arms were chained to the wall, and his feet were spread wide along the foot of the dragon's bed. His kilt was thrown off to the side, folded over the back of a chair along with Draconicon's robe, and his cock...

Well, he should have expected that one, he admitted. Draconicon had slipped that on as soon as the bindings were on, and the runed, iron cock ring was pulsing slowly with magic and vibrations. Bruha groaned every time that it flared up to a higher powered vibration, his cock sticking up tall and proud from the stimulation, and he could feel the enchantments on it preventing him from going over.

Draconicon stood beside him on the bed, almost making the orc roll over until the dragon took another step. With black-scaled feet on either side of his hips, Bruha couldn't move as the dragon lowered himself down. A surprisingly firm ass - for a mage - pressed back against his cock, swallowing the tip between the cheeks but not yet inside him. The orc managed a slight smirk.

"Heh, you know, I could put you in your place better if I was on top."

"Heh, you probably could. But all I want tonight is a good dick in my ass. And if you're down there, you're just a dildo...though a very hot one."

Bruha couldn't help but blush at that description. The last time someone had called him that, he'd had to teach them a hell of a lesson. He'd probably have to come back later, and put Draconicon in his place proper -


He groaned out loud at the sudden heat around his dick, the dragon's hole taking the head in right off the bat, and taking it deep. The orc arched his back, trying to thrust in, but the dragon's knees in his belly held him down.

"Ah ah. My pace, Bruha."

"Mmmph...not fair."

"Oh, I think it's a pretty good discount, for all the stuff you need."

You know what I mean, he thought as he glared up at the dragon. The orc had always enjoyed dragons under him; there was something about the great scaly beasts that always enticed him to take them, dominate them. It was part of the reason he'd had that whole harem in the first place. And it was also why he had so many arguments with other members of his family, because of the frequent political discourses and general zonkings he got caught in.

Draconicon was hardly an exception to the orc's lusts, and he loved putting the black dragon under him, using him again and again, making that muscular black ass drip with his seed. Even now, with the dragon riding him, bouncing on his cock, he could feel his balls starting to tingle and rise with the same familiar urge.

But it wasn't the same. Not when the dragon was riding him, not when there was an erection slapping against his belly as Draconicon used him as a dildo.

" big as I remember, Bruha. Just as thick, too. But maybe just a little less stamina there. Been slacking off, old man?"

"Old - oh, you take that back..."

"Should I? Feels like your cock throbbed a bit there, big guy. I think you like the reminder that you're an old stud, fucking younger guys."

The orc growled under his breath, feeling his tusks grinding against his lips. Oh, it would be a day of reckoning when he got out of this and had his materials back. He'd be putting a collar around that dragon's neck, wrapping his feet in manacles, and shoving SO many crystals and gems on him that he'd not be thinking of anything but orc for a year!

Up and down, up and down that scaly ass went, and it didn't get any easier when Draconicon turned around, facing away from him. Then he had a perfect view of those muscular black ass cheeks squeezing his cock, his thick green shaft disappearing again and again into that flexing hole. It was milking him like mad, pushing him right to the edge. Bruha groaned, his toes curling as he felt his balls tugging up -

And then felt Draconicon sliding right off of him. Bruha groaned, his jaw clenching all the tighter at the sudden deprivation of pleasure, and he tried to lunge forward. The chains rattled around him, keeping him from reaching for the dragon or his cock.

"You...get back here, you scaly slut!"

"Oh, I don't think so. Not yet, at least."

"I thought you wanted -"

"Oh, I do. But I want to keep building you up. That ring will keep you from cumming, but it also keeps your pleasure levels constant. See?"

It took the orc a minute to realize what the dragon meant, but it was true. His cock still felt as good as when the dragon had been riding him, like he was right on the edge of cumming. It was infuriating and teasing all at the same time, and he groaned as he felt his cock drooling pre on his belly.

It didn't help when Draconicon went down to the foot of the bed, nuzzling against his feet. The orc had had dozens of dragons worship him, even like this, but that was the thing. It was an order, not something that they held him down and did.

This is allllll wrong.

Four hours later...

Bruha was about ready to explode. His cock felt like it was completely oversensitized, with even a brush of wind or a flick of a toe sufficient to send him over the edge if that damn ring wasn't on him. The orc humped almost mindlessly at the dragon's ass, allowed to get up and fuck it 'properly' finally, and yet...

Yet the damn dragon mage still smirked at him.

He held the dragon by the hips, fucking yet another orgasm out of him, but Draconicon only looked like he was having the time of his life, not looking deferential, not looking submissive, nothing. It was like the dragon ruled the orc, which was contrary to all the laws of how things were supposed to go.

Finally, as the black dragon had his fifth orgasm, he slid himself free. Draconicon wobbled from side to side for a moment as Bruha knelt there in his chains, panting hard, and the orc growled.

"Either...give me the payment...or get this ring off me...Because this...this is beyond extortion prices..."

"Heh...don't worry. I have it all here."

And with that, the dragon pulled it out of his closet. It being a large brown bag, and as he tossed it on the bed, Bruha saw all the gems and crystals inside of it, as well as other materials that were less precious. He looked up, down, and up again.

"How -"

"Gus was meeting with Alek earlier, and heard you lost your harem. I knew you'd be by, eventually."


"Oh, by the way. The ring comes off on its own in about 6 hours. I hope your kilt isn't too scratchy. Heh. See you, Bruha."

The dragon left him alone, the chains coming undone a few seconds later. Bruha looked at the bag, and then at the doorway, and then back again.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was trying to make me mad enough to collar him personally, he thought.

The End

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