Sister's Slamming Soles

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A one-off for FA: ItalianBlackCat using the characters that belong to FA: zp92 with permission. Enjoy the micro-macro play between brother and sister Stalizburg.

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Sister's Slamming Soles For ItalianBlackCat By Draconicon

Johnny Stalizburg was on the run, though not from the cops or from any other sort of law enforcement. Nor had he done anything wrong, as far as he was aware. Rather, the python was putting the pedal to the metal to get away from his sister, and he was smiling as he did it.

The concrete porch outside the house was hot under his feet as he ran across it, his dick already rising up in anticipation of Britney's thundering steps behind him. He could hear her coming from inside the house, following him, only willing to give him the minimum head start that they'd agreed on. His big sister wouldn't be waiting for long.

The forest of grass ahead of him loomed large in his shrunken state, each blade almost a head taller than he was, and with the other pieces of the world just as large around him. He threw himself at it, his feet leaving the concrete and settling on the cooler earth. Granules of it went flying up around him, and a startled flea leaped off in a different direction.

Heh, better hurry before she gets outside. Don't want this to end too fast, Johnny thought, the python lifting his tail a bit and running as fast as his legs would carry him.

He was about three feet away from the porch when he heard the thunder begin.

The thudding, smashing sounds of footsteps so much bigger than him echoed through the ground, and he looked over his shoulder. The sliding door inside slowly slid open, and his sister stepped through. Just looking at her, his erection throbbed, getting that much harder as it pushed up against his belly.

His sister was still at normal height, but for him, she was a giantess. As she tucked a purple-colored raygun into the waistband of her skirt, her shirt slid up, baring her belly and almost sliding all the way up to her breasts. Green scales met a lighter green on her belly, and she didn't bother pulling it back down as she looked around the yard. Searching for him, he knew.

Johnny wasn't about to make it easy for Britney, and set off in a different direction, running towards the tree in the corner of the yard. He pressed the blades of grass aside as quietly as he could, knowing that too much rustle would get his sister's attention in short order.

And there were other things to be concerned about, as well. Bugs, spiders, the occasional twitch of a blade of grass slapping against him as it suddenly grew a little further. All of these things were familiar hazards from when his mother last chased him through the yard, and his auntie before that.

He had made it another couple of feet before he heard the thudding footsteps again, this time much closer, and much more directly through the earth.

"Where are you, little bug? I know you came this way...come on, just come out and let me put you under my tootsies..."

Johnny's cock slapped up against his belly at the thought of that. Too many times he'd been under his sister's feet, those sweaty, scaly soles grinding down on him and leaving him with hearts in his eyes and a gasp in his throat. The anticipation was nearly enough to make him surrender then and there, but he forced himself to keep going. The chase was almost as much fun as the climax, after all.

Each footstep that followed him seemed carefully calculated to drive him onwards, and the quakes that came with each impact continued to throw him around as a result. He bounced forward, then back, then side to side, wobbling around every time that Britney took a step.

He was halfway to the tree when her foot came down at his side, barely out of arm's reach. The slamming force of her step knocked him up in the air, his head clearing the top of the grass line, and she laughed above him.

"There you are, my bug brother."

He hit the ground again, just in time to see her turning her foot. The underside left the ground, and where she'd been standing was a mushroom that had been squashed utterly flat. Almost like it had been pressed to paper, it didn't even spring back up in the cartoonish way that other things did, but instead remained flattened right into the earth.

That would be him if he wasn't quick.

Even as his sister lifted her foot to bring it down on him, he set off like a shot. There was no point in hiding now. She was right behind him, and knew right where he was. The tree was still far away, looming over him like a skyscraper, and he knew better than to hold back.

Thump, thump, thump, went her feet behind him, each one putting a bounce in his step like he was running on some sort of trampoline. His head kept clearing the line of grass, each time giving him a view of the world ahead. He panted as he kept running, his feet digging into the ground and throwing him forward with each step. It almost felt like he was flying as he sprinted ahead.

Looking over his shoulder, he could see that his sister was enjoying herself, and not just from the smile on her face. Her miniskirt flared out every time she took a step, and it showed her most tender parts every time.

Looks like she decided to skip the panties today, hehehe, he thought as he looked ahead -


Her foot came down in front of him, squashing a piece of fruit that had fallen from the tree. It held up for a second against her sole, but her weight came down hard, and the apple cracked against its skin, and broke down into pulp. He fell backwards, knocked off his feet, and just narrowly missed Britney's other foot coming down where he'd been standing.

"Hehehe, what's the matter, little brother? Afraid of your giantess sister?"

"Heheh, gotta do better than that, Britney."

"Oh, I will, bug. I will get you soon enough!"

He ran forward, leaping over one of her feet and sliding under the other. His own soles were rapidly soaked in the apple juices and pulp, but it gave him a chance to slip by her. He did, admittedly, almost get caught in the foot crater that her step had left behind, but it was better than getting caught by her foot.

Laughing as he ran ahead, he dodged back and forth as her foot kept coming down around him, smashing into bugs, and plants, and other bits of fruit that had fallen off of the tree. The squishing and crunching of each thing breaking down under her massive feet only made his cock all the harder, and he groaned as he pushed himself to run faster, faster.

A flower ahead of him suffered a horrible fate as she kicked out, her toes cutting through the step and sending it flying down at him. He yelped, ducking under it as it came down like a lamp post behind him. Her foot smashed down on a mushroom ahead of him, and when she brought her foot up, there was a clear outline in the earth where she'd stomped down, and the mushroom was in the center, 'kissed' by her arch.

He felt her footsteps coming closer and closer to him, the rumbling of her walking almost a perpetual earthquake as he ran as fast as he could, his dick getting harder and harder at the idea of actually being caught by her. But he couldn't give up just yet.

He jumped over a beetle that was just passing by, his ears catching the squish of it beneath his sister's foot as he left it behind. The tree was just ahead of him, the roots spreading out towards him like roads leading up to a city. He pushed himself faster and faster, kicking up dirt behind him, feeling it settling beneath his toe claws, but he didn't care. He was almost -

"Gotcha, bug boy!"

Britney's foot came down hard, and caught him by the tail. Johnny went flying forward, landing flat on his face in a bundle of not-quite-grown grass. He groaned as his breath was knocked out of his lungs, and looked over his shoulder.

His sister smirked down at him, one hand already beneath her skirt as she rubbed over her sex, and her other foot was raised over his head. Johnny laughed, the python slowly rolling over and looking up at her.

"You caught the bug."

"Yep, and now I'm gonna make him squish."

She brought her foot down, the arch of her scaly sole pressing down along the majority of his body. It kept him from being totally squished, as her toe scurled around his head. He groaned under his breath, blushing as his cock ground against the bottom of her foot, and his head was swept up between her toes. The soft smell of sweat and the natural scent of his sister's scales left him swooning, moaning softly as his hips bucked upwards.

"Hehehe, looks like I caught a perverted little bug. The rare foot-humping beetle bro."

Britney suddenly grasped him tight with her toes, lifting him off of the ground. He squirmed, grabbing onto her other toes with his arms as she took a seat on the roots. He was suspended barely a few feet over the ground for her, but for him, it was dozens. Being let go now would be more than painful.

She lifted her sole up to her face, leaving him facing into her toes and his cock against her sole. Her breath was hot against his back, like a wind blowing off a desert, and she chuckled at him.


And with that...her tongue came down.

Johnny shivered and moaned as her long, dexterous tongue flicked over him, dragging up from his feet all the way to his head, and pressing around him to drag along her sole, as well. He could feel the sweat at the sides getting licked off, and he was pressed all the more firmly against the bottom of her foot as a result.

He grabbed her toes tighter as she almost lifted him off of her foot with that first lick, and started grinding, humping at the ball of her foot as he licked at her big and second toe. He tasted her sweat, the heat of her foot, the warmth and power of it over him. He panted, his eyes rolling back in his head at the sheer glory of being trapped beneath her foot. It was like something out of a dream, something out of a fantasy.

Admittedly, it was a fantasy he'd done a few times already, but this was the best yet.

"Hehehe, who knew little pests like you would be so tasty?"

Another lick, another drag of that tongue from somewhere beneath him to somewhere above him, spreading her spit like a bath over his body. He groaned, his legs spreading a bit, his feet trying to grab at something, anything to give him a better hold of her as she kept licking along his back and body.

Despite it all, Johnny kept humping away at the bottom of her foot, dragging his dick along it again and again. He felt her sweat slicking him up, her scaly sole so smooth that it was almost frictionless to his tiny body. His tail dangled down, not even quite reaching her heel from how small he was compared to her, and the realization of how little of her foot he actually covered turned him on all the more.

Suddenly, Britney opened her mouth, and he saw it looming over him. Her mouth came down over her toes, licking at them, sucking on them, and she almost swallowed his head at the same time.

"Hehehe...better hurry up, or I'm going to suck on you as much as my toes."

He arched his back at that, his cock throbbing like mad as he rammed it against her sole. Her lips bumped the top of his head again and again as she sucked on her own toes, and as he watched, he couldn't hold back.

Johnny came, and he came hard, all over his giantess's toes. His sister groaned, though he could hardly imagine her feeling his orgasm. Even though it was a flood for most men, it was barely a few spritzes at his size, and something that would let off more of a scent than a real cumshot.

These feet deserve so much more than that, he thought with a sigh of regret. Even so, he kept on cumming, covering them properly as he went on and on.

Soon, his balls were drained dry, and Britney grabbed him by the tail. She dragged him off of her foot, dangling him over it as she wiggled her toes back and forth.

"Hehehe, so, did my perverted little brother enjoy being down there? I bet that was better than Mom and Auntie Sophie combined."

"Heh, it was pretty darn good, Britney."

"Pretty darn?!"

She shoved him against her arch, grinding his face against her sole. His dick had barely had a chance to soften, and it was already getting hard again. The fact that she only needed two fingers to keep him completely pinned down there only made it better.

"You think that it was only pretty good? Heh, what does a little bug like you know about 'pretty good'? Something tells me that you need a longer session down there. What do you think, you perverted little pipsqueak?"


"That's what I thought."

Before he could do anything, she grabbed hold of something out of sight, and he felt some sort of band getting wrapped around him from behind. Her fingers left, but his face and body were still jammed in against the bottom of her foot.

She's tying me on like some sort of toy! he realized. He squirmed, but his arms were trapped at his sides, and Johnny was helpless against his big sister's whims.

Britney finally brought her foot down, and he felt the pressure and weight between his sister's sole and the ground below for the first time. If she wasn't careful, she'd really squish him like a bug, or flatten him right into the earth.

The fact that his cock was so hard surprised him.

"Heh, let's see how long until I can stomp some sense into that head of yours..."

The first step nearly knocked him out. The ones that followed just knocked him silly.

They took a break about thirty minutes later, and Johnny sat at the table outside the house with a cold pack on his crotch and a drink in hand. He groaned as his sister sat with her feet on the table, wiggling her toes at him.

"Come on, Britney, can't you give me a break?"

"No way. You wanted to play with these tootsies all day? You can pay the price of having them in your face all the time."

She was getting pretty darn good at milking the whole situation, that was for sure. She'd milked him for a good ten orgasms under her foot just by walking across the yard, and he was pretty sure he could see the stains against the bottom of her smooth feet. The scales were darker in a few areas, and not all of those were bug stains.

He pressed the ice pack harder against his crotch at that thought.

As Britney wiggled her toes, he saw her adjusting her shirt a bit, the cloth tugged up to just barely under her breasts. He wasn't even sure that she was wearing a bra today. Not that it mattered; he'd seen her naked a number of times, including the time when she and their mother had been grinding themselves together, before he came up and -

"So, what else should we do with that raygun of yours, little bro?"

"Well...there's something else we can try."

"Heh, lay it on me."

"There's a growth beam on it."

"...Oh, really?"

"Yeah, and I was thinking, maybe, you'd like to be a real giantess, instead of - what's that?"

He'd become aware of a squelching sound in the air, and he slowly lowered himself to look beneath the table. Seeing his sister's hands at her pussy, he could tell that she was hardly disapproving of the plan. He chuckled, sitting up again.

"I'll get the car."

"You do that...mmmph..."

The drive out to the city outskirts was a short one, but it was necessary to avoid getting their own house stomped on. There was insurance, but most of them didn't cover acts of giants. Mostly because those things weren't so common. Today, though...

Britney stepped back from him, and tossed him the raygun.

"Make me as big as you can, little bro. I want to make sure that this city knows who's the big girl in town."

"You got it, Britney."

He aimed the raygun at her, and squeezed the trigger.

She immediately started soaring towards the clouds, her body spreading out along the pavement and getting bigger - and heavier - in seconds. Her shirt started ripping at the shoulders, and so did her skirt at the waist. Even so, the female python did nothing to stop him, and only groaned as she went up and up.

He kept the gun pointed towards her chest, ensuring that the growth would happen fastest. Her breasts quickly ripped out of her shirt, leaving her bare from the waist up, and she - and them - kept on growing...and growing...and growing.

As her other clothes ripped to shreds, leaving the big python completely naked, he brought his eyes down to her feet. They were spreading across the pavement just as fast, and they were already as long as he was tall. He blushed, bringing one hand down to his dick to squeeze it to the show, and he watched them expand. They rose upwards, soon measuring from the ground to his knee from the bottom of her big toe to her toenail.

Even so, she continued to grow, her feet spreading forward along the ground as her head soared towards the sky. She was more than fifty feet tall, already, and getting bigger. And bigger. Her breasts could have hidden him within them, and her pussy was so far up that he imagined that she could straddle a skyscraper and use it for a sex toy, if she so chose.

He wondered if she would.

Further, further she rose, and the concrete started to crack around her feet, leaving dents and rippling 'lightning' effects of broken lines shooting out from her soles. They went all the way to the side of the road before it finally broke down completely, her feet falling into a crater that they created from the weight of her new body.

Johnny finally stopped, staring up at his sister. She had to be over a hundred feet tall, now, and with a body that looked like it could smash through half a town without even trying. As for a city...

The python grinned, pulling off his shirt and throwing it back in the family car, followed by his pants and shoes. Britney was still rubbing her head, and he knew she'd be orienting herself to her new size. This was his chance to start running.

And with her new size, and everyone that would be shouting, he'd need this head start even more than the last one.

He managed to get about three blocks into the city proper, just where the buildings started rising up and there were enough people around to shout at him to put clothes on, when he heard his sister start to follow.

The ground shook with every footstep, knocking cars out of alignment on the streets and leaving the poorer-fitted windows of some shops falling out. People were knocked off balance, some falling into the ground, some leaning back against buildings.

"Earthquake!" someone shouted, and some people ran the way that Johnny came. The python chuckled, wondering how they'd react when they saw what was coming.

He, on the other hand, kept running. He managed another block before he heard the first explosion, and looked over his shoulder.

There she was. Britney soared over the three to five-story buildings that marked the edge of the city, her foot crushing through the roof of one of the parked cars on the side of the road. Flames licked up along the side of her foot, but she showed no interest in that, nor harm. Instead, she looked straight down at him, her pussy already gushing down her legs, even dripping down from her sex with bomb-like force towards the concrete.

" Come here, you little bug!"

Even her voice had become loud and booming, like a real giantess. The python grinned to himself, and waved over his shoulder, his feet slamming down on the concrete as she chased after him.

It was so much different to their play in the backyard. Rather than harmless little craters in the earth, every step she took in the city cracked the streets, leaving massive footprints behind him. Every now and then, someone unlucky enough to try and run away got caught, and was flattened beneath her soles. He would see some of them get stuck, carried along for two or three steps before they fell off, and be left screaming in terror after they were finally released.

Even better were the times when she mis-stepped, and he heard the crashing sounds of windows and concrete coming apart. Every time he heard it, Johnny couldn't resist whipping around on his heel, looking up to see his sister with her foot lodged in the side of an office building, or pulling it free from some sort of market structure. She never hurt herself, nor did there seem to be anyone with the bad luck to be caught by her foot. It only served to slow her down.

"Hehehe, can't catch me!"

" I'll get you soon enough! You'll be smothered under giantess toes any second!"

He shivered at the thought, but kept on running. The incline was slowing him down, but it had the effect of being a ramp. So, every time that Britney stepped on it, it collapsed under her, dragging her foot down to the level below. Great, massive holes in the shapes of her feet were being left everywhere.

The screams of the city hardly penetrated his ears with the sound of the destruction and power of his sister's feet chasing him. He panted, occasionally reaching down to stroke himself as he kept running, and slightly less occasionally looking back to see those huge stompers on their way down behind him.

God, she's hot...

Buildings smashing around him and sending debris all over the place, with footprints on buildings, cars, and everything that his sister came upon, Johnny kept on running. Over the ramp, down a set of stairs, and into a park. His sister followed him relentlessly, her boobs smashing into other buildings and leaving giant holes in office rooms, interrupting meetings, and there were times he swore that whole crowds of men just stared as she walked past, entranced by the python boobs that were in their face.

Johnny smiled, finding a tree and leaning against it, struggling to catch his breath. His sister would be here soon, and -


A car had just come flying past, empty, thankfully, and slammed into the ground beside him. It was followed by a giant, green-scaled foot, smashing it under heel like a boot might grind a bug or cigarette away. He slipped down the tree, looking up towards the heavens to see Britney smirking down at him.

"Well, well, looks like I caught you again, little bug."

"Uh, I mean -"

"Get between my toes, little man!"

She lifted her foot and brought it down. Like the flowers in their yard, the tree squished beneath her foot, and snapped off to fall behind him before her toes came down on either side of him. Johnny stared at them, the sheer power of those massive feet turning him on before the toes squeezed hard. Once again, he was lifted up in the air as his sister sat down, but this time, he was so much higher up than before, staring down at the city beneath him.

Screaming people were like bugs from this height, shouting and crying and begging for mercy from the great snake that his sister had become, and he giggled to himself despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Heh, you think that you can just laugh at your goddess, your giantess? Try this on for size!"

She pressed her feet together, smothering him between the pair of soles, and leaving him gasping for air. The pressure was almost enough to completely flatten him between those slippery, slick, wet feet, and he groaned as he wriggled around. His head slipped up past the ball of her foot again, popping between her toes, but even then, Britney bounced his head back and forth between her toes.

It was so hard to think, so hard to hold himself together...

Britney giggled to herself at her little brother between her toes. It was quite the sight, really. He'd always been so weak to her feet. To any feet in the family, for that matter, considering how he drooled whenever she put her feet up, or when mom or Aunt Sophie came to visit and kept their feet on display.

Not that she could blame him. Her feet were fucking awesome.

She ground him back and forth between her toes, between the balls of her feet as she made him worship the size of her soles, the silly, perverted nature he had making him so hard against her feet. He couldn't help himself, not at this point. She saw the glow in his eyes, the need.

"Hehehe, looks like the bug's lost in his own little world. Let's see how he can take this."

She pulled her feet apart again, looking down at her brother dangling from her toes. He was so dizzy that he could barely hold on, and he was so hard against the bottom of her foot that she doubted that he would be able to hold out for long.

Smirking, Britney leaned in, pressing her nose just above him, nuzzling against her own magnificent toes as she sucked in her scent. The slight tang of his own arousal came with it, and she groaned, her fingers rising along the bottom of her foot until they rested against her arch.

"Mmmph...don't I have perfect feet, brother? Don't they look wonderful?"

"They do...mmmph..."

He was so out of it that she doubted he even understood what he was saying. Well, it was time to send the pair of them over the edge. Britney curled her fingers...and started tickling herself.

Her giggles were quiet at first, stifled against her toes as she started sucking on them, but there was no denying how sensitive her feet were. Her brother humped away at them, thrusting into the little wrinkles that formed as she started curling her toes, his dick fitting into them as perfectly as a custom fleshlight. He thrust away, and she tickled.

The giggles built up in her belly as she kept on laughing, her giggles getting louder and louder against her toes as she kept sucking on them, and her lips turned up in more and more of a smile. Her pussy was drenched, creating a small pond in the park below them, and her hips were moving on their own as she kept tickling herself.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle went her fingers, dancing along her scaly arch, making their way down to her heel before moving up again. She bit down a little, nibbling on her toes rather than sucking, but soon, it was just too much.


She laughed, almost screaming as her first giggles burst free, and after that first one, they wouldn't stop. More and more laughter forced its way out of her, and she rolled her head back with tears pouring down her eyes.

Yet, at the same time, she didn't stop tickling herself, and the more she tickled, the more Johnny humped away, and the more Johnny humped away, the wetter she got. close... she thought between her giggles.

She curled her fingers, jabbing her fingernails into her soles. They twitched, bunching up and wrinkling as she laughed at the feeling, her chest hurting almost from how hard she giggled and guffawed.

She felt Johnny cum, felt his spurting heat against the ball of her foot, but couldn't stop. She was so -


She bit her lip as she felt her little brother start licking along the space between her toes. That flicking tongue, the tickling feeling as the python wiggled his head back and forth between her tootsies -

It was just enough to set her over the edge.

The laughing python arched her back, her tail thrashing about through the park as she came. Her juices spilled into the pond she'd made, filling the tiny area with the smell of her need. Her toes curled, clutching hard on her little brother, and she almost blacked out as she arched her back and smashed into another building.


Panting hard as her orgasm slowly subsided, she lowered her foot to the ground, and let go of her brother. Johnny wobbled from side to side, only to run right up to her giant feet and start kissing her heel.

Heh...perverted little bug, she thought to herself, leaning on one hand as she watched him kiss and lick along the bottom of her foot. Just stomped through a city and nearly crushed him, and he's right back to it without the slightest complaints. Why can't I find a boyfriend like that?

At least she had him, for now. He'd do for a good toy and a good distraction from the rest of a boring old world. Britney heard some helicopters flying in, but didn't bother looking up. Let everyone get a good look at her. A giantess should show off her body, after all.

The End

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