Dragon Dungeon: Mistress Drakina, Slave Valen

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Nalek over on IB, we have this little voyeurism story featuring him, and my characters Drakina and Vicki. It was in this story that I found out that I hate random voyeurism. That is all.

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Iron Author: Dragon Dungeon Mistress Drakina, Slave Valen For Nalak By Draconicon

Valen had to admit, he was surprised at the level of casualness that the partner managed to maintain. He'd heard of fetish parties before, and had even considered going to a few after looking them up, but he'd always expected them to be...well, over-sexualized.

It hadn't taken the puma long to realize that it wasn't the case here. While there was a great deal of nudity going on - and there were slaves and submissives about with their dicks and pussies on display, their bodies filled with different toys - there wasn't any explicit sexual acts going on in the main room. Everyone seemed quite happy to go off to the private rooms for that, leaving socializing and dining for the main room.

Which made the feline rather happy, as he doubted he'd be able to enjoy the various hot snacks around if he had to see someone taking it up the ass at the same time.

Nibbling on a meat tart, Valen looked around the room. The puma had been building his confidence to do something, anything, since he'd actually decided to attend the party, but with who?

There was that falcon off to the side, but that snake on her arm made him wonder if it was really a good idea to try anything. Plus, he wasn't sure how good it would go with a lady.

There was a large polar bear that looked like he could handle anything, but Valen had seen someone come walking back out of a room with that guy...if you could call it walking. Looked more like limping and sliding along with all that seed pouring out of his ass.

Maybe it'd be better if I just watched, at first?

It was a thought, at least, but -

"So, why is a little lonesome cat not having fun?"

Yowling in surprise, the puma whipped around to find a purple dragoness looming over him. She smirked, and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh, I, uh, was just trying to think of how to spend my night."

"Looks like you want to be fed, mostly. And Maria's not here for that sort of - ah, you don't know her. Nevermind."

The dragoness looked over him a couple more times, and the puma did his best not to blush. He hadn't joined the ranks of the naked, yet, but he had stripped down to his underwear, and his erection wasn't exactly hidden at that point. She kept talking before he could get a word in.

"You're obviously thinking about someone. Perhaps me? I could always use another toy or two."


God, no, he thought. I know what you are, and I am not getting sucked into something like that.

"Pity. I don't have a pretty little kitty yet. Then, what does have your dick up and throbbing?"


"Watching people going around? Having a few fantasies? Maybe about that kitsune you were staring at a couple of hours ago?"


The dragoness, Drakina, laughed.

"I am more than simply a walking sex drive. I do pay attention."


And considering how she was looking him over, he was pretty sure that she was seeing more than she was telling. Definitely something to be careful of. Before he could leave, however, she dragged him right back into conversation.

"So, you were imagining Vicki, were you? And what, pray tell, were you thinking of that little slut doing?"

"I...I mean -"

"Heh, come on. I can see your underwear hopping about already. You want to do something with her; tell me."

The puma was cornered, figuratively and literally. He had his back against the wall, only the remnants of the little meat tart between him and the aggressive dragoness. Even with the rules of the party essentially giving him safety as long as he didn't actually agree to have fun with her, he couldn't help but be a little intimidated...and aroused.

He looked down, his dick throbbing in his briefs as he tried to come up with something to say. He'd thought of many things, but...

Drakina looked down at him, and he talked before he could think to shut up.

"I was...I was thinking that she'd look really good under someone's feet, worshiping them like some little obsessed girl. I mean...there's a lot of times when you see males licking women's feet, but not much of the reverse. And seeing her worship a cock..."

He trailed off, blushing as he realized how much he'd said, and he waited for the laughter to begin. It usually did, if he started talking about stuff like that. Even here, he would bet that he'd be the odd-man-out.

And yet...it didn't.

Instead, the dragoness looked down at him, the considering look she had only slightly spoiled by the fact that she was stroking her cock at the same time. He waited, feeling like some judgment was about to be rendered, and he wasn't disappointed.

"It seems that we have a lovely little pervert on our hands. I think we can make a little deal."

"...What sort of deal?"

"Come with me."

He blushed as he sat on a chair with Drakina at his side. Vicki had been called for, something about a client or something, and he was supposed to wait until she arrived. Then, Drakina would take control, whatever that involved, and after that...well, that was where things got a bit fuzzy. The dragoness wouldn't tell him what came next.

She did, however, keep teasing him through his underwear with her tail, coiling it around his erection and grinding against it, making him get harder and harder. His face burned.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making sure that you're hard for when she arrives. After all, you want to look eager for her, don't you?"

Admittedly, he did, but he wasn't sure he wanted it like this. His dick throbbed, however, and quickly reached full erection from the dragoness's tail.

At any rate, it was too late. The vixen came down the hall, her nine tails slowly swaying behind her as she walked into the room, and Valen blushed as she smiled down at him...and then looked up at Drakina.

"I thought that Draconicon said no threesomes tonight?"

"Oh, he did, but this cat has a special request."

"Oh?" Vicki the kitsune looked down at him. "And what were you thinking?"


Valen could hardly believe it...and then he felt it. Drakina's hand on the back of his shoulder, and a tingle that made his mouth move before he could stop it.

"I want to see you mind controlled, on the ground and helplessly sucking on a foot...and then on a cock."

"Wha -"

"You heard him," Drakina interrupted.

The hand shifted from him to the kitsune, and in the space of a second, he saw a flash of purple shoot through the vixen's eyes. She fell to her knees, holding her head, and the dragoness gently pushed him off of the chair, taking his place.

The puma could hardly believe what he was seeing, particularly as he smelled the scent of an aroused kitsune starting to fill the room. Looking down, he blushed even further as he realized that Vicki was already dripping, the naked kitsune getting slicker by the second as her juices ran down her legs.

It wasn't until she looked up at Drakina, however, that he knew what had happened. Vicki groaned, shivering as she looked the purple dragoness over, and groaned.


"Oh, is the little slut that bothered by being given those fetishes in truth? Come now, it's only for a night. And besides, we have to make sure that the guests are entertained."

"You - mmph!"

It wasn't acting; Valen could see the way that Vicki got wetter as soon as the dragoness presented her with a foot, and he shivered as he felt his own cock throbbing that much harder. The vixen only resisted for a few seconds before grabbing hold of Drakina's ankle, dragging her tongue back and forth along the bottom of the dragoness's sole.

Valen could only shake his head as he watched. His eyes followed every lick that the vixen made, every little nuzzle she gave to the bottom of that large, purple foot. Everything just seemed so impossible, yet at the same time, he could see that it was completely genuine. The vixen was enjoying herself completely, and one of her hands even dropped down between her legs, fingering herself to what she was doing.


"Oh, just a little magical implantation."

The dragoness chuckled, and he blushed as he realized that she was stroking her cock to getting her foot licked and nuzzled. How had he missed that?

Despite the situation, Valen couldn't help but reach down to his own cock. The puma hesitated for a split second, then slowly dragged down the front of his pants, pulling at his dick until he found a good rhythm for himself. He groaned, biting his lip as he worked his cock up and down, feeling it throb at the sight.

She's so sexy like that, he thought as he watched the vixen take two toes into her mouth, bobbing her head along them as if they were her favorite thing in the world. She kept on sucking, her eyes rolling back in her head as if she was tasting a well-love dish and she curled two - no, three - fingers into herself.

The puma shivered as he worked his cock faster and faster, watching as she kept on sucking, as she moved down to lick along the bottom of the dragoness's sole. It was like watching a show that was conducted by a masterful maestro, the vixen moaning and puffing for more.

And it lasted until Drakina pulled her foot back.

Instantly, Vicki was herself again, shivering.

"That...was low..."

"Oh, you love it in the moment."

"Yes, but -"

"Ah, ah."

He barely understood what was going on, but he saw the shift in the vixen's eyes as she looked at the dragoness's cock. Not so drastic, not so mind-numbing as with the dragoness's foot, but it was definitely a shift. Vicki groaned, shaking her head.


"You know you want it..."

"Because you...you..."

"Doesn't mean you don't need it..."

"Oh, you...you tease..."

"Heh...Is it a tease if you're the one holding yourself back?"

Is it a tease when you make her want it? was Valen's thought, but he said nothing. Drakina hadn't done anything bad, precisely. She'd just boosted something that Vicki would normally do to be something that she actually wanted to do. That wasn't so bad, was it? And it was...it was intoxicating to watch...

He stroked himself faster as the vixen leaned forward, almost like she was drawn inexorably to the dragoness's cock. It was a show like none other, her breath puffing hot and fast from her mouth, her eyes glazed over with need as she slowly took the cock into her mouth. Purple flesh disappeared past plump lips, and Valen groaned as he imagined himself in her situation.

Her...her situation...

Shaking his head, the puma tried to change that. He pushed for the image of being in Drakina's place, of seeing Vicki on her knees before him like that, but it kept shifting around, putting him in her place. The feline couldn't imagine himself anywhere else but on that cock, either sucking it or pulling it up his ass.

He bit his lip as his cock throbbed all the harder, and opened his eyes again to watch the show before him. Vicki was still on her knees, her hands around the base of the dragoness's cock and dragging it along the sides of her face. Pre oozed copiously, spreading through the vixen's cheek fur and leaving it silvered and sticky.


"Hehehe, I see that you are enjoying your show, little cat."

"I can't...I can't help it...it's so..."


Valen nodded as the vixen bobbed her head down Drakina's cock again. It was amazing to see a female so eager to please herself while serving a cock. It only got better when the dragoness pushed her foot out, sliding a toe into the vixen's sex. He could see the frustration, the annoyance on Vicki's face, but it was all buried beneath the need for the shaft she had in front of her.

She's still herself, or she wouldn't be this mad. She just...needs it...

And he was starting to understand that need, considering the way that his ass was twitching beneath his underwear, the way that his mouth watered to try what she was doing. He groaned, slowly standing up and moving closer, watching the vixen take the shaft into her mouth again.

He could see the bulge in her throat as she bottomed out, taking the whole thing to the root and then swallowing around it. Vicki moaned, and her scent was driving him mad, his cock throbbing and pulsing in his hand. He stroked himself vigorously, unable to stop as he kept watching her bob her head up and down, grinding her sex against the dragoness's foot.


"Heh, do you want to have some fun, too, kitty?"

"Oh god, yes..."

"Do you want to feel that bliss?"


"Do you want to serve me?"


"Look at me."

Valen did what he was told before he could think twice about it, and no sooner had he looked the dragoness in the eye than she had him. He stared deep into those purple orbs, and he felt them staring back, almost like fingers messing about with his brain. He groaned, the puma trying to look away, but those eyes held him trapped, held him still so that he could do nothing but what he was told.

He groaned, his cock throbbing as his hands dropped to his sides, his fingers clasping on empty air as the dragoness used her tail to drag his underwear down. His tail popped out, his ears twitched as he stared forward, her mental fingers working through his mind.

A hunger, a desperate need for her cock popped up in his mind, a need to have it buried under his tail. It was like a heat, burning away in his pucker, and he almost went to his knees from the sheer strength of it.


He panted and moaned, his cock dripping pre on Vicki's head as the vixen continued to blow the dragoness. He couldn't touch himself, couldn't look away. All he could do was feel the need to cum, the need to be impaled, growing higher and higher in his soul.

When the dragoness finally looked away, he fell to his knees, panting and shivering. His cock was harder than ever, and in his mind, he could already feel that there was only one way to soothe that need. Valen groaned, pulling himself close to her, staring at that purple cock passing Vicki's lips again and again.

Gods...this need... He knew it wasn't his own, knew that it wasn't something he would normally want this bad, but it was so intense that he had to fill that need. The puma looked up from that cock, staring the dragoness in the eye again. She smirked at him, and though he blushed, he couldn't stop himself.

"Please...please...let me have your cock inside me...I want to feel it...I want..."

"You want me to fuck you, kitty?"

"Fuck yes..."

"Heh, I could do that...if."

"If what?"

"If you serve me..."

The temptation was so strong. Valen knew that the dragoness was trying to pull something, that she was trying to trick him and drag him into something of a longer term service. She didn't want to let her toys get away; he knew that much about Drakina, and he knew that he was as helpless before her as anyone else...

But that cock...

He groaned as the hunger for it filled him, the need to be impaled on it once more filling his mind. He shivered as he watched Vicki swallow around it again and again, envy filling him until he couldn't take it any longer.

The puma nodded.


Almost before he knew it, he was dragged off of the floor and onto her lap. Her shaft, slick with Vicki's spit, slipped between his ass cheeks, and he groaned as he felt the fat tip pressing against his hole. The vixen almost slipped away, but no sooner was she pulled away from Drakina's cock than she was put under the dragoness's foot.

Valen almost didn't notice. The feeling of that thick shaft pushing past his rim was all that he needed, and he closed his eyes in utter bliss.

Drakina was whispering something in his ears, something that was probably important, but the puma barely cared. All he needed was the feeling of that cock, filling him up. He could feel his own worries, his other needs, slipping away as he bobbed himself up and down. Some part of him was irritated, but it was nowhere near as strong as Vicki's had seemed to be.

Maybe because...because I already wanted this?

It was a possibility, at least, and a pretty strong one, considering how he'd been jerking off the whole time.

His toes dug into her scaly legs as he bounced himself up and down, fucking himself on her cock as she pulled him down every so often. The harder pulls made his cock bounce up and down, dribbling pre over his belly and over Vicki's face. Not once did the vixen look up from beneath the purple dragoness's foot. Not once did she complain as she was given what she needed.

Nor did he complain as he was given what he needed. The puma moaned as he fucked himself harder, faster, deeper, taking that cock as far up his ass as he could make it go. He felt it hitting his prostate every other thrust, at worst, and groaned as his cock started dribbling.

"Heh...go on, you horny little toy...take it..."

He moaned, blushing as she pulled him down to the base of her cock, his cock spasming around...and then she grabbed him, stroking him.

It only took two good squeezes, two good tugs of his shaft to drag him over the edge with that cock inside of him. He spurted his load over Vicki's face and down her back, slathering her in his seed, and she didn't even move.

Drakina lifted him up, Valen shuddering as he felt that cock sliding out. He sat down beside her, feeling stretched, but not...not satisfied.

Nnngh...god...that need... He shivered. It was like an addiction, a true, deep addiction for that cock. He needed it inside of his ass, needed it pounding away. Even though he knew better, even though he had just cum, that need was still there.

And so, ever so slowly, he climbed back onto her cock, and slid it back inside of him, riding away as she chuckled behind him.

Who knew how long later...

Valen woke up, his neck wrapped in some sort of collar. It wasn't locked, at least, but he wasn't feeling up to taking it off just yet. The puma sat up, looking around the room, and realized that he was alone.

"Vicki must have gone off when Drakina was done with her..."

A trio of papers on the floor were his only explanation of what had happened. He flicked through them, one of them a customer satisfaction survey, one of them a letter from Vicki asking him to meet her to explain what had happened, and one from Drakina...nudging him to become a full-time toy.

His ass twitched at that, and he wasn't entirely sure if it was magical or not. The puma shivered. Like it or not...he probably would have to see her again.

The End

Dragon Dungeon: Master Kira, Slave Vicki

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