Dragon Dungeon: Mistress Drakina, Slave Zarrow

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like another story has come up. I was surprised that Drakina got so much love for this little series of shorts, but, eh, go figure. I hope you enjoy her domination.

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Iron Author: Dragon Dungeon Mistress Drakina, Slave Zarrow For EyeofHorus789 By Draconicon

The room was dark when Zarrow opened his eyes, but that wasn't surprising. Considering he'd signed up for a kidnapping experience, he had hoped it'd be as authentic as possible. It wasn't like he wanted anyone to take it easy on him, either, though the gryphorca wasn't entirely sure how that would go...particularly considering who he'd been paired up with for this night.

I wonder if she's already here, he thought, trying to peer into the darkness. He could feel that his wings were tied behind him, bound together in some sort of restraint so that he couldn't flap around, and his tail was pulled up almost too tight against his back. Cold rock pressed against his ass, so he was probably already naked. Bits of information here and there that were useful.

Moving his arms filled the air with the creaking clacking of metal off of stone, so he assumed he was chained up. Entirely to the wall? No, he was able to take a step forward, but his arms remained above his head the whole time, and stopped him before he could walk very far. Legs were free, though. Probably for other purposes later.

Overall, he was rather impressed. Going from eating dinner in the main cavern with the other party-goers to being knocked out and tied up so smoothly was quite skillful.

Still, he hoped he wouldn't be kept waiting long. Clearing his throat, Zarrow called out.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Darkness and silence were his only answers, and he shrugged, getting comfortable in the chains again. The wall was smooth, at least, and after he turned around so that his chest rested against it rather than his bound wings and fuzzy tail, the gryphorca felt more comfortable.

In the quiet darkness, his anticipation for the session ahead grew. He'd heard many things about this 'Drakina,' mostly from her brother. She was apparently one of the most sexualized dragons out there, running her own land with an iron fist and a steel-hard cock. He'd seen the examples of some of her training already tonight, seeing a big-breasted, hard-cocked husky that had been trained by her to be nothing but a little toy, and a part of him had been...rather curious what she might do to him, given free reign.

The idea left his cock twitching a bit between his legs, rising up as he blushed to himself. He tried to reach one hand down, but even pressed up against the wall, he couldn't get it to go lower than his shoulder, and even that pulled his other arm up to an almost painful degree.

Thorough, he thought.

"Hmmm, it looks like my little toy is already learning his place."

The gryphorca jumped at the feminine voice, whipping around as fast as he could. The chains tied tight above his arms, jerking him upwards even further as the darkness was suddenly banished.

She was there. The purple dragoness walked out of the hallway and into the room, her eyes gleaming with a purple fire that seemed ready to consume him as she stared at him. Zarrow blushed as she swayed back and forth as she walked towards him, her hips rolling with a steady beat, and her thick, violet cock swaying back and forth between her legs, smacking off of her thighs with a steady beat.

She came to a halt in front of him, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look her right in the eyes. He blushed as she pushed even closer, her breasts flattening out against his chest as she held him firmly, and he could feel his cock grinding against hers in anticipation.

Finally, the dragoness smirked.

"Mmm, you'll be a fun one."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean that you're already a little pervert. And you think you can take what I can dish out, or you wouldn't have asked. Oh ho ho, you will be a good little slut by the time I'm done with you..."

Zarrow gasped as her hand dropped from his face to his cock, squeezing it hard for a few seconds. He arched up on his tiptoes, claws clattering against the floor as he pushed forward.

"Heh...already half-hard, and just from seeing me. Tell me, boi. Were you saving up for tonight, hoping to blow a big load for whoever got to break you like a good little slut?"


"Oh, then you're just naturally this pent-up, with so little control like a little bitch in heat?"

He shivered. She was good; already moving him around, trapping him with whatever answer that he happened to give. She was going to be hard to resist...

She squeezed his dick again, and he groaned as his cock throbbed upwards, getting stiffer with her ministrations and making it harder to think straight. She stroked him, her hand twisting around his cock, pulling at the loose flesh until it went taut and tight, and even then she kept tugging it harder.

It only stopped when he was fully hard, and even then he was half-expecting her to keep torturing his cock with her touch. She stroked it with incredible expertise, knowing exactly where his most sensitive spots were, but she kept it with a twist, something that ached a little, something that reinforced who was in charge. And she made it very clear that it wasn't him.

The dragoness herm stepped back, and Zarrow slowly caught his breath as his cock bobbed up and down, bouncing against his belly as she looked him over. He could feel her eyes dropping from his head to his dick to his feet, and then along his hips on the way back up. It was like being examined for a meat market, he felt...and he shivered as his cock twitched that little bit more.

"Mmm, yes, I think that you'll be one of those that will serve well, once I remove that pesky little mind of yours. But first, a few little...alterations."

"Wh...what do you mean..."

"Heh, I don't just accept anyone as a toy for me, you walking dick."

Drakina grabbed him by the shoulders, turning him around, and he didn't resist in the slightest. He felt that resistance would be a rather bad idea, actually. She turned him towards the wall, and he shivered as her finger stroked down the length of his cock, riding the ridge along the bottom of it toward the base.

"After all...when you have magic, why would you settle for above average, when you can have the best?"

So that's what they meant by transformation on that sheet, he thought, blushing as he felt her finger run over his balls, giving them a soft tug before dropping down even further. The idea of being made into something more than he was, of being altered so profoundly, made his cock throb all the harder, the tip grinding against the wall.

It didn't go unnoticed by the dragoness, either, who laughed loudly.

"You must be eager. I wonder, will you even manage to resist cumming before I'm actually ready to start playing with you, slut? Or are you going to be busting your load all over the wall before I'm halfway done with your ass?"

"I...I don't know..."

"You don't know?"

SPANK! He leaped forward, his cheeks burning as his ass stung from the hard smack. She did it again, and then again, and then a third time, evening out each strike over his ass so that both cheeks burned from the touch of her hand.

"A light reminder, slut. You are mine tonight, and I am your mistress. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mistress."

"Better, but let's make sure that the lesson sticks."

She stepped out of sight, but he could feel her still, feel her hands on his ass as she parted the cheeks and held them apart, her breath warm against his ass. He blushed as he realized that she was examining it as much as she had examined the rest of him, feeling the heat of her gaze upon his hole. The gryphorca shivered, trying not to clench too much as she stroked a finger around his rim.

"Hmmm, not too used, for a slut like you. Let me guess, sticking to toys? Maybe an egg here and there?"

He blushed; it was closer than he wanted to admit.


"Answer me, slut."

"AH! Yes, yes, Mistress. I've...I've been fucked four times in the last month, and laid a small nest of eggs. The rest has been toys."

"Hmm. A little more than I expected from this level of tightness. I assume you've been trying to keep yourself tight for your tops."

"W-well -"

"You won't be doing that anymore."


"I prefer a nice, sloppy hole that I don't have to work at to get in. We'll just have to...fix that."

The looming threat had him blushing, shivering, and throbbing all at once. The gryphorca could hardly believe that he was already this worked up, yet at the same time, he couldn't wait to see what would happen. Would she just use her magic? Would she use him and use her -


Her finger went right up his ass, not lubed, not covered in spit, but flat-out dry. If it wasn't for what little experience he had, he would have been aching from it, but as it was, he shivered at the abrupt penetration.

"Hmmm, you are warm, but not that good at letting things in. I'll have to fix that, too. You have a lot of training to go through, slut."

"Mmmph...I'll try...I'll try whatever you say, Mistress."

"Heh, at least you're learning the title. Now, push back."

He did, though it was a little more difficult than he expected. The little bumps of her scales were tiny and mostly smooth, but there was just enough space between them that he could feel the little bits of their texture as the finger worked its way in deeper. Or rather, as he worked it deeper into himself. The way it spread his ass, leaving him stretched around it, made him blush. It'd been a while since he'd properly toyed with himself.

As she commanded, he slid himself back and forth, riding her finger as best he could, and bit by bit, his ass started opening up. He shivered when he felt her other finger come up - pointer finger, he guessed - and rub against his hole as he ground back and forth. Any second now, he knew it would go sliding in.

A minute later, it finally did, and he groaned, his cock throbbing upwards and slapping against his belly.

"Like a stallion without a hole, aren't you, slut?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Smacking your belly with your dick. I bet you could probably cum that way, but I don't think I'll be letting you...no, more interesting to see you build it up and eventually blow it all when you're sitting on your mistress's dick."

She reached around, and he groaned as she grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing it. He felt a tingle, a familiar feeling of magic wrapping around the base of his cock, and he looked down as she removed her fingers.

A purple band of light remained where she'd been touching, almost like a harness for his cock. It reached down around his balls, and then up around the base, squeezing tight enough that the veins were already popping out around his shaft.

"Don't worry. You won't be in perpetual chastity, like some of my toys. But just enough...to build."

Her fingers curled at that moment, and he moaned as she stroked over his prostate. She did it again and again, and his eyes rolled back as she seemed to find the perfect spot for maximum pleasure. He curled his toes against the ground, unable to hold back from pushing back against her.

"Heheh, look at you. Already barely penetrated, barely rubbed, and you're acting like a bitch in heat. Do I even have to corrupt you, you little fuck toy? I think that you're already halfway there, if you're asking for me."

She didn't stop, and Zarrow couldn't stop moaning as his rump was plundered, rubbed, filled with those fingers. He wasn't sure when, but he realized a third finger was inside as he started dripping pre along the floor and wall, occasionally squirting it but mostly leaking. The gryphorca moaned, arching his back again and again, trying to get those fingers in deeper despite himself.

Minutes of fingering later, he felt another tingle, more magic, and this time, it wasn't on him. It was in him. The heat that had been building up suddenly roared upwards, and he slumped forward, his arms pulled up and behind his back as he moaned louder than ever.

"M-Mistress! Ooooh, oh gods...what..."

"Heh, I told you. I will be changing you."

The tingle of magic burned hotter, and he felt it. His ass was slowly opening, spreading wider as she slipped a fourth finger inside of him. He felt her magic running through his hole, zapping his prostate multiple times a second. Every time he felt it hit him, his cock shot up and smacked against his belly, making a wet splash as it kept oozing.

He wiggled back and forth, unable to stop himself as the stimulation kept rushing over him, hitting him harder and harder. He looked back, trying to see what was going on, and stared.

His black and white ass was slowly expanding, pushing outwards and sideways as the dragoness rammed her hand - her full hand! - inside of him. It was getting bigger, bouncier, spreading out and naturally exposing him. There was no more spreading done by her; his ass seemed to just part on its own.

She looked up at him, and smiled. With a snap of her finger, purple fire flared behind her, and a mirror appeared, letting him watch.

He stared in shock as she pulled her fist out of his ass, letting him see the gape that was left behind. Even as his hole slowly tightened back up, it didn't completely close, leaving him looking like he was still an inch open, like he was still stretched around some invisible toy.

"Hmmm, you have such a nice little pussy of an ass, toy. I think I'm going to add to that."

"How -"

"Watch, toy."

He couldn't do anything but that, as he looked in the mirror. A clawed finger worked around his ass, dragging some sort of purple light around his rim. Before his eyes, his asshole started to change shape, twitching as it started to stretch into a more vertical form. It moved so that it was almost like an oval rather than a hole, but it wasn't until tight little 'lips' began to form around it that he realized what she was doing.

She was turning his asshole into a pussy, and even giving him a little clit at the bottom of it, something that someone's balls would slap into as they fucked him.

That...oh god...oh god...

She spanked him, and his fat-ass bounced up and down, jiggling for almost a full twenty seconds before calming down. He shivered as she slapped her cock over his gaping...pussy, for lack of a better word, and it felt so much better than it usually did.


"If you're going to be a good toy, you better enjoy getting fucked over. And if your ass is already so much like a pussy, laying eggs and everything, why not make it official?"

"But...but what about -"

"Don't worry...I don't let my toys get messy unless I want that to happen. Trust your mistress."

He shivered, but he couldn't complain as she rammed her fist right back inside of him. His altered hole squeezed down, but weakly; he could feel how much looser he was, now, and how much he needed something big rather than something small inside of him. The simple feeling of her arm ramming in up to the elbow didn't feel wrong; it felt entirely right to be that full.

She fucked him with her fist for almost ten minutes, and his new 'ass-pussy' came a good four times in the process. If it wasn't for the chains, the gryphorca would have fallen to his knees, and his cock was throbbing harder than ever as he hung by his wrists, his legs giving out beneath him.

With his altered hole dripping down between his ass cheeks, the gryphorca found himself getting turned around, made to face her. He shuddered as he was pulled down between the dragoness's legs, her thick, heavy balls and fat shaft flopping over his face, while her pussy dripped behind her sack.

"I think you know what to do, little slut. Get to work, and maybe I'll give you a proper fucking before I mess with your mind..."

Zarrow honestly wasn't sure which he preferred more, but the idea of getting fucked regardless was something that he knew he needed. The chastity was hitting him harder than he expected, and his cock begged to be allowed to be used.

The gryphorca leaned down, opening his beak to take in her cock. It was difficult, considering how wide it was and how narrow his jaws were, but she helped him in her own way. Mainly by grabbing the back of his head and shoving him down. He gagged, coughing and gasping as they went past the seven-inch mark in one go, and lingered past ten, with at least one or two more inches to go.

The smell coming from her left him gasping for breath, her musk passing through his nose and into his mind like a wave of sheer power. The gryphorca's eyes rolled back, de-focusing as he felt her pushing him down, and down, and down. His throat ached as she filled it up with her cock, and he groaned as his beak was spread apart completely as he hit the base of her cock.

The smell, the smell. It was like cum and sweat and oil, like sex put into a pure form. He groaned as it hit him with every breath, intensifying the damp, almost spicy taste of her cock in his mouth. It was impossible to ignore, dominating his mind.

As he gagged and swallowed, desperately trying to breathe, he stared up at her. The dragoness smiled down at him, rubbing his head with one hand and staring into his eyes.

Those...those purple eyes...

"Heh, looks like you aren't used to taking big things, I'm afraid," she said, reaching up to cup her breast with her free hand, squeezing it. "I guess you'll have to lose your mind sooner than later."

And then...her eyes flared. Not painfully, or brightly, but intensely. He felt like the purple swirls were pulling him in, and he couldn't look away. Like light pulled towards a black hole, his attention was dragged to her eyes, and he almost felt like he was falling into them.

The scent burned in his mind, and the light burned in his eyes. One would have been almost impossible to resist. The pair of them dragged his mind out of him, slowly consuming it, leaving his brain emptier and emptier by the second.

He gagged, swallowed, and gagged again around her cock, feeling her pre oozing down his throat, filling him. Even as his mind was taken, he could feel the tingle of her magic, shaping him, altering him. His throat felt like it was being gradually hollowed out, the walls turning smoother around her cock. Bit by bit, it felt...easier...roomier...

She held him by the back of his head, forcing him to look into her eyes, and slowly, he thought he saw some shape there. Some...some feathery silhouette in the purple flames in her eyes. He stared at it, trying to make it out...

His last thought...was that the silhouette was him.

_Mind fades, and the gryphorca shivers as his throat is emptied. He feels like he can't think, wobbles back and forth as he tries to get his balance. Mistress talks, and he lowers his head, looking down at her cock.

It's soaked with spit, and so are her balls. Must clean. She says so.

He drags his tongue along her shaft, dragging it up towards the tip and then back down towards the base. The spicy, hot taste of her musk and pre pushes him on, and his own cock throbs, dripping over her legs and toes. He lowers his head, dragging his tongue over her balls, making them rise, letting them fall, and doing it again and again. He tastes her every time, dragging him deeper into his trance._

She leans back, exposing her other sex, and he dives in, his beak pushing it open wide. She grins at him, and he knows that he is a good slave, a good gryphorca, a good toy to her. He fucks her pussy with his face, using his beak to open her more than his fingers or tongue would, and she moans, rewarding him with her tail up his ass-pussy. He takes it happily, dripping ever more.

In and out, in and out he moves, fucking her for her pleasure, giving her an orgasm. Giving her two.

She pushes him back, and he looks up at her, panting, gasping. She makes him open his mouth, and lets him see in the mirror. His mouth is coated in latex, as is his throat. He is altered, a corrupted sex toy.

She stands him up, grabbing his cock again. She strokes him, the tingle following along. She transforms it, taking it from a simple shaft to something thicker, something bigger. The head flattens out further, and the middle bulges, forming a ring as it gets bigger, fatter, longer. A horse cock, he vaguely realizes. A horse cock that is suitable for rutting.

He leans back as it grows bigger and bigger, pushed back against the wall as she pins him there. His feet are locked in, his massive ass flattened out. He can't stop her. He doesn't want to stop the mistress.

When the transformation is done, she leaps on, riding his cock. It's hard to focus, hard to think as she pushes him inside of her, using him as a dildo for her. She fucks her pussy, and then her ass, using him as a toy, using him as a thing. He likes it; throbbing, dripping inside of her, unable to cum, unable to hold back. He wants to cum, but he will not ask. She must tell him when.

Faster, faster, she rides him, cumming multiple times, until she seems satisfied. He feels the chains come off, falls to all fours, everything throbbing in need. He can't think. Doesn't want to think. He just wants to be -

FILLED! Yes! She takes him from behind, her cock ramming into his ass-pussy, reaming him and filling him with a spit and pre slick cock. He moans like the bitch he is, arching his back and taking it like a slut. She whispers to him, telling him things that he can't understand, calling him names. Toy. Bitch. Slut. Slave. All things that make his cock harder against her magic.

He moans louder, louder, pushing back against her, and finally, feels a tingle. His cock is released, and he cums.

God, he cums...

Zarrow woke up later, his belly bulging with a shape he recognized as eggs, and his legs pinned under his own pillowy ass. He groaned, slowly lifting his head up.

He wasn't pinned to the wall anymore, that was something, and there was no sign of the dragoness anywhere. However, he still had a horse cock...and as he looked in the mirror, he still had a throat coated with latex.


And an ass-pussy that was so heavily creampied that he could probably stick a fence-post up there.

As he'd half-expected, there was a customer satisfaction survey next to him, as well as a small letter. He picked it up, scanning over it.

_Bird Slut,

You didn't do too badly. You fainted a little early for my tastes, admittedly, but you did last long enough to get me off a fair number of times. I can appreciate that, and I've left you a little gift, as you've doubtlessly discovered.

The latex will wear off in a few weeks, but I'm sure your other 'friends' will enjoy your blowjobs all the more as a result. Your ass? That's up to you. Get your ass-pussy fucked enough times, and that'll stay permanent. Stay chaste for three weeks, and it'll fade. The size, though, will be up to you work off.

Heh, enjoy._

Zarrow slowly shook his head. Now that...that was a choice and a half.

The End

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