Anti-Valentine's Day

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: FriskeCrisps some time back for an alternative Valentine's Day thing that I didn't get around to posting in time.

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Anti-Valentine's Day For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon

Crisp shook his head as he worked his hand up and down his cock, the wolf halfway through a much-needed jerk-off session. He could feel his orgasm at the back of his mind, lazily making its way forward, and he was happy enough with that.

Just as long as Drac stays out of the apartment for a bit, I should be good to really enjoy myself...

It was hard enough to get time alone with his dragon roommate always hanging around the apartment, either doing work on his laptop or spending time in the main room. Crisp wasn't much of an exhibitionist, and while he didn't have anything against having fun with others, he was pretty sure that the dragon preferred his own company for most things...and he wasn't one for putting on a show, usually.

That, plus thin walls, had led to him being severely backed up, and with the dragon out looking for something to do for Valentine's Day, it should give him time to get off.

The wolf groaned as he stroked himself a little faster, looking down at the big red shoes that he was wearing. They squeezed on his feet from how old they were, just left over from the last part of his teenage years, but they were his favorite. Bright red, a bit silly, and definitely not something the average wolf would be caught dead wearing, they looked...well, like he thought, silly. And that made him harder.

He groaned as he squeezed his cock, feeling it ooze a bit from how pent-up he was. He panted, starting to stroke a little faster. If he did this quick enough, he could get at least two sessions in, and no more worries about -


Crisp jumped up at the sound from the other end of the apartment, yanking his sweats back up as fast as he could before running to the door. He clicked it shut, staring down at his bulge with a blush, before bending down again. Tugging his shoes off so that they weren't clomping around - and almost falling over in the process - Crisp made sure that he wasn't still panting before opening the door again.

Their shared apartment wasn't that big. The door coming in opened on a central hallway, with his bedroom and the dragon's on one side, and the living room, bathroom, and the kitchen on the other. Drac had already walked over to the living room and flopped out on the couch, the dragon grumbling just out of earshot.

"Uh, bad day?"

"Hmmph. You could say that."

Shaking his head, the wolf stepped out into the living room, and sat down on the arm of the couch. The dragon, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, continued grumbling. Drac didn't bother looking up, only taking a deep breath here and there while covering his head with an arm.

"Let me guess...Valentine's Day depression?"




"Gonna move your big feet off of the couch and let me sit down?"


The dragon moved his legs, and Crisp took a seat on the edge of the couch. He waited until Drac was a bit more comfortable, settling in himself, before continuing.

"So, what happened?"

"Eh, made the mistake of walking into one of those dollar stores. Wanted to get some batteries, but..."

"Saw all the Valentine's displays?"

"Pretty much. As if I needed the reminder that I'm single again, every single store just seemed to want to rub it in my face with all those cards and hearts hanging from the ceiling and - blech."

The dragon threw up his hands.

"I'm just sick of it at the moment. Sorry."

"No worries."

He shook his head a bit, looking at the TV. The wolf was tempted to turn it on and get a little background noise going, but it had the same risk as going to another store. The commercials and shows were all about love plots and stuff at the moment, and while Drac was the worse of the two of them about it, he wasn't in the mood for seeing it, either.

It wasn't until Drac grunted and nudged him with a foot that Crisp realized that his roommate hadn't stopped talking.

"Sorry, spaced."

"Yeah? Dreaming of your shoe-store again?"

"Hey, hey, at least it's an achievable dream."

"All around shoes all day long. Heh, do you even need to date, Crisp?"

The wolf blushed, groaning.

"Loooow blow."

"Hey, you're the one who -"

"Don't say it!"

He held up a cushion threateningly, and the black dragon laughed, shaking his head a few times until Crisp put it back down. Didn't take his hand off of the cushion, though; the dragon could be waiting for that.

As if I'd want to own a shoe-store just for that, he thought, unable to quite shake his blush as he remembered that particular conversation with his roommate. It'd been part of their first meeting, discussing things that might bother the other person, and they'd gotten down to what would happen if they started bringing people home. Drac had admitted that there'd probably be a fair bit of smells coming from his room, due to dragon biology and producing pheromones, while he...

Well, it had gotten onto the topic of fetishes before long, and the black dragon still hadn't let him live it down that shoes enticed him more than people.

Looking for a distraction, Crisp cleared his throat.

"So, you want to do anything for dinner? Take our minds off of the crap going on out there?"

"Tempting, but I don't think we have anything that good for me to cook with. We used up all the veg and steak two nights ago, and we're out of leftovers."


"Probably. I'll get this one."

"Su - ohhhh, no you don't."

The dragon arched an eyebrow, but Crisp knew that look. Just like he knew what Draconicon would be ordering if he was the one paying for it. The wolf grumbled, reaching for his wallet as his friend protested.

"Hey, I said I'd get it."

"Yeah, and what are you going to get? Sushi. You always get sushi when you're the one buying food."

"It's good stuff!"

"Yeah, but I'm getting sick of fish. Here."

He slapped a twenty and a ten-dollar bill onto the couch cushion between them.

"Get us a couple of pizzas."

"But they're boring."

"Yeah, but we haven't had them in a while, and they're not fish."

"Yeah, yeah...I'll get an order in a minute."

Crisp nodded, keeping a hand on the cushion until the dragon got off the couch and went over to the phone. Even then, he waited to make sure that it was pizza being ordered rather than sushi before putting it down completely.

Smash Bros. was always a good distraction, and this was no exception. He and Drac managed to get through a good four matches before the pizza guy knocked on the door, and he hadn't thought about Valentine's day even once. Crisp flopped back on the couch, shaking his head at the pause screen. Mario was just about to go flying off the map, with Link still in mid-swing with a home-run bat.

"That's a cheap tactic, Drac."

"Hey, it works."

"So does spamming the smash attacks, but you don't see me doing that."

"Mostly because you're upper cutting me to kingdom come."

A pizza box plopped into his lap, and the wolf yelped at the sudden heat spreading over his crotch. Grabbing the sides of it, he quickly shifted it to the arm of the couch and glared at the dragon.

No help from him. Drac was already digging into his own pizza, a third of the way through a slice of pepperoni before he looked back, and shrugged.


"Hot box, furry lap."

"Your problem."

Rolling his eyes, he flipped open his own box, grabbing a slice and starting to munch away. The tasty flavors of melted cheese, hot tomato sauce, and crispy meats flooded his mouth, and he just let himself enjoy the dinner.

They were about halfway through the food when Drac finally spoke up again.

"So, think that next year is going to be any different?"

"For me, or you?"


"Eh...I don't know. You'll probably have more luck than me. Least you only gotta find someone that'll let you -"

"Hey, hey, not while we're eating, huh?"

"Heh, good point."

Crisp finished off his fourth slice before shutting the pizza box. The rest would keep until morning, and considering just how many toppings were loaded onto that thing, probably best that he didn't push his belly any further. It didn't always thank him for a heavy dinner, these days.

"But yeah, you might get someone. I'll probably be dealing with being single, still."

"Why do you think that?"

"Heh, do you really think I'm that likely to find someone? Seriously, I've got my own issues."

"...Yeah, I hear that, but it's still a pity. You're a good guy, Crisp."

"Heh, so are you."

"...There aren't any cameras around here, right? This is starting to sound like some Lifetime special where people get into a new relationship or something."

The wolf laughed out loud, almost falling off of the couch at that. He grabbed at his stomach, shaking his head rapidly.

"God, hell no. I'm not looking for something like that."

"Good. I mean, bi here, but I'd prefer to keep you as a friend than something like that."

"Prefer you as a friend as well, Drac. I mean, you'd look good in some sneakers, maybe dancing around a little with your dick hanging out, but I don't think you'd really be boyfriend material for me."

The dragon looked him in the eye, and Crisp realized what he'd just said. He blushed, rubbing the back of his head.

Way to go, Crisp. Make it awkward.

He got up, taking the pizza box to the fridge to try and distract himself. The wolf wasn't usually that crude about things, particularly not with Drac. They'd made the boundaries clear, and he wasn't trying to step over them, so...where the hell did that come from?

Blue balls was the obvious thought, considering how he hadn't even gotten off yet, but he doubted that was the only reason. He'd been blue-balled before, and it was a pain, but it wasn't something that led to him just talking about dicks and sex with the dragon. They were friends, but they weren't that sort of friends.

Am I getting that hard-up for any sort of action? It was certainly a possibility. It wasn't like he had that many people that shared his interests, and those that did were all online and quite a ways away from him. Not to mention either more obsessed than he was or, again, not the sort of material for a boyfriend.

As he put the pizza box away, another realization hit him. He was getting hard.

Should have changed out of the sweat pants, he thought, shaking his head and blushing worse than he expected. His cock was already pressing forward, starting to make the front of his pants tent upwards, and he knew that the minute he turned around, Drac would see it. Then, well...he had little doubt that the laughter might commence.

He lingered by the fridge, even going so far as to push his dick into the cold to try and get it to go down, but nothing seemed to work. Whenever he looked down, it was still there, and when he thought about heading back over to the couch, it seemed to throb that much harder.

"Hey, Crisp, everything okay over there?"

"Yeah, just, uh, making sure that it all fits into the fridge."

"If you're sure."

Definitely wasn't sure, but what was he going to say? That he was starting to imagine the dragon doing what he just suggested, putting on a big pair of sneakers and stomping around the room, making his dick bounce around until it was hard enough for -

Ah crap...

He felt it, then. The first bit of pre oozing out into his sweats. There was no saving them now, and he knew that they would only get darker the longer that he started thinking about this. The wolf blushed hard, rubbing the back of his head.

There were two choices. He could run back to the couch and cover himself with a pillow, or he could make his way back to his room and hope that Drac didn't question why he was changing his clothes. Either way, he had a pretty good chance of getting fucked over in the process, and he was pretty sure that the whole clothes-changing thing would be quite a bit more obvious. goes nothing.

He walked back over to the couch, trying to pretend that nothing was going on, but as he reached for a pillow, Drac looked down, and

The wolf's blush got so much worse as he felt his friend just staring at him, and his bulge did the same, bouncing up and down in his sweatpants as it was stared at. He shivered as a tingle went up and down his spine, and he turned his head away.

"Sorry, um, just, uh..."

"Pent-up pretty bad, huh?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"Well, you know, not that different here."

Crisp blinked, turning back.


"Trust me, you'd know if I'd done anything to relieve myself lately. Remember what I said about dragons being a little on the fragrant side?"


"You smelled anything lately?"

"Not really."

"There's your answer."

"Come on, you can't be that -"

Draconicon shut him up in mid-sentence by reaching down to the zipper of his jeans. Crisp stared, unable to speak as the zipper went down and the dragon's dick just flopped out, pulled through the front by its own weight, followed by his balls a few seconds later. They were, to put it mildly, huge, even bigger than his had been after two weeks of no privacy and no fun.

The wolf stared at them before he realized that the room was filling with a small scent of musk that was rapidly getting stronger. He groaned, rubbing his nose a few times until the dragon put his dick away.

"Mmmph...I'm seeing what you mean about the smell."

"Yeah. Pheromones and all that. Works a treat on some people, while it drives other people to disgust."


He wasn't entirely sure where he fell on that line. On the one hand, he didn't know if he really liked the smell of the dragon's dick and balls, but at the same time, it wasn't bothering him. Certainly wasn't making his own boner go down, that was for freaking sure.

As the dragon zipped back up, Crisp rubbed the back of his head. So much for getting embarrassed, but the situation had gotten a hell of a lot more awkward. What did one do when one's roommate just flashed their dick like that? Or when they started talking about how they could use some relief as...well...

The wolf blinked, and slowly turned to face his roommate again, just as Drac turned to face him. The dragon smiled.

"I think we just had the same idea."

"Maybe...what were you thinking?"

"Two lonely guys on Valentine's Day? I think that we should do something extra fun to take our minds off of everything."


"And I don't mean games and pizza. Just a night of fun, huh? What do you say?"

"And by fun, you mean..."

There was only the slightest blush on the dragon's face as a black scaled hand reached down, grabbing him by the crotch. Crisp gasped at the feeling, groaning as the dragon stroked him through his sweat pants a few times, making the dark spot on the end of his tent that much more obvious.

"I think you get the idea..."

"Y-yeah...I'd say so."

"So, you want to go first?"

"What do you mean, first?"

Drac chuckled.

"I mean, I'll do something for you, then you do something for me, and we switch off until we're satisfied."

"You serious about this?"

"Well, I wouldn't be open to everything, but for a few treats here and there -"

"Deal. I'll be right back."

Crisp leaped to his feet and ran out of the room, his cheeks on fire and his cock swaying back and forth inside of his sweats and underwear. It was still embarrassing, but if Draconicon was actually serious about this...

He ran into his bedroom and started rooting around in the closet. There was something he'd picked up from the store, just in case something like this ever happened, or if he ever got up the bravery to pull off a prank on the big guy. The idea of actually doing this more, well, consensually had never even occurred to him as a possibility.

Finally, he found the box, and pulled it out. His cock was throbbing harder than ever, leaving an imprint on the front of his sweats as he walked back to the living room.

It was only slightly surprising to see that Draconicon had already stripped out of his pants, the dragon not wearing any underwear as he waited. The wolf's cheeks burned as he laid the box down on the small table in front of the couch. As the dragon's musk started filling the room, he pulled the box open, and dragged out a pair of high-top red sneakers. Drac arched an eyebrow as the wolf held them out.

"What are -"

"I'd, uh...really like you to wear these."

"Part of your whole shoe thing?"


"Heh, alright."

The dragon took them from him, and Crisp watched with a throbbing boner as Draconicon pulled them onto his feet, one by one. The soft rasp of the laces coming undone, the crinkling of the packing paper inside coming out, everything added to his whole enjoyment of the scene.

He bit his lips a bit as the dragon undid the laces down to the bottom, lifting one huge black foot and pressing his toes to the stretched opening. The shoe barely seemed big enough to take that foot inside, the fabric and material stretching wide as the ball of the foot pushed in, narrowing around the arch before swelling again around the heel. The laces stretched outwards to accommodate the dragon's foot, and his roommate really had to push to make his heel pop in past the mouth of the shoe.

The process repeated with the other one, and Crisp couldn't believe how much he was getting into this part alone. His cock was throbbing at the height of erection, and he could feel it grinding against his own pre-soaked front, leaving him whimpering a little as his roommate pulled the shoe on, kicking down on the floor to settle it.

It wasn't until Drac offered the shoe to him, laces still undone, that he realized that he was almost drooling. The dragon waved his shoe back and forth, the laces clicking against the sides.

"Heh, you look like you're almost ready to cum as it is."


"Heh, why don't you lace me up? Seems like something you'd enjoy."

It rather was, in a way. The sound and feel of the laces coming together was all part of his kink, and the fact that Draconicon was giving him so much...

He reached out, taking the laces and pulling them tight, feeling the shoe actually groan a little from the pressure it was under from inside and outside. He tugged the laces until he saw the dragon grunt in return, and then pulled them tight, rapidly tying it into a bow and dragging it into a proper loop. The laces ground together as he pulled the two-circle shape out, and double-knotted it so that it wouldn't come off so quickly.

He almost felt like he was tying someone up in bondage from how big the dragon's feet were, and how much they had struggled to get into the shoes in the first place. It was like he had been pushed into a too-small cell, and now he was being chained up. Crisp blushed at the thought, working the other laces together, tying them tight.

"You are getting really into this."

"I can't help it. It's sexy to me."

"Well, whatever floats your boat."'

This was definitely doing that for him. Crisp blushed as he tied the laces together, but before Drac could pull the shoes away, he also took the loops of the knot and tied them together, keeping the shoes closely bonded to one another. The dragon wobbled as he pulled his legs back, looking down at them.

"What the..."

"Just, um...walk around. Or, uh, hop around, I guess."

He was amazed that all he got was a bit of a confused look from the dragon before his roommate was on his feet. Drac couldn't do much more than shuffle around on his bound shoes, but he did move around the room, his dick smacking back and forth between his thighs in the process. The big, stupidly-sized shoes barely seemed to hold those oversized feet, and the wolf blushed as he watched the whole thing.

"Do you mind if I -"

"Hey, go ahead. Whole point is to have a little fun."

Crisp nodded, though he still blushed as he pulled down the front of his sweats. He started to pull at his underwear...but stopped before he could drag it down. It wasn't that he didn't want to stroke himself, but more that he was still rather shy about it all. Perhaps...

He started stroking himself through his underwear instead, grabbing his cock and stroking it into the pre-soaked front, unable to stop himself. He blushed as he saw the dragon watching, but he kept stroking anyway, watching those shoes.

Draconicon was almost hopping around the room, barely keeping his footing as he moved from one side of the living room to the other, having to hobble and hop and squirm to keep from falling over. The shoes were tied so tightly that he couldn't break the knot by walking, and his dick kept swaying from side to side, smacking his thighs, and then - as it got harder - swaying and smacking against his crotch instead. The smell in the room was getting stronger, of dragon cock and musk and...

And Crisp was starting to enjoy it.

He groaned as he stroked himself harder, faster, and was hardly able to stop himself as the dragon hopped back towards the couch. Drac flopped down, falling over as the knots finally got the better of him, and Crisp whimpered, pushed right to the edge as the black dragon fell down. The sight of his roommate hard and throbbing, those stupid sneakers flying up in the air as they tripped him -

"Push them...push them on me..."

Drac got it right away, and Crisp gasped out loud as he felt those sneakers grinding against his crotch, the treads along the bottom pressing against his bulge and smearing it, grinding pre around, pushing his cock flat against his crotch. He arched his back, humping against the bottom once, twice -

Before he finally moaned. His cock twitched and pulsed as he came in his sweatpants, pulsing and shooting all over the insides. He blushed as he felt the slimy feeling coating his cock and his balls, and knew that he would need a shower to get rid of all the mess down there...but it was the first big orgasm that he'd had in weeks, so he hardly cared.

He kept shooting and shooting for almost half a minute, leaving him gasping as he finally slumped back down against the couch. The wolf shivered, shaking his head a few times, as the dragon finally pulled his shoes back.

"Looks like you needed that."

"You idea..."

"I got some idea. I mean, look at me. I'm hard as a rock right now, and I don't even get into shoes."

"Heh...fair point..."

Crisp shook his head a few times, slowly pulling himself back up as his sweats fell to the ground. He shook his head a few times as he looked at the dragon's cock, and blushed.

"So, uh, what were you hoping I'd do?"

"Well, I was thinking we'd start with a bit of foot stuff. So, off with the socks, Crisp."

The wolf nodded slowly, reaching down to his socks. He'd only put them on for his own sneaker-play earlier, so they weren't that well-worn. He dragged them off, blushing as the dragon watched him do it. The same fascination that he'd had with seeing Drac put the shoes on was there as he took his socks off.

Guess he's got a bigger thing for feet than he usually admits, he thought as he dragged one off, and then the other. Draconicon gestured, and the wolf pulled his feet around, offering them to the dragon.

Scaly hands supported his ankles, and left him free to just watch as his roommate started dragging his nose around the bottom of his feet. The wolf blushed a bit, biting his lips to hold back a giggle whenever the sniffing and nuzzling got a bit ticklish, but he was rather enjoying seeing the dragon indulge himself.

It was a little more awkward when the black dragon started stroking himself, admittedly, but he figured that was just part of the process.

Drac dragged his head back and forth, and Crisp held himself still as the dragon sniffed and nuzzled against the arches of his feet, against his toes, and against the soft spots between them. The feeling of having someone rubbing against his feet like that was beyond new and weird, and at the same time, it was...rather flattering, in a way. Not sexy, perhaps, but flattering that someone appreciated a random part of him so much.

However, a pillow was needed when the dragon started licking. Crisp gasped and giggled into the pillow he stuffed over his face, fighting the urge to kick out at the dragon and knock him back. His toes curled quickly as that forked tongue flicked from heel to toe, and he was soon left a fountain of giggles.

It didn't stop, either. Drac kept on licking and dragging his tongue up and down the wolf's feet, and only the firm grip on his ankles kept his legs from lashing out after a few seconds. His stomach twitched and shook as he laughed and laughed from the forked tongue flicking along his arch, and he laughed his head off as it kept dragging up to and between his toes.

It felt like almost ten minutes before the dragon stopped, but when he looked at the clock, it had only been about two. He gasped for breath, shaking his head as Draconicon smiled at him.

"Looks like you got a bit of a ticklish spot there."

"Shuuuuut up."

"Heh, don't worry. I wasn't thinking of pushing that for much more."

" didn't cum yet, did you?"

"No, but I was thinking I'd come somewhere else, anyway. You don't have enough practice with this sort of thing, I think, to really let me finish."


"No offense. I just want to make sure that a footjob is good, since it's hard to cum from that, anyway."

"So, what do you want?"

"Well, I'd kinda need you to take off your underwear for that."

Crisp's eyes went wide, and he sat up in a hurry. Looking down at Drac's cock, he could see that the thing had gotten pretty big, even bigger than when the dragon had been walking around in those shoes. It had to be at least a foot long, if not a little longer, and with a thickness that would put a soda can to shame.

"You better not be thinking -"

"Oh, come on. It's not like it's impossible."

"Drac, you're huge."

"And you're gonna be pretty willing for it, in a bit."

"What do you -"

"Pheromones, remember?"

The wolf blinked, and slowly took a sniff of the air. The pungent smell of a dragon's musk was still so strong, but not so nose-burningly powerful as before. As he took one breath, and then another, he blushed as he felt a twitch under his tail. He shook his head, trying to ignore it, but each subsequent breath was only making it worse.

"Ugh...this...this is what you guys do?"

"Yeah, sorry. It's kind of a biology thing. But hey, at least it makes this part easier, right?"


"Something about body signals, loosening of muscles as well as inhibitions. That sort of thing. Has a stronger effect on dragonesses, admittedly, but it can hit just about anyone. Male dragons are just about the only ones immune to it."

"And you didn't - nnngh - tell me?"

"Hey, if you don't want to -"

He honestly wasn't sure if he did want to, but the fact that the pheromones were getting stronger and stronger and his ass was twitching more and more told him that he'd need something back there. He'd never gone with something so big, but he knew a craving when he felt one. It wasn't as bad as the shoe stuff, but it was pretty damn close.

The wolf whimpered as he got up from the couch, pulling down his briefs. He didn't let the dragon see him from the front, but that was fine. Instead, he pulled them down and immediately leaned against the arm of the couch, putting his ass in the air.


"Heh...okay. Let's do this."

It was quick, at least. Draconicon's dick was dripping so much that it was like holding a bottle of lube over his ass, and the wolf shivered as the dragon fingered the goo right into him, spreading a head inside of him before pressing that hardness to his hole. Crisp moaned at the contact, only to gasp at the penetration.

"Ooooh, fuck..."

It was huge, but that had to be good, right? The bigger it felt, the tighter he'd feel around it, and the pent-up dragon couldn't last that long...he hoped.

4 hours later...

Crisp groaned, feeling like his balls had been shrunken down to marbles from all the play that he and Drac had gotten through. The anal session had been the start, but it had gone further than that. Tap-dancing from the dragon, education on footjobs for him, a blowjob for Drac - after cleaning up - and a shoelace-cockring blowjob for him...

They'd come up with a lot to do, and it was finally enough to leave him satisfied. He flopped over the couch, groaning.


"Heh...I could probably go another two rounds, but I can stop there."


"Open a window?"

"Yeah, probably a good idea. Pheromones are probably spent, anyway."

The soft crack of a window brought a relief to the room almost immediately, and Crisp let out a sigh of relief. The need that those pheromones brought with them was slowly fading away, and he felt better. Not great, but better. He looked at the dragon, saw that Drac was going to take the first shower, and nodded at his roommate to go ahead before laying down again.

Well...Valentine's Day always sucks, but at least it gets better when you have a friend for something like that.

The End

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