Dragon Dungeon: Master Draconicon, Slave Torin

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another part of the Iron Author thing, this time it's Drac domming FA: Torin13 , and showing that gold slut how to be a good boy.

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Iron Author: Dragon's Dungeon Master Draconicon, Slave Torin For Torin13 By Draconicon

Torin paced around the surprisingly spacious dungeon, the gold feral dragon surprised that his friend had pulled together so much gear for a party like this.

"It's like walking through a mega-store of sex," he said, walking down one line of massive dildos. Half of them were even bigger than his own, and that was saying something.

The dungeon wasn't just stocked with dildos, either. He could see all sorts of things on the walls, from coils of ropes to long links of chains, to magical rings and accessories, to potions and drugs, to frames and other bondage equipment, to vibrators and latex suits and balls, and...

It was more than he'd seen in a single room before, he'd just leave it at that.

The gold dragon giggled as he wondered just what sorts of things would be used on him, and - for that matter - where his master for the night was.

Well, while Draconicon is away, Torin will play!

Smiling, the gold dragon walked over to one set of shelves and nosed a glass ball off of its stand. It slid off of the shelf, and he caught it on his back before it could fall to the floor. He watched it with an intense stare as it rolled down the spines on his back, going towards his tail before -


Torin pounced on the glass ball, giggling as he knocked it back and forth between his front paws, seeing it shimmer in the low light of the dungeons. Torches didn't do as much as regular light fixtures, but considering the dungeon was inside of a mountain, he supposed he couldn't be too picky.

Besides, it made the glass ball all the prettier. He got up on all fours again, batting it forward and then back, following it as it rolled along the floor. Back and forth, back and forth, almost imagining himself as some sort of soccer player. Forward, forward, unto -

"Please stop that."

Torin whipped his head around and promptly fell on his face as a result. The glass ball kept rolling forward, lightly bounced off of a stone wall, before rolling back towards the source of the voice. The gold dragon watched the ball come to a stop under a black-scaled foot. Torin lifted a front paw.

"Foul! No stopping the ball!"

"Heh, Torin. You're in the dungeon tonight, remember?"

"...Oh, yeah."

"Heh, you always have been a bit scatterbrained."

As the gold dragon got back to his feet, he watched the black dragon approach. Draconicon was the host for the whole event going on tonight, and was the one that had organized it, as well. The black-scaled dragon was a pretty imposing individual, standing seven feet tall - more than two feet over Torin's smaller, feral height - and had a rather stern set of eyes for looking at people with. Even looking at those empty white eyes from the side was rather intimidating.

Even so, he knew better than to be afraid of Draconicon. The black dragon was a kind enough person, and very, very kinky. It was one of the reasons he'd picked Drac to be his master for the night.

After setting the orb back on the shelf, his master turned to him, and Torin smiled.

"So, uh, are we going to start?"

"Yes, just wanted to go through your list real quick."

Torin nodded, waiting as the other dragon pulled a piece of paper from his robes. He unfolded it, and cleared his throat.

"Now, you wanted some orgasm denial, forced orgasm at the end, with mind control, musk, and various bits of 'forced' worship, yes?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh."

"Heh...isn't that what people make you do, anyway?"

"Well, I haven't had it in a dungeon, yet."

"Fair point."

The black dragon chuckled, folding the piece of paper back up before putting it into a robe pocket. Then, he started taking it off, and Torin watched eagerly.

The black cloth came off of the other dragon's shoulders, revealing a fairly thick frame that narrowed down towards his waist. A few scars here and there, but nothing that obvious compared to the rest of the dark scales. The gold dragon watched as the robes came further and further undone, until they revealed what he really wanted.

Drooling as the other dragon's cock came into view, Torin licked his lips at the sight of the seven inch soft cock hanging over a pair of balls as big as his own, if not even bigger. It was a lovely sight, and he just knew that it would be a good feeling, having that one inside of him. He wondered if it was going to be as musky as he kept hearing other people talk about, but he supposed he'd find that out in short order.

He sat down on his haunches, looking up at the dragon with a giggle as Draconicon kicked the robe aside. It landed somewhere in the shadows, but that wasn't the important part.

What was important were the things that the black dragon was pulling off of the shelves. Several vials, a couple of toys...all tucked under his arms before walking over.

Torin bowed his head, hoping to get at that dick, but Draconicon pulled his head back up before he could get close. Whimpering, he tried to struggle back, but the other dragon held him still.

"Torin, tonight, you're a slave. That means, you do what you're told. Understand?"

"Alright, alright. I just want -"

"Ah ah. No. Don't start doing that."

The black dragon booped his nose, and Torin blinked, pulling back and batting his forepaw at the poked part.

While he was doing that, Draconicon pulled one specific vial out, and gestured.

"Roll over."

That was easy enough. The gold dragon lowered himself to his belly and then rolled onto his back, exposing his underside. He curled his forepaws up against his chest, and let his hind legs spread as far as they would go, exposing everything. He wondered if Drac would start fucking him now...but no, the other dragon instead walked over to him and started uncorking the vial he'd picked out.

Black goo rolled back and forth within it, and as he upended it, Torin felt a deep chill run out from his cock as it was covered. He shivered.


"It'll warm up. And besides, we want to get you niiiice and eager."

"What do you - mmmph! Oh, oh, oh!"

Torin's hips started hunching upwards, thrusting towards the air as the black goo sealed around his cock. He leaned his head up to watch, staring as the black ooze slid into his sheath and seemed to yank his cock right out, forcing him hard in short order and squeezing down on his dick in a way that he had never expected. He groaned, almost feeling like a pair of hands were around his cock, squeezing and stroking and twisting it.

Whimpering, the gold dragon shook his head, trying to focus, but that milking feeling around his cock just kept going, the tip feeling like it was being sucked on while the rest felt like an endless series of hands were stroking him up and down, teasing his cock to within an inch of its tolerance. He whimpered, trying to grab it -


Draconicon stopped him from leaning forward, planting a slick black foot on the side of his face. Torin let himself get pushed back down, panting and gasping at the strange, impossible milking going on, his eyes rolling back and eyelids fluttering at the pleasure.

"Ah...ah...it's so...so..."

"You'll get release soon enough, little dragon. First, though, you need to show your own loyalty here."

The black foot lifted up, toes wiggling and fanning a heavy scent of musk his way. Torin's nose immediately flared, sucking in the scent until his entire body had a shiver go through it. Draconicon pressed the toes to his lips, and Torin opened wide.

"Heh, that's it. You're like a little doormat there, aren't you?"

He couldn't even nod, only sit there with that musky foot in his mouth. He could feel it grinding on his tongue, leaving the taste of sweat and salt, of flesh and musk behind, and his eyes rolled back in his head at the potent flavor. He was used to getting that strength of it from someone's cock and balls, but from a foot...god...

The dragon leaned back further, his head resting on the floor and only propped up by his horns as Draconicon dragged his foot back and forth. His tongue felt like it was getting ground on, all that flavor getting wiped over his tongue, leaving him tasting that musk constantly. His cock throbbed all the harder from it, almost going over the edge before the strange goo pulled him back again.

And the smell...

The musk was so powerful, even with the foot inside of his mouth rather than outside of it. He shuddered every time that he took a breath, the combined taste and smell making him hunch his hips again and again, his thoughts getting washed away with every new breath of it. The gold dragon happily breathed in more and more, feeling himself get lost to the sensation.

At some point, his master pulled his foot away, and the other one pressed into his mouth. Torin lightly closed his jaws, trapping the sole and toes inside of his mouth, and sucked slowly, dragging his tongue along the sole and collecting the taste a bit more forcefully, a bit more eagerly.

"Mmm, good boy, Torin. You're not a bad footslave."

Torin slowly nodded, not ceasing his licking. The fog in his head was getting thicker by the moment, and it was not helped by the constant milking. He couldn't stop thrusting, couldn't stop trying to find something to grind on as his pleasure kept on going up. It felt so good, and the musk felt so nice around his body, drawing him in, making him feel like he was doing a good thing. He was a good boy, a good dragon.

The foot slipped free of his mouth with a pop, grinding along the sides of his face. Torin tried to chase it, nuzzling the air and occasionally along the black dragon's arch, but it was always just out of reach. He whimpered, panting, until his master finally took it away entirely.

"All fours, slave."

Torin reacted immediately, whipping around until he was on all fours. He looked around for more orders, only to find himself on crotch level in the space of a couple of seconds. He stared straight ahead, looking at the dick that was presented to him, and knew what was required.

Opening his mouth, he let the thick shaft slide along his tongue and into his snout. Torin closed his eyes, moaning as he took more and more of it, feeling inches pass by his lips until he was finally pressed firm against the other dragon's scaly crotch. One breath wiped away what was left in his head, all thoughts disappearing under that hot, almost spicy musk that rolled up his nose and into his head.

His chin rested on the black dragon's balls, and he moaned as he felt them churning beneath him. They were so big, so productive, and he could taste the pre that was already coming out. So soft and warm, and so...so plentiful.

Torin had to swallow again, and again, just to keep his mouth from filling up as the dragon leaked so much pre, and he moaned with every swallow. His hips kept bucking forward, his body feeling on the edge of orgasm inside that strange, gooey thing around his cock, but he couldn't go over. All he could do was serve.




It was such a good word. Torin bobbed his head up and down, happily sucking along that thick cock, feeling it spreading his lips wide, his jaws feeling good with the slight fatigue that came from a good blowjob. His eyes opened to slits, watching that shaft disappearing into his mouth again and again, feeling it opening him up, opening up his mind and his body. It tasted so good...and it was so huge...


The black dragon's hand rested on his head, and Torin nuzzled it as much as he could as he kept on sucking, pulling that shaft deeper into his throat. He tasted the musk, smelled it, felt it filling him. There was no escaping the scent, no pulling away from it.

He wasn't sure how long he kept sucking, wasn't sure how long that cock filled his mouth, but eventually he felt his head getting pulled back, gently hands on his horns directing him to something new. Torin went along with it, happy to obey his master, happy to give more pleasure to that musky crotch.

Down he went, his lips pressed to a pair of testicles so huge and round that they felt like plump grapefruits against his face. He nuzzled them, feeling the sweat coming off against his scales and loving it, panting hard as he realized he was getting scent marked by the bigger dragon's balls.


"Good slave, good Torin...suck on them."

Torin moaned and nodded, opening his mouth and pressing his lips to those thick orbs. He wanted to suck on both of them at once, but they were too big, too round for him to get past his lips. He settled for one, and pulled it in, tasting that same salty musk that had been on everything else. Whimpering happily, he pulled at it, sucking it into his mouth as far as he could until his master groaned.

Even then, he kept licking, pressing down ever so gently with his lips to give them that little bit of pressure. They swelled and rolled in his mouth as he switched between them, and he could feel the soft churning of constant production inside. Such beautiful cum makers, such hard workers.


The dragon looked up with one ball still in his mouth, turning his head slightly to the side. It was hard to see and harder to think, but he thought that there was something in the air above him. Some sort of...some sort of loop?

"Collar time, slave."

Collar...Collar, he understood that. Torin nodded, slowly pushing the balls out of his mouth to offer his neck. Leather wrapped around his neck, as well as a leash, and he felt himself getting dragged along. The gold dragon followed, all four legs plodding along clumsily and slowly as he drifted along in his world of servitude and musk.

He wasn't sure how far they walked. Maybe a few rooms, maybe a few feet. Wasn't sure. What he was sure about was that his back legs had been spread, tied apart, while his tail had been tied to his collar and his neck to the floor, keeping him from moving.

Clawed fingers rubbed around his rim, and he moaned under his breath, happily rolling his hips to meet the slight rubs. He didn't want to get away; he didn't need to. The master would take care of him, use him, and give him everything he needed.

Pleasure clouded his mind, making it hard to think as that tube on his cock continued to milk him, the sucking feeling from the tip expanding all the way down his cock, with a strange, tongue-like feeling working along with it. He moaned, trying to thrust, but even that was denied to him now, only leaving him gasping and moaning on the very edge of climax, wanting so bad to go over.

Master's finger slipped inside of him, and his pucker flexed hard as he kept it inside of him. The feeling of it, the sensation of being filled, was just what he needed, and Torin moaned out loud, unable to stop himself.

"Ooooooh, yes...more...more...please master, more!"

"Heh, you'll get it, no worries. Just hold on a bit..."

One finger became two, then three, then four, spreading his ass wide. The gold dragon leaned forward, unable to help himself at the powerful sensations rushing through him, begging for more with his tongue hanging out. They plunged into him hard and fast, working him hard and making his cock throb even harder. He was so close...so close...

He wanted to cum, but the goo wouldn't let him. He felt it tighten around him, keeping his cock hard, holding his cum back. He whimpered, bucking his ass back on those four fingers, hoping for more -

Only to feel them pop free of his hole. Torin whimpered, stomping his feet in need, only to feel something thicker, heavier pressing against his ass.


"You want to be fucked."

"I...I want to be fucked...so bad..."

Yes, it was a perfectly correct thought. He wanted to be fucked, wanted it more than he'd wanted anything in a long time. He needed to be fucked, needed to be filled, needed to be used. He was a slave, he was a toy. He was here for being fucked, and nothing else. The gold dragon pressed back, but the master's cock was just that little bit too far away, only giving him heat, not the filling he needed.

"Please...please master..."

"You want to be fucked, and cum."

"Want to be fucked...and cum..."

"Want to be a good slut?"

"Want to...be a good slut..."

"Want to be an obedient slave?"


"Are you a good boy?"

"I'm a...good boy..."

"Then here you go."

The dragon slammed in, the thick head of his cock forcing its way past the gold dragon's rim in one firm thrust. Torin moaned at the top of his lungs, throwing his head back as his pucker stretched to its limits, the black dragon's cock filling him to the brim and beyond. He felt those heavy balls smack against him, still wet with spit, and whimpered as he realized how full he was going to be in short order.

In and out, in and out that thick cock went, and Torin moaned every time that those heavy black balls slapped against his ass. He arched his back as much as his restraints would let him, his throbbing cock dragging along the floor from how hard it was, the goo rubbing him, teasing him.

But nothing, nothing compared to the cock that was pounding away inside of him. Every hilting thrust felt like it should have taken him over the edge to orgasm, every slam into him felt like he should have been blowing his load. Yet, it just kept building, getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

Torin whimpered, trying to wriggle back for more, but all he could do was take it, his fat-ass bouncing every time that the black dragon hilted with him, and whimpering when he felt master spanking him, making him jiggle more.

"A big, round-assed slut...needing dick..."

"Round-assed slut...needing dick..."

"An eager slut...a needy pet..."

"Eager slut...needy pet..."

He whimpered and moaned, feeling that need growing with everything that master said. If he didn't have a chance to blow soon, he would lose his mind. He needed this released. He needed it so badly, and if he didn't get it...

Master kept humping away, Torin's eyes glazing over further and further, mouth hanging open and drool coming out as he was rutted and fucked. Master was humping so hard, thrusting so fast. He didn't know how long...minutes...hours...

Then...one word. One magical word...


Torin roared at the top of his lungs as an opening popped in the goo on his cock, and he came. He came, and he came, and he came, his ass squeezing down hard as he gushed all over the floor. His cock throbbed and flailed around like a fire hose out of control as he blew his load, splattering his front legs, his belly, his chest, the floor. The puddle got bigger and bigger, becoming a veritable flood.

And then...

Then it happened again.

Another roar, another orgasm, no smaller than the last, flooding the ground and sending a wave of white towards the far wall.


Torin roared as his cock was forced to cum again, blowing yet another load as his shaft was milked, his prostate attacked. He shot more, his balls shrinking down into him.


Torin whimpered as he blew another load, and then another, and another, his balls shrinking with every climactic explosion, his body tingling from head to toe...

He woke up, panting, sometime later, his body resting in some sort of harness. His ass felt very, very well-used, and his cock throbbed in painful soreness. He was still trying to catch his breath, and he wasn't even sure from what.

He looked to his side, and saw a little sheet next to him. Slowly, he reached out and pulled it over, looking at the top of the page and reading it out loud.

"Customer Satisfaction Survey...heh...Silly Drac..."

The End

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