The Pendant and the Imp, Chapter 1: Marked for Corruption

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The first of a three-chapter series commissioned by FA: bbbuuu , this series will follow an ex-knight named Allard, a spellsword named Callix, a mercenary named Fergus, and an imp named Amoro. Why? Because Allard's royally fucked with this imp following him around and a demon lord's coming for their asses, that's why.

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Part 1: (You are Here)

Part 2:

Part 3:

The Pendant and the Imp Chapter 1: Marked for Corruption For bbbuuu By Draconicon

As the debate over whether to stick together raged between the survivors, Allard kept to himself. The horse remained in the open, as he was the commander and could not withdraw, but his mind was elsewhere.

Forty men to five... he thought. Any other commander would have considered this raid a failure.

And perhaps he should, considering the consequences. They'd achieved their goal, and the money would be split a far fewer number of ways compared to a day before, but so many deaths, and so many revelations...

He leaned his muzzle against his fist as he watched the rest of his men argue. Callix, the spellsword rabbit, stood at his side, almost as quiet as him, while the others - two old hands, a bull named Fergus and a warhorse named Tuman, and a newcomer rat named Looma - shouted at each other.

"We almost died!" Looma shouted. "If you think I'm giving up on a paycheck now, you're fucking crazy!"

"It's not worth working with wizards," Fergus muttered. "Said it before, and I'll say it again. Should have taken one of the contracts from a town."

"Or should have picked a better commander," Tuman added.

It wasn't the first time that Allard had heard that complaint. Their raid yesterday had been underinformed and underpowered, and they'd barely got out with their lives. Over three dozen people had died, and now...

He squeezed the pendant in one of his pockets, feeling the crystal edges digging into his palm. None of them knew that he'd taken it from the sorcerer in the caves. None of them knew that their mission was technically a success; Looma just wanted to go down and find it, while the others wanted to leave and nothing more to do with it, or with him.

And to top it all off...

Allard glanced sideways, not moving his head as the shouting match went on. As had been the case since he picked up the pendant, the throbbing dick of a demon jutted out just at the corner of his vision.

"Mmmm, looks like you're losing control there, Allard."

"Shut up..."

He kept it a muttered command. Nobody else could see the demon at his shoulder, and he doubted that they'd believe what they saw if they actually did. A little red imp, barely more than half his size, had appeared as soon as he'd touched the pendant. Red-skinned and winged, it was as lithe as it was tiny, and had no issue with showing off every little part of its body, from toes to cock to...well, everything.

The horse grumbled, shifting around in his plate armor as Amoro - the imp - floated around in front of him. Laying in midair as a mortal would lay on a bed, the little demon pressed its ass back towards him, shaking it back and forth a few times.

"Mmm, perhaps I can offer you another distraction? You know that you haven't had some relief in a while, and that big cock of yours would feel so good buried in a nice, tight ass."

He didn't say anything. There was little he could say without arousing suspicion, and his authority over Callix, let alone the others, hung on a razor's edge. Madness would only make it worse.

The demon kept wiggling back and forth, that shapely red rump waggling in his face as the warriors shouted at each other. Every so often, the cheeks seemed to part, showing a tight little pucker that just pulled at his cock, making it throb inside of his armor until he had to shake his head, looking away, much to the imp's amusement.

"Resist if you like. You won't last forever. You only have until the full moon until my master comes back...the pendant you hold is the summoning tool for it. Even if you can resist me until then, your ass will be mine as soon as my master comes."

Allard shook his head. He knew the story; had heard it from the demon a number of times already. The pendant had never been a stolen artifact, but a means that their original employer desired to summon a Lord of Hell for his own bidding. It was already charged, and already prepared; the only thing that it lacked was a protection circle that would bind it to the service of an individual.

And I'll be damned if I'll let a wizard control something like that, he thought. I may not have a lord anymore, but I am still a protector.

Shaking his head, he swatted the imp out of the way and stood up from his chair, interrupting the argument.

"This is pointless," he said, cutting through their shouts. "We went in, and we lost men. A lot of men. And we are not going in again."

"But -"

"Shut up."

Looma dropped his eyes to the ground, though he had a glare on him that was as potent as Allard had ever seen. Let it be the case; better to hate and live.

"The sorcerer is dead, but the pendant's missing. We're not going to find it in time to bring it back to the wizard. I'll send a runner to ensure that he knows the contract is half-fulfilled, and if he wants to find his stolen goods, he can send someone else. Fergus was right; we shouldn't have taken that contract."

A little smile from the bull, but little else from the others. They were still angry, and they had a right to be. He hadn't thought about the contract before taking it, and now they were in a terrible situation. Worse than they knew.

"In the meantime, I'll be taking Callix and myself to town for information. As of now, my company, such as it was, is disbanded. You can follow if you want; I won't blame you and won't hunt you if you don't."

There, it was said. The whole mercenary company that he'd spent over a year building, after years of service as a knight, was gone. Perhaps it would become a thing again, in the future, but for now, it was gone. He would not lead anyone by force into what was to come.

It didn't help that Amoro was chortling in his ear, as well. The horse knew his chances of doing anything about the pendant and the imp's master were slim to none, and it would only get harder without blades at his side to help him. However, it was the right thing to do. If he couldn't lead them against a sorcerer, then he had no right to lead them against demons.

Looma, Fergus, and Tuman looked at each other, and in short order, the rat stomped off. He wasn't surprised; Looma had been new and through a great deal, and likely only lured to the company with promises of gold and riches. A soldier's life had neither, when one got down to it; it was something suited more for bandits than for anyone with honor.

The bull and warhorse looked at him, and Tuman stepped forward. His fellow equine looked him in the eyes, and slowly shook his head.

"I've followed you for a long time, Allard. But this time...this time, I think you took it too far."

"I'm aware."

"I can't follow you any further. I'm sorry."

"I understand. Go in peace."

"...Maybe I'll see you again."

The warhorse reached to his chest, pulling off the plate there. Marked with a simple sword and shield, it was the only piece of equipment that Allard had insisted for the many people that had served with him. A unifying sigil.

It hit the ground with a thud, and the warhorse walked off on thick hooves, leaving a tramping sound in the air for a few seconds before he disappeared down the road. Allard turned away from the demon wiggling its ass at his face, looking the bull in the eyes.

"And you?"

"...Are you serious about no more deals with wizards?"

"I'm serious about no more unless we all agree on it."

"That's good enough for me."

The bull nodded, laying one hand on the pommel of his sword.

"Then I'll stay with you, and make sure that you at least have one good hand at your side. Proven, unlike -"

"Hey, who was the one that actually killed the sorcerer? Show of hands here, who struck the last blow?"

Allard and Fergus looked down at the rabbit, who blushed a bit but didn't back down. The horse couldn't help but smile slightly to himself, and slowly shook his head, patting Callix on the back.

"Yes, you were the one that killed the spellsword. But Fergus is right. He's proven in combat; I've only had you for this one mission, and I don't know how you'll handle worse situations."

"...There are worse situations than demon summoners and that sort of hell?"

"Oh yes."

Allard shook his head, looking off to the side. He was sure that he looked like he was staring into the distance, but in reality, the imp had his attention again. Waggling his cock back and forth, spreading a scent that only the horse could smell, being obscene in the way that only the horse could see.

"Much, much worse." He shook his head. "Get some rest, everyone. We break camp two hours before dawn."

"That's...early," Callix said.

"That's mercenary life," Fergus said with a shrug.

Night, unsurprisingly, was difficult for him. Allard groaned repeatedly as he was tormented by the imp in his sleep, his dreams turning to things far from the purer moments he wished to think of. Rather than a simple night in prayer or relaxation, he kept thinking of...other things.

_The lord's son, lithe and lean as any proper mouse should. His eyes fiery with lust, his body as bare as the day he was born. The only place with any chubbiness or impurity was his rear, and he flaunted it, swaying it for the knight.

"Fill me and release me, oh knight," he said, and the horse groaned, his cock throbbing -_

Allard sat up in a rush, groaning as his blankets met him in the face, lifted by his own shaft. He growled under his breath, looking around until he saw the little red imp, floating at the top of the tent, looking down at him while it slowly stroked its cock.

"You are an evil thing."

"Imp, remember? Demon? It's kind of our thing."

"It doesn't mean that you have to take it so far. I am trying to sleep."

"Well, it wouldn't be that hard to work out your problems. Look at that thing; you know what it needs. A nice, tight -"

The imp wasn't uncorporeal, so it was easy enough to hit. The horse rolled over onto his side, trying to ignore the persistent throbbing going on between his legs.

I just have to find someone that can undo the summoning. It can't be that hard.

There was a magical school in the town they were heading to. If he could find one wizard that could at least tell him where to go, then perhaps his soul and his body would be safe. If not -

He groaned as he felt the imp grinding against him, and slowly turned his head with narrowed eyes.

"Stop touching me."

"The rules say that I can't fuck you. Do you really think you can stop me from taking advantage some other way?"

"I can still hit you."

"Go right ahead."

The resulting hole in his tent did let in a draft, but Allard would deal with that. Besides, at least the cold made his erection go back down. It wasn't perfect, but at that point, he would take just about anything.


They broke camp two hours before dawn, just as planned. He and Fergus were used to it, and had their tents rolled up before Callix was even out of bed. The rabbit handled himself reasonably well in combat, but it was clear that life on the road wasn't something that he was used to.

Allard to himself to be understanding, but it was difficult with a demon on his shoulder, taunting him constantly.

It didn't help that Callix was one of those spellswords, as well. Swordsmen that had learned just enough magic to command a bigger than average paycheck, spellswords were more common than wizards, and often had a command of magic that made them quite a danger on the battlefield. It didn't take much to tilt the odds in a spellsword's favor, and he'd fought enough of them to not want to deal with another.

The thought that perhaps the rabbit could help him had crossed his mind a few times, but he'd dismissed it every time. A demon summoning was no small thing, after all, and if Callix were to follow his oaths - and considering he was a newly-certified spellsword, he likely would - the pendant and the imp on his shoulder would have to be reported. There'd be an inquisition, possibly an exorcism that wouldn't work, followed by the total annihilation of everything around the pendant.

Which is not going to happen.

"Says you."

Amoro had returned sometime in the middle of the night, one wing broken and the other completely snapped off. The little imp was currently in the middle of regenerating the pair of them, as it did with all injuries, but it was no less irritating, particularly as it ground its ass up against the side of his head.

"I will throw you again."

"Heh, try it. I'll be right back, and next time I'll make you dream of a horse fucking that hot ass of yours."

And the demon would do it, he was sure. Amoro didn't seem to have any limits towards what he was willing to do, let alone any morals.

It was all down to the reward the imp would have if he gave into temptation. All demons had a desire for mortal flesh, mortal souls. Even with a guaranteed win when the full moon came, the imp would want the personal pleasure of having done the corruption himself, of having earned the pleasure of the horse's body. Allard had no intention of allowing it.

He did his best to ignore the soft ass rubbing against his cheek and crossed his arms as Callix finally struck his tent, pulling it together and tying it up.

"Seems like you're finally getting ready to go."

"Nobody woke me up."

"You're supposed to be capable of waking on your own."

"Nobody put that in the contract."

"It's an assumed thing for all soldiers. Even Looma managed it."

The rabbit blushed and turned away, and Allard had to bite his lip to keep from saying something to soften the blow. Despite the urge, he needed Callix at his best, not soft, not someone that relied overly on others. The spellsword was too close to -

Not going there.

Yet, perhaps at the influence of the imp, the image of the mouse from his dream came to mind again. The lithe, little mouse, with an almost feminine rump, and that way of swaying it that the lord's son had always had. It was so familiar, and

"Such a shame that you let him die. Fuck and run...perhaps you should have just kept him as a toy, yourself. Heh...then again, you'll be my toy, soon enough."

Threat of a horse cock in his dream or not, he punched the imp off of his shoulder. Let it happen; it was worth it.

They mounted up quickly, with Callix at the rear and Fergus and him in the front. The bull nodded at him as they set off, waving him closer.

"What's the plan?"

"Information. I need to find someplace where we can make a quick, easy strike, earn some funds, and then put it towards recuperation."

It isn't a lie, he thought. We need the money to pay for a wizard, and it will be for my recuperation from this particular curse...

They reached town two hours past dawn, when the shops were opening and the people were starting to walk through the streets. He doubted that any of them would be of help in finding what they needed, but it was fine. All of these small towns had the same basic layout, due to practicality if nothing else.

"Fergus, you go check out the inn; see if there's any travelers with rumors. Callix, you're with me."

"Yes, sir."

"Any funds, sir?"

Allard considered it, then shook his head.

"Don't go paying for anything. There's usually enough free mouths in the morning if you can deal with the drunks. Make sure that it sounds legit, though. We don't have time to be chasing anything without decent promise."

"Yes sir."

The bull saluted with a quick smack of his chest, and pulled his horse out of formation. As Fergus left earshot, the horse sighed.

"Do you need something else, sir?"

"...I might. Let's see how the wizard school goes."

"Wizards? But you said -"

"I said that we wouldn't take a wizard's quest without full agreement of the whole group. Fergus will have his vote when we get back, but better that you and I talk with them privately."

Hopefully a spellsword will keep the wizard from being utterly patronizing.

He knew that there would be a magic school in the village. Even in the outskirts, there were always those that were looking for apprentices and students. No wizard wanted to be on the battlefront - unlike sorcerers, which were a whole other beast - so they constantly were looking for a way to make a quick bit of gold without having to put themselves in danger. Courts were always full, and only the most powerful wizards could afford to live like hermits and have their own legend draw in those that would commission them for spellwork.

That left teaching, which almost any wizard could do, and they all had the same idea for a school, and it was always easy to find.

The stone tower was on the complete other side of town, put together by stones that were probably lifted out of the ground and slammed together until they fit, rather than through any sort of architectural design. Allard hopped off of his horse at the base of it, shaking his head a few times as he tied it up to the hitching post. There were no students outside, and no bustle to be heard from the few windows on the second story.

"What do you want to bet that this wizard isn't having much luck with finding students?"

"Seems like a pretty good one, sir."


He walked up to the door and slammed his fist against it. When there was no response, he did it again...and again...

Somewhere between the fourth and fifth time, Amoro crawled over to him. Must have been somewhere under the horse, he supposed; the imp groaned like someone that had been trampled to within an inch of his life. Despite his own oaths to protect people and care for them, the horse couldn't help but smirk a bit to himself. It was some small revenge that he was unlikely to get again.

It took ten attempts to get anyone's attention before he heard something rustling around in the tower. Shaking his head, he stepped back, just as the door opened on a small, robed fox.

"Who is it, what do you want?"

"I'm looking for the local wizard headmaster. I assume you're him."

"Oh, yes, I'm him, but that doesn't answer the other question." The fox grumbled. "Typical muscle-brained swordsman, no respect -"

"I'm looking for information."

"...Information, hmm? And what do you have to pay for that?"

"Your dick," Amoro wheezed with a chuckle. "Just think of that little foxy ass pressed up against your cock. Curvy, warm, tight. And you could teach him a less - OW!"

Casually shifting his weight until he could stomp on the imp, Allard tried to keep a civil face as he met the wizard's question with one of his own.

"A job for information. You tell me what I need to know, I get something for you. A straightforward trade."


The fox was already starting to annoy him, and he knew that there was going to be more of a barter for things than he wanted to indulge. Allard glanced down at the spellsword, and smiled slightly as a thought occurred to him.

"Perhaps I shouldn't take up your time. I have a spellsword that I can consult -"

"A spellsword? What? Where?!"


He gestured at the rabbit beside him, and as the fox whipped his head around, Callix slowly pulled up a folded piece of leather and let it flip open. A small certification badge filled it up. Usually the rabbit showed it off quite proudly, but in this case, he could understand the hesitation. The sheer desperation in the fox's eyes told everything.

"Oh, perfect! Perhaps you could consider joining the school? I have many different techniques to teach, and you might have the gift, something that you can use. After all, there are many applications for wizardry, and -"

"Uh, I just graduated from being the spellsword training, I don't know if -"

"Don't be silly. There's many applications for magic. You can join for the easy fee of...well, let me get the papers, be sure about this."

The fox took off like a shot, running further into the tower, and Allard took that as an invitation to step inside. Callix followed him, the rabbit slowly shaking his head.

"What just happened?"

"Desperation. He needs a student, or he'll likely have to close up the school. Would you imagine he spent a lot to build it?"

"With it looking this bad?"

"True enough."

The fox came running back, holding dozens of pieces of parchment in hand, shuffling them around as he almost threw them to the ground. The wizard pulled at his robe, trying to look official, while Allard was hard-pressed to keep a smirk off of his face. Admission papers of all sorts were spread out on a table, the fox panting softly as he explained them.

"Now, this, uh, this is a cheap one, but not that good. Lots of good classes, of course, but not worth it in the real world. You should get this more expensive one where -"

"I hate to interrupt..."

Allard laid a gauntleted hand on the table, making sure that the fox had stopped talking long enough for him to speak.

"I hate to interrupt, but we have a deal going on first. You tell me information...and then you can try and sign up Callix for your classes."





Ten minutes later...

It had taken almost five minutes of private scrying - Callix's sheer rage at being volunteered had been handy for that private talk - but he finally knew where he needed to go. A hermit, only fifteen miles off, was known for working with demons. With that knowledge, maybe the hermit could tell him what sort of imp and demon he was dealing with, and what he could do to stop them.

As for Callix joining up...

The fox was sobbing against the wall of the tower, wiping his eyes with his robe as they left. The rabbit shook his head.

"How did you know that I wouldn't be able to be a student?"

"I didn't. I had a fairly strong assumption, however."


"Because you aren't that good at magic."

The rabbit stumbled at that, and Allard shook his head. It was only the truth. Magic talent stretched out across a rather long line, and though he was sure that the rabbit had some talent, he hadn't seen anything that was like what a wizard could do.

Part of the reason that I'm still safe, as a matter of fact, he thought as he looked down at Amoro again. The imp's wings had come back in, and so he was able to float off of the ground, but his legs were busted up enough to make that annoying hip-sway just about impossible. Maybe I should keep beating him up...

Only the oath of a knight that no longer bound him kept him from trying to kill the thing properly, and that wasn't holding him all that strongly anymore. The temptation rose for a moment before falling again.

They met up with Fergus at the inn. Unsurprisingly, the bull hadn't managed to drum up any information on treasures, but he could confirm the legends of the hermit.

"Sounds like some crackpot that got too deep into the books and went crazy," the bull said between bites of breakfast. "He ran off from the town, and set up a hut. Keeps going through summonings out there, trying out new things or something."

"Interesting. I suppose now is a good time to put it to a vote, then."

"...Come again, sir?"

"A vote. I've gotten information from another source that there's a high value contract possible with this hermit. He's a summoner, however, so I will not take us there without your consent."

He turned, looking down at the rabbit.

"Or yours."

"You have it, sir," Callix said. "Even with the...trick...earlier."

Allard rubbed the back of his head. It was, perhaps, a little bit unworthy of a knight, but the wizard had been beyond annoying. The possibility of his little tag-along being seen had also been plenty of incentive to hurry up the visit, keeping it from happening.

He turned back to the bull, who was grumbling into his plate, his thick fingers digging into the table.

"Why? We just had to deal with one of those spellcasters, and you want to try again already?"

"It's something valuable."

"What sort of thing?"


"...Not a fetch mission?"

"No, just information."

"...What kind of information?"


"Killing 'em?"

Allard nodded.

"Better than studying them..." The bull sighed. "Fine. But on the condition that, if he makes us fetch something from a dungeon, quest canceled."


"Ugh...can I have some more money, sir? I'm gonna need to be a bit drunk for this one."

He nodded, pulling out his coinpurse. The last thing he needed was for Fergus to be going on this one unhappy, and if all he needed was the cost of a few drinks to be okay with this, he'd pay for that happily enough.

They left the town and made it about halfway to the hermit's hut before stopping for the night. Fergus wasn't sober enough to ride the rest of the way, and Callix seemed to be distracted by something. As for himself...

Well, it was hard to lead the pack when he had a demon hanging off of his neck by its legs, flaunting its cock the whole way along. He'd thrown Amoro off of the horse a total of five times over the past couple of hours, but the imp seemed to be healing faster and faster with each set of injuries.

He dismounted his horse as they set up camp, pulling out a small shovel to dig out a firepit for the night. As he knelt on the ground, he could feel the imp behind him, groping his ass through the armor.

"You know, you got a nice fat ass, Allard. You'll look good under me when the full moon comes. I'll be fucking it every day, spreading that hole wide around my cock, and making you moan like a mare."

The silence was as infuriating as ever. He couldn't respond in the middle of the camp, and the damn demon knew it. All he could do was act as normal as he could as his ass was groped, teased, squeezed. It took everything he had not to growl or show his teeth as he kept on digging.

"Come on, you'll enjoy it, big guy. Think about it. Being on display, showing off that big dick of yours to every other slave of my master. Perhaps you'll get to fuck that rabbit over there. That spellsword could use a little more 'training,' don't you think?"

He looked before he could stop himself, and a little tingle went down his back as he saw the rabbit pulling off his armor. It wasn't nudity, by any means, but as Callix took off his sword and the leather armor he wore, leaving him in a loincloth and a tight shirt, it showed off his body more than the horse had ever seen before.

Rabbits could never be seen as studs or manly, not compared to a stallion, but Callix almost seemed to take it into a completely different direction. He stared as he saw the way that the rabbit's ass seemed to pop from the back, how his body had a strong effeminate shape to it, almost a sway in some ways as he walked around. The horse shook his head, turning away, but it was too late.

He could already feel his cock starting to harden in his armor, and he knew that Amoro could sense it.

"Ah, did I say something that you liked, hmm? Are we imagining your cock plunging deep into that rabbit's rump? Seeing that little cottontail lifted high, bouncing around and flicking about as you fuck the living hell out of him? Stretching his ass around your cock, leaving him gasping and gaping by the time that you're done?"

He hadn't been, but the imp's words were planting the images in his mind. Allard dug faster, opening up the hole and throwing their firewood in before turning around. He walked over to his tent, and threw it open, stepping inside before anyone could stop him.

Amoro was already there, lying across the ground, the winged imp smirking.

"I know what you want, now."

"You don't know anything."

"I know that you're rock hard, Allard. I know that you're thinking of doing something that no knight should ever do. You're thinking of plunging your cock into the ass of another man. Of using him in a way that would be contrary to what all knights should do. Which is...serve."

The imp chuckled, fluttering up until he was face to face with the stallion. Allard clenched his fists, fighting the urge to punch the creature away. He wanted to, wanted to send him flying off into the distance, but with the demon healing faster every time, he needed to save that. He couldn't waste what little advantage he had on irritation.

It didn't help when the demon floated closer, the imp's cock pressing against his chest plate, smearing it with musky pre as Amoro whispered to him.

"Heh, don't forget, stallion. You are mine. I've already got the claim on you. All it takes is a few more days, and I'll have everything that I could ever fantasize from you.

"But I don't want to wait so many days. All I have to do is bring you to that edge. After all, you have a choice here, my stud. There is no way that you'll be able to wait for all that time, for after the full moon to relieve yourself. And we both know that you will not have the satisfaction by hand that you will have from something else.

"So, what will you choose, oh knight? Will you break down and fuck the ass of your little companion, raping him into the ground until your rut is complete? Or, will you go with the oh-so-willing demon, and lose your soul?"

"I won't...lose...anything."


Amoro chuckled, floating away from him. That curvy, jiggling rump taunted him, swaying from side to side just as Callix's had, and the horse groaned as he felt his cock throb all the harder.


The demon's power suddenly unleashed the buckles of his armor, and it all fell to the ground. The stallion's cock throbbed upwards, a mighty pole of meat and flesh, throbbing and dripping already. His balls hung down like painful weights, feeling heavy beyond measure, and he groaned as he resisted the urge to touch himself.

Allard panted for breath as he looked past his cock at the demon, slowly shaking his head.

"I...will not..."

"We will see. After all, it's only the first day...and you have a long way to go."

Before he could object, the demon floated back, red ass cheeks pressing around the sides of his cock. The stallion groaned, his fingers clenching so tight that his palms felt like they might get cut on his nails. Soft flesh, so warm and supple, so soft and giving...

With a determined grunt, he grabbed Amoro and shoved him out of the way.

"I won't!"

The demon disappeared, and the horse reached down, grabbing his various pieces of armor and putting them back on. His cock refused to go down, and he couldn't stop panting for a good five minutes after he was dressed again.

Worst, the temptation of Callix's body was planted right in his head. It was soft, lean, shapely. Hardly male at all in some ways, but with all the best parts that came from having a softer, weaker male beneath him. He shuddered as his cock continued to throb and ooze inside of his armor, and the scent of his own need hit him hard.

This is going to be a long trip...

Trying not to think of the rabbit's ass, he went back out. There were still chores to do before he could properly go to sleep...if he even could.

The End

The Pendant and the Imp, Chapter 2: The Hermit's Task

The Pendant and the Imp Chapter 2: The Hermit's Task For bbbuuu By Draconicon Having covered half of the distance to the hermit's hut the day before, Allard and his company arrived at their destination some hours before noon. With...

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Evening Entertainment

Evening Entertainment For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon Morning came, and with it, so did the red-bearded face of one of the leprechauns. Crisp managed to choke off his yelp of surprise, the wolf's fists clenching at his blankets as...

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Just a Slut

Just A Slut For Torin13 and Magnus By Draconicon It hadn't been so hard to corrupt Torin to the point of being an egg-laying slut. It hadn't even been that difficult to convince his friends that the dragon had become a dragoness,...

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