Just a Slut

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of Torin the 'Dragoness'

Under the commands of FA: Gaytordragon the poor Torin has been brought back to a demon realm, to be further corrupted.

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Just A Slut For Torin13 and Magnus By Draconicon

It hadn't been so hard to corrupt Torin to the point of being an egg-laying slut. It hadn't even been that difficult to convince his friends that the dragon had become a dragoness, and one desperately in need of breeding.

What was harder...was where he would take it from there.

Magnus sat on an improvised throne, the alligator demon looking down at the leashed 'dragoness' at his feet. The gold dragon looked to be completely out of it, though that was probably because of the flood of eggs that she had recently let out. He smiled to himself, remembering the shocked looks on the faces of everyone on the sidewalks when Torin had released the flood of them that had been building up, and knew he would have to repeat the experience.

Beyond that, however...

How does one further corrupt an utter slut? Magnus thought as he leaned back on his metal throne, shaking his head. Admittedly, he had time; his little side dimension had a different time cycle than the world that Torin came from, and it aided his power enormously to conduct his business here. He could do literally whatever he liked to turn Torin into whatever he believed would suit the dragon best.

But that was the problem. Torin was already a slut. The only difference was that now she was claimed, rather than running free.



Well, the little slut was finally waking up, at least. That was something. Magnus leaned back on his throne even further, almost letting his head tilt back as the gold dragon turned his way.


"You're in a demon realm, you're mine, and I am going to be doing very corruptive things to you. Now, I believe that we have the explanations out of the way..."

"...Yeah, I guess."

"Good. Now what to do with you..."

"...Didn't we make a bet, Magnus?"

"Master, Torin, Master. And yes, we did. But I didn't think much past that, all things considered; I was meaning to corrupt you into as full a slut as I possibly could, but there is one small problem with that."

"And what's that?"

"You're already there, for the most part."

"I am NOT!"

The gold dragon's pure indignity was almost hilarious. Almost. Magnus brought his head back down, seeing that Torin's face was burning red, and smiled to himself.

"You don't believe that you are a slut?"

"I'm not! I'm Super -"


The dragon sputtered, and Magnus smiled to himself. So, that was where it was...a personality that was playful, but a body that was slutty. Now, that, that he could work with.

"You are nothing more and nothing less than Super Slut, a dragon that has no need for anything but a dick in his holes, a hunger to be filled with cum and meat, to never know anything but the pleasure of being fucked."

That blush was spreading, and he could smell the scent of the dragon's arousal getting stronger. Not that it would get much larger; that shift in size between Torin's legs had been quite the difference, and her sheath was suited for little more than dribbling, now. It was doing that quite happily, too. He continued.

"You are a slut. No matter how much you argue, no matter how much you want to fight it, you are a slut. Your body starts twitching as soon as you smell a male's musk. Your hole starts puckering as soon as you think someone is looking at it. Your mouth starts watering when you see a cock. You are nothing more than Super Slut, the walking sex toy, the dribbling cum-dump, the horny whore. That is all you are."

"S-s-stop...I'm...I'm not..."

"Even my words are enough to twist you around. You hear it and it's like a hissing in your ear, a male on your back ready to breed that fat-ass of yours again. A throbbing cock under your tail, just waiting to slam in and leave you looser than ever, gaping from a rut that starts another cluster of eggs. You are Super Slut, egg-layer, cum-guzzler, ball-licker, musk-lover."


The demon would have chuckled, if it wasn't such a fun display. Torin couldn't even stay on her legs anymore, falling down with her ass in the air and her tail swaying in desperation. He had a feeling that, if the gold dragon hadn't lost so much tail length, it would have already been plunged deep inside of her.

He stood up, walking around the dragon, stroking her flank. His own cock was rising up, slowly but surely, and the musk of the dragon was getting replaced by that of his own.

"You can already feel it, can't you, Super Slut? Feel it sliding into your mind, that need to be nothing more than a walking hole, a living repository for cum. That's all that you've ever wanted, all that you'll ever be. A little hole that begs for dicks, a tight mouth that sucks cock for free, and craves more. All you are..."

He stopped as he reached Torin's head, pulling the gold dragon down to his crotch. There was a moment of struggle, the dragoness trying to pull herself free, but then she was pressed right up against his crotch. She took a breath in, and gasped, her eyes going wide.

It was all that he needed. The powerful scent working through her mind would wreak havoc on anything that was settled. It was chaos in scent form, burning through her, breaking her down, leaving her whimpering and needy. He could feel her weakening, her muscles spasming through her neck, her eyes rolling back in her head.

She was his, and she would remember it.

"You aren't Torin. You are Super Slut, and you belong to me."


"Yes, that is your name. You crave dick."


"You need cum."


"Can't live without it."


The gold dragon whimpered, shaking her head, and Magnus chuckled as he brought his cock closer to Torin's lips. She opened without thinking, and immediately started sucking as he pushed his cock inside. It didn't take long for her to start moaning, and he made sure to give her a good face-fucking for a few seconds before pulling back. Spit connected the dragon's mouth to his cock, and he waved it from side to side.

"What are you?"

"Super Slut, Master! I'm your Super Slut!"

He rewarded her, sliding his cock back into her mouth and letting her suck again. Her nostrils flared as he dragged the dragoness down to the base of his cock, making her sniff at the most potent source of his scent, the corruptive juices thick and strong.

Again, a few seconds of face-fucking, a few seconds of drowning her in his musk, and he pulled back. She gasped as he pulled her off of his cock, her eyes glazed over more than ever, and he felt her pulling towards his cock. He held her back, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

"What do you need?"

"Cum! I need your cum, master, I can't live without it! Please, please, give Super Slut cum!"

Chuckling, Magnus pulled the dragon down again, drowning the little golden slut in what she needed. The scent, the taste, the feeling of his cock in her throat. It was rapidly becoming a drug to her, just as he had hoped, and she was whimpering with the need for more, for the final payoff that would come soon.

He pulled her back again, just as he was on the verge of climax. She gasped, but whimpered immediately, pressing against his hand in a desperate hunger for dick. She stuck out her tongue, trying to reach his cock head, but there was no way that he would let her. Not until she begged.

She pulled, nuzzling forward, trying to get at his cock, but every time she got close, Magnus pushed her back. Torin whimpered, and finally, after several more attempts, begged.

"Please, please, Master! Let me have your cum, let me suck your cock! I need it so badly, please, I just need one load! Just one, please!"

"Heh, it's never just one."

"I'll earn all of them, Master! Please, just let me have your cum. I can't stand it. I need it so, so bad!"


He let her go, and she slammed forward, taking his cock down to the base in less than a second. Magnus didn't have to push it. He just leaned back, letting the dragoness do all the work as she sucked him off, pulling at his cock until it slipped into the back of her throat. Her tongue stuck out just enough to get at his balls, too, working them over until they were as slippery and wet as his cock.

There's more work to be done, but she'll be well on her way to being a proper slut from this.

Magnus felt his orgasm rising, and this time, he let it loose. It was quite the flood, and Torin actually got pushed off of his cock by it. It sprayed hard and fast all over her face, and the demon smiled as she was left marked and scented by him.

"Now, the other hole..."

The End

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