Dragon Dungeon: Master Xander, Slave Draconicon

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Heh, and here's another trip to the dungeon, the first with one of my characters being the sub, and the first one roleplaying something out fully rather than having it be more of a framing device. Commissioned by FA: Txeptirea

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Iron Author: Dragon Dungeon Master Xander, Slave Draconicon For Txeptirea By Draconicon

Xander shook his head as he waited at his desk, the husky looking down at his hand and rubbing the smooth wooden band on one finger. Every time he touched it, he could feel the little tingle that came from it, the little bit of magic it lent him for the night. He blushed, shaking his head as he started imagining what he might do with it.

He just gave it to me for the night, the husky reminded himself. I shouldn't...I really shouldn't get used to having magic.

But, hey, it was a fantasy night, wasn't it? He should be able to think of whatever he wanted, particularly since Drac had said he'd be able to have some fun tonight.

Xander looked around the 'classroom,' shaking his head at the hastily-made replicas of student desks and a teacher's bigger one, with various books along the shelves that bore the marks of magical runes and wands that were embedded into every desk. It was very much like how he imagined a magic school might look, all things considered. All it was missing was the teacher.

He looked at the door, half-thinking that the black dragon would step through at that point, but there was no sign of Draconicon. The big guy was probably busy with another guest, but would be here soon...Xander hoped. He looked down at his watch, confirming that his 'appointment' for the night was only a few minutes away, before looking at himself.

His clothes stood out in a big way from the rest of the guests. While others were either half-naked or showing off their best clothes, the husky had arrived in a simple set of school clothes. Somewhat fancy, with a stiffly starched red dress shirt and dark blue khakis, only somewhat spoiled by a pair of sneakers on his feet. It all clung a little tighter to him than he'd like, particularly in the rump, but it was what fit the scene...he hoped.

Xander spun the ring around his finger a few times, feeling the little tempting tingle every time that it went around a full circuit. The energy was there; what he lacked was any knowledge of how to use it.

How did Drac put it, he wondered. Visualize what you want, and it will happen?

It seemed pretty impossible, even with his limited knowledge of magic that it would be that simple, but perhaps the dragon had made it easier for him with the ring. There was only one way to be sure...

He looked towards the shelf again, and extended his hand. The husky forced himself to imagine the biggest book on the shelf floating upwards, seized in a grip of red and orange light, and kept the image in his head of it floating over to him.

It wiggled. Xander's breath caught in his throat, but he didn't stop, forcing himself to keep staring down his arm at the book. The image intensified in his head, the idea of the book floating over to him filling his mind. It would come. It would come to him, now!

And it did, far faster than he expected. The husky went flying out of his seat as the spine of the book smacked him right in the forehead, sending him spinning backwards and coming down in a heap on the floor.


The husky pulled himself up with a groan, glaring at the book on the desk. The temptation to just burn the thing flared up in the back of his mind, but he put that down right quick. He still wasn't great at controlling the magic, and besides, who knew what Drac would say if he actually burned the book up?

Probably nothing, considering I'm supposed to be domming him tonight, instead of the other way around, he thought, spinning the ring on his finger again nervously. The idea of having the black dragon under him was something that he'd indulged a few times, always quietly, always as a curiosity rather than a serious concept, but...but now that it was something that he could actually do, he wondered if he'd be any good at it.

Still, he had to try. Worst came to worst, Drac would just turn it around and dom him at the end of it. The husky shook his head, walking back to his desk and sitting down...though not before shoving the book to the floor.

He only had to wait for another minute before Draconicon actually showed up. The black dragon opened the cave door and stepped into the classroom, dressed in a sweeping wizard robe and barefoot, and Xander chuckled a bit.

"Still not wearing any shoes, Professor?"

Drac looked down at him, and Xander had to admit, the black dragon was carrying off the whole 'snooty professor' thing they'd talked about to a T. Looking down his nose, carrying himself with a poise that just made the husky irritated looking at it...it was great.

"I have the power to shield my soles without such things, Xander. Perhaps, after you've put more effort into your studies, you'll be able to say the same."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Now, show me how - why is that book on the floor?"

He looked down. Admittedly, he probably should have put it back, but...hey, why not roll with it?

"I used some magic to pull it down, and didn't feel like putting it back."

The dragon looked at him, and for a moment, the husky worried that he was pushing things too far. What if he was supposed to stick to the script? What if he was supposed to -

"I see. And you think that this disrespect is going to go unnoticed?"


The dragon walked over to the desk, pulling out a piece of paper. It was blank, as far as the husky could tell, but Draconicon was already muttering to himself.

"Another demerit to you, Xander. Many more of those, and you'll find yourself in detention with me. Not something that I imagine you would like, hmm?"

"A demerit? For leaving a book on the ground?"

"I will not allow disrespect to school property, or to myself, husky. I am here to teach you magic, as hopeless as that might be."

"Hopeless?! I just -"

"You might have just pulled the book down by hand, and then left it there. I cannot give you credit for something I didn't see."

The husky stared at the dragon, his jaw dropping. What was going on here? How...this was just flat out insulting. He jerked to his feet, leaning over his desk and pointing at the dragon before he could stop himself.

"You listen -"

"I will listen when you have the power to back up what you're bragging about."

Not even thinking about it, Xander threw out his hand. The ring on his finger glowed, and he imagined the dragon suddenly stripped of his robes, his body stripped down to as embarrassingly nude as the power could manage...and it happened.

The dragon's black robe went flying off of him, and Drac stared at him as the black cloth shot back onto the floor. The desk wasn't tall enough to hide the dragon's dangling dick, the thick piece of meat already starting to rise up as it was exposed. Staring at it, the husky started to put his hand down...then thought better of it, an idea forming in the back of his mind.

He reached down, his hand grasping over an imaginary dick as he brought that red and orange glow to mind again. It surrounded the black dragon's cock, lifting it up and holding it in place as he slowly stroked the air, the glow following his motions along Draconicon's cock. The black dragon looked down, and then at him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm proving that I have a better grasp of magic than you think I do, teach."

Teach. The idea of being in this role was starting to grow on him. The husky smiled, even as a nervous chuckle slipped past his lip as he kept on stroking the dragon's dick. What if he started pushing too hard? What if he was starting to make a mistake here? What if he used the magic wrong and -

He shook his head. He had to focus. If he focused, then he could do whatever he had to.

First things first...push him down...make him know his...his place. Even thinking about it made him nervous, but Xander did it. He grabbed the dragon's cock a little tighter with the magic, and forced himself to think of more. Thick bands of light around the teacher's arms and legs, specifically around the wrists and ankles, lifting him up and -

It was happening. The husky grinned wide as he watched the dragon float off of the floor, his cock still getting pumped and milked as he was lifted over the desk, and then shoved down on it. His teacher's head rocked back and forth, but there was no fighting it. The magic held him pinned, but good.

The constant stroking continued, and he grinned as he watched his teacher's cock slowly get bigger and bigger, forced hard by the relentless magic going up and down the shaft. The husky couldn't believe this was really happening. He was...he was the one in charge, here, and he was still getting exactly what he wanted.

"Heh, look at that, teach. You're starting to get hard for me."

"It's nothing but a physiological reaction. It means nothing."

"Heh, let's see how long you're saying that when I've been milking you for a while."

"Milking me?"

"I'm sure not letting you cum yet...and besides, dragon 'milk' is valuable, isn't it?"

The first blush appeared on the dragon's face, and Xander felt his cock throb in response to that burning set of cheeks. Seeing the dragon actually turn a little red made him feel quite a bit better about himself. Particularly as he was still milking that thick cock.

It didn't take long for the black dragon to get completely hard, the thick rod starting to drip down itself in short order. Xander grinned as he worked it up and down, the red and orange light working like a hand along the shaft, bunching up the flesh and then rubbing all that pre into it, leaving it slick and shiny looking. He lifted his other hand, conjuring a second grip at the dragon's balls, rolling them around in the palm of his hand.

He swore that he could almost feel it, but that was probably his imagination talking. The spell didn't seem to work that way, but it was fun to imagine.

His teacher groaned as he leaned back against the desk, and the husky chuckled as he stroked the magic grip up to the tip of the dragon's cock, making it circle and swirl around his teacher's cockhead.

"Feel that, teach? How's it feel to have your student controlling your dick?"

"You aren't...mmmph!"

"Hehe, that sounds like a moan to me."

"You're a pain..."

He growled under his breath, and decided to take it a step further. A simple thought locked a ring around the base of the dragon's cock, a ring of pure light magic. It tightened rapidly, making the veins along the rest of the shaft pop out, and - just as he'd hoped - it also made the dragon's shaft that much more sensitive.

Drac started groaning and writhing around, his hips thrusting up towards the glowing grips on his shaft, and Xander smiled.

"Heh, looks like you want it more than just a 'physiological response' would suggest, big guy."

"It's...not that...Just..."

"What's the matter, huh? You want to cum?"


"You'll say it, soon enough."

Chuckling, the husky started jerking that dick hard, milking it with the magic up and down, dragging the lines of pre all over the place, making them dribble along the dragon's cock and run down towards his balls constantly. They were all over the place, making it look like one big, messy cock, slimy and wet.

And the longer it went, the better it looked. The dragon's cock throbbed harder and harder as Xander kept teasing it, making it bounce, smacking it back and forth so that the slippery shaft rubbed and smacked against the dragon's belly, against his thighs, against everything that it was bendy enough to touch. Each time that it touched something, it seemed to harden up further, no longer bending as much.

Better, it dripped all the more, making it a messy little pre-cum faucet. He chuckled, bringing the magical grips back to the tip and rubbing the head directly, rubbing it hard and fast like a palm grinding into the slick head.

It finally made the dragon groan, humping upwards without pause.

"Mmmph...fine....FINE! Please, let me cum, Xander!"

"What was that, teach?"

"Let me cum, let me cum! I need to cum!"

"Well, I'm not ready to let you, yet. Let's get that dick back down."

He let go of the dragon's cock, but grabbed something else as the bondage bands faded. A hard grip on the dragon's balls pulled him forward, forcing him to get off of the desk. Xander squeezed them enough that the balls actually depressed from the light's grip, and he expected to see the dragon's cock actually go down.

Instead, it throbbed all the harder, and if it wasn't for the ring, he was pretty sure that Draconicon would have cum then and there.

The husky blinked a couple of times, looking down, and then up, and then down again before he started to smirk.

"Oh, geez...you actually have a fetish for that, don't you, teach?"

"It, uh...I mean..."

Not part of the script, but I'm not missing the chance to play with this.

He yanked on the dragon's balls, not hard enough for serious harm but enough to give them a good dose of discomfort. It pulled the black dragon across the front of the classroom, his balls pulled a good few inches in front of him all the way. Every time that Xander gave them a good tug, the dragon was forced to follow along, and every time that he saw the balls pulse and shrink and indent from the force, Draconicon's cock got that much harder, that much drippier.

The husky laughed as he dragged the dragon across the room by his balls, having to lean against his desk more as he laughed.

"Heh, look at that. A little smack, and you're hard as a rock. I thought you were just some sort of footslut, teach, but looks like you're one of those dragons that likes his balls getting messed with, too."

"Nnngh! Stop this! Stop this right now!"

"Or what?"

He used his magic to pull down on the balls, stretching them towards the ground a little bit. The dragon followed, forced down into a squatting position in front of Xander's desk. The husky groped at himself, grinding his palm against his bulge as he looked down at the black dragon.

This feeling of power, the ability to dominate another with nothing but his imagination, and the things that he could make them do, was getting to him. He loved the sensation, the ability to take charge like this. It was...well, to put it mildly, it was one of the most intense highs that he'd ever felt.

The realization that he could use this power to force Draconicon to suck him off, to rim him, to lick his feet, to debase himself again and again just for his pleasure was...intoxicating. It was something that he had never thought he'd want to do, but now that he had the chance, now that he had the opportunity, it was next to impossible to resist. He tugged the dragon's balls down a bit further, knowing that the dragon could take it, knowing that it wasn't that intense a pain if the dragon's cock was throbbing that hard.

What can I do with him? Should I...maybe...

He'd always wanted to do something with this dragon, something that he doubted that Drac would ever do with real willingness, considering how far it was from his own comfort zone. But this...This was the chance to make it real.

"Stay right there."

Xander got up, moving over to a different desk before pulling off his sneakers. They popped off with a loud sound, and he set them sole-side up on his desk.

"You know, I've got a big thing for shoes, teach. You think you'd ever be able to appreciate them the way that you appreciate feet?"

"You are going out of your mind, Xander. There'd never be any reason to -"

"Hehe, wroooong."

He grinned as he waved his hand at the shoes, watching the magic pour out of the ring towards them. He hadn't been entirely sure that this would work - after all, he'd only been moving the dragon around, grabbing things, and pulling them so far - but if it did what he hoped, then he was set.

As soon as the sneakers started glowing, he knew that it was working. Purple light flared from the undersides of them, and he saw Draconicon look at them, the dragon's white eyes turning purple for a second before he looked away.

"Ah, what's the matter, teach? You worried about getting hypnotized by a pair of shoes?"

The husky chuckled, grabbing the dragon's face with his socked feet. They pressed on both sides of that scaly muzzle, and he saw the dragon's cock instantly start twitching, bouncing up and down. Xander smiled.

"Heh, look at that. Already throbbing, just for a pair of feet. Not even bare ones, but ones with socks. How about you just..."

Another thought, and the dragon's head was surrounded by that orange and red glow, forcing him to stare down at the husky's feet.

"Why don't you just stare at them, then, until it's too late."

The husky chuckled as he reached for his shoes, feeling the dragon's eyes locked on his feet. His teacher was staring at them intently, unable to look away even as the unlaced sneakers came back into view. The purple oozed down from the soles, lighting up the floor rather than anything else, and Xander smirked as he dragged them on, feeling the pop past his heel again.

"Tie them for me."


"Tie them, teach."

The dragon did as he was told, for once, and the husky chuckled to himself. It was so different to see the big black dragon on his knees like this, tying his shoes like some sort of servant. The black dragon's fingers were quick to work, pulling on the laces and making the rest of the shoe go tight with a few tugs, only to pull them into a quick bow and double-knot them, the soft rasp of the laces filling his ears with a smile.

And then...he lifted his shoes up.

The purple was reflected in the dragon's eyes almost immediately, and this time, the dragon couldn't look away. Xander clicked his heels together lightly, pressing his shoes side by side, leaving only the dragon's rapidly changing eyes in sight for him.

"Yep, you're going to be a good little shoe-slut in a few seconds, big guy. Just keep staring. You'll be wanting to hump against these in just a few more seconds..."

This power, this...this amazing magic. He had to keep it. Even if he never got to use it on the teacher again, he wanted to have this chance to use it on others. Bullies, assholes, jerks; there were so many people that deserved to be put in their place. But for tonight, he'd settle for this.

He saw the struggle in the back of the dragon's eyes, those wisps of white that held out against the purple haze for as long as they could, but the shift was inevitable. Bit by bit, they faded, until the dragon's eyes were nothing but a total purple, lost to the magic of his shoes.

"Stand...and hump."

The dragon obeyed without being prompted, grabbing hold of the husky's ankles and pulling the bottom of the sneakers against his cock. It was so silly, watching the bigger dragon hump his shoes, feeling that thick shaft grinding against the bottom of them. It was even better seeing the dragon's face twist in pleasure, and Xander couldn't help but let loose with a few more insults of his own.

"Shoe humper. Look at you, you little freak. Getting off on humping a little student's shoes, huh? Bet you'd cum real quick if I took that cock ring off of you. How about you give me a bit more, huh? Keep on humping...show me how much you love the bottoms of my sneakers!"

He groped himself, feeling his cock throbbing like mad inside of his shorts. He groaned repeatedly, panting softly as he jerked himself off, as the dragon humped against the treaded, textured bottom of his sneakers. He pressed back against it, feeling that cock flatten ever so slightly as the humping went on, feeling it press back against him with so much pre oozing out. It was like a faucet, unable to stop.

The musk in the air made it even better, and the desperate look on the dragon's face made him grin wide.

"You wanna cum, huh? How's it feel, you perverted teacher? How's it feel to be humping a student's shoes? How's it feel to be the one on the bottom?"

He pushed down, flattening the dragon's cock between the bottom of his shoes and the dragon's belly.

"Go on, then. Cum like the perverted dragon you are!"

He released the magic, and the dragon did just that. The black dragon arched his back, his cock thrusting two, three times against the bottom of the husky's shoes, and Xander got a front row seat to the sight of his teacher cumming all over the bottoms of them. He grinned, jerking his cock with abandon through his pants until he joined him, cumming hard in the dress pants, filling them, flooding them with cum.

"More! Keep going, you stupid stud!"

Three hours later...

Xander groaned as he waved goodbye to his 'teacher,' the scene having come to an end about five minutes ago when they both realized that they were shooting blanks. The rule was that magic couldn't prolong a scene, not refilling stamina or their balls, so it was time for Drac to head out for anyone else that wanted him.

The husky had been about to take off the ring and give it back, but the black dragon had surprised him.

"Keep it for a week. See if you can do anything particularly interesting with it. If you can, I'll let you keep it permanently."

It was a gift beyond anything that he expected...and it made it all the easier to fill out the customer satisfaction form with high marks.

The End

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