A Child's Darkness, Chapter 2: A Blood Auction

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Vicki's torment continues in this second chapter of her horrible experience under her uncle, and it seems that he's already ramping it up. Auctioning off her virginity...well, this could go badly.

WARNING! Drugs, cub, rape, and blood ahead.

Part 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1108053

Part 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1161526 (You are Here)

A Child's Darkness Chapter 2: A Blood Auction By Draconicon

Seven days had passed since her rape, and Vicki knew that the next would come before long. The young kitsune had seen him staring at her with an all too familiar sparkle in his eyes over the last two days, and she doubted that her bedroom would be safe for long.

Worse, her cash stockpile was running low. What little she had left would scarcely be enough for information, let alone favors. Even if the ten-year-old wasn't ordered to him inside of the next few days, her uncle could likely afford to wait, drawing her out as her reserves ran low. He was crafty enough for that. Craftier than she had ever given him credit for.

Vicki sat on the edge of her bed, two tails twitching behind her as she looked at the dress her uncle had sent her for the evening. It hung over the top of her mirror, almost taunting her with its very presence, and she shook as she imagined what would happen tonight.

Will he force it, tonight? she wondered. Will he? This is the servants' day off. He could press for something, and there would be no one to see it. He would have free reign, today...

The dress itself did little to allay her fears. It was not something a young girl - or even a mature woman - would wear with any modesty. The front was nearly ripped open, cut down to where her stomach would rest, and her nipples would be forced out of it no matter how she arranged it. The burgundy cloth would settle barely at the tops of her thighs, and leave her with almost everything exposed.

She knew what it was. It was a whore's dress, and her uncle's instructions, written on a note pinned to the dress when he'd given it to her, left her without any illusions of what he wanted.

Wear nothing beneath it, she remembered the note reading. He wanted her on display, and...on display she would be.

Vicki sighed as she slipped off of the bed, reaching up with one tail and pulling the dress off of its space. The small vixen pulled it over her head, wishing that the dress at least felt as vile as it looked as it slipped down her body, but no, it was a rich cloth, satin or something similar. It was smooth and soft, and where it touched, she wished it would linger.

She looked at herself in the mirror as it finally settled, forcing her tails down so that they didn't lift up the back of the dress any further than they already did. The dress rested on her shoulders lightly enough that she didn't even feel it, though she felt the air that passed through the room over her exposed nipples. Vicki stared at herself in the mirror, stepping closer, and closer, until she was almost nose to nose with herself.

"This...isn't me..."

The young kitsune rested her hand on the reflective surface, staring herself in the eye. The girl on the other side, dressed up like some street-corner slut, like someone that wanted this, that invited it...


It will be me.

"No, it won't. I still...I can take this."

No, I can't.

"You aren't me. I can do this. Discipline is key. Control is power."

The mantra means nothing, and I already know it.

Her breath was already speeding up, her heart rising up in her chest until it felt like it was blocking her throat. Vicki saw herself shaking, saw the dilation of her pupils. She was on the verge of a complete breakdown. She had to pull herself together, or things would get worse.

Ripping herself away from the mirror, she immediately felt...controlled. Not better, or calm, but controlled.

"That one...that isn't me. That's just...a costume. Just...just what I have to do..."

It's what I am becoming. What uncle wants me to be. I'm too stupid -

"Shut up. I'm smart...I'm smarter than him."

Not smart enough to avoid this.

"I chose this..."

She took a deep breath, then another, and another, until she could bring herself to be quiet. No more. No more talking to herself. That wouldn't solve anything. That wouldn't...that wouldn't help.

Turning around, she looked at the mirror just long enough to adjust the dress along her shoulders before turning to the door. Vicki didn't bother reaching for shoes. Considering what her uncle might demand, it would be better to leave them behind rather than damage them kicking them off.

She hoped that she could maintain that practicality over dinner...

It was a quiet evening, made more so by the lack of servants. She sat at one end of the large, opulent dining table, while Uncle Rethan sat at the far end. Her 'guardian' ate at his food slowly, his eyes never glancing down at his plates or his cups. No, they were always on her, and she felt every burning second of his rapacious stare.

She kept her eyes down for the most part, not wishing to stare at him or entice him. Nor did she wish him to see her eyes, and what she was feeling. Fear would entice him, rage would bring him over to teach her a lesson. Neither was something she could deal with now.

Instead, she focused on the soup in front of her, a simple thing that her cook had prepared before leaving this morning. Vicki wondered if the fox had been told by the butler to do something special; it tasted quite fine.

She was almost finished with the beef and onion soup when her uncle cleared his throat. Vicki lowered her spoon, glancing up.


He was silent again, and she sighed. This game, once more.


"You are looking quite fine tonight, niece. The dress suits you. Or perhaps you suit the dress, heh."

She wouldn't blush. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. And, she found, it was hard to be embarrassed when he had already used her. The memory of his knot in her...in her rear was a memory that would last for a very long time. He seemed to understand that, and moved on.

"You haven't come to me for more money, yet."

"I am cautious in my dealings, Uncle."

"I imagine that you are. Considering the cost of it."

Don't rise. Don't rise. You are better than him. Discipline is key, control is power.

He shook his head at her.

"Don't bother trying to hold yourself back, Vicki. You sold yourself once, and you'll do it again. You aren't anything more than a slut. Don't forget, I never forced you to do anything. You offered yourself. You did."

"I remember, Uncle."

"I hope that you continue remembering that. Because if you don't, I can always let everyone know the truth of the matter."

She had no doubt that he would. It was one of many holds that he had over her, now. Not only control over where she went and who she talked to, but now, control over what she did with her own body. Her chaperones had doubled in the single gathering since the rape, and she knew that he was more paranoid than ever about her seeing some other male without his permission. The why of it had escaped her, however.

She took another sip of the soup.

"Why are you bringing this up now?"

"Because, if you want more, if you want your deal to continue, it's time for something else..."

"...Something else, Uncle?"

"Hmmm, yes. I believe that you are ready to lose that virginity of yours."

Her fingers twitched, and she almost dropped the spoon as her fears surged in her. It was bad enough that he had used her before, filled her and ripped her and torn her in the back. If he were to take her maidenhead...

She crossed her legs. There was no way that she could defy him, but she could see the future unfolding already. Even in this day, the value of a woman's virginity was not to be unconsidered. It brought a value and a gift to any marriage, and ensured that her clan would get a good price in return for her 'service' to another.

If he were to take it...not only would he ruin the standing of the clan, but also her own.

Silence stretched out for a moment or two, before he chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in taking it for myself. Besides, I think a slut like you would prefer what I have in mind."

"And what...what might that be, Uncle?"

"An auction."

Auction. Her tails trembled, floofing up before she could stop them as the implications sunk in.

Auctions were rare, something that was done with an undesirable family member, or someone that had done something wrong. It was a way to get money for them, rather than simply leaving them apart. It could turn into an entire event, for that matter, inviting other clans in for the same sort of bidding, and the same...privileges...that those suiting for her might get.

"Uncle. You can't be serious about this."

"Can't I?"

Rethan leaned forward against the table, flashing the smirk that she hated with every fiber of her being. He chuckled.

"Vicki, darling, I think you'll find that I can do whatever I want when it comes to you. You are nothing more than a piece for me to move around the board. You might have been some precocious little girl to your mother, to my brother. To me...to me, you're just a set of holes to fill and a way to make money."

...If nothing else, he is honest about himself, the bastard.

"May I be excused?"

"Come here, first."

Pushing herself back from the table, Vicki did as she was told, walking over to his side of the table. He made her turn around, and she leaned against the side of the table as he ran his hand up the back of her legs. She winced as he forced her tails up, and then parted her ass cheeks with one hand.

A finger pressed against her sex, not sliding in, but just feeling it. Vicki already knew that she was as dry as could be, and her uncle's clawed finger did nothing to excite her. She held still as he worked his finger backwards, running back to her other hole.

His claw reminded her of that first night, and a shiver ran down her back before she could stop it. He chuckled, and this time, she did blush.

"Thinking of my knot in you, Vicki? Are you imagining it again? Thinking of that night in your parents' bed, how they were looking down on you as you gave yourself to me like the whore you are?"

"I'm not thinking of anything."

His finger pressed against her hole, but she bit her lip. She wouldn't give it to him, this time. He wasn't family, not for this. He wasn't a lord. Not for this. And she wagered that he wouldn't force it. Not this time, not with an auction coming up, not when her value would be determined by her physical wellbeing.

His claw circled around her hole several times, the point catching on her rim twice before he pulled it away.

"You don't know when you have it good, do you?"

"I know when I had it good. And so do you."

She turned away, walking up the stairs. A part of her wanted to keep her tails down, to hide herself, but Vicki forced both of them up high. If she was going to defy him, she would do it with everything...for as long as she could.

She felt his eyes on her rump as she left the room, and the sensation continued as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Her uncle couldn't have been following her, but the feeling was still there as she walked along. Some foul, horrible sensation of being watched, of being molested by another's eyes. The kitsune could hardly stomach it, but she made herself do it, swallowing slowly as she walked and keeping one hand on her stomach.

Cook would be so upset if I wasted his food, she reminded herself. She wouldn't hurt the old fox's feelings. Not because her uncle wanted her so badly.

She slammed the door of her bedroom after stepping inside, and ran to her bed before she could lose control. Vicki landed on her belly, curling up into a ball as soon as she could, and fought the tears that were coming.

Auction. I can't...I can't...

She would be on display. More than her uncle would see her, and an auction would be something that everyone would know about. It was a legal thing to be done, something that her servants would eventually hear about. She would be paraded around the room, wearing less than she had tonight, and would be felt and touched and groped -

Her stomach heaved, and she clenched her jaws shut tight. Bile and mess slid up her neck, almost reaching her mouth, but she forced it down. Slowly.

The tears, however, came without cease.

The following two days of preparation were hell on earth for the young kitsune. Her uncle made the announcement the next morning, and had sent out invitations as soon as the servants could print them. Beni, her white-furred butler, had been at her door almost before she had awoken, begging her to tell him that it wasn't true.

But it was. It was.

She'd cried with him for almost an hour before she'd had to get up and start her day, but not before giving him an order.

"If I'm to be sold, then I will choose my buyer. Find the list of invitations, and bring them to me tonight."

Vicki forced herself to behave as normal, even as the various foxes that served the household watched her with different eyes. Some looked at her with pity, others with disgust. Still others looked at her the way that Rethan did, and she knew that her life would not be the same from then on. Without respect, without a reputation, she had little to fight with.

The first night, she went to her uncle again. It was a quick night; he wouldn't use her rear, not with the auction coming, but he was happy that she offered her mouth. She almost threw up from his filthy taste, but it rewarded her with sufficient resources to carry out a plan.

The second day was occupied with preparing for the auction itself, and few of the servants were available to her. Even Beni could hardly pull himself away from the work, but he managed it. He managed it enough to give her the information she needed.

She spent her day in the sitting room, wrapped in the most conservative dress she had while looking over the list. Males - and a few females - from four different clans had been invited, but Vicki knew by the status of many that they wouldn't be bidding. There were, perhaps, only four true contenders to actually purchasing her...virginity.

Osi was the most likely. He was from a clan that had worked with her mother and father in the past, but had severed ties almost three years ago after a financial venture had gone badly for them. She remembered the day it had happened, and doubted that they would be bidding too highly for her. Then again, Osi and Rethan had always been rivals, with Osi able to be successful enough to feed his lusts while her uncle had been forced to subsist off of the table scraps that the family had offered him. The gray-furred, six tailed kitsune might try and buy her simply out of spite.

Tohan was another, though it was a toss-up whether Rethan's cousin would bother trying to get her. She'd heard the rumors that he was on the verge of being thrown out of the family line for some of his shadier dealings, with still darker rumors suggesting that he ran rings of prostitution, involving girls her age and younger. If he bought her, then there was the chance that her 'business' might be expanded, depending on how close her uncle was to his cousin.

Vicki winced at the third name on her limited list, recognizing him as a fat heir to a clan that her mother and father had been cautiously fond of. Sabu of Clan Vaen was heir to a great deal of wealth and information, considering that they were of a diamond-running line, but he was fat and slovenly. She remembered meeting him once, two years ago, and getting so flecked with drool when he talked that she'd mistaken for falling into a fountain. More than that, she knew that he had...filthy habits, and she wasn't about to get involved in them.

The last, and second-most likely for purchasing her, was a married couple looking to expand their den. Or at least, that was what she understood from looking at their names together on the invitation list. Arun and Wusi, of Clan Toir, were minor kitsunes of their family, but with an interest in history that would have gone well with her, if she were older. They had seemed quiet, when she'd seen them before...

If I were actually looking to be bought, I would almost certainly choose them, she supposed. But I am not looking to be bought...

Vicki leaned back in her chair, tapping a finger to her chin as she examined the list. There were a number of things that she could think to do that would throw a wrench in the works, but too many of them required preparation. If she had a week, she might have come up with something, but overnight...


She looked up, and couldn't quite summon a smile for the white-furred fox in the doorway. Waving him in, Vicki looked down at the list once more as her butler settled in beside her, his suit crinkling softly as he leaned forward.

"What are you considering, milady?"

"I am considering how I can make things as horrible as possible for my uncle tomorrow."

"He is anticipating the success of the auction, quite happily. He believes that you will bring him a good price."

"He can believe whatever he wants. I will find a way to hurt him."

"He will hurt you, in turn."

"Not...if I do it right."

"I hear the spark of an idea, milady."

"You hear correctly."

Vicki smiled to herself. Though the temptation to save herself was a strong one, the urge to hurt her uncle rose even higher. And there was nobody that would hurt him more than Osi.

"How well do you know Osi of Clan Loen?"

"I know of him, though little of his tastes. I speak with his butler regularly, however."

"Do me a favor, and take this."

Reaching into her pockets, she pulled out half of what her uncle had 'rewarded' her with the night before. She counted it out, ensuring that the proper amount of several thousand was there, and passed it over to her butler. He pocketed it without a word or a shift of his expression as she continued.

"Speak to his butler, and see if you can worm out any...secrets, that he might have for his master."

"Secrets, milady?"

"Find out what rumors of Osi's private life are true, and which are not. It might be my only salvation tomorrow night."

"You are determined, then?"

"I have little else to be."

"As you say, milady."

"And Beni?"


She held out her arms, and he reached down, pulling her against his chest. Resting her nose against his neck, she closed her eyes, and shook. Her body trembled for almost half a minute before she could get control of herself again, and she realized she'd been pulling at the back of his neck, at the fur that stuck out from his tail, anything that she could get a grip on.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, milady."

"No...no it's not...but we have to pretend."

"I understand. I will return with everything I can."

"Do that, Beni. Do that."

As the white fox left, she took the piece of paper with the names and carried it to the fireplace. Once more, she burned the evidence. No need for her uncle to find out that she had some prior information on the bidding.

The night came, and Vicki felt like she was half-asleep. It might have something to do with the drug her uncle had given her, a forced injection after she'd come to his chambers. Her head was in the clouds, and her eyes were unfocused. Everything swam before her as she was forcibly undressed, stripped of everything that she had.

She slipped onto her back, her legs thrown in the air as her uncle ripped her leggings off, throwing them to the side and pulling her panties off with them. Her thoughts felt like they were coming through molten sugar, broken and melted, slow and confused. What was happening? Why was she getting naked again? Why was...why was anything anything?

It continued, soon leaving her without a stitch covering her. Her uncle pulled her tails over her shoulders, leaving her with a look almost like a cloak, and she looked at them in confusion.

"Just walk with them that way. It makes everything look better."

Vicki didn't want to do what she was told. She hated him. She wanted to kill him. But she couldn't remember why. She couldn't even remember what was happening, but she knew it was bad. How did she know it? Because everything about her uncle was bad, and, if he was involved, so was the night.

But something told her to hold back. Some part said to keep quiet. Some part said that she had to wait. An old, old phrase... Discipline...Control...Power...

So she was quiet. She was silent. She was compliant as he dragged her out of the room, pulling her down the hallway towards the main stairs. The carpet was nice and plush beneath her toes, a nice warmth compared to the cold hallway, and she wriggled her toes around from time to time to enjoy it. His hands on her back kept her moving forward, always in a hurry, his mumbles in her ear making it difficult to think, difficult to understand.

They reached the main hall, and the top of the stairs unfolded before her. She wobbled until he pushed her to the railing, and Vicki slowly stared down towards the crowd.

As the lights of the chandeliers slowly came together, forming points of light rather than a wash of streaking lights, she saw the people down below. Kitsune visitors and fox servants alike stared up at her, and some small part of her had the grace to be embarrassed. She felt the blush in her cheeks, even if she didn't understand what was going on. Vicki lifted one hand, waving at them.

A breeze came up the stairs, between her legs. A reminder that she was naked, that she was being seen like this by everyone. She saw an aunt - a distant relation of Rethan - gasp at the sight, and saw several males grin instead. They all looked at her like some piece of meat, something that they might enjoy.

Drugged, she walked down the stairs, having to take it as slow as possible to avoid falling over. Her uncle followed behind her, one hand on her shoulder, and the other - hidden, she belatedly realized - rubbing her along her rump.

It took her almost five minutes to walk down the stairs. A part of her felt elegant, and a part felt ashamed at what was going on. She knew that something was wrong, that this wasn't what normal people did, but, at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to stop. All she could do was keep walking, keep moving. Down the stairs, down another step, down another one after that. Continually spreading her legs, continually showing herself to the crowd.

Finally, her feet touched the tiles of the bottom floor, and she was among them. Vicki stepped forward again, unhindered by her uncle, and passed into the crowd. Most of the men and women towered over her, with only a few of them standing less than a foot above her head. She wandered between them, offering smiles as she tried to keep her balance.

Here and there, she felt hands on her, touching her chest, stroking across her nipples, going down along her body and squeezing her from behind. It was soft and curious, almost gentle at times, and she couldn't help but groan at some of the touches.

Some of them.

Others were crueler. She felt fingers wrapping around her tails, pulling on them and dragging her to dark corners. Vicki groaned, her eyes too hazy to get a good look at those that pulled her along, at those that forced her legs apart, at the ones that touched her and filled her with a finger to test whether she was a virgin. Several of them even pushed harder, as if they might spoil the evening, before they were stopped.

In and out of the crowd she went, the drug gradually fading. Slowly, she realized where she was, and slowly, she knew that she was trapped.

Awareness came when she was in the arms of the shady cousin, Tohan. The red-orange kitsune looked down at her with a smirk, holding her in an embrace of arms and tails as he looked her over. His fingers pinched at her nipples, making her gasp at the sensation, and she groaned as she slowly shook her head.


"Oh? Why are you refusing an examination, hmm? You think that you're better than old Tohan?"

"No, no, it is nothing like that. Just..."

A reason. Keep it quiet, keep moving. You can't stay here, or he will do more than touch. And this will not hurt Rethan.

"Just...it is proper to wait for the full exam. Look with your eyes, not your hands."

"Oh, a charmer, I see. Fine. But be sure that I will test you later."

The older male let her go, his three tails swishing in the air as she stepped free. Vicki managed a few shaky steps before putting her hand to her head, groaning and trying to figure out how long she'd been drugged.

Down the stairs, in the crowd...fondled...touched...moaning...

She remembered the moaning. That wasn't her, she reminded herself. That was her, drugged. It wasn't her fault. She wasn't what her uncle wanted her to be. She was not the whore that he kept calling her.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think that things were getting out of hand. She couldn't remember how long she'd been wandering the crowd. There were no clocks to compare to what she'd seen before going to her uncle, and there was no way to know how long he kept her alone before taking her down.

Beni would know, but the white fox was nowhere to be seen. They'd met up on her way to her uncle, exchanged information, and parted. Now...

Now, she was alone. It was up to her.

Discipline is key, control is power, she reminded herself as she fought the urge to blush, being the only naked being in the entire room. Looking around, she saw one of the fox servants that didn't look too horribly inclined towards her, and made her way across the room. She kept her walk stiff-legged, ensuring that it didn't try and entice as many people to touch her. She still suffered bruising pinches to her rump, however, and winced at one spank.

The fox looked down at her as she approached, and she tried to ignore the fact that he was starting to get hard in his pants.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Yes, auctionee?"

There was an unavoidable wince at that, but she continued regardless.

"How long have I been on the floor?"

"Almost two hours."

Two hours. That was much longer than she'd expected. Doubtless, Rethan would take her back for the serious bidders to privately examine before long. If so, she had little time. She had to get to Osi, soon. Giving her thanks to the fox, she hurried off, her eyes flicking across the crowd for the gray-furred kitsune.

It didn't take long to find him in a crowd of orange and yellow and red. He wore a plain suit at the back of the room, sipping at a glass of wine as she walked over. No sooner had she stepped into his field of vision than she saw him hardening, and she bit back a retort. At least the fox, earlier, had the grace to look somewhat ashamed at being turned on by her.

She bowed at the waist as she had been taught, and ignored the chuckle in her ears as she stood up.

"Osi of Clan Loen. I greet you in my house."

"Your house? I hear it's your uncle's house, now."

"It is, for the moment. He holds it in trust for me, however, rather than for himself."

"Heh, he never has been one to hold anything for himself, properly."

If I but had the freedom to agree...

She stepped closer. Her information had been scant, at best, but she knew that Osi had the same lusts for 'smaller' women that her uncle did. His shaft was already running out of his sheath in his pants, and he was getting bigger, and quickly. Vicki smiled, stepping close enough for her toes to bump his shoes.

As he looked down, she leaned forward, resting her muzzle against his waist as she looked up at him. It was a calculated move, and she could feel him throbbing already, twitching against the underside of her chin through the thin cloth.

"I hear that you have the funds to win the auction."

"I am considering it, though I have no need for a girl like you."

"I believe that you don't know what you are missing."

"Hmm, do I not? I am told that you are a virgin, so what could you offer that I couldn't pay for, for cheap, elsewhere?"

"Many things...Everything that they can do..."

She stood up on tiptoes, dragging her body up his legs. This far in the corner, the only thing people would care about was if she was actually spreading her legs for him. So long as she didn't actually take him inside of her, nobody would care what happened to her.

Which she hated, but she could use.

She worked her hands up under his bulge, squeezing his sack gently. It was large enough that she wondered if some of the other rumors were true, that he would sometimes hire little ones to punch and kick at them until they swelled. She gave an experimental squeeze, a tighter one -


Perhaps it is...

"You haven't had a tight girl in some time, I imagine...the tightness of someone so tiny, who hasn't taken anyone, can be quite...painful."

"Mmph...You cannot be a virgin."

She forced a smile up at him, and gave his balls another, almost painful squeeze, while at the same time biting at the bit of flesh that exposed itself between shirt and pants. He grunted again, his cock pushing up against her chin before she pulled away.

"Examine me...and find out..."

He stared at her as she walked away, and Vicki smiled over her shoulder until she was out of view. Then, she walked towards the nearest refreshment bowl. Fox flesh tasted foul, particularly when it was someone she loathed.

She was amazed that she'd gotten over her shame of being nude so quickly. A part of her wondered, as she drank down several glasses of water, if it was because so many of them were strangers. Another part wondered if perhaps the drug hadn't completely faded from her system. And a third...

A third wondered if she was simply like what her uncle called her.

Vicki refused to believe that. She was doing what she had to. That was...that was all.

I wish I could think that without pausing.

Sighing, she drained her cup one more time, and sat in a corner until she was called forward. Her uncle presented her on stage, talking about her, about her age, about her loneliness, about her line. He talked about how she would be a good partner in bed for anyone, and even reached down and spread her sex, showing off the sheer tightness she had.

Vicki blushed, but only slightly. There were worse things that had been done.

The presentation continued, with her pulling back further and further from reality as the eyes continued to stare at her. So many kitsune, so many people that had to know that this was wrong...and yet they let it keep going. Auction or not, she was only ten. Why didn't anyone...why didn't they...

She was crying. She couldn't be crying...

A finger lifted to her cheek, and her uncle's chuckle filled her ears.

"And she is as much of a whore as you think she is..."


The word kept repeating in her head, and she felt the cracks spreading with it. Vicki tensed up as her uncle picked her up, but she was barely aware of the world around her as she was carried off of the stage. All she could think of was how everything was crashing down.

I was okay! I was holding it together! What...what the hell...is wrong...with me?!

Crying turned to weeping by the time they were in the private room, and she turned her head to hold her cheek against her shoulder as the tears kept pouring out. Her arms were pulled over her head and clapped in metal shackles, holding her up on her tiptoes as she was left exposed.

Rethan patted her cheek roughly, and she slowly snapped out of it as he looked her over again.

"Heh, you just tripled your price with some people, with that. I am going to be a rich man after tonight."

"You...are despicable, uncle..."

"I am what I am. And you, girl, should just be what you are."

He chuckled, walking over to the single door to the room. She realized that it was an emptied storage closet, with the manacles replacing some meat hooks from before. Vicki shivered at the comparison, and glared as her uncle smirked over his shoulder at her.

"I'll send the serious bidders in. Be a good girl for them...but scream if they try and take your maidenhead."


"Heh, you know you don't want to lose it, either. Make sure to be a good girl, one last time, Vicki."

And with that, he shut the door. Vicki's tears kept flowing, but some part of her, some rage that wouldn't be quenched, managed to pull a smile out of everything.

You don't want me to lose it more, uncle. And with what I have in mind...heh...It will be worth the pain.

Examiners came and went, most of them doing little more than sliding a finger inside of her to see if there was anything in the way, or if her uncle was lying to them. Even when one examiner said to another that it was fine, they had to check and be sure of it themselves. Then again, they were probably all as bad as her uncle, and merely wanted a feel.

Others, however, were more inventive. Tohan, when he came in, rammed a finger up her ass after dipping it into her mouth. She winced, her hole still aching from the brutal rape just over a week ago, and when he pulled his claw out, she was worried that she'd started bleeding. Nothing of the sort, thankfully, but it felt like it.

The married couple, far from being the best of the bunch, were the worst. Vicki ended up with her face shoved into the female's cunt while the male pulled her feet off of the ground, grinding against them. She was nothing but a toy to them, a hurriedly used and then discarded one as they rapidly came. She was flooded by the taste of the female, and her toes squelched when they pressed down on the floor again.

Others didn't take it so far, merely whipping out their dick and stroking it and cumming over some part of her. Her chest, her face, her whiskers, her crotch. Never inside of her, but always marking her. And none of the bidders seemed to care to wipe her off, and none of them seemed to mind her being dirty during their examination.

She endured it, and waited. There was one person, just one person, that she had to hold out for.

Finally, he arrived. The six-tailed gray kitsune stepped in, his eyes taking in her matted fur and messy state, and he chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

"You almost look like you were bought already, you slut."

"People have an interesting idea of what an exam entails."

"You certainly look like you've been thoroughly...examined."

His chuckles weren't as bad as her uncle's, but they were nearly as bad. Vicki kept her mouth shut, instead looking up at him and waiting.

Eventually, he walked over to her. Like everyone else, he reached down to her pussy, but unlike them, he smeared his finger in all the cum rolling down her belly, and used it as lube to ram his finger in. She winced as he smacked into her hymen, rubbing over it with his fingertip. The feeling of pressure was enough to lift her up on her tiptoes, leaving her groaning and grunting under her breath at the strange feeling.

"Heh, you are definitely a virgin. Yet...you know how to taunt. And tease."

"Put your crotch by my face...and you'll see how much I know."


"Heh, trust me..."

Vicki swallowed down her disgust as the gray kitsune stood up and pulled down his pants. His cock was already throbbing hard, the whole thing sticking out of his sheath and his knot just barely beginning to form. She looked at it, and then made her move.

She bit down on his balls, her teeth just barely pushing past her lips and into those orbs. He yelped as he pulled back, only to stop when he realized that he couldn't without actually damaging himself.

Smirking around his sack, Vicki slowly started 'chewing', putting just enough pressure on his balls to hurt without actually damaging them. The ten-year-old felt his cock throbbing over her, a few of her bites squeezing out some bit of pre, and he groaned over her.

She let go, tossing her head in the same motion as a weak headbutt to his cock and balls. Osi groaned at the assault, backing off from her by another step, but his cock was harder than ever. Vicki smirked, and it wasn't entirely acted. The sight of an adult that got off on having a child punch him, hurt him, was something she was honestly disgusted by...but amused by at the same time.


"I know things, Osi. I'm not a normal child."

She pushed herself up on one foot, keeping on tiptoe before snapping her other leg out. He lifted up on his own tiptoes as a result, his balls half-flattened between the top of her foot and his crotch. It was a careful move, something she'd practiced with over a dozen eggs the day before, just to make sure that she could do it right.

He drooled pre all over the top of her foot, and she smirked at him.

"You like pain, do you?"

"Mmmph...what are...how..."

Curling her toes around his sack, she pulled him closer, and closer, until his cock was near her belly. She forced as seductive a look as she could imagine, her eyes half closed as she leaned up and nibbled, then bit his neck. He groaned, his cock spewing pre over her belly as a result.

"You like pain..."


"Then try this..."

"I...I should..."


She pulled at his sack again, dragging him down. It hurt her leg muscles, almost throwing them into spasms bending them this way, but his cock tip was right at her pussy. It was right where it could violate her, stealing away what her uncle wanted to steal, and giving it to his greatest rival.

"A virgin is tighter than any woman...and a girl is tighter than any adult...And I'm so dry inside..."

She promised him friction, pain, tightness, struggles. She knew him from the information that Beni had gotten for her, knew the perverted old man's needs. If there was anything he could have done to resist, he would have done it by then. His knot was already thickening up, his own damn fetish driving him forward. For good measure, she bit at his neck again as she pulled him close, the tip of his cock sliding past her cum-soaked nethers.

And that was all it took. With a growl, he lifted her off of the ground with his tails and slammed in. Vicki bit back a shout as the air was driven from her lungs, her lower half feeling ripped apart. Her gut felt like someone had punched it in, and then left a cinderblock there as she struggled to breathe past the horrific, ripping, shredding feeling of her maidenhead being ripped away.

His knot was worse, grinding against her bloody sex until he rammed it against her, forcing it in. He growled against her neck, unable to help himself, and she bit back her scream until -


Her scream roared in the back of her throat, Vicki's tears running down her cheeks as she made herself beat her heels against his ass, forcing him to stay inside...just for a few seconds...Enduring the burning, the searing pain...until...

She looked up, and saw the look on his face. Pleasure, bliss...and fear.

Gotcha, she thought, and threw back her head.


She screamed at the top of her lungs, and the door immediately slammed open. Osi pulled out, but it was too late. His cock was stained with blood, and her pussy gaped from the recent penetration. It was all there for her uncle to see, and she knew exactly the conclusion that he'd draw.

Even better, there were others at the door, four or five that could see the damage that was done. Her virginity was taken, not sold, and Rethan's rival...had humiliated him again.

Vicki fell into her bed, her body still covered in drying cum and her openings aching. After the fallout of the auction, Rethan had ordered two servants to take her away, while he dealt with everything. Unfortunately for her, it had ended up being two of the foreign servants, both of which were more than happy to use the 'soiled' female for their own ends.

She hurt. She hurt all over, and she was filthy, and she was not going to be clean before morning. She'd been fondled, filled, fucked, debased, used as a toy, and shown off naked in front of four different clans. Worst, she would be known as an auctionee, a female without any true suitors, for years to come, and without her maidenhead, she'd be seen as ever more of a slut.


But she had managed to get some small level of revenge on her uncle. And that...that was worth the pain. He would be angry, and he would try and protect his 'property' with other things, but at least she knew one way to fight him.

"If I can't take the offer back...take it forward."

She'd made the decision before. And this one...hadn't killed her. She hated herself for it, even as her need for revenge was satisfied for the moment, but it hadn't killed her. Maybe, maybe, she could do this.

The End

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