Dragon Dungeon: Master Kira, Slave Vicki

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And we get a rare thing that's not Draconicon or Drakina. Vicki, the kitsune, as a small slave. A little more romantic than she might be, but FA: JCFoxman asked for that.

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Iron Author: Dragon Dungeon Master Kira, Slave Vicki For JCFoxman By Draconicon

Resting on the edge of a small hot spring, Vicki allowed herself to relax. Her many tails slipped beneath the surface of the water, and the kitsune closed her eyes as she slipped further into the hot, bubbling pool. It rippled around her just enough to make her breasts bob up and down in the water, and she smiled as she felt some of it swirl around her, stroking along her thighs and her belly.

It was a good place to wait for her partner for the next few hours, she had to admit, and one that she would be a little loathe to leave when he arrived.

Heh, then again, it's all for a good cause, she thought to herself.

The vixen stretched out one leg, pressing her toes against the other side of the hot tub as the water soaked down her fur. She could feel it working into her muscles, loosening her up for later, and she slowly rolled her head back to rest it against the molded rock behind her. Her fingers twitched, slightly tempted to reach down between her legs to warm that up as well, but she resisted the urge.

Besides, Kira would likely want to do that, himself.

She smiled at the thought of the blue fox that she'd been paired with for the next few hours, knowing that he'd been looking forward to their meeting for a while. She'd encountered him a time or two before, always when he was working with Draconicon on some new project, and she'd taken some delight in teasing him. He'd always had an eye for her breasts and her hips, and she knew that he'd been quite hard when she walked by in nothing but a towel that one time. Always a gentleman, though.

A part of her wondered if he'd be able to maintain that demeanor tonight.

Chuckling, the kitsune lowered herself yet further into the bubbling water, looking around the cavern. It had been converted into something similar to an eastern lodge, the walls covered in wooden boards rather than smooth stone, and with several low tables along the grounds, lifted up with cushions around them. A banked fire lay in a small hole in the ground, keeping the air warm so that she wouldn't be freezing when she stepped out of the water, and several white robes were hung from the wall by the opening to the main corridor.

Even with the fire, steam filled the air, making many shapes little more than silhouettes, adding to the slight mystique of the room. She enjoyed it...and smiled a little more as she heard the sound of footsteps nearing her.

Vicki stayed quiet as she listened to the steps getting closer and closer, and only when they were near enough to be clearly in reach did she react, sliding a tail over and wrapping it around the newcomer's ankle.

"Sneaking up on your date, Master Kira?"

"Oh, you don't have to call me that."

The kitsune chuckled, slowly turning her head until she could look up at her visitor. The blue fox looked down at her with a blush on his face, and she knew that blush would only get brighter as the night went on. Her dom he might be, but he was inexperienced, someone that she could help teach as much as she could enjoy.

It would work out well for the both of them.

She extended a few more tails, lifting him off of his feet and gently pulling him into the hot spring with her. He had already undressed, she noticed, and he had the confidence to not cover himself, though she left him with the ability to do it. He slipped into the water across from her, and she idly traced her toes along his calf as she smiled at him.

"I hope that you didn't have trouble finding me."

"No, no, nothing of the sort. I just, um, wanted to make sure that you were comfortable."

"Oh, I am. Are you?"

"I'm getting there...It's rather hard to be entirely comfortable when I'm staring at the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time."

"Such a nice male."

She smiled, sitting up a little bit more, letting her cleavage break the surface of the water. Though she still maintained a small illusion over it, keeping her breasts to the high CCs rather than their real size, they were still quite the view. She saw his eyes duck down before he could stop them, and the fox's cheeks turned a most adorable shade of pink before he looked up again.

One of her tails was sufficient to tug his eyes back to her breasts, and she stroked his cheek with another dripping tail.

"Please, look at me as much as you like, Master. I believe that you will enjoy the show much more if you simply take in the view."

"I, well, I'm still getting used to this. But...if you're alright with it -"

"I am your slave for the next few hours, Master Kira. Please, you need not be so worried. I am here for you. Your pleasure, and your viewing...stimulation."

Punctuating that last word with a slight nudge of his sack with her toes, she felt him twitch. His blush remained, but he leaned forward, looking her over, his eyes looking over her curves.

He always enjoyed looking at them, Draconicon had told her. The blue fox had an appreciation for the female form, for the ideal female form, that few other males could quite give. Not merely to enjoy it, but to marvel at it, admire it, and give it the worship that he felt that they deserved.

So, she let him.

Vicki slowly sat up, dragging more and more of her body out of the water, letting the rivulets begin. She felt the water running in lines over her breasts, dragging through her fur before dripping off of her nipples. Even with the fire in the room, she felt her skin and fur chilling, and as she sat up enough to drag her breasts fully out of the hot springs, her nipples 'popped' slightly, pushing out and becoming more visible.

She rested her arms above and behind her head, arching her chest forward, and she heard Kira's breath catch in his throat. The kitsune smiled, looking at him through slitted eyes.

"Do you approve of me, Master Kira?"

"I do...oh, I do...you are a gorgeous goddess, Vicki. Truly, something beyond words and description...you...you are a beauty beyond compare."

"I know, Master. But thank you for saying it."

She slipped up from the hot spring, sitting on the very edge. Her fur stood out in little spikes and ridges from being soaked and chilled, and she chuckled as she started brushing it down. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the blue fox looking her over again, his eyes rolling down her back.

Well, if he would like to look for a bit longer...

"Shall we go to the massage table, Master? You seem quite happy to stare and touch...and perhaps your slave could beg the favor of a grooming?"

"Oh, I would be most happy to give you that."

He stood up almost immediately, and she smiled as she saw how thick his sheath had become. His tip was already out merely from staring at her, and it was a compliment in and of itself that he was so eager. She turned, walking with only a slightly exaggerated sway towards the table, and laid herself down on it. Her tails rose up and flattened out to the side, some providing a cushion for the fox to sit on.

She felt him take advantage of that, and then felt his hands along her back. They stroked and nudged, teased and squeezed as they went further and further down, gradually making their way to her rump. She wiggled it back and forth, just a reminder that he could touch as much as he liked, and sighed happily as he started rubbing her more firmly.

"Do you like that, Vicki?"

"Mmmm, I do, Master. I like your touch."

He kept touching her, and Vicki luxuriated in it. The sensation of his fingers digging into her, slowly massaging her rear, was a lovely feeling in and of itself. He was firm and yet gentle, pushing into the muscles and stroking them, relaxing them with his touch. It was like he wanted to do as much as he could, and yet wanted to hold onto that part of him that was gentle, that was a good person.

It was sweet, in its own way, and she chuckled to herself.

"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. Just kind of nice to see a man that doesn't immediately start humping me."

"Vicki, you are a treasure worth savoring. I want to take my time, and make you feel like the goddess you are before I do anything myself."

"And a silver tongue you have, Master."

"An honest one."

"I know. I know."

She sighed happily, particularly when he started using one hand to brush her out properly. The wet fur leaked more of the moisture down her sides, pooling around her breasts as he worked the fur into the proper alignment. Vicki wiggled every now and then, feeling her curves jiggle along with her, and groaned softly as he started to massage a little more firmly. Her rump started to part every now and then, and it took some effort not to gasp from the way she was teased.

It worked, until her cheeks parted entirely, and the cooler air 'touched' her sex and her other hole. She gasped, arching her back, and then...Kira moaned.

She looked out of the corner of her eye, and saw that his cock was finally out in full. It was respectable, and quite admirable for a fox, standing out at seven inches. It wasn't knotted yet, but she imagined that would come in short enough order if this continued as it had been going.

The vixen smiled at him, slowly rolling onto her side. Her breasts swayed down, pulled slightly by gravity over each other as she looked at him. His eyes panned over her, taking in the look of her soaking fur, the way it hugged her curves on its own, and she smiled as his shaft throbbed for her, bouncing lightly between his legs.

"Do I give you ideas, Master?"

"I...You give me so many, Vicki. I want to do so many things with you."

"You don't have to be afraid...please...I know how to take care of someone like you. Let me give you your fantasies."

"...All of them?"

"All of them, Master."

"Then...let me try something."

She was expecting him to start touching her, fondling her himself. She half-hoped that he would reach down and start to tease her, to fill her rather than make her wait. Instead, he turned to the hot tub, and she saw a glimmer of...something. She wasn't sure what.

Then, they came. Tendrils of water, shaped into vaguely phallic forms, rolled out of the mists and towards her. They pulled her onto her back ever so gently, several supporting her shoulders while her legs were dragged apart. She licked her lips as one of them reached up to her sex, grinding against it, while another slipped between her breasts. They parted slowly, the tendril just thick enough to push a space for itself before it popped up through the top end.

"Why, hello there..."

Vicki smiled, leaning down and kissing it before it pushed forward. She groaned under her breath, her sex dampening the tendril against it, even as she started to roll her hips forward. Kira must have been controlling them, summoning them for his pleasure and hers, and she was surely not going to complain about that.

The kitsune thrust her hips forward, her tails curling slowly at the pleasure of the tendril against her sex and the one between her breasts. She reached up with her hands, pressing them together. Rather than flattening, the tendril seemed to hold together, thrusting faster between her breasts, and pushing more against her lips. Never penetrating, just nudging.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kira slowly stroking himself, one hand on his shaft and the other on his sack as he watched her getting teased by the tendrils.

"Mmmm, do you like this, Master?"

"I do. I truly do."

"Do you want to see something special?"

"Please. Anything you'd like to -"

"Then watch."

She almost never did this, because it was something that ached later, but it was something she felt that Kira would appreciate. The vixen leaned back...and released the illusion.

Over the course of a handful of seconds, her breasts expanded. They rushed forward, getting bigger and bigger, bubbling outwards. They firmed up, lifting up, and she groaned as she pressed her hands so tightly to them. She bit her lip, arching her back off of the table as her boobs pressed against her hands, new flesh and size slipping between fingers trying to restrain them.

"Ooooh...this is...how big...my boobs really are..."

She whispered, hearing him pant beside her. Oh, he loved this, she could tell. He wanted this, or at least, some part of him did. The tendrils were speeding up, the one at her chest almost lost between the nearly-doubled size of her chest, and her sex was soaking wet from the one that was grinding against her. Her other hole puckered, nearly hungry enough for a tendril of its own, but she said nothing.

Instead, she ground herself forward, putting on as much of a show as she could. She wanted it, too, and wanted him to know she wanted it. She pressed her breasts tighter than ever to the tendril, squeezing it between her breasts, and she ground her sex down hard on the tendril between her legs, grabbing it and pulling it closer to her. She wanted it inside, but it wouldn't obey her. It would only obey the fox.

The teasing went on as she slowly lifted herself up, straddling the tendril on her knees, one hand on the one thrusting between her breasts, guiding it towards her mouth. She suckled on it gently, her chest thrust forward and her breasts bouncing with every thrust it made. When it slipped from her mouth, she moaned, gasping.

"Please, Master...let me show you...just how these tendrils feel...let me show you...how I can make you feel..."


She held out her tails invitingly, trying to pull him close, and he finally responded. Getting up, he walked over to the table. The various different tendrils disappeared as she laid down, and he straddled her chest. His shaft was already harder than steel, and she could feel its warmth between her soaked breasts.

He's so warm, she thought as he reached down, squeezing her breasts ever so gently. She moaned as his fingers worked over her nipples, teasing them and stroking them, even giving them some gentle pinches. It was a lovely touch, a lovely experience to have him just...admiring her.

Even when he started thrusting, his eager, tapered tip sliding up and down, in and out of view between her massive breasts, he kept on touching. Vicki moaned, her eyes closing to slits as he pressed her breasts together, thumbed at her nipples, squeezed her boobs until they seemed to squish out between his fingers.

"Mmm...please...do you like my boobs, Master Kira?"

"Oh, I do. They...they are so big..."

"I'm so big for you..."

She smiled as she felt him grow, felt him twitch between her breasts. They were turning him on so much, and she loved it. She reached up, gently pushing him forward with little pulls on his hips, making him thrust faster, harder. He moaned for her, and she kissed his cock head.

"You're so big for me, Master Kira. You're so big for my huge, soft boobs. I love making you so hard...I love making you throb for me..."

"Oh, Vicki, please..."

"Mmm, you love me when I'm so big, don't you? Do you like my big, bouncy boobs? Do you like me swallowing you up with them? Because...I like covering your cock with them. I love the feeling of you squishing between them, dripping for me..."

He didn't talk, only blushed as he kept on thrusting. She knew he was loving it, and knew that he was as embarrassed of having a good time as enjoying himself. It was such a pity that her gentleman lover was so shy about himself.

She squeezed her breasts together with her upper arms while pulling him back and forth, encouraging him to thrust against her breasts, to fuck the space between them. Every few thrusts, she leaned forward, taking his tip into her mouth. Every time, she tasted him, slightly salty and warm, always eager for her. He gasped when she did that, and she could feel his muscles tensing.

He wouldn't be long from climax, now.

Expecting him to blow in her mouth, Vicki was surprised when he suddenly stopped. His hands squeezed harder than ever over her breasts, almost like he was trying to control himself and stop something from happening, and it left her shivering when he accidentally squeezed her nipples in the process.

"Mmmph...is something wrong, Master?"

"N-no...not in the...the slightest."

"Do you want to -"

"May I..."


"May I...put it in you?"

Vicki smiled. She was hoping to feel it. The kitsune gently lifted him with her tails, setting him at the end of the table. She slid down to him, letting her legs drape over the end before spreading them, her hands going down to spread her sex apart so that he could see everything. She felt the cool air down there, felt his eyes on her inner flesh before he stepped forward.

His shaft was so hot against her, so warm when the air was cool. The tip pressed to her, and she curled her toes as he slowly, ever so teasingly slipped inside of her. He was smooth along the sides, and only the slight bump at the base told her how excited he really was.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as he hilted with her, looking up at him as she pressed her hands to her chest, grinding her palms against her nipples and groping herself as she felt him pull back.

"Please, Master...I have one request."

"What...what is it? I'll do anything, my goddess of kitsunes."

"Knot me...fill me and knot me."

She felt him twitch inside of her, heard his breath race that much faster. And when he nodded, she knew he would do it.

He thrust forward, firmer than he had before, and she moaned, arching her back again at the filling feeling. All the teasing, all the foreplay had been building up to this, and she was more than ready to take him, more than eager to feel him filling her up. She pushed back, her feet pressing against his rump to make him go faster, harder, deeper.

And he did.

He leaned forward over her, his hands pressing against the table as he rutted her, and Vicki happily moaned at the top of her lungs. The vixen ground back, feeling his knot slowly inflating against her sex, feeling it pushing her open a little bit more with each thrust. The extra texture, that lovely warmth down there was driving her closer and closer to her own peak, and as it spread her again and again, filled her to her depths, she moaned.

"Please, Master...Please, seed me...knot me...fill me to the brim. You feel divine inside of me...I'm so close..."

Kira slammed in again and again, and she couldn't hold back. She came, squeezing on him, and it didn't slow him down. His muscles strained, she could see them, but he kept going. His eyes were focused right on hers, staring deep, and she looked back.

There was love, affection, need, wonder, admiration. Everything that a woman could want, directed just for her. She smiled back, reaching up, stroking his cheek.

He leaned forward as he kept thrusting, his heavy sack smacking against her rump as he filled her again and again, his knot grinding on her rather than entering now. He kissed her neck, nuzzling and biting at it gently as he filled her, took her...

And finally, as he kissed her lips, he knotted her.

She moaned into the embrace and the kiss, unable to stop a second orgasm as he came inside, his seed hot and thick in her womb. She felt it filling her with its heat and his affection, and let out a deep, happy moan...

They coupled twice more before he needed to stop, and then cuddled for a half hour before she had to get up. She kissed his cheek, and then patted his back as she stepped up to get a robe.

"Do you have to go?"

She looked over her shoulder, slowly nodding.

"I'm afraid so. There are others that wanted me tonight. Though you've set the bar high, Kira. You should be proud of yourself."


"I know."

She walked over and kissed the back of his head.

"I know."

She gave him one more kiss, and hugged him from behind, before leaving the chamber. Perhaps she would come back, she thought. He was very good, and he was someone that respected her and wanted to make sure that she was well.

Then again, she would see what time - and friendship - would allow.

The End

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