Dragon Dungeon: Zavis and Draconicon

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And so we come to yet another Dragon Dungeon chapter, in which two people vie for the domination of the other. Quite the powerful set pieces, actually. Some fun play with FA: HandofBlades here.

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Iron Author: Dragon Dungeon Zavis and Draconicon For HandofBlades By Draconicon

Zavis had to admit, he was impressed that the dragon had gone through this much trouble to adjust one of the caverns. The snake walked around, his long tail slowly swaying behind him as he walked about the smaller room, dragging his hand along the smoothed wall. It had to have some sort of stone behind it, as this was still part of the mountain, but it felt like rubber, almost, like it would bounce someone off of it if they hit it too hard.

He chuckled as he imagined how tonight would go. He'd specified that the whole night would be up for grabs for the person that would make the other submit first, and he had a pretty good chance, he felt. He'd seen his opponent; Draconicon was a big guy, but he was still little more than a mage. That fat-ass would go down with enough teasing, he was sure.

Finishing his circuit around the outside of the room, he looked at the rest of it. There were some boxes here and there along the floor, almost like item crates in a game, and he would wager that there were some good things in there. Something that would give whoever grabbed the item an advantage, if they got around leaving an opening to their opponent while grabbing it. The snake doubted he'd need it, but if Drac started pulling any tricks...well, he could at least make an effort without the items.

The rest of the room was bare, which suited him well enough. It was supposed to be a fight for dominance, not a quick and easy dungeon scene. He wanted room to work, and Draconicon had given him that.

Heh, I'm gonna make that dragon my bitch for the night.

Cracking his knuckles, he leaned against the wall, and waited.

He didn't have to wait long. Barely a few minutes went by before the black dragon made his appearance. Zavis smirked as he saw that his opponent hadn't bothered getting dressed. The black dragon was completely naked, his dick hanging down over his balls - though rather respectably, compared to some things he'd heard - and his bare feet tapped along the floor until he stepped into the room, almost bouncing until he got used to the ground.

Zavis chuckled as he reached down to his waistband, pulling at the shorts he was wearing.

"Giving me an advantage already, big guy?"

"Heh, don't get too attached to those. There's one more step before we both get started. You gonna take those off?"

"Do I have to?"

"Part of the rules of this sex fight."

"Heh. Fair enough."

Stepping out of his shorts, he tossed them out of the room, letting them land in the hallway. Let someone else worry about that, he had bigger things on his mind. He walked over to the dragon, making some mental notes.

Draconicon was definitely taller than him, and would have a bigger reach to deal with, as a result. He could already tell that he'd have some difficulties there. On the other hand, the black dragon's arms and legs weren't as thick as his; the mage wasn't someone that hit the gym daily, for sure, and that ass was big and bouncy, looking like someone that just sat around. If it wasn't for the dragon's natural biology, he was pretty sure that Draconicon would pose no threat at all.

But he reminded himself to be careful. No need to get too cocky, at least not until he saw what the dragon was capable of.

The black dragon stood over one of the boxes, and Zavis blinked as his opponent stomped right through it, shattering the wood with what looked like a fairly weak blow. He cocked his head to the side, and the dragon shrugged.

"Weaker boxes for easier pick-ups."

"Heh, we're using items for a fight?"

"We can use items for the fight. If you don't want to -"

"Oh, I'll hold off for now. I won't start using them until you do."

"Heh, you might change your mind about that."

Well he might, considering that he had no idea what it was that the dragon was lifting out of the box. It looked like some sort of swirling black ooze, like a latex suit that had been melted down or something. He opened his mouth to ask what it was -

Only for Draconicon to throw half of the bundle at him. Zavis jerked back, but it was already on him, smearing over his chest and forming a strange, shimmering black plate. He groaned, shaking his head as it seemed to seep through his scales, pushing through them to get at his insides, or so it felt. He grabbed at it, but it was stuck tight. No seams, no weak points for him to get a finger under it.

The only consolation was that the same thing was happening to the black dragon, though the only way he could see it was due to the way it filled in several scars on Drac's chest and made him look shimmery rather than shiny, and smooth rather than plated. The black dragon groaned just like he did, and a quick glance down confirmed that they were both already getting hard. Zavis growled.

"What the fuck..."

"Part of the measurement for victory."

"And how...nnngh. What the hell is this doing?"

"It's a sub-suit. The subbier you feel, the more it spreads. Whoever gets covered first is the loser."

"Huh...neat. So..."

Zavis smirked a bit as he flexed his muscles, stretching out his arms as he took a couple steps back from the dragon. His opponent did the same, giving the pair of them a good six paces between them. Neither of their tails could reach, and neither of them could stretch that far with their arms or legs. A good starting position.

It was new to him to have his dick already hard before he'd even started, though. He shook his head, trying to push some of the distraction out of his head -


And it was a fatal distraction. The snake opened his eyes to find the dragon already bearing down on him, and he yelped as he was taken off his feet with a flying tackle. He hit the ground hard enough to bounce, and as he came down, Draconicon was already over him. The seven-foot tall black dragon scooted over his chest, fat, bouncy ass on his pecs as that thick dick slapped his lips.

"Open up, snake!"

"Fuck you!"

He threw himself to the side, but his leverage wasn't good enough to dislodge the dragon, and the big guy only laughed as he slapped his dick against the snake's lips. Zavis blushed, feeling some of the black ooze spreading, and tried to shake the tingles out of his head.

It didn't help when Draconicon actually managed to force the tip of his dick past the snake's lips, leaving Zavis groaning at the musky, salty flavor forced onto his tongue. He grabbed at the dragon's hips, trying to force him back, but it was like trying to hold back an avalanche. Black hips thrust forward, and that cock went right down his throat, almost hard enough to make him gag.

As the dragon's balls slapped against his chin, the snake tried to push back again, but again, there was no point. The dragon was too strong and had too much leverage for him to push back, and he could feel the tingle of the black ooze spreading. It was already running up towards his shoulders and down towards his belly, and with it came fantasies.

Sucking cock all day long, bound up in the latex suit, his mouth wide open at the corner of a fighting ring. Hazard for losers, rewards for winners as dicks were rammed down his throat -


"Heh, you like a big dick in your mouth, you slut?"

He was, but not like this. Not when he wasn't the one making it happen to someone else. He had to turn the tables.

That jiggly black rump was his way in. If he couldn't push Draconicon off of him, then maybe -

Hope you like it dry, you fuck! he thought as he brought his hand around. The dragon's tail was already hiked up for thrusting, so there was no defending that hole. The snake's finger found that loose, leathery pucker and rammed in, and almost instantly he felt the dragon seize up, freezing in place.

He grinned around the shaft in his mouth, finger-fucking that hole hard. He felt it twitch and shudder beneath his finger, clenching down weakly. Taking advantage of the dragon's shock, he pulled his mouth back, coughed, and smirked.

"What's the matter, you big-bottomed bitch? Can't take a little fingering?"

"You...dirty - mmmph!"

Zavis grinned as his second finger shut the dragon up right proper. The black ooze on the dragon's chest spread as well, moving upwards, sliding over his shoulders like some sort of cloak and down to his belly as the snake kept on ramming those fingers in. He tried to fit in a third, and to his surprise, it went in easily.

He finally had the leverage, and he shoved the dragon over to the side, pinning the big black dragon with a knee to his belly, and ramming those fingers in and out. He felt the ooze spreading further and further, and he smirked.

"Maybe I should be the one to run this dungeon, huh? At least I don't turn into a little bitch as soon as someone has their fingers up my ass. Maybe I should run this whole place while you just sit in the corner, getting all the dicks you like?"

The dragon moaned under him, and Zavis smirked as he realized that the dragon liked the idea. It wouldn't happen, of course - he'd just win the dragon if he won this match - but it was a good tease.

He smirked as he pulled his knee back, knowing that the dragon was pinned. The black ooze was still spreading, working its way up the dragon's neck and down his arms as he worked his fingers in and out of that hole, making them go deep. He wondered if he could fit a fourth -

Draconicon's leg came out of nowhere, and it swept him down to the ground with it. He hit and rolled before the next kick could land, but the dragon was on his feet before he was, and Zavis took the next kick to the cheek. He went back, landing against the wall as the black bitch followed him.

He was barely up before he had a foot shoved in his face, pinned there as the black dragon stroked himself. The smell of sweat and musk came with it, making him groan under his breath.

"This all you got, Drac? Trying to make me into one of your foot bitches?"

"Heh, you're the one with a twitching dick down there. You tell me."

It didn't help that the scent wasn't that dissimilar from the crotch smell that came from a lot of other fights. The snake groaned, feeling the tingle that came earlier, feeling the latex spreading again. Rolling down his crotch this time, circling around the base of his cock and squeezing it. Hard. His member throbbed, bouncing up and down against his stomach, and he could feel some of the veins starting to pop out along the side.

He reached up, grabbing the dragon's legs, but Draconicon surprised him. The black dragon hopped forward, and two toes rested themselves on the snake's balls. Zavis went still, knowing that the weight could go up at any second, and trembled as the latex continued to spread.

"Heh, you don't want to move. You just want to take a nice, deep breath..."

He did, before he realized it, and the musk between the dragon's toes hit his brain hard. He shivered, recognizing the pheromones for what they were, but it didn't help as he groaned and throbbed again, his dick more than happy to fall for the dragon's feet even if he didn't want to. The images filled his brain again -

Pinned underfoot by bigger fighters, forced to lick their soles clean, forced to take their grinding heels against his balls. Used as a footmat, a stool, a trophy case, his body a mat for bigger, better fighters to rest their feet on before they -

The snake shook his head, taking the grinding sole along his snout before growling and shoving his head forward. It wasn't quite a headbutt, but it was enough of one to jam the dragon's toes back, leaving Draconicon jumping backwards and groaning.

It left him an opening of his own, and he leaped forward, tackling the dragon by slamming into his legs. The big black male hit the mat hard, and the snake rolled over before he could get up, sitting on Draconicon's back and grabbing between his legs. It didn't take long to find those thick, heavy orbs, and he pulled on them, hard.

The dragon yelped at that, and the snake laughed.

"Looks like I got you by the balls, now. How do you like it, huh?"

He smacked those orbs, a firm, open-handed slap that made them ripple. The dragon arched his back beneath the snake, but Zavis felt something else...a little ripple beneath him. He looked down, and saw that the black ooze was spreading, running down the dragon's tail and over his ass.

"Oh ho ho, do you have a thing for that? Man, you're a weaker bitch than I thought...or maybe just a bigger one."

He smacked those balls again, pulling on them so that they stretched a good two inches past where they should have been, and the dragon growled, but Zavis had been in enough fights to know what was going on. He heard the whimper of pleasure beneath that.

"You like getting those dragon balls of yours busted, huh? I bet if I turned you over, you'd have a hell of an erection right now, just thinking of me busting these balls. Heh, maybe I should tie you up when I take over, and leave you where people can just stomp on them, step all over your sack until they kick that cum right out of these!"

Another slap, making them swing around in his grip, and the dragon's ooze had spread down over his ass. It even slid into his pucker past the gape that was left behind, and Zavis laughed.

He took a risk, letting go of the dragon's balls, and flipped him over with a kick. Just like he'd expected, there was one hell of a hard-on sticking out of the dragon's crotch, and he smirked as he grabbed it, squeezing it between his fingers. The ooze was halfway up it, and working down the dragon's legs.

"Heh, thought you could beat me in a sex fight? I do this all the fucking time."

Draconicon groaned. The difference between them was pretty incredible, at this point. The dragon was covered from his neck down to his knees, while Zavis only had his chest, belly, and part of his cock and balls covered. He was almost guaranteed to -

Another surprise as the dragon's legs wrapped around him, pulling him down. There was no defense, and he was shocked as he was pulled down, his nose pressed against the dragon's ass, his fingers and hands pushed all the way down to the dragon's sides. Thick legs wrapped around him, forcing his snout between those pump ass cheeks, and held him against that puckering hole.

"You...fucking...lick, you bitch."

Well...didn't see that coming, he thought. He tried to keep his mouth shut, but the more that the dragon ground against him, the harder it got. The tingle was starting to spread through him again, and he knew that the black ooze was getting stronger. The images were already filling his mind -

Shoved against the fighting pole, head smothered in the ass cheeks of another fighter. Pinned there, forced to tongue-fuck that hole until the other person was done. Knocked down, his body pinned to the mat as his face was used as a chair, a tongue-toy to the ass of whoever had been his opponent -

He groaned, his cock throbbing at the images as the ooze spread over it, fully encapsulating his shaft, and reaching around towards his ass. His tongue was out and licking, something he hadn't even noticed that he was doing during his brief mental imagining. The snake groaned, trying to pull back.

It was impossible. The dragon's legs had him pinned, and he could only push himself forward. His tongue worked almost on auto-pilot, flicking over the dragon's puckering rim, working towards the center before pulling back, and then working down towards the hole again. He could feel the dragon's balls pulling up above him, and knew that Draconicon was suddenly pulling ahead again.

As the ooze spread down the back of the snake's legs, he groaned. There was one way forward, and it was the only chance he had. He just hoped that his ooze didn't move faster than the dragon's.

With a moan, he shoved his tongue deep inside of that plump rump, feeling the cheeks jiggle around him as he ground his snout against the dragon's ass. He forced his tongue in as deep as it would go, tasting musk and the ooze, but nothing else. He found the dragon's prostate, and attacked it, hard.

Almost immediately, Draconicon started groaning, arching his back and wiggling his ass back, and Zavis smirked past the ooze trying to work up his chin. It was just as he'd hoped. The fat-ass dragon was just as much a slut for getting something up his ass as he looked.

In, out, in, out his tongue went, and he could feel that hole responding, clenching down weakly and begging for more. The legs twitched around his shoulders, giving him an opening to get up...

But he couldn't. Not until he drove this dragon over the edge from his ass alone. Not before he had given this fucking asshole the treatment that he deserved. Not before...not before he finished serving...

Fuck, getting close...

He shivered as he felt the ooze running down his calves, almost down to his ankles, and it was running over the back of his head. His tail was already encased, and he knew it was only a matter of time until he was fully surrounded.

Knowing he had limited time, he shoved his nose forward, the edge of his snout forcing the dragon's ass open as firmly as it could. His tongue slipped in past the rim, flicking over the prostate...

And it worked. The dragon came above him, and suddenly the ooze slipped back. Zavis grunted as he sat up, watching the black ooze pull back and shift locations, moving from his chest down to his crotch. It formed some sort of cock-ring around him, making his cock stand up firmer and harder than ever.

Draconicon, on the other hand...

The black dragon was quickly encased in the ooze, leaving him faceless and featureless. His mouth was propped open by some sort of gag of solid ooze, while his ass looked like it was plugged. His dick was pulled down, flattened against his belly, while his balls hung down like punching bags.

Zavis smirked, giving them a kick, and the encased dragon arched his back, moaning past his gag.

"Heh, told you that you were the real bitch...looks like I get you all night long, now. And who knows...maybe I'll really take this dungeon, too."

Laughing, the snake flipped the dragon over, shoving him onto his belly and pulling that tail out of the way. The plug popped out with a simple tug, leaving that gaping ass ready to be fucked.

And so he did, slamming in hard enough to make those ass cheeks jiggle around him. Zavis moaned as he leaned over the dragon, his chest pressing against that raised tail, his hands grabbing at and scraping over the dragon's encased hips. Pulling him back and forth, using him like the bitch-toy that he was, the snake slammed his cock in faster and faster, filling that hole and stretching it as much as he could.

"Heh...little...fucking...bitch dragon..."

He felt the dragon clench down on him at the insult, and he moaned as his sensitive cock was taken closer to the edge. Zavis groaned, pulling that plump rump against him again and again, enjoying the way that it jiggled and rippled against him. It was just about perfect...

In and out, in and out, just like he'd done with his fingers and his tongue earlier. This ass was getting used by him hard, and he loved it.

He didn't bother holding back. There was no point in making the dragon wait, and no point in resisting. After all, he had all night to use that fucking hole, hours upon hours...

Zavis came, and pulled out so that a good bit of his seed could coat the dragon. No sooner had he finished than he walked around to the dragon's head. With all that ooze, everything was as clean as it could be, and he rammed his cock into that slutty mouth.

"Lick me clean, and do it quick. Otherwise, I'll use those balls for a stress ball until I'm hard again."

Then again, you'd probably like that, wouldn't you? he thought as his cock slipped into the dragon's throat. Heh...I'm going to enjoy putting you in your place...

And he hadn't even had to use an item.

The End

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