Bitch of the Beach King

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little stream commission for FA: DrakeHavok involving that slutty dragon with a rather horny orca. Who rules the beach?

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Bitch of the Beach King For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

Summer was a time for beaches, sandals, and speedos, in Havok's opinion. Usually for other people, for the last two, but he was always happy to hit the beach during the hot days of the year.

The white dragon kept his hands in his pockets as he walked along the sand, feeling the water rush on by his bare feet. He had little intention of rushing into the waves today; the swim trunks he wore weren't the best fitted to him, and he doubted that they'd stay on when the water started pulling on him properly. The last thing he needed was to get left naked in front of a ton of people.

Besides, it was a walking day. Better to enjoy the sun, people watch, and go swimming another day when he had time to get a better swimsuit.

Havok walked past families and couples, occasionally letting his eyes linger on some stud that had come down to the beach on his own, or a group of ladies that looked like they were just coming down to sun. Every time he did, he felt a little stirring down below, and only watched long enough for the stirring to start getting a bit more obvious before looking away.

Last thing I need is to be shouted at for being a -


He came to a sharp halt, almost stumbling into the next wave before he caught his balance again. Havok turned...

And ended up staring at a wall of solid black and white muscle. His eyes went up, slowly, until he was looking the orca in the eye. Dark pupils and irises looked back, and muscular arms flexed as the big guy tensed his body up.

"Heh, what are you doing here, little dragon? Just thought you'd end up gawking at all the people on the beach, storing up some fantasy stuff for later?"

"Uh, I mean, I wasn't here trying to do that..."

Just a rather fortunate by-product of beach walks, really.

He rubbed the back of his head, trying to take a step back, but the orca wouldn't let him get any distance. Every step he took was countered by one from the big guy, and considering how much taller the orca was, it meant that they were getting closer and closer to each other. He finally gave up when they were almost chest to chest, blushing.

"Uh, heh, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Havok..."

"I'm Samson. And I'm thinking you're about to start -"

"See ya!"

Havok whipped around fast enough that his tail smacked off of the orca's leg, beating feet towards the opposite end of the beach.

What the hell was bothering him? he wondered. Was I staring at someone he liked or something? What did I do?

Whatever it was, he sure as hell didn't want to start a fight, particularly not against someone that big and ripped. The last thing he needed was a black eye, or worse, because some jock thought that he was trying to steal his girl.

He ran, and ran, until he was well past all the other people and closer to the rocky side of the beach, before he came to a stop. Panting for breath, the white dragon walked over to one of the larger rocks, and sat down, pulling his feet off of the ground.

"Well...that's probably...enough exercise for the day..."

"You think?"

"Oh, son of a -"

Just as he tried to lunge off of the rock, a pair of thick black legs wrapped around his shoulders, shoving him right back down. Sandal-shod feet pressed against his thighs, keeping him from getting up, and he didn't even want to think about where the back of his head was pressed by the end of that. Instead, he looked up and backwards.

It was the same orca from before.

"How -"

"This is my beach, dragon. You think that you can get away from me that easily?"

"I was running as fast as I could! How'd you get around me?"

"Like I said, my beach. I do what I like here...and I don't particularly like it when I have people coming 'round that want to try taking a shot at my stuff."

"Your stuff?"

"All those people."

Oh, geez. I've heard of territorial, but -

"You can't actually think I want to have..."

"Heh, perhaps you don't...but I think I want to have you. Haven't had a dragon before...might be fun."

"Uh, when you say have..."

The throbbing behind his head was all the answer he needed. He might have been admiring some of the studs on the beach - and the orca was one hell of a hunk, he couldn't deny that - but he wasn't looking to be claimed.

Before he could argue, however, the orca did something with his legs. Some martial arts move or something, but it was effective enough to send him spinning off the rock and back onto the sand. The dragon grunted at the impact, struggling to get up, only to find a sandal sliding under his side and flipping him onto his back.

And then, the sandal was off, and a big, white, slippery sole was right in his face.


Havok grabbed at the orca's thigh, but it was like grabbing the support girders for a building. It was that solid, and it pressed down on his face hard, pinning him in place as he was forced to breathe in the musky, sweaty scent from the orca's sole.

"What...what are you..."

"I'm making sure that you don't leave before I'm ready for you to leave, little dragon. Just take a deep breath for me."

You know, the smell's not making that a real enticing idea, he thought, even as he tried to breathe through his mouth. That lasted for about two breaths before the orca brought his heel down, too, locking his jaws together.

"Ah ah. Now, breathe."

Havok held his breath for about thirty seconds, but even dragons needed to breathe from time to time. The white dragon snorted out his held breath, and sucked in a short one after.

It was enough.

Immediately, the orca's musky scent hit his brain, and he groaned as his cock started twitching in his pants, throbbing upwards until it made a moderate bulge in his trunks. He could feel it dragging against the netted interior of his swimsuit as it got harder and harder, and he blushed as he realized how obvious it was.

Another breath, and he throbbed upwards a bit more, his dick soon reaching full erection, the scent doing something to him.

Another breath, another huff of that musk, and his cock was oozing inside of his swimsuit, getting harder by the second and dripping along his length. Every breath after that made him throb all the harder, and no matter how hard he tried to shake it off, it just kept coming.

"What...what are you...doing?" Havok asked as the orca shifted his foot around.

"Heh, let's say that I'm staking a claim. On my beach, it's my rules."

The orca leaned over him, staring down into his eyes. Havok stared back, unable to look away as those dark orbs started to spin, somehow, pulling at his attention and focus, drawing them in.

"And rule one for you, dragon, is to serve me."


Havok took another breath, and groaned as it sent another throb down to his cock. Throb, stare, throb, stare, breathe. Throb, stare, throb, stare, breathe. It went around in cycles, his throbbing cock distracting him from his curiosity, and those eyes always pulling him back, making him stare into their swirling depths, like whirlpools, but no whirlpool had ever pulled at him like this.

He stared helplessly at them, feeling his will and his self-control fading away by the second, leaving him throbbing harder. He panted, breathing in more and more of the orca's foot musk, drawing it down into his lungs and into his brain. Every so often, the orca whispered to him.

"Serve your stud...Serve the orca...Drown in musk...Drown in need...Serve me..."

And it slowly imprinted on Havok's mind, drawing him deeper, and deeper...

Havok moaned as he licked along Samson's sole, sitting with the big orca by the lifeguard chair on the beach. The muscular, masterful mammal pressed that sole against his cheek rather casually, just keeping him pinned in place as he licked away.

A little bit of seed dripped from his mouth, a remnant from the blowjob he'd given the big guy only a few minutes ago, and he licked it before it could stain the orca's foot. It left it looking much better and cleaner, after all, if he attended to it properly.

Samson looked down at him, and he looked back. A part of him wondered why Samson was wearing his swim trunks now, and wondered what he had put on to replace it. Then the thought and worry disappeared, and he went back to worshiping the orca's foot, giving it all the attention that it needed.

There was something strange about doing this in public. He could see, hear, feel the people walking around them, and knew that they were out in public and fully visible. He knew that they should have been getting comments for what he was doing, people telling him to stop, others telling him to do it to them. That always happened...

Except on Samson's beach, apparently...

The part of him that was enjoying the foot licking didn't care, however, and merely continued on with its sole-cleaning responsibilities.

The End

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