Gloryhole Nights

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Heh, not enough stories about gloryholes, I gotta say. Good to add one to the list.

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Gloryhole Nights For bp By Draconicon

Jake groaned, the cat slowly blinking his eyes until he could see without feeling like he was staring through a window streaked in vaseline. He thought he was still blinded by something, considering the grayness in front of him, until he tried to move and saw the rope pinning his head in place.


He couldn't even talk, and he realized that his mouth was gagged open, the cat unable to close it or turn his head more than an inch from one side to the other. Jake squirmed, trying to reach up to his head, but his hands were tied down as well, pressed against the wall in front of him and locked in place with some sort of shackles.

When he tried to squirm his back end, he found it likewise pinned, ropes around his thighs holding him against some sort of cool wall, his ass pressed against something a bit higher up that...almost seemed open, somehow? He wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't feel particularly comfortable. Jake groaned, trying to take a step, but with his thighs roped down, there was nothing he could do.

He flicked his eyes from side to side, trying to see something, anything that would give him a clue to where he was, but without movement to his head, it was all he could do to turn his head a half-inch to one side, and then turn his eyes to the very corner. He thought he could just about make out where this wall met another, some sort of board meeting tile, but that didn't tell him much.

It wasn't until he heard a toilet flush that the cat made the connection, and his tail went bottle-brush bushy and his ears went straight up.

I'm...I'm tied up in a bathroom! And that means...

His mind flicked back over everything that had just happened, the cat remembering the gangbang from a dozen other men, the discovery by Will - a gang boss that had fucked him over more than once - and the pounding he'd gotten from the raccoon when it was clear that he'd messed up the club's book-keeping. He'd said...something...about making up his debt to them by working for them...

I should have...mmmph...should have expected...

Jake groaned. Thinking was hard, particularly when he was still half asleep, and when he could feel the occasional breath of air moving past his ass. It wasn't a person - too cool for that - so it had to be the circulating air moving through the bathroom itself. He blushed every time that it brushed over his pucker, a reminder that he was on display to whoever might take the other stall.

His cock throbbed despite itself, and his blush got worse as he realized that some part, somewhere, was excited for what was to come.

I don't want to be a whore. I'm not...I'm not really a whore...I'm just...I'm just paying back...what? What am I...

It was so hard to remember, so hard to think, and his thoughts were blown to pieces as he heard footsteps in the stall he was facing. He went completely still, not even daring to breath more than the shallowest way, even when he didn't get a cock up his mouth right away. He waited...and waited...and then, he heard him.

"Hello, slut."

Will. The raccoon that had gotten him into this. He shivered, feeling a finger press down on his tongue, pressing all the way back to his throat before sliding out.

"Heh, no customers yet, huh? Well, don't worry. I already got a couple of 'em coming back here. There'll be a bear, first. He'll get you nice and opened up. Bet your boyfriend'll be happy to have a more experienced whore in bed, after this. Though if you'll even feel him..."

The cat shivered, his cock unwillingly throbbing again after that as he looked away from the wall. He wasn't...he just was stuck...that was all.

Another set of footsteps, and Will chuckled.

"Heh, I think that's him now. Be a good slut, and don't fight it. Considering what you were doing on tape, I bet your little ass is just begging for something new..."

Jake didn't say anything, not daring to argue. Or give himself away, for that matter. He just stayed there, even when he felt a hand rubbing up and down his ass cheeks, feeling a finger sliding between then and pressing against his hole. Dry, at first, then he felt a squelch of something. Lube, he hoped, as it slid along his hole and then inside.

He didn't get fingered for long. Whoever it was was eager for him, and felt so thick between his ass cheeks. The head of that fat cock made its way up to his hole, ground against him and prodded him a few times, and then pushed in. The cat whimpered, biting back a moan as it slipped past his rim, his body pushed forward the half-inch of space he had before the wall in front of him stopped him cold.

"Push back, slut...I want that ass around all of my cock..."

"Better do what he says, boy."

He didn't have much choice. If he wanted to get out of here fast, he had to make that cock feel good. Make it cum. Make it...fill him. He blushed as he pushed back, grinding his ass back as much as he could with his limited mobility, feeling it pushing in a bit further. A heavy set of fuzzy balls ground against his, and he wondered just who the 'customer' was. A bear? A wolverine? What could it be?

He squeezed down, feeling the big guy grunt and thrust harder. Jake gasped past his gag, his toes curling against the tiled floor as he was pushed up on tiptoe by the next thrust, ground forward against the other hole, and then having to push back to take that cock in again. Every time, he felt his ass flatten out more and more against the bathroom stall, feeling himself expose his hole more and more.

As the customer started speeding up, he heard another zipper, something slick pressing against his tongue before pushing all the way in. He grunted, gagging on the thick cock that had to come from Will, and before he could think about it, he was already sucking.

"Heh, pity that you aren't putting this to work all the time, boy. You'd probably make a hundred times more as a good whore than whatever you do now. Heh. And it's not like your boyfriend would care that much, I bet."

Another thing he didn't know, didn't understand. Didn't care, for that matter; he needed to focus...focus on...

Focus on cock...

He sucked away, feeling Will occasionally hump against the wall, fucking his face lightly, but nowhere near as hard as the bear - he decided it must be a bear - was fucking his ass. He felt the bathroom stall shake behind him, vibrating from the thrusts and humps, and he could feel his cock slowly rising up, bouncing against his belly from the hard smacks back there.

In and out, in and out that thick cock went, and his ass barely burned from it. It was partly the lube, he knew, but it was him, too. He was getting looser and looser, slowly losing whatever tightness he had from all this fucking around, and there was no escaping it. Jake blushed as he realized just how thick that cock was, knowing how much he'd taken, and wondered how long it would be before he was just a gaping wreck back there.

The bear slammed in harder, faster, deeper, and he whimpered around the raccoon dick in his mouth. His nose was filled with the heady scent of male musk, and his mouth was filled to the brim with pre, even swallowing constantly. He was rocked back and forth from one cock to another, taking it down his throat, up his ass, down his throat, up his -

A sudden grunt preceded a flood, and he gasped, his cock twitching on the verge of orgasm as he was filled to the brim with hot, thick seed. He felt it pumping deep inside of him, rushing up towards his belly, and he felt claws on his ass, holding him in place so that the bear could fill him without interruption.

As the bear zipped up and left, Jake didn't have more than a few seconds peace. No sooner had the bear gone than someone else barged in. Not as big a cock, but it slammed in harder, faster. The hole in the stall was big enough that he could feel a pair of scaly balls swinging forward, smacking against his own, and he yelped as he was spanked, hard.

"Heh, don't start complaining now, you little bitch. We both know that this is what you really want. A rough use. Hell, this isn't even a job for you. This is just what you'd do for fun."

Will's taunting didn't stop, and nor did his cock. Jake couldn't stop sucking, even if he wanted to...which some part of him did, he hoped. The cat kept slowly sucking the shaft down his throat, even as his ass was taken hard, a cock only slightly smaller than the bear's hammering away at him.

It was some comfort that he actually felt the stretch, the discomfort, even a bit of pain from the balls swinging forward and the light spanks and smacking back there. It was something that told him, he wasn't wrecked yet. He wasn't destroyed. There was still some hope. Yet, even as he pushed himself back, he whimpered and moaned, feeling seed rolling out of his loosened hole, dripping down his taint and over his balls. All the cum from the bear's fuck was just coming free now, soaking him.

And the dragon was merciless, fucking him hard and fast. There was no slow but deep thrusts, only frantic, rutting, hard-fuck thrusts, slamming him forward hard enough that he'd be bruised if it wasn't for the padding around his muzzled. He whimpered, gasping and shivering around the raccoon's cock as his ass was taken as hard as the dragon could manage, feeling seed running down his sack.

It felt like more than ten minutes before the big brute came, and it wasn't even -

Jake's eyes went wide as he realized that he actually wanted the dragon to cum inside of him rather than on him, the thought hitting him like a freight train as he felt the spurts of seed washing over his ass. Ropes of it, marking his backside and his slender tail with another man's seed...he shivered, his cock drooling pre on the floor.

He thought he heard a click, almost like a phone taking a picture, but before he could linger on it, Will pulled back. A few more ropes of cum landed on him, this time falling over his whiskers and making them droop down, pulling them towards the ground with the raccoon's thick seed.

"Heh, a good look for you, slut. Now, open got one more thing from me before I let someone else use this stall."

He felt the raccoon's cock sliding into his mouth, and whimpered at the feeling of something hot and thing spurting down his neck. He swallowed fast, knowing better than to spill any piss if he knew what was good for him....

The End

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