Curse of Foot Fantasies

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like Draconicon was victim, briefly, to someone else's magic. All those foot fantasies coming to life...too bad that the culprit didn't think to protect himself.

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Curse of Foot Fantasies For Txeptirea By Draconicon

Xander kept his steps slow and soft as he walked down the rocky passageways of the dragon's lair. The husky knew better than to move any faster, particularly considering that he was still having to fumble around the various magical wards that his friend kept active in this place.

Trust Drac to ward everything, he muttered, his ring glowing as he slowly stepped over an energy trip-wire that lay across the floor. Is there even anything to steal? I swear he's the only dragon that doesn't go showing off his hoard at the drop of a hat.

Still, the husky was encouraged that he'd gotten even this far. The magic in the ring had been his to play with for four days now, and he was pretty sure he'd been doing enough to earn the right to keep using it. Using the magic to play pranks on some teachers at college, using it to rearrange the library, even going so far as to turn the lake on campus into a water creature at one point...Xander chuckled as he remembered so many people running from the tentacles, and shook his head.

Heh, but this will be the crowning achievement. There's no way that Drac won't let me keep the ring after this.

Four trip-wires, a runed rock, and two trapped statuettes later, the husky had reached the dragon's sleeping cavern. He slowly opened the door, ducked under a last trap, and saw him.

The great black dragon was sprawled out on his bed, blankets kicked off and his naked body on full display. Black scales that shimmered with sweat here and there reflected the perpetual fire on the other side of the room, and he smiled as he saw that the dragon's dick was already flopped up and over one thigh.


The husky slipped into the room, making sure that each step was as silent and slow as the one before it. Other than the crackling fire, the room was completely silent, which left him all the more aware of every noise he made. He shuddered whenever he breathed a little louder, fighting the urge to hold his breath. It would only make the eventual exhalation that much louder, and then he'd be in trouble.

Eventually, he reached the side of the dragon's bed, and he let out his breath in a slow hiss. That had been the easy part. Now, it was time to see if he could actually adapt a spell for his own purposes.

Xander had used a spell to enchant a fellow student with a need for sneakers already. It wasn't that hard, and it was more of a slow prank that got stronger as time went by rather than the mind control he'd used on Draconicon during their dungeon session. The wolf in question had slowly started staring at sneakers more and more until he'd started humping at them in the locker room, grinding them against his dick until he came.

Heh, and the number of people filming that was bigger than any lecture, that's for sure, he thought as he raised his hands. Now...just gotta make sure I do this right...

He didn't want the dragon mage to know who had cast this curse on him, or even that he had a curse on him until it was too late. Shoes would be obvious, and weren't something that the dragon liked anyway.

Feet, on the other hand...

Lifting one foot slowly out of his sneaker, Xander balanced on one foot and slowly pressed it down on the dragon's thigh. His toes curled through his socks, squeezing the head of the black dragon's cock.

And now, for the spell...

He held a hand over his ring, hiding the flare of light as the bottom of his foot flared purple. The magic was directed by his will, flowing out of his sole and into the dragon's dick. Drac's cock flared purple itself for a moment, and then it settled back to its normal black color.

Of soon started rising up, as well. Xander smirked, pushing his foot back into his sneaker, and started making his way out.

Knowing his perverted dreams, they'll do the rest.

_Dreams of feet pervade his mind, and the dragon is helpless against them. He groans, arching his back as the people he is talking to raise their feet from the ground, shimmering soles presented to him as his cock suddenly throbs, lifting up and out of his robes. The dragon grunts, trying to cover it, but the people in the dream don't allow it.

The black dragon is swarmed by his students, wolves, stallions, huskies, panthers, and more, all of them showing off their feet to him, all of them presenting sweaty, musky soles that he can't get away from. They draw him in from his desk, towards the center of the room, their eyes on him as his cock gets harder and harder._

He can't stop as they press their feet on him from all sides. Thick, red soles on his face from one of the stallions, grinding the scent into his nose. Slender, long toes from a raccoon behind him finding their way under his tail. Long, slender mice and rabbit feet pressing against his chest, leaving sweaty footprints.

And most of all, right on his cock, four feet, six feet, grinding, rubbing, milking his cock between their many shapes, their wiggling toes, their constant teasing driving him mad. Draconicon shudders, thrusting forward despite himself, grinding his cock into those feet until he feels his orgasm welling up.

He can't cum in front of his students, he thinks, but there's nothing that he can do to stop it now. It's coming whether he wants it or not. The students are smirking at him, grinding their feet against his body everywhere. Raccoon toes pushing past his rim, sweaty horse toes in his mouth, long feet pressing against the sides of his cock and tiny cat feet against the head of it getting soaked in pre.

He can't stop himself, and he cums.

The splatter woke him up, and Draconicon groaned as he was suddenly showered in his own cum. He spluttered and grunted, wiping his face rapidly to try and get it off of him. Even so, it kept shooting out for almost half a minute before slowing down.

"Ugh...that's what I get for not jerking off before bed..."

Draconicon rolled himself over the side of the bed, his feet touching the floor and his cock slapping up against the sides of his belly. He was pretty sure that it would go down before long, but as he summoned a time-piece, he knew he didn't have enough time to actually wait.

"A cleaning spell, and then a robe, and I'm off to teaching."

He waved his hand, black fire scrubbing the cum off of him in little more than a second before a robe popped out of nowhere. He slid his arms into it, and the dragon stood up from the bed. Not much chance to do anything else -

"Nnngh...right. Wing holes."

Snapping his fingers, the back of the robe split open, allowing his wings through a pair of openings. Not much, but better than nothing.

His other hand was already summoning the teleportation spell, wrapping him in the black fire of his magic as he tied his robe together. The black dragon pulled himself through the hole in reality that it created, and stepped into his classroom.

The students were already mostly there, some of them stepping into the classroom as he passed through a hole in the whiteboard. They didn't bother looking up. They were already well into the semester, and he doubted that any of them were surprised by the portal traveling anymore. They'd better not be; half of them should be capable of it themselves by this point.

He settled down at his desk, taking roll call, marking down those who were late, those who hadn't shown up, and those that were always on time. There was a wolf in the back who had his sneakers up on the desk, only auditing the class, while the others were already pulling out their homework from the weekend.

As they passed the sheets to the front, some with magic and some by hand, the dragon watched them. There was something...familiar about all of this. Something about...

He shook his head. Probably just a dream that he wasn't remembering right.

"Did everyone have a good weekend?"

Various murmurs came up, almost all of them positive.

"Good to hear. There was a nice party at my mountain over the last couple of nights. Plenty of guests, and plenty of other things. If any of you had gotten the invitations I sent out, perhaps you might have enjoyed it yourselves."

They perked up at that. Of course, he hadn't sent out that many invitations. Most had been to close friends, and only a few had gone out to those that he didn't know as well. It had turned out for the best, considering the kinks that he'd been made to go through during the weekend; the students wouldn't have respected him anymore if they'd seen their teacher get wrapped up in latex, his balls getting squeezed until they burst with cum.

"I'll be hosting another event of that sort at the end of the semester. Those of you with the best grades will receive another chance to come by. Perhaps then, we'll see if you're as adult as you claim to be."

That set the bar for them. They immediately started muttering to themselves, talking about the party. What could it be, they seemed to wonder. What sort of things would it entail, with their teacher being a renowned archmagi and - it was rumored - a pervert of the highest order?

Let them think it through. Perhaps someone will logic it out, he thought. Draconicon leaned back in his chair, floating the papers to him from the front desks as they talked to each other. His eyes wandered around -

Then stopped on one of the orca students. The big guy had taken off his sandals, and was sitting with his toes just delicately scraping against the floor. Draconicon hid a smile, indulging himself as he looked over those feet for a few seconds. They were large ones, thick and heavy, and he could just imagine how much sweat built up on those fat soles over the course of the day. The way that they'd feel -

His eyes went wide at a sudden stroking feeling beneath his desk. Half-expecting a prank from one of the students, Drac reached out with his magic, feeling for someone that had snuck under his desk, but there was nothing to be found. Not person, nor a spell. Instead...

He fought a blush as he swore he felt a pair of feet grinding at his cock underneath the desk. He squirmed in his chair, trying to play it off as getting situated in place, but it was rather difficult when such big, fat feet were pressing against him. They ground against the sides of his cock, forcing it up and against his belly.

Forced to lean forward and press his chair up to his desk, Draconicon cleared his throat.

"I believe that we shall have a study period today. Refresh your knowledge for the we-eeek."

He cleared his throat as his voice momentarily went up, his balls getting nudged around by what felt like a set of toes, almost getting nudged to the point of discomfort. At the same time, his cockhead was pinched by a pair of toes - ghostly toes, admittedly, but toes nonetheless - and he felt them jerking his cock around with abandon.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head to try and clear it and keep himself from thinking about it. The students were starting to stare, and he had to be quick.

"Get your textbooks out, and read from pages 40-45. A short essay will be assigned afterwards, and you can have an open-book test for that, and -"

Gibberish. He was almost getting to gibberish now, and he had to stop himself. The dragon bit his lip, shaking his head.

"Sorry. I'm still...still pulling myself together from the party. Loooong nights."

Better they think I'm a bit hungover or something than this, he thought, biting back a groan as those feet kept pressing against him. His dick was smothered by them, pressed flat against his belly, while his balls were almost ground down beneath some ghostly heel. Up and down, up and down those feet went, milking his cock underneath them.

They had to be exactly the size and shape of the orca's, too. They were huge, big enough to cover his cock when they flattened against it completely, and he could just imagine the scent wafting up from them.

Don't cum, don't cum, don't cum! Drac told himself as some of the students continued to stare at him. He grabbed for some pieces of paper. Assignments, things that he needed to grade. Setting them down in front of him, he started writing on them, dragging his pen across the page.

It was useless as a distraction, but he was at least able to hide his blushes as he worked over the assignments. His brain was completely on those feet, though, feeling them pressing his cock in from either side, feeling toes squeezing around his cock, feeling it getting milked, compressed, milked, squeezed, milked -

He turned his head into the sleeve of his robe as it finally became too much. His moan was barely stifled, and he came. The feeling of hot cum shooting over his chest was more than he was ready for, and he could feel the fabric of his robe getting soaked immediately. Worse, the smell of it was rising in the room, spreading around almost immediately. Several students were already tilting their heads back, catching a hint of it on the air.

The dragon snapped his fingers as the ghostly things disappeared.

"I'll leave you to study in peace. I have to go, right now, emergency. Goodbye."

Turning in the chair as much as possible to keep from having the giant cum-stain on his robe become visible, he leaped through the portal and left them behind.


After a brief cleaning spell in the branches of a tree, Draconicon finally set his robe aside, letting it dry next to him as he tried to puzzle out the situation. The sun beamed down on him from the heavens, lighting him up and warming him in the branches of one of the taller trees in the park. The dragon took a deep breath, and started laying out the problem.

"Someone put a spell on me. That much is obvious. The spell trigger is either feet or thoughts of feet, possibly a combination of the two. The result becomes a pair of ghostly feet rubbing on me, and I may or may not be able to stop it."

He waited, seeing if it started again. There was nothing.

"Actual viewing of feet may be required."

Draconicon looked down at himself, his eyes flaring with some magical energy as he tried to find the source of the curse. Usually, if it was something that someone hadn't spent too much time on, it was something that could be unraveled with a little bit of time and effort.

He found it quickly enough. There was a sheath of energy around his cock, something magical enough to be stick and something that was feeding off of his own energy to maintain itself. Clever enough in and of itself.

The problem was, it was targeted to him, in particular, and without knowing the caster, he couldn't unravel it so easily. There was a lock on it, almost like a password for a modern computer, and it would leave the curse in place until the other person undid it, or he found out the name.

Well, there's only so many students and friends that have access to me. Could try and brute-force it...

Not something he was particularly eager to do, admittedly. Curses were curses for a reason, and usually had a back-up to them that messed the afflicted up if the brute-forcing went on for too long. He didn't want to end up with a permanent hard-on, or some sort of transformation down there that would wreak havoc with his teaching career.

Nor did he want to play with it in a public arena. It'd be hard enough taking care of it in private, let alone -

The stomping sounds of someone coming down the path caught his attention, and Draconicon pulled himself up a little higher in the tree. His robe was still wet, and he couldn't afford to put it on just now. Standing up with his back against the trunk, he leaned down to see who was passing by.

Just a runner, from the looks of it, but one that was passing by at a pretty quick pace. He looked down a bit further, saw that the Dalmatian in question was running by barefoot -

Oh, crap...

Before he could stop himself, the dragon looked at those bare feet. Slender, long, but definitely masculine. His foot focus could just make out the bits of sweat that clung to the bottom of those feet. They were padded, yes, but the pad spread from heel to toe, almost like a bear's foot rather than the little 'beans' of pads that covered some anthro feet. They were almost exactly shaped like soles, too, with good arches made for cupping cock -


He stifled his groan into his arm as he felt it again, and this time, without the robe in the way, he could see it. Ghostly feet, exactly shaped like the Dalmatian's, appeared out of nowhere. One of them pressed down on his cock, toes curling over the head as it almost stomped his shaft into his belly, while the other ghostly shape pressed itself to his face.

Draconicon moaned before he could stop himself, shocked at the feeling of the sweat on the sole. It was so real, so musky...

His cock throbbed even harder than it had in the class, his dick spurting pre already. It shot right through the ghost foot, landing on the branch in front of him, but the dragon couldn't stop there. He needed more.

He slumped down slowly against the tree branch, his tail grinding against the trunk as the ghost feet shoved him down further and further. The one on his face smothered him, forcing him to breathe in the sweaty, musky scent of running feet, while the other was so slippery and wet against his cock that he was freely humping against it without even thinking.


The ghostly things couldn't be grabbed or escaped. All he could do was give in, using them, thrusting against them, sniffing them, licking them. They pressed on him hard, keeping him pinned against the tree, keeping his cock drooling against his belly. The dragon panted hard, the ghost toes shoving between his lips and pinning down his tongue.


His groan was louder than he wanted it to be, but what could he do? There was nothing that could get him out of this...and it felt so good...

His cock throbbed all the harder as the heel of the Dalmatian foot slipped down to the base of his cock, and then a bit further. The soft pressure on his balls only made him leak further, grinding pre right out of him and onto his belly. His scent, his musk was spreading, and only the open-air of the environment kept it from getting so strong that he would draw people to him.

The dragon covered his mouth, his arm passing through the ghost foot even as the toes seemed more solid than ever over his tongue. He tasted the sweat as he smothered his own moans, his toes curling against the tree branch as the feet teased him, milked him, used him.

He heard the sound of footsteps below, and tried to be quiet. The feet, however, only kept working him. Ghostly as it was, the one at his crotch made his cock squelch against his own scales, ground into its pre, and he knew the sound would eventually grab someone's attention.

Biting back a desperate moan, the dragon tried to reach for his magic again -


The foot at his face pulled back, dropping down between his legs. Rather than stroking his cock, it went down to his ass. His legs spread on their own as stubby toes pressed against his hole, wiggling, trying to work their way in. The dragon's eyes went wide as he tried not to say anything, not even moan, but the feeling of his fetish being used against him this hard made it almost impossible.

Pop. The first toe slid in, and his cock throbbed, veins popping out on all sides. The toes of the foot on it stroked up and down, passing his cock between them somehow, and he shivered as he felt his need coming right to the cliff. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and his balls were slowly drawing up, he was getting a toe in and out of his ass.

One stroke, two, three, and he couldn't hold back.

Having to bite down on his arm to stifle his roar, he came, and he heard the shouts of disgust from below as dragon cum came raining down on everyone. Draconicon hoped that he was high enough up that he could get away with it, but there was nothing that he could do if he wasn't.

He kept cumming, the feet milking him much longer than the last pair, and he kept shooting on complaining individuals. For almost a minute, this time, he came...and when it faded, he could barely reach out for his robe and summon his magic.

'Pervert' was the kindest thing that they shouted at him before he threw himself through the portal and disappeared.


He flopped into his own cavern, shivering as his cock continued to throb. It was going crazy, now, not having softened since his last orgasm. If anything, it craved more than that, to have more feet on him, more feet using him, more feet to get off with. It was the curse, he hoped, and he needed to find out who had done that more than ever.

It had to be someone I know. There's no way that anyone would get through the mountain without knowing me first. And that means either a student, or someone that was at the party.

That narrowed it down to some degree. There were some students that would want revenge on him, admittedly, but the list for that was shorter than for most other teachers. He was tough, but fair. And those that did were ones that didn't have the power to actually cast a spell like this.

Which left a party guest. There were three, he supposed. Havok could do it with help, and so could a few others. But who would want -

Tap, tap, tap. The dragon didn't bother looking up at the sound. It was shoes tapping on the stone, rather than feet, so it wouldn't matter that much. And anyone already in this deep wasn't someone that he had to worry about anyway.

"Hey, there, Drac."

"Hello, Xander. I'm not up for a magic lesson today."

"Heh, what's the matter? Been fascinated by feet all day?"

The dragon opened one eye, seeing the husky from the dungeon play standing at the side of his chair. He narrowed his gaze.

"How do you know about that?"

"Well, I -"

"Oh, you little meddler. Let me guess. You thought it'd be funny to put a curse on my dick, playing off of my fetish so that you could see me moaning and groaning."

"Well, I did -"

"And you set a trigger on it to only happen if I was the one that was looking around for it, rather than just doing it so that it happened at random."

"And I -"

"Just screwed yourself."


He lifted a finger, black fire running down the length of it before pointing it down at his dick. Having the name 'Xander' now, the spell of purple energy dissipated, leaving nothing behind. The dragon stood up, looming over the husky, who was looking rather nervous at that point. Draconicon advanced on him, magic rushing down his fingers as the husky held up his hands.

"H-hey, it was just a harmless prank!"

"Harmless in the sense of no pain. Not harmless in the sense of no consequences."

"I - hey, I was just trying to use it inventively, like you said."

"Nooo, you were trying to use it for fun. And you know what?"

The dragon held up his hand, collecting a burst of black fire in it, swirling it around until it became a writhing ball of energy.

"Two can play at that game."

He allowed Xander a chance to summon a shield with his magic, as it was only fair. The husky was still learning.

It didn't matter, of course. The ball of black fire shot from his fingers and ripped through it like a rock through wet paper. The fire burned through the husky's clothes, leaving him naked in less than a second, save for his sneakers.

The dragon tilted his fingers upwards, and Xander was knocked right off his feet, thrown to the floor in the process as the shoes started kicking his legs around, trying to dislodge themselves. The husky blushed hard, trying to reach down for them, even as his legs dragged him across the room, the sneakers fighting for freedom.

Finally, one popped off, and tried to 'run' away. Even as the husky grabbed it by the shoelaces, the other popped off of his heel and ran off as well.

"Drac! What are you doing?!"

"I'm teaching you a lesson. Treat my dick as a toy, and I'll treat your body as the same."

"You can't do that! I'm just learning!"

"Yes, and you're not paying for me to be your teacher. Therefore, those boundaries don't apply."

The black fire continued to burn around the outline of the husky's body, and it was easy to direct some of it down. The shoes continued to pull themselves away, 'hating' Xander at this point, and eventually wiggled themselves free of his grip. As they hopped right out of the room, the dragon shook his head.

"I'm tired of dealing with ghosts foot fucking me. I think it's time that you start paying for that."


"I'm thinking you'll be my personal foot toy."


"It's that, or I take the ring away now, and forever."


"I thought so."

The actual process of getting the husky situated in his new role was pretty easy. Some bondage, some magic, and some extra potions had done quite well.

Xander hung from ropes of black fire, suspended in the middle of the room with his feet on display. His arms were tied behind his back, and his mouth was held open with a broad gag that would let the dragon slide his cock in at any time. More than that, the husky's legs were spread, but his feet were together, leaving the dragon the option to thrust between those soles and still sink his dick deep into that doggy ass.

A lotion had been lathered over the husky's feet, leaving them perpetually sweating, dripping with musk and warmth, and the dragon moaned as he dragged his muzzle along one of them. The sole was soft, smoother than it had been, and he stroked a finger along it.

The whimpering moan that came from the husky as a response showed that the other magics and potions were working just as well.

"Heh, so sensitive now, aren't you? Perhaps you'll think twice about trying to sabotage my dick in the future."

"Mmmph! Mmmph!"

It was even better because the husky's cock was ringed. A magic circlet that kept it from cumming was pressed just under the head, and a second one that made it three times as sensitive was wrapped around the base. He'd found a few other toys, including a ring that dragged the husky's balls down by a good two inches and weighted them with a few pounds to keep them swinging during the night.

Best of all, it was all his, to enjoy as much as he liked.

Draconicon smiled as he dragged one of the big, broad soles down to his cock, dragging his tip along the arch. Almost immediately, Xander started moaning at the feeling, ringed cock twitching, and the black dragon smirked.

"Looks like I'll be well on the way to making you a foot slut tonight. By the time I'm done, your feet will be as much an erogenous zone for you as your dick and balls. And hell, you might even get addicted to the feeling of cum on your feet. Good luck wearing your sneakers for a while, with how cum-slimed I'm going to leave your soles."

He pulled the husky's other foot down, starting to use it in the same manner. Every time that he stroked his cock along one foot or the other, Xander let out a moan as if he was getting his cock sucked, starting to whimper in short order. The dragon pulled the feet together, thrusting between the arches, and the husky arched his back as if he'd been penetrated.

"Hehehe, look at that. You're starting to moan just from my dick grinding on your soles. Think you're going to want to cum when I do, slut? Think you'll like the feeling of my cum on your soles that much? Here's the answer. You will. If it wasn't for the ring, these potions would have you cum any time that you felt seed on your soles."

The dragon was humping away at that point, his eyes rolling back in his head as he used those feet the way that soles were meant to be used. Not as tools to dominate him, but as toys that were just waiting to be fucked. The dragon's dick throbbed, oozing constantly, dripping over those slippery, sweaty feet, even as the husky dribbled all over himself.

He flicked the weights, and the husky moaned, arching his back as his balls were forced to sway with them. The dragon smiled.

"You're going to be a good toy for me tonight...and we'll see if you even want to stop in the morning..."

The End

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