Summer Heat – Chapter 26: Testing results

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#26 of Summer Heat

I am sorry for the delay. Honestly I just forgot with all that was going on yesterday. But I am fine and I hope this will not happen again.

Even if a bit late, this is the next chapter. I hope you like it nonetheless.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 26: Testing results

Life returned more or less to normal in the next weeks. Zen introduces Minna and Dott to the girls and explained them that they were additional staff to help to care for them. Zen explained the rules to the two 16 years old girls before already and so they did not wonder why all the girls were naked. He also showed them the cubs that were already born and introduced the other staff as well. Even though he assigned a room for the two girls, they slept in his room with him most of the time because he trained them. By now he had told Mara everything about Dott's mother and the agreement and she slowly stopped to worry with the days going by and no scandal or news regarding what happened and no police of military was in sight. Zen made sure that the submissiveness of Dott and Minna stayed and was being turned into a permanent obedience towards him. He put collars on their neck and soon they knew from a small hand gesture or how he positioned what he wanted from them. He tried out all the positions that he learned from Mrs. McGrail during her short stay and even showed them to the girls in their sex class. For the demonstrations, he most of the time used Dott and sometimes also Minna. Only rarely he took one of the older girls because none of the girls was in heat right now. Mara had problems with this new side of Zen at the start but slowly accepted his dominating and abusive behavior against Dott and Minna. The two girls also did not complain but presented to him and moaned when he took them and he even had them eat out Mara while he pounded the other one to make sure his childhood friend got her share of the deal as well. Even though basically all the girls and women in the school submitted to him, he normally did not dominate them as much as he did with Dott and Minna. These two girls were special. He played games of domination with them for fun and they did not even think about denying him anything. Not that he was threatening them in any way. Even though Zen had forced it upon them and threatened Dott with making the videos public he did not once voice it again and it was not the fear of him publishing it that kept the girls from rebelling. The training during their heat, and afterwards, had the girls mind submit to him completely and they loved him from the bottom of their heart and put themselves into his control willingly.

A month had gone by when Zen woke up at night suddenly. This night he had not requested the company of Minna and Dott but slept alone in his room. There was a flashing at the side of the room which was the alarm and Zen was up directly. He rushed to the monitors but then noticed that it was not the alarm but actually someone was in front of the gates and rang the bell. He put on the headphones, still a bit sleepy, and pressed the button for the speakers. "Who is it this late in the night?" he demanded to know. To his surprise he knew the female voice that answered. "Gilla McGrail here. Is that you Mr. Moons? Can you let me in?" Her voice sounded troubled and Zen was a bit worried that something might have happened. "I will be right there." He said and put down the head phones before he slipped out of his room and jogged towards the gates. Before he opened the gates, he checked the video cameras again but he could not see anyone except the woman. He pressed the button and when the car pulled up he gave her a signal to park it directly next to the gates inside while he closed the gates again. Then he approached the woman that just exited the car. "What brings you here in the middle of the night?" he asked but Mrs. McGrail looked at him with an open muzzle. "Isn't that a bit cold for this time of the year?" she asked and Zen just noticed that he forgot to put on any clothes and he stood in front of her naked. The night was mild so he did not freeze but he was sure that she meant it differently anyway. "Well, you woke me in the middle of my sleep and I seem to have forgotten to put something on. I am sorry for appearing like this." He smiled. "Not that you did not see me naked before Mrs. McGrail." He added. "You can call me Gilla in private, Mr. Moons." She offered him. "Then call me Zen like everyone." He demanded and both nodded to each other. "Now you explain me why you are here while I walk you back to the house?" he offered and Gilla locked her car, put the keys in her purse and let him put an arm around her shoulders to lead her back. She seemed a bit uncomfortable about him being naked but did not mention it for the moment. "I wanted to give you the report on the side effects and the result of the medicine." She said but Zen looked to her face and a look into her eyes made sure that this was not the main reason. "Well, you could have done this via phone. I do not see the reason for you to get here at midnight for that." "You are right ..." she started and made a pause before she continued. "I am sorry for coming here so late but I could not leave earlier. My husband just left the house for two weeks to visit some ministers in Europe and I do not have any schedules in the next week so ..." Zen still was not completely sure what she wanted. "... You know Mr. Moons ... Zen ... the medicine worked and I got into heat again yesterday. You know how my husband fails to recognize my needs while I am in heat. Normally I would just masturbate but it felt unbearable. It did not bring the same satisfaction than when you took me last months and ..." she stopped again and Zen saw that she felt embarrassed about the question that she wanted to ask but he waited patiently for her to bring up the courage. "Zen, would you mind helping me through my heat again? I mean the medicine works. I know it is asking for much but I have no one that I could turn to for this and I also would not want to ask someone else. Only you have your hands on the medicine and I think only you will be able to make me feel like last month." This confession surprised Zen more than he thought it would. He noticed that this grown-up woman, much older than himself, was showing addiction to having sex with him. As an answer, he first pulled Gilla into a kiss and stopped walking for a while. She did not fight it and kissed him back while he slipped his hand under her dress and caressed over her nipples and fur. When he finally broke the kiss the female was moaning softly. "I think I can help you with that." He just stated and led her the rest of the way to the mansion. No one was awake and he guided her to his room. "We should be silent because everyone is sleeping right now but how about you start by losing your clothes?" he offered. She did not hesitate to follow this request and her dress, her special underwear and shoes were off one minute later. Zen saw her drip juices and the smell directly went into his loins and made his member grow hard. "Let me show you the game I played with your daughter." He told her and stepped directly in front of her. He kissed her and while he did this he pushed her against the desk and fumbled for the rope that laid there. It was no problem for him to bind the hands of Gilla at her back before she realized and his member scratched at her fur and over her nipples. "Last time you did dominate me a lot. Let me return the favor." He smirked. He opened a drawer and recovered a gag that he built for his games with Dott and Minna. Before he put it into the muzzle of Gilla and locked it around her head he ran it against her folds a few times, making the older woman moan, to soak a bit of her juices on it. He then pulled Gilla to a chair and bound her hands against the chair so that she was sitting on it with no possibility to leave. He heard her muffled groans and smiled. "I am sure you will enjoy it in the end. After all I will help you through your heat." He chuckled and started to caress and lick her dugs which earned moans at first but with the minutes ticking by Gilla started to groan frustrated because this was not the stimulation she was searching for and her privates began to burn in more and more need. Zen saw this by the amount of juices and the increasing smell that came from her pussy. Just at the moment he wanted to finally stop caressing her and pull her up to take her hard the door silently was opened but Zen noticed the gust of air around his big member.

When Zen turned around he gasped in surprise. In the middle of the door stood Ida, the younger lynx girl and stared at them with an open muzzle. Zen took a while to come over his surprise but he got out of his freeze before the girl. He took the few steps to her, pulled her inside the room and closed the door before he turned to the girl. "What can I do for you sweety?" he asked her nice and patiently even though his member was rock hard, pointing at her and he was just as much in need as Gilla to start mating with the adult cheetah. Ida just took her paw from her private and pushed it up to Zen and he noticed that it was wet and the smell was clearly heat. The young Lynx was in heat just like Gilla. Zen took her paw and licked over it moaning from her sweet juices. He heard Gilla struggle when he pulled Ida up into his arms and kissed her deeply and the young girl returned his kiss. While he held her in front of him he moved towards the bed and felt her hot juices drop on his dick. He only spared one gaze towards Gilla to see her wide opened eyes. It was surely a shock for the older woman to see him making out with the girl and in addition he saw her juices flow like a river and her body squirm in the need to release. Zen did not care that Gilla just found out about the biggest secret of the school. His mind only cared for the girl right now and before he reached the bed he already pushed her down on his hard member. Both moaned in their kiss and Zen leaned forward to push the lynx girl on the bed. When she was lying on the bed on her back and he descended over her, he pushed in extra strong, breaching her cervix and making her moan loud. From this point on his pace increased and he pumped in and out for three minutes until he finally slipped his knot into the girl, at the end with holding back his orgasm as long as he managed, and then sprayed his spunk into her small womb with a strong moan while the girl also began to chirp and mewl in ecstasy. Zen pumped spurt after spurt of semen into the girl until her belly was slightly bulged and then rolled on his back so that the girl, that was tied with him, lay upon him and showed her bulging wet pussy and his balls towards Gilla. "You are nearly as tight as your sister last year." Zen huffed after he broke the kiss and only places small kisses over the muzzle and face of Ida who giggled under her moans. Zen knew that he could not expect her to be as tight as her sister. After all, her sister had been a virgin when he took her in her heat but Ida already had mated with him, even without heat, and her insides were stretched to allow him inside her. The good point for her was, that because of that his entry did not hurt her but felt like a great stimulation all the way. The knotting would have hurt her without the heat, like it did every time before, but the stretchiness, wetness and the high arousal made his entry easy and enjoyable for both. Zen waited for his knot to deflate enough to pull. Without a break he directly turned Ida around, who did not object but presented for him in mating position, pushing out a stream of his semen on the bed while her pussy quivered with her tail high giving Gilla a full view on her horny backside. Then he mounted the girl and bit her neck and with a unified moan he pushed his half erect member inside the girl again and established a fast pace. His member slipped in and out easily and got hard within five jabs. His knot started to extent again and he grunted in bliss from the tight fit while the girl under him chirped and moaned. He felt the hot juices of Ida running along his knot and then his balls and drip on the already soaked bed. The smell of heat was all around in the room and aside from the moans of the mating couple there was a muffled frustrated groan and some trashing against the ropes audible from Gilla McGrail. All she could do though was to groan frustrated, rub her pussy against the slick surface and watch the boy and the girl mate in front of her. She could not take away her eyes from the scene. Zen totally ignored the lady for now and only cared for the girl under him. Finally the girl erupted again with a strong mewl and Zen did his final push to send his knot in. He could control himself enough to pipe the following howl down and that he still held her scruff between his teeth helped to muffle it a bit. He felt the pressure on his tip getting stronger and when he caressed over the belly of the girl, not without playing a bit with her lowest set of dugs, he felt her bulging strongly. After a few minutes of moans and mewls the girl dropped out and fell asleep while Zen still pumped the last spurts into her small body. Zen just let go of her scruff and rested on the smaller body. Slowly he gained back his senses that had been lost in his rut during the last mating and he rolled around and sat down on the sticky edge of the bed to look at Gilla. The sleeping girl rested on his dick with a big bulged bell and a sopping snatch around his knot to show off.

The adult cheetah hung at a threat of sanity. Zen saw her still gazing at them from half opened eyes with a look on her face that clearly showed that her mind slowly retreated. She was at the end of her energy in baring the burning feeling. She might even have experienced a small orgasm but the need and unbearable requirement to get her pussy filled was written all over her shivering body. Zen smiled even though he originally had not planned to keep her hanging this long. It was by now even longer than he did with her daughter. But Ida had to be served first. After all this was something like his duty and he was sure the moment he would push inside Gilla, the adult woman would not complain. He waited for his knot to deflate while he softly caressed the belly and nipples of Ida and made her moan in her sleep. When he slipped out he took his time to clean the girl up until she was not leaking his spunk anymore and place her at a corner of his bed that was still dry before he pulled the cover over her. Only then he moved over to the cheetah, that was starting to roll her eyes in desperate need, and released the ropes that tied her to the chair and even freed her paws. She directly went into mating position with her soaked tail high into the air and her sloppy, juicy and quivering pussy twitching in front of his nose. Her scent was overpowering and Zen felt his member max out hard in seconds. He decided to finally end the trial of the female and mounted her at the spot. He bit her neck and sank his member all the way to the growing knot inside the drenched tunnel. A slurping sound was audible from their loins and he moaned from the hot and wet embrace. She was super soft and super sensitive at this moment and the moment he popped in his half-grown knot he felt her twitch and contract around him already. Her body was shaken by strong contractions and under her gag she moaned strongly while she finally was able to get a strong full fletched orgasm. Zen pulled out the knot, which was at the current state still barely possible, and started to hammer the twitching tunnel mercilessly. He felt the juices splash on his fur and then drip to the ground. His fur on the legs, nether and even his belly were soaked within half a minute and he felt that a pool of her juices was building under them. The scent, the warm and wet feeling, the strong twitching around his member and the feeling of her hugging tunnel around his rod and the spasms of her womb around his tip sent Zen into a rut again and he took her hard and fast until he pushed in his knot and gushed all the semen that he held back in the last minutes while mating her into her womb. After that there was a repeating circle of him waiting to pull out while he stimulated her dugs, her cleaning his dick with her tongue until it was ready to go and then him pushing in until his climax washed over him again. He pulled the gag out and the adult woman moaned strongly, even though her constant orgasms drew a lot of her energy and the moans were not as strong as they could have been. Zen made sure with stimulations after pulling out that she did never stop twitching and experienced an ongoing orgasm for a bit over one hour until the woman dropped down on the floor exhausted and still twitching faded off to sleep. Zen bound the hands of the adult cheetah again and put her into the bed. Then he pulled Ida closer and pushed his slick member deep inside the girl, establishing a slow pumping motion. The girl only moaned a bit in her sleep and she did not even wake up when he pushed in his knot and released a weak load of semen inside her tiny womb. With a happy smile on his face and totally spent he pulled the cover over them and rested on his back while the throbs of his member sent small additions into the womb of the girl that was laying on his belly. He closed his eyes and soon was fast asleep again.

Summer Heat – Chapter 27: Reasons

# Summer Heat - Chapter 27: Reasons When Mara got into Zen's room the next day she saw to her surprise that Zen was pounding the chirping and mewling Ida hard and on the chair there was a bound cheetah who was crazy from her need. She first thought...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 25: A deal

# Summer Heat - Chapter 25: A deal The days went by fast. Zen had to teach the other girls in classes and in these times, he bound Dott and Minna to make sure they were not masturbating. When he returned to his room he found the girls moaning and...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 24: Complications

# Summer Heat - Chapter 24: Complications When Mara got into his room the next morning the two girls were still sleeping. There was some explaining to do by Zen and he told Mara everything that happened in the last night. "This is a mess." Mara...

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